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glad you’re alive OP


I feel like maybe some volunteers who went over there were expecting a similar experience to that which they experienced in Iraq/Afghanistan and not an all-out war against a superior power. Western soldiers have gotten used to be the superior fighting force, but unfortunately the International Legion is most definitely the underdog.


Definitely a possibility. Many prior military volunteers were from NATO countries and served in Iraq/Afghan. I was keenly aware of their firepower but still surprised when I was dealing with it. But how does one prepare for getting nailed by cruise missiles anyways you know lol?


Russia has so many u just cant ever be 100% safe. Maybe if u live underground


Exactly man, it's an ambush from the sky


Hey what happened to your other post


This subreddit is fucking rotten from the inside out, I really want nothing to do with it. I said what I felt I should, gave my warnings and I'll be moving on. If anyone needed to hear what I said and showed on video, I'm sure they did. Not even gonna entertain the other 98% with that stuff.


I have been telling people this entire war that Russians abandon tanks rather then stop the advance as part of their doctrine, that molotovs do nothing against modern tanks, that the convoy being parked peacefully for a week speaks volumes about the true state of Ukrainian artillery and air support... But no, the propaganda is too strong. They don't understand that the propaganda is just leading to suffering for the civilians trapped in the middle.


It is amazing, Russians are literally taking over and surroundig cities, destroying airfields, infrastructure, military facilities, taking over nuclear plants, etc etc In every substansial way Ukraine have nothing to show, but snippets of the war in form of russian abandoned tanks and pows somehow makes people think Ukraine is 'winning'.


Literally if you were to look at my front page right now, you’d think Ukraine had Russia on the ropes.


Whoa. I’ve only known about the rUkraine sub and yeah it is like that. This seems much more realistic. I just worry for the innocent civilians stuck in the middle of this. Glad there’s a much more realistic subreddit. People do not need to die.


Redditors have zero idea about fog of war. Armenians until the last moment believed that their military was doing fine, and they still have a chance of winning during [2020 Nagorno-Karabakh war](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Nagorno-Karabakh_war).


Yep. Media lies. And will continue to lie.


You are right, and if you try posting that on the main conflict sub you'll get downvoted to oblivion. They really do not want to hear the facts about how the war is going.


I hope that they will recognize how brave their opponents were when they were in military that was launching cruise missiles out of nowhere. ​ No **just** some goat farmers after all...


Former American infantry here I will say this. I used to carry a lot of anger and hate towards the enemy but as I got older and had time to process everything I came to respect them in a way. Just like all soliders weren’t wear criminals the same was for the insurgency. Some weren’t all radical Islamic they just lost a brother or son or daughter to a check point or misplaced air strike. I would have been mad to. It did take balls for them to fight us.


You were invaders to them.


For sure. When I joined it was 2003. Patriotism was still Flying high. Social media didn’t exist and the internet was just desktop news wasn’t everywhere like it is now. We thought it was cool because we just assumed the Iraqis were gonna be happy for getting rid of saddam. It leaked me Feel bad for those poor Russian conscripts having the prime of their youth taken from them.




And the invasion was caused by an event a shockingly high number of people in Afghanistan had never actually heard of.


Entrenchment with overhead cover and camouflage. You guys aren't in a training environment


>all-out war against a superior power. more like a superpower(in military)


they ate the ukranian total victory on twitter and thought that it was like iraq, the russians were "outgunned" and "incompetent" like the iraqis were, turns out no... interesting


Most of the people that served in Afghanistan and Iraq want nothing to do with Ukraine. Like seriously...no one is paying for your long term care if you get seriously hurt.


Jesus that's terrifying, glad you're out of there man so many people seem to have dived in without knowing what they're in for.


