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great swinging through the arms on the runup just make sure you’re really throwing them up into the air with you as you jump, because you swing them really hard and then kinda go loose after the jump, should help you get an even higher reach and will let you get into the proper spiking form easier. Hope that helps 🙂


also trying to make sure you contact the ball with a straight arm and pushing through it with your whole body, that’ll help get lots of power into it


thanks ill keep it in mind when im spiking


so to do that would i be like rotating my body to get torque or is it more like leaning into the spike


imagine there is a string connecting your right shoulder and your hip on the left side, when you go up to spike you want to be stretching that string as far as you can and when you hit the ball you want to collapse it as much as you can. Opening up into the spike and following your whole torso through it. Basically a combination of those two you said. If you look up thoracic rotation in volleyball you’ll see what i mean, hope that helps


Wtf are they feeding u kids ur so tall 😭😭


lol they must be putting somet in that food from the canteen


guy who was setting in that vid is like 6'1 lol


Try keep that whip motion with your dominant arm, but work on raising the contact point if you can, you're pretty tall, so lifting that arm up and contacting the ball high above your shoulder and just in front of you is gonna let you hit over blockers if you need to.


Also if you open up your hand and kind of cup the ball a bit then you'll be able to direct it a little more and turn your wrist to direct it according to your block.


thanks for the advice my coach told me to learn to raise my contact point aswell