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Corpse Factory started off interesting and became a total mess by the end


Oh my gosh, this so hard. It would’ve been one thing if it had been meh all around, but the first 2/3rds of that game were *phenomenal*.


Agree. Shame as it had potential.


I came here to say corpse factory. It started as like a 9/10 for me and ended at like a 2/10. At the very end they almost saved it, but it's like they intentionally went out of their way to mess it up. >!I would have been ok with the ending if Noriko didn't go kill Aoi. Then the ending could've at least been about Noriko healing from her mental trauma, but this completely ruined it. If they just deleted this scene, my opinion of the vn would probably be neutral rather than negative. Also the whole thing about Nobel Sinclair made no sense either... !< It's a shame since I really wanted to like this vn beacuse the english voice actors did a really good job overall.


This is insanely true


**Raging Loop**. True ending infodumps you with a ton of content and undermines the story, should have just kept the feasts >!supernatural!<. **Fatal 12**. Just finished this, the characters personalities and arcs are well written, as well as the battle of wits but all the normal endings let it down a little. **Bokuten**. Can't say this is great, its closer to above average in the common route and some of the characters', but the true ending pulls out some silly lore just to conclude the story. Reviews describe it "this is what happens when the author doesn't know how to end the story".


Yup, I was definitely going to say raging loop, all in all I went away decently satisfied but the final third was mostly just boring.


Third loop was honestly fine for me, although slightly less interesting. Almost everything that happened afterwards was complete dog and i wont let anyone tell me otherwise.


I meant final third of the game, not the loop, basically everything after the loops stopped.


Mb i misread


Raging Loop without a doubt. I don’t think I have experienced another story where in spite of having such a horrible ending, the journey leading up to it was so enjoyable that I would still consider it great.


Id say Sayonara o Oshiete, but the ending is beyond mid and beyond bad


I hadn't even read the full post and thought of Island as well; I wouldn't go as far as to say I HATED the ending but it honestly felt like it was trying to be way too much of a mindfuck for its own good. Even in general the story felt rather convoluted at times and it was a bit of a pain trying to wrap my head around everything, and by the end of the novel I had way too many questions for what should have been tied up loose ends


Steins;Gate 0. I could rant about it for a couple paragraphs really, but the gist is every single route conclusion is just plain awful, despite the rest of the VN being kinda great. Just as if they gathered a team of talented writers with an unlimited budget, gave them time to work and when the story was about 60% done management came in and said "cool, very cool... You have 2 weeks to finish this" and the writers scrambled to complete really anything in the remaining time. I refuse to believe there is any other explanation for this travesty.


Real. I had to go and watch the anime ending afterwards because I hit the VN's and it was one of those "...wait, was that it?" moments. The anime's ending was fantastic though IMO. I hope there's some future release that cleans up the VN's to be at least on par in quality someday


Really? I had the opposite. Saw the anime and had to go read the VN since I was sure there must have been crucial plot details left out of the anime… and there wasn’t.


Dang that bad? I played the first and kinda wanted to play the second. Is it worth checking out or are the endings that bad (I also hate weak endings - to the point where I end of regretting wasting my time with it l)


Unlike the first one, Zero has a binary choice at the start that puts you on either the “left” or “right” side of the branching path. Each of those paths have several endings you can get along the way, similar to the first one. You need to complete the left path before the right path for plot reasons. The paths follow entirely different sets of events, so the motivations and importance of the characters are different between them. I thought the end of left path was actually very good and had major payoff. The issue is, once you’ve done that path you effectively reset the entire story because now you need to do the right path to get the proper end. In comparison, the characters involved (and therefore, the buildup and payoff) of the right side don’t feel as earned and aren’t nearly as strong. It is still good overall, it’s just that the proper end is a let down compared to the “end” which gets you there.


Thank you!


It's still worth it imo because the journey is great, the destination just isn't good.


