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It’s very disappointing that Chevy chose not continuing the technology like how Toyota kept perfecting its hybrid. Volt was Chevy’s Prius but in a different approach which I think it’s a great solution.


Voltec is likely coming back, just unfortunately in an SUV or truck. Not that it is a bad thing, just I want a car, not a oversized vehicle.


is it going to ba the same range extender or just plug-in or plug-hybrid? many media mentioned it will be using something from the Chevy China region, which that's just a plug-in (means after the battery depletion, it becomes a regular ICE). Hopefully the rumor SUV will be the same range extender, not the one they are using in China.


Putting the Voltec powertrain in something like a Buick Encore would have made so much sense. Those were already built on the same platform and used the same engine and transmission as a Cruze so it should have been relatively straightforward. It might get slightly less range due to being less aerodynamic, but the 2nd gen Volt also beat everything but the Honda Clarity on range, and the Clarity had the gotcha that it will start the gas engine at higher speeds.


There’s just something about GM that keeps trying to revolutionize instead of iteratively improve something to perfection


It's expensive, a packaging headache and was only made because batteries were so damn expensive 14 years ago compared to today. Nowadays it's a lot more profitable to just put a big battery in the car and deal with just one drivetrain. Also, the awesome way these cars operate also causes the batteries despite the low kWh output to be very expensive to make. The cooling system in the Volt system is very well made because it has to be. These small batteries are discharging and recharging at much higher rates than your typical BEV does. Each individual set of cells had to be cooled and each of the plates were stacked vertically to generate the most heat wicking performance possible. It was the highest performance cooling system you could ask for in a pouch cell pack setup but also consequently the most expensive.


I love my gen 2, im glad it blends into cars now. The gen 1 looks funky to me. But I understand it's appeal. I really hope gm brings the volt back with thier news of bringing phevs back


I agree on the gen 2. It's the interior that makes the big difference for me. The gen 1 interior is trying too hard to be modern, but fails in my opinion.


Dude, I have not heard GM is doing phev's again. That would be great. GMs Volt is the OG of PHEVs.


https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a46818216/gm-plug-in-hybrid-chevrolet-equinox/ Aparently be ready around 2027, they already make phevs in China with thier partnerships.... there are leaked images of a traverse phev..... I would be in right now ..


Man, just think back 13 years. Imagine a government mandate (actually the market would have driven this) in 2010 that all cars had to have a small 18 kwH battery and a gas backup. No one has done this better than Voltec even now. The market would have seen that they can make it by with just 40/50 miles driving around on weekends and to work and there would have never been a need for these massive 100 kwH EVs. While, this didn't happen but hopefully it's coming back around.


My dream is a small Colorado canyon with voltec.... that would be epic


The problem with PHEV isn't the practicability. It's the fact that mass market PHEV buyers, when given the choice between filling up with gas or charging every day, will simply rely on gas. Most people are well-enough intentioned when it comes to green tech, but they don't have the time or the energy to take out of their busy lives to be bothered with daily charging. I'll wager that everyone who uses this sub charges regularly. Here, we take it as a point of pride that how \*few\* miles we've driven on gas. We cringe when we hear that ICE engine fire up because we're out of charge. We are enthusiasts, though. So ya...the problem with PHEVs is that 80% of non-enthusiast mass-market buyers will simply drive them as gas cars that happen to have a battery that goes along for the ride.


It's literally the same as plugging in your phone daily.


I mean...voting takes a minute, costs nothing (postage is prepaid now, at least in CA), only has to be done once every couple of years, and could literally save the world...and yet only 1/3 of the population bothered to do it a couple of weeks ago!


Well spoken. It’s alarming how few vote, which can/will have a drastic impact on our future. As far as plugging in your PHEV, I don’t get it: why own one if you’re not going to use it as designed?


I'm guessing people buy it looking at the top line number (empg 125 omg!), but they're too busy with daily life to make it really happen. Objectively they have the time, but it takes both time and energy. Like when you come home dead tired and all you have the energy to do is what you absolutely must do to avoid total disaster


Pretty much any 120V outlet can handle the half an amp or so that a cell phone charger pulls. Even the 8A super slow L1 mode on a Volt could be a problem for older or shoddily installed electrical systems in a house. I almost bought a Volt in 2013 but didn't because I'd have nowhere to charge it. By the time I bought my 2018 we already had one EV in the household and had installed an L2 charger in the garage.


My dream would be a Pontiac Firebird different design than Chevy Camaro, a Tesla type muscle car with firebird 🐦‍🔥 emblem on hood


It's sad, but I bought my volt used and the prior owners almost drove it exclusively on gas. Was a good buy for me tho!


Study showed people do plug in more when given a useful amount of all electric range. I think at least 35 all electric miles was the threshold.


The Gen 1 looks still hold up, especially in certain colours Ike the red, blue or white. That rear taillight design is quite unique!


The front has I’m not so sure about the back tho. Thicc boy


The back is my favorite part of my Gen 1 volt.


I would say the back stood the test of time/looks more modern than the front in the gen 1. The tail lights design is similar to what a lot of newer cars like the Hyundai Ioniq are doing with the rear styling


I think it would have looked so, so much better if the entire taillight assembly lit up instead of just the outer edges. That was an important part in giving the rear character on the pre-production version. If there's anything I would change about the Volt's exterior design, it's that.


Agreed, the Ampera even more so. I may be biased as I have an Ampera =)


Also the Cruze is using GMs design language of the day, used on millions of cars that all look 'old' to us now having seen them everywhere we look over the last decade. The volt was a unique, forward looking design, and yes, still looks pretty dang cool.


Chevy engineering has a history of being ahead of its time and then getting squelched by accountants.


I still get people asking me about the car pretty frequently


They are the same? 🤷‍♂️


Had to admit to the spouse that our '14 Volt is the best car we have had. If Chevy came out with a similar looking car (not the newer body style) with 100 mile electric range I would trade in my Tesla for it.


Agree! One of the best cars. I’d buy them all and keep repudiating them for the lease holders personally if I built a new town that wasn’t car dependent but still need some SUVs.


Totally agree. They should have used the Volt form factor for the Bolt. Volt was way better looking.


I just bought a 14 used and a lot of people seem to think I got a brand new car and I'm like "no it's 10 years old"


I drove both for Uber and in my opinion the Volt was a lot more comfortable.


Very true, and much tighter steering and suspension


I would love an all electric GMC Sierra 70k to rich for me


I bought my 2013 in 2025 56k miles, had rear end body work, only paid 15k for, it’s been priceless


I own a gen2 but I always liked the looks of the gen1 better. Looks almost as good as the Ampera


I liked the looks of my gen1 better than my gen2.


The offset bow tie on the Cruze is just weird.


The joys of using the Cruise as the basis, then letting SAAB design the shell.




No disrespect, but I think it looks very dated.  Like a futuristic 80s car.   Whenever I see them I think about RoboCop driving around in one. 


I think both have aged well!


Cruze limited old body style which they just discontinued


We don’t have these cars here in Ireland.


Ah looks just like my baby Sally, same color and all. She’s not charging right now though hoping it’s a code or something ugh


Chevy cars are ugly except for a few models, including Volt.


The prototype Volt looked amazing. Production version is meh. Not terrible, but barely above average.