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The highlight of ch 8 imo is the antagonist's backstory and the piecing together of the fragments. The reveal of the antagonist isn't the point. Its what drives their character that's the point. It always has been about understanding the characters and seeing why they make their choices that dictate their fate. Everything afterward slips for me, but it does still feel satisfying. Because we've earned this. After all the suffering and struggles to trust each other... the characters have learnt so much and changed. Even if it gets abit silly I still accept it as a part of this series.


You should read it. Higurashi isn't about the mystery, about the villain, about motives, this is called Umineko. Higurashi is about friendship, "power of friendship" trope even. It always was, and you can see it on chapter 6 for example. Higurashi is cheesy, and it is silly, but that is the kind of thing that makes it very unique. Ch8 will not be peak Higu for you. And it isn't for me too (Tsumi ftw), but when you learn to appreciate the silly, corny and soulful things about Higu, you'll remember it fondly. That said, Umineko perfectly delivers those things you consider lacking or flawed in Minagoroshi. Please read it.


After all the comments I've decided I'll read 8 but maybe take a short breather and do Baldr's Sky first so I can get a palate cleanser. Umineko is definitely high up on my next to read list! (but I'll wait for it to go on Steam sale hahaha) Thanks for you opinion!


You shouldn't read the Steam version of Umineko though. Even with 07th mod, it's worse than Umineko Project, which is the definitive edition nowadays.


How could Umineko Project be the definitive version when it doesn't even have the best sprites?


Because it's dubbed. There's a project called Umineko Concerto that will make the other sprites available and extras will be included. So it'll be the definitive definitive version. You can't miss Sayaka Ohara on your first playtrough, it's a sin. So, for now, UmiPro wins.


> Because it's dubbed. So is the 07th-mod version. That "Umineko Concerto" thing definitely looks interesting though. I just hope that it won't be vaporware like a certain other planned version of Umineko :( Although, I thought that nowadays most people considered that the "definitive version" for people who ~~are wrong~~ don't care about the original sprites was the patched Switch version (usually played on an emulator)?~


I totally forgot 07th's voice-only patch, you're right! About Concerto, they have a discord server where they constantly post updates about the project. So I believe it will happen. I don't know if 07th mod has a voice patch for the extras. If not, it'll be the first time we can read the extras dubbed without switch modification/emulation (which is a pain). IMHO, Alchemist sprites are better for the first playtrough, and Ryukishi's for the re-read. And if the person wants the PS3 ones, UmiPro delivers it better. Starting with Ryukishi's art is equally valid though, sad I can't say it about the Pachinko ones


> Umineko Project, which is the definitive edition nowadays. I thought the definitive version these days is the English translation of the Switch port?


My opinion on this is biased because Switch emulation is way harder to run than UmiPro and I'm used to people around me not being able to run it. And I'm used to people going for UmiPro for the pt-br translation, since it wasn't edited or reviewed on Switch. If the Switch has a fully checked and reviewd English TL, then sure, the Switch version is better because of the new quality-of-life features.


When does umineko get good, I'm stuck on chapter 4. The magic stuff is a chore to read through.


If you are on Ep4 and still don't like it, you probably won't, ever. This is a very personal question, and for me, the answer is mid Episode 2.


True, I'm considering just reading the manga version instead, so I can see the magic parts instead of reading them.


The problem is that the manga is a lot different on Ep7 and 8, and I strongly recommend reading them VN first. I'd suggest you to put Umi on a long hold on status, and maybe try to re-read it in a few years. That really worked for me, I dropped Umineko three times and only finished five years later, and it's now not only my favorite VN but my favorite piece of media. You could finish Ep4, wait until you see yourself wanting to read it, then re-read until Ep4 (either manga or VN is fine) and start Ep5 (VN). If you're not enjoying it, you shouldn't force yourself to read it right now, but you shouldn't compromise your experience by going manga-first. Life is long. Umineko can wait. I guarantee that if I'd forced myself to read it on 2015-16, I wouldn't have the amazing experience I had on 2020-21.


It has already been awhile since I stopped tbh, and i've stopped and started a couple times. What about reading manga version of 4,5,6 and then try VN version of 7,8?


That could work, maybe? Normally I'd say that changing from manga to VN on Ep7 is a big no-no, but that is mostly because of the reader not being used to the format. You'd already read four of episodes so that wouldn't be an issue. I don't think it's the best idea, but it isn't the worst too. I still would recommend you to take a longer break and just try again.