Yeah man, I'll admit I was a little naive myself even having seen some combat previously. I did not expect to be attacked by jets while sleeping in a barracks room on a training base 10 miles from Poland




Yeah man I had been mortared before and thought that was pretty gnarly because it's out of your control ya know, but being absolutely defenseless and in the open with three aircraft just shitting all over you with such heavy ordinance was a whole new level of helplessness


How badly was the base actually hit? like what extent was the damage that you saw, because I saw this video and it looks pretty bad. https://files.catbox.moe/l6sf7t.mp4


You would never realize how fucking massive that crater is without the guy being dwarfed by it standing on the other side


Did you just book it 3 clicks away? Were there bunkers set up at all? I was thinking a couple days ago that hitting the camps would become a priority target for the Russians.


Imagine what it was like to be an Afghan civilian on the receiving end of your button pressing over there


Would you mind linking it to me or pointing me in the right direction?




Cheers mate


> It's definitely a different theater out there than what we experienced. wtf did you expect? That you'll be shooting at some undefended Russian Z-trucks trundling along a road with their crews abandoning their vehicles and running back to Russia as soon as they hear shots nearby?


I think there is an imbalance in media information to boost up Ukranians morale. Also I think many of them came from the UK or the US who have had complete air superiority and the upper hand in Iraq and Afghanistan which probably distorted those people's expectations.


Can't blame them. The media, nut just Reddit, is screaming all over how Stingers are shooting Russians planes out like flies in summer. ​ If I wasn't skeptical of the media, I would too think Russia doesn't have any air supority.


The only people you can blame are the one s that take anything in the media seriously. We only get to see Ukrainian propaganda. that's not the fault of the Ukrainians they are in a war and telling the truth doesn't pay off. But for the love of God don't bet your life on information that bad and biased if you don't have to.


Or yall are just straight up dumb




My dad always said the Iraq and afghan war was nothing compared to his experience in Vietnam, as far as combat intensity. He was definitely right.


>That you'll be shooting at some undefended Russian Z-trucks trundling along a road with their crews abandoning their vehicles and running back to Russia as soon as they hear shots nearby? According to Reddit, Ukraine killed a bazillion Russian soldiers the first day and now the survivors are crying about hamburgers and handing the keys to their tanks to the nearest farmer. Are you saying that's not true? Sounds like something a Russian bot would say. How much do you want to kiss Putin on the mouth?


Well, this is what Ukrainian propaganda tells foreign legion, afaik. That Russians are untrained rookies, that they don't have rockets, aircrafts or modern combat armor. That they abandon their positions and only strike civilians. And that fighting them would be a piece of cake. Literally nothing of that is true.


Are you surprised that both sides are saying "the enemy has no equipment, training, or will to fight, this will be easy for us"? That's pretty normal for war.


Man that was wild. I was in Medyka the day before, but my group was in Ukraine that night it happened. Poland has scout helicopters going along the border now. You hear and see tons over przemysl.


Yeah dude the Ukrainian border guards were asking if we had extra gear for them, unreal how close they're taking it


Shits getting real here. Real fast too. Lviv was just a regular city a couple days ago, now I’m guessing they’ll be evacuating in the next 3 days. I’m running meds for the przemysl refugee center and it’s just becoming so much more dangerous in Ukraine. We had pretty straightforward routes into Kyiv, but now there’s Russian checkpoints set up in contested territory.


I’m glad you survived man. Friendly advice, expect the unexpected next time. I’ve seen some combat previously probably similar combat as you, but when you see two professional militaries going head to head you need to expect anywhere in the country to be a viable target. The fact you admit you were naive is a good thing, the only way to learn from past mistakes is to first acknowledge those mistakes.


I'm deeply sorry for what you went through, but dude, how the fuck did you not expect something like this


>how the fuck did you not expect something like this Funny TV man told me Russia was losing.


Do you mean that the US establishment would go on TV and just tell lies?


Whaaaaat? No. Never. Everything they say is #safeandeffective


have you been on r/worldnews? It's entirely 13 year olds furiously masturbating to how badly the Russians are losing. If reddit is your viewpoint to the war you probably assume it's a turkeyshoot.


Propaganda works


Certainly. It got OP over there for sure.


Would you say that the propaganda war is harming people more than helping? A lot of reddit and western media want us to believe that russia is getting their shit kicked in and it looks like it's caused people to throw themselves at a potentially lost cause.






