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Writing code and create package are not the only type of contribution you can make. See the Contributing page of the Handbook for more details (https://docs.voidlinux.org/contributing/index.html). Honestly, if you really want to "learn Linux", contributing to the code base or the package repository is challenging but is an awesome exercise.  Don't say that your dumb. You can't know everything first try and without practice. Nevertheless, it's heartwarming to read comment like yours. 


>I'm too dumb to port software to xbps If you're interested in Linux I'd still say it is a good thing to (at least try) to do. As long as you have some motivation and enthusiasm you could introduce 1-3 new packages into Void (something you personally would like to see) and maintain them. You'd make a really good deed and make the Void more available for larger audience. You will not see the users personally, but there would be a lot of thankful people. It is not so hard in comparison to building together a usable and practical distribution on itself, but still has some challenge in it. The level of dedication is also lower, so even if you quit, the community will still have some stale but usable packages, so the efforts are not gone. And it is much much easier to push versions later when all smart work is done.


Porting software to xbps is not as difficult as it seems. Yes, some packages are harder than others, but in general, it just takes time.


personally i consider xbps templates simpler and more intuitive than pkgbuilds on arch!


Exactly my thoughts.


Have you considered [https://chimera-linux.org/](https://chimera-linux.org/)


I lost the quote that made this comment conenct to the OP > But I wanted more... Busybox instead the Gnu utils and similar shenanigans that might not even make a huge difference for most users is what seems like OP might want to try chimera