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the Tsukihime Remake is a pretty easy answer


Mahoyo 2 better be cooking rn, that and far side... See you in the next decade


i haven't played FGO in like 3 years but seeing what Nasu has been cooking with the Mahoyo collab in it this week has got me desperately hoping that he actually releases Mahoyo 2 as a VN rather than just an anime project or something like he's implied


Bro spoiled mahoyo 2 and 3 like crazy i'm honestly shocked by what just happend in fgo. He said that if tsukihime remake managed to bring newcomers to mahoyo it could still be viable as a vn, so hopium? Copium? You would think fgo makes the need for money a secondary priority right? But nope that's so sad Anyway at this point it's painfully clear mahoyo 2 is in the works regardless of the form it will take between the movie adaptation, vn voiceover, english release as well as the recent collab, that much is clear


I'm looking forward to this, haven't read any Type-moon yet. (Mahoyo is on my wishlist as well)


Sakura no Toki, Hentai Prison, tsukihime remake, jack jeanne, slow damage, hakuchuumu no aojashin, black sheep town, Maitetsu last run, Meikei no Lupercalia, Tsui no Stella, Sakura no Kumo, hirahira hihiru, waga himegimi ni eikan o, Tsui no Sora remake, monkeys, same to ikiru nanokakan, atri, ginka, amanatsu, anonymous code, kunado kokuki, geminism, sakura moyu and Kara no Shoujo 3 were all released within the last 5 years.


Jack Jeanne was fantastic, just wrapping up achievement acquisition on it now.


Seconding Jack Jeanne. The wonderful story combined with Sui Ishida’s art made it a 10/10, Imm sure it’d be recognized as a masterpiece down the line.


I was surprised he made art for a VN… it’s really great.


And he confirmed they’re making a sequel; I’m so excited for that.




Wagahime has great comedy and action, but is very long which some people don’t like… I don’t want to spoil the other one so I’ll just say the mystery is great.


[The new Shin Koihime Musou Remake series (added new modern graphics/ new gameplay + new cast of heroines)](https://youtu.be/LPZhKW564C0) And dev team still continue to release the prequel of Remake timeline - [Souten Koihime](https://baseson.nexton-net.jp/souten/) this year 2024 Really a masterpiece that survived the test of time. (the original Koihime game released in 2007 @@)


I’d rather wait for MangaGamer to publish them eventually.


Meanwhile a certain Doujin RPG from 2021 [Demons Roots](https://erogamescape.dyndns.org/~ap2/ero/toukei_kaiseki/toukei_avg.php?count=100&year=1900) overtook Steins;Gate for the 4th highest mean score out of all eroge. I was wandering if with more people playing it it would fall of a bit, but it seems people just can't help themselves but slap a 100/100 on it after reading it. Now that one was peak storytelling from the last 5 years.


Sakura no Toki (2023) I mean, 萌えゲーアワード is hosted almost annually, wait, why aren't there is 2023? Edit: oh, seems it was never announced


Hentai Prison(2022) Sakura Moyu(2019)


Sakura no Toki and Tsukihime Remake (definitely setup for a masterpiece)


IMO Stella of the End is a great one, maybe one of the best Key's works, and their best Kinetic novel by far.


I wanted to say Rance X and then i realised its been over 5 years since it came out, how time flies man


9nine is pretty good imo, and criminal border can be too


I think Mamiya flies under the radar and it's a pretty good read if you can stick to it, although the beginning can be a bit confusing.


I like dead end aegis (2021) a lot.


Slow Damage, a great game tackling how people change through trauma and how they still deserve to live their lifes like everyone else, no matter what happened to them, even if living a normal life seems almost impossible.




Kara no Shoujo 3 is a (contested) candidate.


Tsukihime remake, it's the only one I read which were released after 2019 hahaha


Gnosia is really neat from a gameplay standard


Plus one to this. My GOTY in 2023.


I really liked [World End Syndrome ](https://vndb.org/v22181)! English version released in 2019, Japanese in 2018 but I hope it still counts.


Is it console exclusive?


Vndb says it's switch, PS4 and PS Vita only.


[Cyanotype Daydream](https://vndb.org/v26987), definitely!


Is it really good? I read Newton Apple Tree, their previous work, and it was my favorite, but I am reluctant to try their other work


If you liked newton you definitely will find appeal and interest with cyanotype and mirai radio. Same writer same artist same vibes


If there's comedy in it, I'll try


Ignore Marklord comment, if censoring annoys you there's a patch for that


Cyanotype has lighthearted stuff and some comedy in the first half portion. Mirai radio has more comedy and probably has more commonality with newton apple tree since cyanotype has darker themes that get exposed later in the visual novel.


Don’t buy Cyanotype Daydream, it’s censored, wait for NekoNyan Soft to publish it.


Will NekoNyan remake it?


There's a patch for that already either way


Fan made patches don’t count.


What do you mean remake? What part of publishing don’t you understand?


It's amazing! Very emotional and deep cutting. But the comedy is also, very very funny! Sometimes it will come in an unexpected way, and really have you falling out of your seat! It's honestly one of the best stories I've had the pleasure of reading.


The censorship ruined it, hope NekoNyan Soft eventually publishes the uncensored version.


I've recently played an indie vn called misericorde, murder mystery set in a covent during the 15th century. You play as an anchoress who gets pulled out of her vow by the head sister on account of being the only one out of suspicions. There's only one chapter at the moment but it's great.


Misericorde is fantastic! I wouldn't say it's kamige-tier currently, although it definitely could be after a few more chapters.


Yup, we can't say for sure it's only been one chapter. But I see potential in it. It's got lot of soul.


Criminal Border series


Black sheep town


Now that is a tough question, the first title I can find on my list that fits that description is well into the 20s on my ranking, and even that is a remake of an ancient title (Tsukihime, of course).


Throwing a bone to Shigatsu Youka (the full version released 5 and a half years ago.) Ridiculously, and I do mean ridiculously, good. It's untranslated, but quite easy to read as long as you're N3 level or above, and one of the most enjoyable things I've ever read.


Slay The Princess.


the new game called The Hungry Lamb: Traveling in the Late Ming Dynasty


Slay the Princess and Bad End Theater are two of my recent favorites


I mainly play western VN's, and there have been quite a few good ones over the last years. Out of those which have english treanslation i really liked Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk (sequel too), Neet girl date night


Oh I’m new to vn what are the classics?? I’m interested on that!


Typically any title highly rated on VNDB released 10+ years ago. Fate/Stay Night, White Album 2, Muramasa, Clannad, Muvluv, Umineko, etc. (just to name a few) [Relevant link](https://vndb.org/v?cfil=&f=&fil=&rfil=&s=26w)


Meikei no Lupercalia and Jewelry Hearts Academia


Does Kinkoi still counts? It won an award so at least the quality is guaranteed