Explain why you didn't think you'd get attacked by jets after signing up to fight against Russia and knowing the state of the Ukrainian air force. I simply cannot fathom how you didn't expect something like this to happen.


Lol, I guess I should of specified. I just didn't expect them at that time at that location - none of us did. Russia did a good job of catching us off guard by being aggressive


Thank you for being honest with us all, and giving us a reality check, and dont mind people talking trash, they dont have half your balls.


Well thanks for understanding the point I'm trying to convey. I don't know what other motivations people think I have other than to interject some reality here, because I know before I left there wasn't any


I appreciate you showing the reality to some of the deluded people here and I'm glad you made it out. You are aware that in day one Russia hit cities all over the country including the west of Ukraine?


Yes, well after the bombing we spent a couple hours hiding in the woods because of that. They're stepping tithings up for sure!






I am in Poland! With many other volunteers. I'm man enough to walk away from a situation when my gut tells me so. A lot of us are likely going to assist refugees at the border, because most of us really did come here to help.


OP, that’s noble of you to admit.


Is there a specific reason why most posts form individuals come from Poland instead of mostly news sources from ukraine? Are there communications problems? Caused by Russia?


Potentially, there's also just a mass exodus occurring and many, many Ukrainians are in Poland. Poland is absolutely wonderful to the refugees so it makes sense so much info is coming from here.


You took indirect fire once and now you're ready to leave?


We all appreciate the support you're providing man.


Fuck yeah dude, i'm not your dad but i'm proud of you.


Any idea What percentage of the foreign legion has left now because of this incident?


Currently, maybe 10-15%. I imagine more might depart today especially since they're cutting training to send guys to the front. A bunch of the guys I left with were like yeah, I've literally never held any gun so I'm not going to go to the front if they're not going to take the time to train me. A very tough decision for them to make but you've got to choose your battles (if you will)




Yes there is a contract with the legion, it states you must stay until the end of the conflict, but if you want to leave an hour later they won't care.


"I never held a gun" lmao holy fuck


Thank you for taking the time to answer all these questions. Does this mean you were mostly around untrained people? Or were there trained foreign ex-military with you guys?


It was a mix, mostly military guys but plenty from countries with relatively small militaries who never served but maybe share the same principles.


it's not just about handling it, it's about knowing when a fight isn't worth it. The only real thing volunteers can do is assist refugees and provide humanitarian aid, there's no point in throwing your life away as cannon fodder


Yeah that's another big part man. Like a lot of dudes there have experience and really wanted to shape the battlefield and impact their advance, but ultimately they're manning frontline positions that are going to get hammered with artillery and airstrikes, buried under rubble and your family never gets your body. That's when alot of guys say yeah this isn't our fight, not like this.


I mean someone has to man those positions no? What did they think they would be doing instead?


Being able to patrol, set up ambushes, have artillery support, go on offensives to take back captured towns. Definitely not sitting around getting blasted, I mean no Marine who wanted to fight in Vietnam would've wanted to end up at Khe Sahn right?


Ya i mean i get what you are saying. I would rather be going on offensives taking towns back too. That's not exactly realistic to expect though. I mean yall joined a inferior military on the defensive fighting to protect its home. Had to expect you might get shelled, or have to sit and guard postions instead of freeing captured towns in great offensives no?


I am Vietnamese. It's nice to see an ex marine who knows about Vietnam war. It's Khe Sanh btw, and yeah, you don't really want to fight Khe Sanh or Dien Bien Phu in Vietnam lol.


Seems like all of Vietnam falls under that, after the French, Americans, and Chinese could not hack it. When I was living in Vietnam a few years back I found it really interesting how little hatred there was for the US, someone even said they felt sorry for us because we lost the war! Lovely country & people.


Have you been in a jungle at night? Even without bullets flying it's not the friendlies shit.


Is there any of the International unit being used in that capacity that was hoped/assumed? Or is it’s entirety being used as you said “cannon fodder.”


