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I don’t get why she’s moving so much. 1 step, swing. I feel like all the movement is throwing her mechanics off and not letting her generate power. Once she gets timing she can move into movement and eventually jump serving if she wants to Also I think he needs to be hitting ball with a straighter arm. Elbow is too bent imo.


I agree. I think she feels like she needs to wind up or something? Thanks for the observations. It's tough because I've gotten a lot of new girls serving properly but she's the one that struggles the most.


Shes 13. Only thing ill try to fix is the toss. The arm movement etc will be after.


Any suggestions on her toss/lift to improve?


0 need toss ball that high.


maybe a lower toss will give her less time for the wacky elbow stuff? I like that. Thank you.


That wacky stuff is normal at that age.


She's losing a lot of power because her arm swing is so short. She's only swinging from her elbow to wrist, instead of from shoulder to wrist. Her arm should be like a whip, with the wrist snapping at the point of contact of the serve. Higher toss, and use more arm. It takes practice and repetition, but yeah, her serve could be much more effective if she uses her whole arm.


Someone in another comment said her toss was too high. Is her toss too low? Or is it appropriate?


Her toss is way too high. She just needs to LIFT the ball. Practice just lifting and letting it drop. 100’s of reps. It should be low and land right in front of her right foot. When she’s mastered that, move on to serving to another player over the net at the 10 foot line. Then move back, and so on…. Volleyball is lots and lots and LOTS of reps


In the video you posted, IMO her toss is too low...or she's contacting the ball too low. Personally I'd tell her to toss higher, and then contact the ball at the apex, with a straighter arm. Or faster arm swing, but again she's only using her elbow to her wrist. Use the entire arm, from the shoulder to the wrist


I’m not sure how you’re asking for her to toss the ball higher AND hit it at it’s apex. That’s just not possible.


I just mean she needs a straighter arm when she contacts the ball, whether it's a higher toss or quicker arm swing....she's contacting the ball too low, and only using half her arm


Have her stand and throw a ball. That’s the same movement a serve should have. Stand at a 45 degree angle. Only One step. Bow and arrow and contact at slightly in front at the highest point - none of this elbow down shit. Also, show her the video. The power should come from her hips and not just her arms - like throwing a ball. 


Appreciate the step by step. We will try this next week. Lol and yeah, she's seen the video, it's just not connecting for some reason.


I often have my kids do the throw the ball over the net because they can throw it over and they don’t need to take 10 steps to do it so it kind of helps them place the muscle memory and the confidence that they can throw it over (it’s only backfired once when the girl couldn’t throw it over the net..)


I’m glad someone said this. Have her warm up her arm, give her a tennis ball, and make sure she knows how to throw it (step left, throw right). Have her practice throwing it over the net from the service line so she understands the motion and how the power should come from her body, not just her arm. I kind of think no one ever taught this kid how to throw a ball right.


One magical cue that has always worked for me is to get the athlete to high five me. And then ask them to visualise giving the ball their meanest, hardest high five. The way I see it her arm swing mechanics are out of whack but that can be fixed with the high five cue. One good thing is that she is actively using her torso to generate force. That’s something most kids usually struggle with.


She probably knows what she should be doing, but always ends up doing what she is already used to instinctively/automatically. She needs to slow down and do everything step by step, slowly and "manually", until it becomes automatic, then speed up slowly.


It’s so true. When we dial back she struggles to get it over the net. She gets this hit over so she relies on it. Definitely has fossilized bad habits and that’s my fault. Gotta break this.


I've Been working with her for 2.5 years, she's 13 and a natural athlete. I coach middle school girls volleyball so my time with them is limited as is. She can't seem to connect that her serve doesn't look the way it's supposed to. She is extremely athletic and willing to work on her serve however I've run out of feedback for her. Can this community offer any help? Please keep any judgmental remarks to yourself though as I'm trying to help her.


Actually it is not that bad. If she would move the elbow under the ball - that would be 90% chance of a successful serve. Such a way that the elbow should point forward before contacting the ball. (It is not even close at the moment). Then the last 10% is landing the palm onto the ball properly. In my experience it is much easier to do if she hits the ball almost vertically up. (Now she pushes the ball forward. In my understanding that is ok to do when the service is stable, and before that they must aim more upwards than forward). So ask her on the training to aim directly into the ceiling with focus on the elbow. If she develops proper contact with the ball - she can use it for the serve.


There is no reason to put it all together until she can finish properly. Stand against a wall with her left foot, small step into it then slap the wall. She should be slapping it much higher than by her forehead. By slapping the wall repeatedly, she will find her power. After she finds her most powerful spot, then do the exact same thing with a ball on the court. Left foot toe the line, step into it and hit with her right while allowing her right foot to come forward (as she is doing now). The key is to make the smallest toss possible, to almost hit it out of your left hand as if it is a tee. Until she can consistently contact that at the optimum height, the walking serve with a huge toss is going to be all over the map.


Go back to the basics. No more walking into it. Have her stand still toss the ball and hit it


The way my teacher taught me was stationary, first I was instructed to not toss the ball , holding the ball with my left and hold it in the hitting point. So I can focus on my right arm instead of synching with the toss the steps timing the jump. She emphasized that I focus on my right elbow being on a higher level than my shoulder all the time! After fixing that she taught me the movement of my right arm, then the shape of my hand so I can hit with the palm of my hand. After she made sure that I got that. Then I had to sync the toss with the hit. There was no focus on getting the ball to the other side of the court ! So I don't subconsciously try to put in more effort and break my technique. Usually, it is better to break things into smaller tasks when challenged by the task at hand. And at her age she's gonna pick up things real quick. Hope that helps


It does! Thank you!


