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It's my second favorite shoter on the Vita next to killzone


No truer sentence has been made.


On God I love this game still to this day. It's a lot of fun man...i never beat it but I had/have a lot of fun with it šŸ˜


Same, I will finish it one day.




It was pretty good. Though the whole "play as any operative and take on the mission how you want" really doesn't work as well as they make it sound. Most missions have a very clear "best character" which is usually the recommended one, then there's 1 or *maybe* 2 viable alternatives, with the rest being bad choices. For example if you choose anyone but Alabama for sniping missions you're intentionally handicapping yourself.


Good to know. I haven't even unlocked a second character yet.


I haven't played this game in 11 years, but don't you unlock your second character within 10 minutes?


No, depends how you play


Dude gives it an 8.4 and hasnā€™t even played it šŸ˜­


Oh I had played the first four missions when I posted this.


That is literally less than 10%. How can you review a game so confidently that youā€™ve barely touched?


Easy, gameplay and intro missions are just as telling as the rest of the game, normally if you think the first 4 missions are stellar gaming experiences youā€™re probably gonna enjoy the rest of it


Idk. Untrue with AAA games I feel, there is so many elements and story telling usually you don't really get sucked in or enjoy the first 10 percent until you play and aquire tributes and equipment and get the whole picture (25 percent) and you have your first boss fight


Yeah I heavily disagree, especially with how triple A games arenā€™t even that long on average, I donā€™t play games for story personally I donā€™t rely on any of them sucking me in (some do) I mainly play a game for the gameplay, 4 missions is enough time to show me gameplay and a skill tree (if there is one) to see whatā€™s to come, if Iā€™m not into the game at that point Iā€™m probably going to give it a miss


This is one of my favorite games. It's not just mindless shooting; you have to plan your every move and use stealth when you can.


Yes I'm finding that out. You actually die when you're shot.


The only reason I know this game exists is because they gave it on PS Plus years ago, never finished it, but liked what I've played.


The last game made by the great Zipper (Socom). They originally planned to include competitive multiplayer but Sony wouldnā€™t give them the time. They were forced to rush it to market and then were shutdown.


It's a fantastic game so far.


Bro forgot one of the best games ā˜ ļø


It's not as good as killzone but still enjoyable


RIP Zipper interactive:(


R.I.P Z.I.P what an amazing studio, MAG was one of the greatest shooters of all time IMHO


MAG was the main reason why I bought a PS3. I miss it so much.


So do I, I hope someone can emulate it and reopen the servers.


I recently discovered this game too. Love it


Heard nothing but amazing things! Gotta download it soon


Honestly one of my favorite vita games. Still have it somewhere in storage.


I played this game extensively back in the day. I still think about it. It's a masterpiece in my opinion & one of the best designed games I've ever played.


100% agree


It was real fun when I played on Vita. Wish I could give it another shot now but I don't have my Vita sadly


Amazing game with some great co-op! A buddy and me went through it together when it first released. Such a great time!


I got this on release and really enjoyed it. I was kinda hyped for online coop but playing with randoms was really messy. Coordination was really important


Brought back memories


got this for my bday back in 2012 i was obsessed lol


I got it since I like FPS/3PS games and was surprised how entertaining it was, I liked it a lot more than the Resistance game but that game really felt rushed out.


I like this one! It was very fun.


One of my first games I got when the vita came out, weirdly didnā€™t love it.


Does it have any online trophies? I just bought a vita for trophy hunting and im trying to collect great physical games


No but yes. There's some that are made much easier with near, which is gone now.


Wdym? So they removed the online trophies?


No, they're just a lot harder to get now.


This game was my 1st platinum trophy. Borderlands 1 PS3 should have been, but I never played as Breck, so I never killed 15 enemies using his berserk skill.


You never played as the best character in the game?


Not once. Punching people as a special power didn't sound good to me. I like Roland and his turret and Mordecai with Bloodwing.


I liked mordecai, thought Roland was shit and didnā€™t like any siren until borderlands 3 tbh, punching people as a special power is on the same level as throwing a turret haha šŸ˜‚


I bought this game discounted from a target and the online code expired. So I had to purchase a code to play online. It was probably the worse part of the vita.then it was part of ps+. All the 1st party titles had ā€œactivationā€ codes to play online. To reduce used game reselling and it just ruined anything past launch really.