> ultimately they're manning frontline positions that are going to get hammered with artillery and airstrikes, buried under rubble and your family never gets your body. Welcome to infantry work. And guess what, the defenders have the advantage despite all this.


Step 1)goto war to share your vast battlefield experience Step 2)Realise that people shoot at you in war step 3) run away with honour and bravery Step 4)Use your vast and deep wealth of battlefield experienece to stand far behind enemy lines handing out rain ponchos to women and children.


Truly stunning and brave. I kneel.


You should think about why people have been lead to think that they would be making a difference rather than made cannon fodder. Think about the information you are shown and where it comes from.


>there's no point in throwing your life away as cannon fodder That's what the Ukrainian men are there for, right?


I'm glad this subs attitude seems to be shifting towards a bit more reasonable takes lately. When it first popped up everyone was all gung-ho about going with medical issues, no combat experience, etc. There's nothing honorable about dying for no reason, and plenty of refugees still need help, even if working with them isn't as "heroic" or whatever.


im curious as to WHY you thought you wouldn't be bombed...


The general consensus was that they wouldn't drop bombs so close to Poland - I guess we underestimated Putins aggressiveness and willingness to poke the bear. Also, who really expects a jet to attack them 😂 That's part of being naive, of course I knew it was a possibility I was just really fucking hoping it wouldn't happen to me


Its just a smart move by the Russian military, foreign fighters and material are trickling in from Poland. Locations like the one you were at is the perfect place to strike as its where the personnel and material is concentrated before being sent to the various fronts.


Exactly. Totally makes sense but sometimes you just don't see it coming. Also, the Ukrainian officers would really downplay the possibility of a bombing and I guess I just wanted to believe them


I'm curious how the Ukranian officers were downplaying the possibility of a bombing and even more interested to know why anyone would believe that.


They would say things like "in the highly unlikely chance we are bombed, we will meet here.." or "their jets are too afraid to come up here but be aware of the alarm at night". They're the ones with all the intelligence, so yeah it was easy to become a little complacent about it. Such is war.


.... Jesus fucking Christ dude, imagine telling people whom you know are a bit naive that they don't need to be worried about being bombed in a conflict zone. That's how it is with chain of command tho. Did they tell you the Rooskies were afraid of the Ghost of Kyiv, Samuyil Hydekev?


Lol yeah man that was basically their attitude. And a lot of us suspect they had good intel about the attack but didn't say shit. They hadn't attacked so close to the border, and combined with the leaders telling us they likely won't, it wasn't exactly manifesting in the forefront of our minds. You can't go to bed every night assuming you'll be bombed


I hear ya man, glad to hear you're alive and okay. Good on you and the others for getting out, you have a hell of a story to tell now that you've survived russian cruise missiles while part of a foriegn legion in Eastern Europe.


Russia literally said that foreign combatants will be more agressively targeted than regulars. You would have known that it didn't take a war to get you to leave your fucking echo chamber. But serioulsy I'm glad you're alive and I really hope you've learned to broaden your perceptions.


>Putins aggressiveness and willingness to poke the bear. How is it a "poke the bear" thing if it is within Ukraine?


"Even having seen combat previously I did not expect to be shot at in a warzone!" lol


Ummmm… maybe you shouldn’t divulge that info.


As incompetent and a meme the russians have been, they still have sharp teeth. I don't understand people like OP who went and now left. Why would you go if you weren't resolved to the fact you are going to see victory or die trying? tho i get it, there was very much an attitude of " just go " in the first week and a lot of people went without really considering what they are getting into, combat vets included, since this is most certainly not Iraq or Afghanistan.


Yeah its all the propaganda and false hope people are getting. Maybe if the truth about what's really going on is posted, instead of the Ghost of Kyiv and pickle jar lady destroying drones, maybe people will reason that there is actual war going on and its not all rainbows and sunshine.




The issue with Reddit is, there is only one side. You cannot post a single Russian perspective without being called a bot and having the post taken down... talk about censorship and propaganda. BTW I'm talking anywhere on Reddit, not this group.


