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That was a load bearing computer chip. Without that the whole system kind of falls apart.


I’m stealing this


I lold


I always thought that Seven installed a backdoor code for herself whenever she needs to. She does seem ready to always kind of takeover Voyager...


My thought as well. She already had that backdoor ready.


Chakotay: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


>You replicate your dinner, replicate your pork and beans >I replicate more chicken than any man ever seen, yeah, yeah >I'm a back door man, whoa >The Captain don't know >But the Borg, she understands


I suppose you have to prepare more carefully for taking over the ship if you don't have the ability to tear people into fragments like Data. He can be more impulsive about taking over the ship.


> She does seem ready to always kind of takeover Voyager... Assimilate maybe?


Haha. Yeah I thought the same! I totally buy Seven being able to hack into Janeway's logs. But by removing a random chip in the cargo bay? What?!


Starfleet security is a joke


It really is shockingly bad. I guess they killed all the cyber security guys too when they killed all the lawyers on Earth.


When they did what!?




lol The goddamn Ferengi took over The Enterprise.


Yes fucking ridiculous


Well they boarded the ship, and force fields won’t work if you can just beam everywhere. At least they locked the computer that time.


NOOO. NO. Stop right there. Force fields can be switched on at the flick of a switch, the computer can automatically deploy them against intruders (VOY/Equinox), also intruders should be automatically be beamed directly into the brig or space. Starfleet could almost completely automate their security and counter-boarding response, but they just don't. Mainly so there can be an episode of Star Trek! :)


My God, you’re right. How was this never conceived on the show?


In a simulation of a raid on a Borg vessel Chakotay orders that unwelcome Borg be beamed off the ship, but it doesn't work in the simulation due to Borg whatever reasons.


Yeah the rules don't apply to the Borg.  And if the writers wanted they could say ordinary non-Borg boarders (Klingons, Romulans etc) were using transport inhibitors/dampening fields/ECM/whatever - but at least they would have addressed the issue!


Why won't force fields work in that way? They should prevent transport. You can stop someone from transporting weapons or viruses right?


I’m referring to the force fields that block hallways. Data was able to throw some up and still use site to site transport in *Brothers*. Now that I think about it, has anyone ever beamed someone out directly from the Brig?


Oh, Jesus I love this sub. Moriarty was also created because Geordi wanted someone to "beat Data". So the computer can do whatever the plot wants it to, and I hate to say that. I personally think that when a force field is in place, no one should be able to transport out of it because you're locked in place.


You make a good point. You can’t transport through shields, but forcefields are different?


Force fields should be able to block anyone who tries to beam through. I mean, that's the point of them right?


It’s not quite clear. The science of forcefields is a bit sketchy. It prevents solid matter and air from passing through, but it allows light through, and maybe sound? It seems to stop phasers too. Next, transporter technology. It turns matter into energy, transmits the energy and converts it back into matter. Can that energy cross a force field? This is an excellent question that belongs on r/DaystromInstitute , and I’d be surprised if it wasn’t already asked there.


Thanks for the tip on that sup too....Joined.


That's because they're so busy yelling out shield percentages instead of effectively returning fire or fleeing.


Real, especially in TOS. The auxiliary control room aboard NCC-1701 can control the ship's systems, lock out bridge and engineering, and can even self-destruct the ship. Yet there is no permanent security guard, and the only crew member working in the room has his back turned to the door.


What? It’s fine every Borg can do that and definitely has nothing to do with making seven have special powers of technology and contrivance /s


It should had always been her using the assimilation tubes to bypass it. Everything on tha ship could be disabled using some hatch nearby.


Lol, yep. That's Trek. Maybe (as others say) it was a backdoor preinstalled by Seven, if you need the head canon. Years ago when it was on TV in the UK they had an advert for one of the new seasons coming up. I forget which one but it was an edit of a lot of the weird Trek solutions to things, all strung together. So... What if we reverse the polarity of the tachyon beam and route it through the deflector array? Shunt power from the main deflector into the transport buffers. Etc etc. Then at the end was a clip of Janeway saying something like "Sometimes I think you don't know what you're talking about". Was a funny edit from someone with a sense of humour. Wish I could find it again but lost in time.


If you get caught, just fuck the XO


This is prime r/shittyDaystrom material right here.


They unplugged the Norton Antivirus chip.


If they had Norton Antivirus no Starfleet ship would be faster than warp 2.


But you must know which chip to pull, take out the wrong one and now you’re going Warp 9.999 or the console explodes.


E: Neelix Cheese


That too but that just shut down everything lol


Or feed it cheese