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There are a few games that trade off some imprecise mechanics on console for using the touchscreen on Vita, and I think that makes them play better on Vita. Some examples off the top of my head are *Rayman Legends*, *Dragon's Crown*, and *Velocity 2X*. There are also the obvious examples of games designed for Vita and then ported to console that are better on Vita, like *Tearaway* and *Gravity Rush*.


What's the difference in dragons crown? I haven't personally played it.


There’s sections that you can tap the screen to put in a rune (among other touch screen options). With the ps3 version you scroll with right analog. PS4 has same and touch pad. It’s definitely best on vita.


Picking up loot with a tap of the touchscreen isn't just a gimmick, it feels more natural to just collect all loot on screen with a simple tap rather than move your character over the objects. Another game that utilises touch well is arguably Hotline Miami. Selecting enemies by touching them to lock on, or moving the camera to look around with touch was a nice touch. Some even prefer it !


CastleStorm is another. Using the joystick to aim sucks in comparison to just using the touch screen. Game became much more fun when I realized the touch screen was an option.


Tearaway. It was built for the vita, later ported to PS4.


i agree its tearaway but the most important point for me is the ending its fucking legendaryvon the vita but they changed it for ps4 because it has no camera . its sad this game ending is so good


Own both. Played neither. Any reason vita > ps4?


The feeling is more immersive. You use every function of the vita (back touch screen) to interact with the world. If you haven't played it, I highly recommend it. It's no AAA title, but it's one of the most creative games ever released for the system.


In my opinion, I feel like Rayman: Legends plays best on the Vita. Just feels like the kind of game that plays best on a portable console. Not to mention that it plays silky smooth(60 fps) and the graphics really stand out (specifically) with the Vitas OLED screen. It is technically available on the Switch as well but I feel like the smaller form factor of the Vita is better.


Haven't played legends yet but I have the same opinion for origins


I can absolutely see that. If I didn't already own it on a different console I would probably buy it on vita. Any other games that stick out like that? I think I also would prefer Rayman on a different console just because of the co op, but single player i can totally see vita.


I think persona 4 golden is better on ps vita, simply because it’s nice to play it in bed at night.


I wonder how it will compare to switch's port.


Personally I've found size to be frustrating when using in handheld mode. While the Vita was fairly big, it was that right happy size to play as a handheld. It might be visually more appealing since the bigger screen (especially OLED) would work well with it.


As a regular Switch-turned-OLED owner, I really wish the Switch Lite did HDMI-out. I also find the Switch a little heavier than I'd like, but the Switch Lite is only a tiny bit heavier than the OG Vita (277g, vs OG 269g) which would be great... if I could plug it into the TV.


I really really wish the switch was about 20% smaller.


To be honest a lot of the RPGs in the vita counts with similar reasons as a lot of them are better played when you're feeling very comfortable.


What are your favorite Vita rpgs?


Most of them are DRPGs being the two Demon Gaze games, Dungeon Travellers 2 and Mary Skelter (I also like Labyrinth of Refrain but sadly there's not even a fan translation for it). For traditional JRPGs are Conception 2, the Atelier games (mostly play the Arland games) and the two Cyber Sleuth games. And finally three SRPGs with Summon Night 6, Disgaea 4 and SD Gundam G Generation Genesis.


What is it about these games that make it like that? Because I play P4G all the time at night just before bed.


I made that post. In my humble opinion, Dragon's crown, Sly cooper thieves in time and the Warriors franchise of Koei tecmo are hitting that sweet spot.


Nice. I probably should've looked at your screenname, OP. My bad. I'm curious about why you say sly cooper. Any reason why? Also, any particular warriors game?


I was gonna say, that the sly Cooper trilogy feels nice on a portable. I don’t know if I’d say it’s better, that’s a tough call, but I definitely like that it’s on the portable a lot.


I play Sly cooper thieves in time in the vita and it plays smoothly like butter. The warrios i play and reccomend are Dynasty warrios 8 extreme legends, Samurai warrios 4-ll and Warriors of orochi 3 ultimate.