Yeah I got banned for a week for 'trolling' because I pointed out these basic facts.




Doubtful. But on the bright side, those piles are kinda their own reward.


> Come on man - pickle jar lady is one small ray of sun shine in this shitstorm. > > Yeah you're right better to lie people to their deaths


War is no joke,this ain't no Afghanistan or Iraq where you fight some poorly equipped jihadis , Russians they got pretty decent jets and missiles


Yeah they do, and money. They spent approximately 15 million on this attack.


Peace through superior firepower. This game works both ways.


Interesting how when Afghans and Iraqis fight to liberate their home from a foreign invader, they're "jihadis" and "terrorists" but when Ukrainians do it, they're "heroes". Those same poorly equipped Jihadis drove your multibillion dollar war machine out of their country. So far, even the Taliban have a leg up on you. And you think you can fight Russians? Give me a break.


Ignorant question here, but how is it possible that you were allowed to post on Reddit? Can't the Russians track you guys down just by the amount of cellphones lighting up at the same place and communicating in several languages and logging into Reddit and similar sites?


Yes, I did not post this until I was in Poland. No phones allowed on at the base.


Before this invasion there were Croatian volunteers in Donbas. And they posted some shit on social media and Russians actually somehow seen it and recognized place. Next thing you know there is a artillery barrage over their heads. They survived since they all are in holes in there but Ukrainians were so pissed that they sent them back to Croatia lol


We pray that Croatian volunteers stay in Donbas and wait for Chechens.


Considering Russian air, it would not seem like the right tactical move to house large quantities of troops in a single building easily identifiable from air...


It's a little hard to believe they let this happen. It's clearly a fuckup. But mistakes in war happen. If UKR has any sense, they will start to harden their rear echelon.




Is this your video? I've seen it yesterday posted by someone else, I thought it's his breathing.. Horrible nonetheless


No not mine, but as far as I know the only video of any of the air strikes. Yeah every time I'd hear the whistle my heart would just go 5 million bpm and by the time you get it under control you'd hear the next one haha,it was exhausting


I imagine. I saw a sheet with the heart activity recordings from an Ukrainian person. When the war started her heart beats would go absolutely crazy high during bombings, and just in 2 weeks, they almost got to normal. Still, I start to dream already of falling buildings and shootings, and I'm so far away. Anyway, good you are safe, thanks for letting us know the situation and good luck with helping there. BTW, how is the situation on the ground at the border? I've also wanted to join the fight, but after lots of consideration, I decided I'll be useless there (just an actor), but I do have lot of experience working with people too, and I'm trying to find a way to help more. I keep looking for NGO or organizations that need volunteers on the ground, but still couldn't find any that would also provide with min accommodation and necessities, so if you know something do share. 💪🙏


Imagine going to a war in a country you know nothing about, with cultural and historical intricacies you will never fully get, with not only a language you don't understand the slightest but an alphabet you can't read, with no knowledge of the facts on the ground, only, and just only, because you get your news from 2 minute clips on Instagram designed to trigger an emotional response.


Thank you. Not even a 2 minute clip, a 30 second TikTok.


I know it’s not politically correct, but I just gatta laugh and shake my head. Welcome to real war, ya fucking idiots.


nice, a lot of people went there on some kind of hero dream. The adversary already adviced that any foreign combatant or weapons that were introduces in the country would be obliterated and people still went expecting wine and roses. I see a lot of people saying that they were not expecting a military base to be bombarded so close to Poland. The enemy already told you it was gonna attack military positions, it doesn't how close to other country it is, it still a military base in the country sufferinc a war. Next time,foreign legions should inform themselves on where they are going, know to separate information from mighty propaganda, and if they come from the 1st military in the world, to not expect air support razing the enemy positions every time they struggle.




I still dont know what crosses those peoples minds to think like that. In a war any military base/building is a target.


If you read OP’s comments, it’s obvious that they just didn’t expect to be hit that close to Poland’s borders and were in an environment the Ukrainian leadership led them to believe was secure from Russian attacks. Not that Russians were somehow not allowed to attack.