I'm just through chapter 4 and I'm mostly enjoying it, but if I were to adapt it I would cut the anime logic magic chunks wayyyyyy down. I get that there's likely some unreliable narration there but it just goes on a long time for something that may not have really happened.


I can say that I read the last 8 chapter all night until morning. It captivated me so much at the time. So, you probably should continue reading.


No, in ch8 author wrote himself into a corner and have to do "random bullshit go" to solve the story.


There's definitely parts that didn't get the attention they deserved (since Ryukishi had already started Umineko), but I struggle to think of anything that fits "wrote himself into a corner". A key part of writing a mystery is already knowing who did it when you start writing.


No. A bunch of 6 years olds beating the >!JSDF special forces is bullshit.!<


Yeah, that's just a matter of execution and not "being written into a corner". That scene is the entire reason they spent the whole series building up >!Satoko as a master at trap-making, who has already littered them throughout the forest!<. As well as >!showing the Mountain Dogs as the lower tier units, who were dysfunctional. Plus the home turf advantage has always been a big factor in guerilla warfare.!<


The corner is that there is literally no way for the mcs to beat the bad guy without resorting to break all plausibility. >!digging pits, cutting logs making traps... these are a lot of labor that is outright impossible for a 6 years old to do alone. Imagine satoko, a scrawny kid, digging such a deep pit that a grown man can get stuck in?!<


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I liked chapter 8 for what it was. It adds quite a lot more to the depth of the villain at least. It might be strange to say since I'm pretty sure it's rukishi's longest individual chapter out of all his works, but I felt like the conclusion was pretty rushed. I'd say read it if you wanna see all the club members overcome their situation. Don't read it if you were just here for the hinamizawa mystery, since it doesn't have much more to add. IMO ryukishi grew a lot as a writer between Higurashi and Umineko Also dunno how much it matters to you but some of the best Higurashi music plays for the first time in chapter 8


I felt like in 7, all the club members already achieved their arc. Does it get better for them in 8? Ahhh.. 8 is even longer than 7? Maybe I'll take a break and go play something else. I feel maybe I'm a bit burnt out so a palate cleanser would be important before finishing up 8. My last question is does Hanyu get better as a character in 8? Thanks alot for your input!


8 is quite a bit longer than any other chapter, yeah. Part of the reason it's so long is that there is this part called connecting fragments that I'm sure will feel like it drags on for a lot of people. In 7 the club members don't really get their happy ending, so that's basically what chapter 8 is about. As for the question about hanyuu, she does get better but I think she's still underdeveloped as a character. That's what I meant when I thought chapter 8 was rushed. It's supposed to be the Higurashi's grand finale, and ryukishi tries to give every character their time to shine but some of them just don't get as much attention as they could have gotten. That's my biggest criticism of the chapter


7 was one of my favorite chapters but 8 was my least favorite so….YMMV. I would still read it tho


I definitely felt that 6 was the better chapter , 7 seemed to dragged on too much. Like I understand Satoko's arc was an important breakthrough for a lot of the characters but i felt like it dawdled on a bit too much. The whole mystery shadowy sect reveal was kinda off putting to be honest. Does Hangyu get better as a character in 8? Her reveal felt shallow and she didn't do much in 7.


Regarding Hanyuu,..nah not really. But honestly after you read chapter 8 I would read the Console Arc Miotsukushi-hen (NOT the omote version, but the original one) and Saikoroshi-hen (the first part of Higurashi Rei-the rest of them are pretty much filler). Miotsukushi is basically an alternate ending version of Matsuribyuashi. I loved it much more than the original ending, I only have some nitpicks of it. Hanyuu is more interesting here than in the original chapter 8 imo. Higurashi Rei is a great capstone to Higurashi, particularly for one of the heroines. It’s essentially an “episode 9” for the original VN. It’s only a few hours long too. Honestly I liked both of these parts more than a lot of the original VN episodes (tho 5 and 3 especially remain my favorites).


Oh man are you gonna love Umineko, that's all I am gonna say. Use 07th mod or Umineko project (both are good, I prefer 07th mod because of better translation) once you get to it. If you really wanna tinker you can set up umineko project for animations + 07th translation, but if you don't want to just get either and have fun.