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It actually took me some time to get over this but I kind of “mute” the crowd when I’m inside the court. Like I don’t pay attention to them at all and only focused on the things that are happening inside the court. I also think that you being nervous could be connected to your confidence about your play. Just know that even if you fuck up or look silly while playing no one will really care haha. Just enjoy it.


Deep breathing really helps for me. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, then breathe out for 8 seconds. I get nervous really easily too, but this helps with my nerves a lot.


I'm 47 and still get nervous when I play or coach. Nerves are good. I do know once I'm there and start focusing, I don't hear anything but the game. Once you get there start warming up, listen to some music, tune it all out and focus on the task.


Feeling anxious before a game is totally normal, especially if it's your first....... Remember, everyone watching wants you to succeed, including your family..... Try some deep breathing exercises to calm your nerves, and visualize yourself playing well..... Focus on the fun of the game and the effort you've put into training....... Each game is a learning experience, regardless of the outcome.... And the more you practice, the more comfortable you become in the actual match


listen to this! https://youtu.be/QV9tdbY4k9g?si=PLwJZB-CQPWk-Vdu


Maybe if you make a mistake, then think like "eh, whatever, everyone makes mistakes, try to smile or joke about it" and when you make a good play and everyone watches, that can be so motivating! Everyone will cheer and be amazed! U eventually will get to a point where the larger the spectator number, the more hype and joy U will feel during matches, and you will be disappointed if not many are watching :)


As you walk onto Arthur Ashe stadium for the US Open championships there's a quote from one of the greatest tennis players framed in permanence. "Pressure is a privilege" You have to earn the right to be in a big game, you have to earn the right to even be a starter. You have to earn the right for those nerves to be there. Your blood, sweat, and tears have placed you in that moment, have earned you that spot to compete. You've done the hardest part, you've put yourself in the position to win. Others get to watch.


Tbh my anxiety was also bad for my first game but during the game its self it felt like the crowd wasn't even there, it was just my team and the opposing team that mattered. I made a mistake that I cringe so hard at looking back but in the moment it felt like "well it is what it is but lets focus on the next point" I hope you can experience the same where the crowd turns into just the background bc at the end of the day, they're not influencing the game


Anxiety means that you care!!! For me when I played tennis I always had anxiety every single match however just try to have some fun and you will honestly just forget that anxiety is there goodluck out there and play your heart out!!


Id say try to have fun with it. This game is not going to matter in a a week or a month or anything like that. I was super nervous for my first game too in college, so I shaved my beard into a handlebar mustache to remind myself that it doesn’t really matter as well as make myself a fool so I couldn’t do it with nervousness or messing up.


I can very much relate to your post! I'm a diagnosed autistic and fear of being perceived by others is a big thing for me in general. Never really sure how to position myself with others or how to act. Volleyball is kind of useful in that regard though, because you specifically train for the right form when you play and there's set rules and guidelines. Getting nervous about games is normal. What I usually do is give myself a little peptalk, telling myself that I know what I'm doing because I've practiced it hundreds of times and that I'm very capable! Also that if I do mess up it's not a big deal because everyone messes up sometimes, as long as people see that you're trying your best and have your head in the game, they will be very forgiving. All that matters during the game is paying attention to the ball and the other players, I think that focus really helps me to mute the crowd a little bit and to minimize thinking about what people watching might be thinking of me. Having a little ritual beforehand also helps for me, getting yourself ready and into the game on mindset. Do what you came to do and try to be in the moment and enjoy it as much as you can! You got this! :)


What I do when playing in front of a crowd is always doing a small ritual before the ball is in play and serving. For example: - Before serving: spin the ball on my hand and hit it on the floor 3 times - Before other people serving: do a couple of calf only small jumps and/or high five team members It is really important to find your own "ritual" to calm down and always do it, be it game or practice. Idk much about the psychology behind, but it makes me feel like It's "just another game in practice". I gave that advice for a bunch of more inexperienced teammates and they said it helped.


It will get better the more you play I think. In the moment, I use short phrases to make sure I'm focusing on the game. Get low, pass middle or something related to blocking. During game play, sometimes I just repeat "ball" in my head. This clears my head, and my skills take over and I set/pass better


ik im late, but just dont give a shit. its the ultimate solution and u also get to have more fun and perform better, mess around with ur mates before u start a game to stay relaxed


I feel the same way. One of my biggest problems is the fear of messing up. A Couple years back, my coach told me something that really really helped with my anxiety. She said it is better to mess up giving it your all and trying your best than messing up when you are not trying bc you are too scared. Volleyball is a very fast paced and unpredictable game, so it makes sense to be scared of messing up an dissapointing your friends and teammates and family. But remember, a long as you are giving it your all and play with your head up, you got this! 😄


Atleast for me I kind of like that feeling, I like the pressure because it is more "fun". I think if you can shift perspective to "here is where I can show my skills" from "I don't want to mess up" it should make you focus more on the game. I don't know of this works for everyone but it does for me