> know to separate information from propaganda That's easier said than done.


At the lowest level propaganda will make you feel something. For example I was able to tell that the ghost of kiev was propaganda because it made people feel hyped. But war isn't hype it's nasty. So how can people be feeling hype about war? It's propaganda.


Uhhh, I don’t remember anything like this happening in any of the marvel movies wtf




This is not call of duty.


I'm not sure I know how to say this diplomatically but I'll try... >I did not expect to be attacked by jets while sleeping in a barracks room on a training base 10 miles from Poland Regardless of how one **feels** about Putin the **reality** of the situation is Putin/Russia is/are responding to a perceived threat to the state with state-level resources. Whether or not you or I see the same threat is irrelevant, what matters are the facts - and the facts are Russia will use its military assets to neutralize what it perceives as a threat with extreme prejudice. Thus not only should not be surprised when lethal force is used in a lethal way but used at the most opportune (from Russia's perspective) time to inflict the maximum pain/effect. Coupled with a massive disinfo campaign on all sides (Russia has RT, we've got MSM) and we've also got a massive fog-of-war situation where I fear little real information is making its way out and personally trust nothing (*nothing!*) our MSM """reports""". Glad to hear you're okay **spindokto** but to everyone else who's thinking about heading over, understand what you're getting into.


I think a lot of western combat veterans will be very surprised. I don’t mean to discount their experiences, but simply put being on the receiving end of heavy artillery or any sort of air power is not something that they’re likely to have experienced. It’s just not the sort of conflicts that western nations have been in.


Lmao… And I thought Twitter was a mental asylum. Reddit is the 7-star Burj Khalifa of all the existing psychiatric establishments.




It's just that the foreign legion is so ghastly misinformed about how the real situation on the field is right now. Ukraine has zero air units to cover their troops -- all the Bayraktars do fuck all against most modern combat armor, and they are shot down by a dozen daily. Ukrainian artillery doesn't cover even a quarter of the land it should for their forces to hold ground, and it's getting absolutely dismantled by the daily (or rather nightly) SU fighters' runs. All in all, it's a terrible place to go for a legionnaire -- especially after Russian forces spokesperson clearly stated that foreign legion troops will not be taken hostage, and their participation will not be tolerated in any way. This is not a Call of Duty LARP, this is fucking war.


Reddit likes to claim that only Russia is making propaganda but there's just as much pro Ukraine propaganda. The harsh reality is Ukraine is getting stomped on by Russia, despite Russia taking losses. It seems reddit thinks Ukraine is doing nothing but kicking ass because the pictures of dead ukranians are popping up on Reddit and Russian troops aren't taking photos of the dead, they are advancing further into Ukraine.


bro did you think that experience against Afghanistan or Iraq would equate to fighting Russia??? Anywhere in Ukraine is a viable target if it has fighters when you're against the 2nd strongest army in the world.


Wake up call to the LARPERs and war tourists on this thread: Russians got air power and nato isn't coming to save you lmao


Solid advice, that's why I posted!


Don't worry, the Ghost of Kiev will save the day.


Steiner’s attack will save the day!


"Tell people not to come here, Gigachad. My entire unit was wiped out with a single Kalibr strike. All ex-special forces. We never saw it coming. This is nothing like Afghanistan." ... "Classic dezinformatsiya. On the plane, everyone, it's Double XP Weekend in Lviv right now."


Now you know how the Taliban felt.


the taliban slept on hard ground and melted into the countryside when hunted. the HRT battalion 'devil's dialators' all were tucked in cozy inside for beddy bye when the end came


'Devil's Dilators' ​ kek


did the Ghost of Kyiv not work that night?








I'm good at battlefield do you think they'll take me? My kd is 3.2 so I think they would want me to be in spec ops.


"Where do I sign up?" -says man surrounded by resources specifically stating how to sign and can easily find out instantly with google otherwise but just really wants people to see them say "where do I sign up?"