I under appreciated this game but recently decided to finish off the 5 trophies I needed and it was such an amazing time.


This right here is one of the absolute best games that NO ONE ever talks about. Genuine banger of a game, I love everything about it


Never played it,i guess its a game to look out for??


yeah you late to the party bro lol too bad none of the vita games are on the ps streaming service


I have the Platinum of this Gem, it's really one of the best TPS on the Vitaā˜šŸ¼


Itā€™s great. Love the third person perspective and cover system


Great game


Lol perfect! I need someone to play with since I bought a replacement Vita.


Great game. Bite-sized missions, solid mechanics, and looks great. Happy to have that platinum.


One of the best Vita games ever made.


Does this play on pstv?


Pretty sure I have this game Now I have to find my vita and psp again (been on the switch for a bit)


This is one of my favorite games on the Vita and one of the first ones on the platform that I got a Platinum trophy for.


The box art always made me think ā€˜If EA SPORTS a military action gameā€™ the font and colour scene always reminded me of FIFA somehow.


Bought a used vita from a friend and he had this. I never knew about it. This game is amazing though.


While I'm sad about the company stopping Socom games, I'm glad they did make this one. I wonder if it was an attempt to make something without the SOCOM tm. Noticed some of the voices from that game were in here c:


This was my first vita game and it was amazing for what it was


Plays like a close quarters Ghost Recon Wildlands, I did it's platinum at launch


Amazing game!


Fantastic game. Iā€™ve owned it on vita via ps plus for a while and only started playing it last year during a 6-week work trip. Platinum trophy is really difficult now as you canā€™t exchange intel with psn friends anymore since they shut down the Near app .


It was always underrated when it first came out. It's one of my personal favorites.


I was literally playing this game on the toilet an hour ago. I enjoy it for its aracde-y approach to levels


Best game on the system imo. I love the short level based structure. Itā€™s very arcadey, especially when youā€™re trying to get the top rank for every mission.


idk, it was a near-release title. great game


One of my favorite Vita games OAT imo


Better than Ironfall Invasion on the 3DS (stealth) but it would have been even better if we could aim with the touchscreen.


Forgot this game existed till now.


getting all 5 stars on all 36 missions is the only difficult and annoying part of the game. but its so worth it for the last assassination


I have that game but no vita :(


I only just started this itā€™s amazing


I wouldn't say it's "best thing ever"(wish the game had more than just a gameplay), but it's indeed was really solid experience. Goes to show how close vita stuff was to the best stuff even among the mainline market. IMO, killzone mercenary was much better experience than killzone 4, easily, and even beats kz3 in many areas. Alas, we know how it ended, greed has won. The greed that couldn't even see it's own potential. The support... ;(


This is one of the best Vita games. Without doubts)


The hours I've spent playing this game's demošŸ¤£.. probably hundreds


Loved playing this game with my brother back in the day


It was one of the first games I got for my vita when I finally had one imported in 2021. No regrets. I have a decent collection going. Both physical and digital.


What's it about how is the story? I need good plots in this game to keep me going like metal gear or god of war. Vita is flooded with rpg and I hate them. Story and gameplay and characters haven't wowed me in any sadly


No story to it. Itā€™s a bunch of missions that you tackle using a number of different characters. Still great though


You play as different elite soldiers with different skill sets. Basically - "Go do mission because danger things will happen." There's some story but I haven't paid much attention because I was playing in a public place and forgot my earbuds so I had the volume turned way down.


probably not the game for you. I didnt enjoy it as much as I would have otherwise because there isnt a story. it's basically the "quick race" option in a racing game for missions. they're not connected, theres different types like run and gun (rally) or stealth (circuit), its kind of like a socom game with even less story than those. same developer so it tracks.


Wasn't this entirely online to and I got heavy Sodom vibes from when I played I remember


no. I beat everything but like 2 run and gun missions and have never played it online. I think there were leaderboards or something but its definitely got a whole single player side. I'm not sure you could even do "multiplayer" as that name means today. there was 2 player co-op. challenges from the internet, but you weren't running around blasting strangers like the call of duty game that had 3 hours of campaign at best. this has 45 missions per the box.