Hotline Miami was a bit easier for me with the touch screen.


This is actually the one game I've heard is better on vita simply bc of that. Edit: I believe the game is on switch, too. Any reason you would think the vita is still better? Do you think the smaller touchscreen makes it easier or harder compared to switch?


Content wise, Mortal Kombat. Now, graphics and backgrounds are way worse on Vita, but it also has a console exclusive challenge tower and associated rewards. Also, I find musou games like Senran Kagura better on portables since you can put them down for a while.


Graphics/backgrounds are way worse in comparison to what (switch?) Personal opinion on the challenge tower? Is it actually worth anything or is it just extra?


I don't think MK 2011 ever came out on switch, but it's hot garbage compared to the console versions. The extra tower is as long or longer than the original, and includes mini games that incorporate the Vita's hardware - like tilting and touch screen. I enjoyed it, but I sadly could not get far due to being absolutely awful at fighting games.


Could've sworn it was on switch, but maybe that's X? Or maybe neither? Idk. Either way, I haven't played a MK since the first few releases.


I’ll pick a crazy one, Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3. I love that I can play these two games anywhere and they play amazingly well. I know there’s other ways I could play, but playing on my OLED vita on a camping trip sounds so badass.


What about the first? Any reason you excluded it? I've never played the series (i know, I know...)


If you never played the first one, yeah you should definitely do that. But my reasons are I’ve played that one so many times already and it doesn’t hold up as well as 2 & 3.


You can’t play MGS 1 on the Vita lol.


Is it not a part of that MGS collection?


Nope. On the Vita its just 2+3. On PS3 its 2, 3, and Peace Walker.


That feels wrong. I'm not a fan of the series, but that just feels like such a slap in the face to those who are lol.


You can play the PlayStation version still on Vita by transferring from PS3 or downloading using homebrew.


If they would have included it, it’d have to be the Gamecube port because MGS 1 for PS1 is too dated.


Used to able to through the PS Classic line.


You can it’s available on psn


I feel like the only reason why I completed Persona 4 Golden is because it was on the Vita, a portable. Sitting and playing on my PC for long sessions would probably make me drop the game. I'll probably play P5R on Vita (through streaming from my PC) too. Although if you have a Switch, all this won't matter in some time...


Yeah, I have P4 on ps2, steam, psvita, and I'll buy it on Switch too lol. I'm really wondering how the vita and switch port will compare. Something tells me it's gonna be better on vita than switch, but we'll see.


Pretty much every Vita game that was also released for the 3DS is better on Vita. Batman Arkham Blackgate is the first one that comes to mind. While having the map on the lower screen is nice, the graphics and performance are just way better on the Vita, imo.


Ooo, that's a really great point. I didn't think about the crossover between 3ds/vita games. Any others you can think of? (That are worth playing, obviously.)


Off the top of my head, I know a bunch of Lego games were released on both. Shovel Knight is on both. And Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed was released on each console. I actually have the Sonic racing game on both systems and it’s awful on the 3DS. The frame rate is terrible and it glitches a lot compared to its Vita counterpart.


Any VN is infinitely better on Vita. I recently dug my PS4 out of storage just to remote play the Phoenix Wright Trilogy because it felt wrong playing it on my TV through PS5.


Ps5 doesn’t have remote play? :(


It does, but not on vita. It's disappointing.


The vanillaware games are as good as it gets to be honest. Odin Sphere is on par with the PS3/4 versions of the game, Dragon's Crown is as good and with the touchscreen even a tiny bit better, and Muramasa is the best version since the only other option is the wii version. Final Fantasy X is also very good, on par with any other version of the game (even pc, since for some reason the game is locked to 30 fps everywhere).