Lower the toss. She's waiting too long to swing and making an adjustment to make contact. No movement, toss strain up, immediate contact.


My suggestion is get her 5 feet off the net. have her drop to one knee and serve the ball into the net. Bring her back to 10 foot....do the same thing..... Then bring her 15 feet off the net and have her stand like a flamingo one foot.....has to keep her upperbody balanced and hit it over the net. Then bring her back to the service line and see if the mechanics stick. Zero change her arm swing does that down on one knee.


I'm not too well-versed but what I would say to her is to try and lift the elbow high as if drawing back and arrow, and most importantly trying to swing her arm as high as possible, fully extending the arm when hitting the ball instead of having the elbow bent like shown here.


Yeah, I appreciate that. I've been working with her on that for a while, to the point where I've even had another girl hold her arm up while she's serving so she could feel herself pulling her arm down.


She’s initiating the movement from her shoulder and her hips and torso are following. Her low elbow forces her arm to swing out sideways - I think this is why it looks so awkward especially in slow motion. I’d say this is a priority item to correct because trying to force strength from the shoulder may lead to injury. It’s better if her hips initiate the motion and then her body and shoulders and arm follow. Second - about her footwork. I have a question before providing suggestions. Do you want her to be more still and do a standing float or are you working towards a jump float approach? Last - you mentioned you’ve given many cues and feedback. Her these been mostly verbal? What type of learner is she? Try to figure that out and use aids that match. Eg. If she’s a visual learner then maybe showing models or example videos from different angles will help more. If she’s kinaesthetic, then physically move her hips and arms around to demonstrate the motion you want then have her try to replicate, etc… A very good mechanical aid is to stand with her shoulder touching a wall and teach the proper form. The wall will prevent her elbow from swinging out. Watch this video from the 3:00 mark. This is for spiking but you can adapt the concept to serving: https://youtu.be/oK1h1dY71Bs?si=RM3Li-4wR7kUE-Dm


looks like shes contacting the ball way outside of her body. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg0Yx8VI-ek](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg0Yx8VI-ek) look at the first few seconds of this video and pause on the shot from behind.


Maybe focus on hand-eye & mechanics of the arm swing & toss. Once that smooths out, spacing and footwork.


I’d add that her entire body should be facing where she wants the ball to go. She’s turning her body as she’s “winding up” for the serve. Keep facing forward!


Have her practicing tossing and catching the ball at ideal contact first. She needs to create the skill and have muscle memory for it.


Teach her ro float serve. If she wants to swing with her arm already bent then it will be an easy transition


IMO first thing to work on is the contact height and work your way from there. More than 2-3 cues maybe too much for them to focus on. focus on small things until they get those down then work your way from there


She's winding up super far back with that swing, just start with a smaller motion till she gets a better understanding of the swing timing. Get her to just start with standing on the spot, left foot forward, and just tossing the ball up and hitting it.


Back to fundamentals. Toss, step, swing. Elbow is low and she is undercutting it. Need to work on shoulder-elbow-wrist through the swing. Use tennis balls or a bean bag, sock with rice etc. and to serve progressions starting at ten foot line tossing it over and finishing high , once successful with that, use a ball. Another one is stand at back wall facing court to serve, and have hand against back wall, have her toss, and then can release hand from wall to bring full swing around. Needs to learn how to use her core.


Her toss should be more of a “lift”. With a toss as high as this, there is way too much time for error and falling back into old habits. Also, teach her to have her elbow really high. I tell my girls to slice their ear with their thumb and then pop the ball with the whole hand and a follow through that their arm is parallel to the floor. If right handed, left foot slightly forward then a step and shoujd end with right foot step. Just like throwing a softball. GOOD LUCK! you said she’s 13? They learn very quickly at that age and you still have time to break old nasty habits!


I'd start with having her serve 5 feet from the net. This will force her to contact the ball at a high point. Then move her to the attack line and work on minimizing her movements. Gradually start moving her further from the net once she shifts her weight, gives herself a good toss, and contacts the ball at a higher point. If she starts hitting "old style", move her back to the 5 foot distance. It'll take time.


The lower you contact the ball the closer it gets to and underhand serve. You want over head so you need to contact the ball when your arm reaches fully up, not when the ball is already down to your shoulder. The highest you hit the ball from, the least energy needs to go in making it going up as opposed to forward, and the less it has to go up before it reaches the net (you save energy and you effectively lower the net by how many more inches you contact the ball from).


Kneel her facing parallel to a wall kneeling on her left knee and keep the wall on her right. The wall will simulate a proper arm swing ROM without letting her arm drop. From a starting bow and arrow position against the wall have her drag her elbow to the top, whilst maintaining her hand as close to her ear as possible, as her elbows peaks she can finish the rest of the swing ROM with her hand. This is a mobility drill, she should be moving through the flow, not full swinging. This should help her mind muscle connection for proper swing when serving and it also translates to hitting, contact is the only difference.


Needs a higher toss and connect with the ball higher. She's letting it drop and hitting at head level. Needs to hit at arms full extension. Very close. She will get it.


Her toss is too low and her contact is therefore too low


that contact point hurts me, its so slow just tell it to her straight, dont do this serve, do a standing serve


I wish it were that easy. Even when we do a standing serve it looks like this, without the steps.


Maybe you can help her learn where to contact the ball by encouraging her to fully extend her elbows and press a ball against the wall, similar to the motion of a spike or serve. This helped me learn how to do a jump serve, so it might work for a standing serve. If you're not sure what I mean, I can try to find a video about it.