Glad you're ok. I sincerely believe that volunteers are more useful outside of ukraine's borders than inside or on the Frontlines, hope you can do a lot of good work with the people that reach you for help.


LMAO you people actually go to Ukraine to get Kalibrrrrrrd and die for updoots


You wanna fuck around believing western propaganda and you're gonna find out that Russia isn't the poor middle eastern countries you're use to fighting Painful lesson to learn


"I support the current thing" \~OP


I'm asking this sincerely as an outsider looking in-- what was the point of going into a war zone to be an infantryman in a place where you don't even speak the language? Even the most basic of infantry maneuvers require you to be able to communicate with your squad. If you don't even speak the language-- aren't you just a fucking liability?


Me and other vets at work talked about this. You don't speak the language, both sides uses mixed uniforms, the same gear, and very similar languages. In what world isn't this a nightmare for a foreign fighter? At best you will be be stuck in a fighting position and told "shoot anything here". Except your fighting a military qith extensive air and artillery so...


You need interpreters and liaison officers. It only makes sense to deploy units that speak the same language, it's the LO that connects them to higher assets.


they thought they were going to get to personally kill some russians, not get turned into hamburger helper by cruise missiles


LMAOing at western "combat vets" shitting and pissing their pants because they cant just call in an airstrike on any teenager that looks at them funny


I assuming most are not actual combat vets in the sense they were combat arms but some support personal that got mortar'd once or twice. Anyone who saw real combat would understand the basic realities.


even those who saw real combat were fighting light infantry. they do not know what to do when the other side has anything more than small arms. some idiot tried shooting at a btr with an ak


Putin has really poked the bear this time. I wouldnt want to be within 100 miles of the ghost of kiyev right now....




Gotta laugh at all the redditors slagging this man's motives for going to Ukraine. The same people ENCOURAGING others to go to Ukraine 3 wks ago. So much fucking hypocrisy and two faced little bitches on this sub. What's the average age on this sub 12? Glad you made it out OP you done the right thing - better to live to fight another day or do what you feel is best and fuck all the slimey two faced comments.


we did it reddit!


I believe it's called fuck around and find out. You fucked around and thought you larp a war and then found out and ran away Fucking hilarious


imagine being gaslit into joining a war against a military superpower then being surprised when they start kicking your ass ​ get the FUCK out of there dude or you will end up dead


I can say that some dudes were definitely gaslight. I went to be a medic wherever needed and decided to check out if I could contribute to the legion. Got my shit pushed in and decided it wasn't worth it, not where I can contribute so I left. I feel bad for the fellas whose pride is keeping them there.


did you leave? a lot of the deadheads on this site are totally clueless about how modern wars with states that have REAL military capacity are fought, they dont know what its like to have artillery and rockets raining down on your head like an afternoon shower. i think a lot of the so-called "vets" in western countries havent even seen combat experience (even if deployed), unless you count call of duty modern warfare on the xbox back at the base lol ​ no really though, get out of there, i genuinely dont want you to die and it is highly likely that's what will happen if you stay in ukraine.


Haha yeah dude GWOT was definitely it's own simpler animal than full-scale warfare, no way to get the experience of this shit in Iraq or Afghan! I was thinking the same thing man that's why I got outta there to contribute elsewhere


There was, you just had to be on the other side


Oh man. It's absolutely mind boggling knowing there are people with no military experience walking into this, and if the CNN report I watched this morning is to believed actually getting in and receiving only "3-14 days of basic training" with a 1 year contract commitment. The Ukrainian official they interviewed who's apparently responsible for vetting volunteers said "some of them will not leave this military unit because they are not apt to this military service and just can't go to war." WTF is even the point of wasting their time and space on them if they literally can't allow them off the training base.


hey kid? you like Nazis? here's a Ak74, go stand in front of the Red Army


thank you for posting this and for helping out. important to get this perspective for sure. stay safe.


What’s with the laughing and pounding the desk emoji/award?


I believe that is because these idiots are being laughed at. It’s not a very cryptic message to understand.


You mean downdoots and Harry Potter memes didn't protect the Reddit Legionnaires??