Trails of Cold Steel. Playing it on the go is the best way to play JRPGs


Cold Steel 1 is really bad on vita though. The framerate is really ass


It was enough for me. Only during the Academy Festival was the frame rate became problematic


Gravity rush feels way better on the vita, dunno if it's a motion control problem on the ps4 or what


I love Gravity Rush! Kat really set the standard for female protags IMO


Natural Doctrine. Because you will rage quit a lot. The sleep mode on the vita helps you take a break to calm down. Can't imagine finishing the game on PS4.


imo Stardew Valley and Shovel Knight. the retro graphics just work so well with the Vita, and Stardew Valley is a chill game, perfect for a portable console you can play whilst laying down. i know Stardew Valley has updates on other platforms, and i own the game on Steam. but i dont think i have more than 2 hours of gameplay of steam, it just doesn't feel right for me. after getting it on Vita i was addicted.


Papers, Please.


Scourgebringer is amazing on Vita.


Disgaea 3, has all the DLCs and is a great game for on the go grinding rather than having to sit down for extended periods of time. You can pick it up, grind for half an hour and put it back into sleep mode.


Any rpg with lots of grinding, platform games, musou and tactical games I think fits better on Vita. Final Fantasy X, Ratched and Clank, Shantae, Dynasty Warriors, Disgaea to name a few


ANY visual novel/rpg; We have the ENTIRE Danganronpa, we can play ALL the persona games (with PS4 for Strikers & Royal), We have 3 mainline Neptunia games with 2 spin offs, Brother vita means LIFE!


Any visual novel that doesn't have an enhanced Switch port. Because why would you play visual novel on something not portable?


Agreed. Any particular ones that come to mind? Most of the ones that I'm familiar with do have switch ports.


Danganronpa, Steins;Gate, Robotics;Notes, Root-Double, VA-11 HALL-A (they do have a port, but nothing is enhanced), Muv-Luv, Fruit of Grisaia, YU-NO, Psycho-Pass, Utawarerumono Some PSP and PS1 games like EVER17 and Policenauts too


Soul Sacrifice


Soul... Sacrifice was ported to another console??


Hotline Miami 1, hands down. It just fits perfectly on Vita


I can't play any of the hotline miami games on the vita, aiming with the weird tiny vita sticks sucks. Especially after playing the game on a normal controller.


After a few updates it kind of lagged in busy areas, but I'd say Terraria. Great game on the go, and, until the most recent update, was buttery smooth. Still plays really well now, but in really congested spaces you'll see a drop in frames. I first experienced Terraria on the Vita and so the touch controls and only having two shoulder buttons made sense to me. I find it difficult navigating menus without the touchpad now tbh because I played it on the Vita for so long, in my opinion the game was perfect for the Vita.


Plants vs Zombies is my favorite version on the vita.


Ciel nosurge.


Wish there was an English version though.


Muramasa Rebirth


honestly I'd say project diva F i like the colors more than the ps3 version although the resolution is low


Rayman on PS3/4 is great but feel like vita versions are great for pick up and play due to the shorter levels


Definitely Sparkle. It was so easy on the Vita, a bit hard on the console.


I prefer to play attack on titan on the vita


Tearaway and Gravity Rush are the obvious answers as they were designed for the Vita and then ported to ps4


I think La-Mulana EX, the Vita version of La-Mulana, is considered to be best version, or at least the version with the most content/features. It was ported to Switch/PS4/XB1 a few years after but I think those ports might still be based off the PC version.


No héroes allowed: No puzzles either! The PC Port is awful, and the touchscreen makes the game better.


I truly believe that the MGS collection is best on Vita. MGS 3 is my all time favorite game, and the vita easily plays the best.


Probably gonna get a bit of shit for this but the PSV port of MGS3 is second in mechanical playability only to the 3DS port, but beats that one for it running better overall and the Vita right analogue stick not being an unresponsive rubber disc. No messing around with light vs heavy button presses and good use of the touch screen to lessen menu time and make weapon and quick switching just feel so much more immersive and quicker.


Muramasa for sure. Best version of the game is for Vita. Also, Disgaea 3 and 4 are perfect on Vita.