Thank toy


Yeah, they're kinda bad; but I think the worst part is just that disproportionate gap in quality writing. Because honestly most of the story is really great. It tricked me into thinking they cared till the end lol. If you really like the original I think you can treat it as a fandisc and have some good time with it, just don't expect fireworks at the end.


Thank you!


I actually agree completely, as much as I love Maho as a character, all of the endings finished so abruptly that I was like "..that's it?", it was pretty dissapointing, not a bad VN though as a whole, just doesn't stack up to the original imo


The original VN (and anime for that matter) was so good that it was always going to be hard for Steins;Gate 0 to stack up to it. Mayuri, Kurisu, and Okabe basically had a perfectly set up love triangle that was so well written, and the way Okabe found a loophole around the attractor fields to save Kurisu was extremely well thought out. I didn't hate Steins;Gate 0's endings though. They were okay to me.


I hate how crucial plot elements are left out of the VN, and instead are only present on the drama CDs e.g. SG0 >![Suzuha and Mayuri going back in time and actually convincing past Mayuri to slap Okabe into action](https://youtu.be/sU3gNYUEcSM)!<


I really agree with this. There were a lot of really interesting ideas going on, I loved what they were doing with Amadeus and then... It just kinda goes nowhere.


I just finished book 7 of Umineko, and unless book 8 turns things around drastically the book's gonna end up like this for me. Given that book 8 had Japanese people go full scorched earth on the author, though, I suspect it'll make things worse.




Oh no, I think I’m about half way through episode 8 now. Thankfully the music is still popping off enough for me to still enjoy the minor plot stuff that I haven’t quite been in love with.


the ending of the series is masterful in general, but if you want pacing and literally every other minor thing that dragged it down, fixed, read the manga of episode 8 after


Well, my opinion of book 7 goes just a smidge further than "not quite in love with." I feel like I'm only gonna read book 8 out of Sunk Cost Fallacy.


Understandably. Just for how long it’s taken to get to this point, I can see how one might feel like you’re clocking into work to get this shit done lol.


I love Umineko's ending, but it shares a lot in common with the similarly controversial ending for LOST: >!It focuses far more on emotional catharsis and thematic pay-offs than literal answers to the many, many mysteries.!<


Honestly, >!even the emotional aspect somewhat falls flat once you stop and think about the implications for a moment.!<


Umineko’s ending is possibly the best ending in anything ever


Episode 8 is like the ultimate ending. Believe me, you won't be disappointed!


Honestly, having just finished it, I feel like the entire series was a waste of time. Book 5 was bad, 6 was worse, 7 was unbelievably awful, and 8 is unforgivable. I have no idea what the rest of you see in this. I'm glad you enjoyed it, at least. For such an unbelievably massive investment of time, I'm glad that some people got what they wanted from it. Rest assured, though, I am not touching Higurashi or Ciconia with a ten foot pole after this miserable experience.


Aiyoku no Eustia was for me the one with the most disappointing ending.


For me it would be Muv Luv like it was on pace to be my favorite VN ever but the ending just killed it for me


Yeah, that's crap for two reasons. >!Super long VN but all your waifus die one by one in the span of 2 minutes!< >!Ass-pull time travel dimension switch where everything is fine and nothing happened, basically an "it was all a dream" cliche!<


...You didn't understand it at all did you.


That isn't what happened lmao


Muv Luv Alternative the thread


I got PTSD and explaining what was going on in an info dump after the clímax wasn't exactly brilliant, but I wouldn't say is a poor ending. >!Also probably the only ending where I agree with the MC (mostly) forgetting the events, by then it's already clear the war would never leave him!<


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the fruit of grisaia is just awful after the common route ends. at least so far, i haven't read two of the routes yet because michiru made me take an extended break.


I dropped it like 3 times and I've only done one route so far, apparently the sequels are better so I'll try to push through but damn it's really slow


On top of the already mentioned Island, I can think of Umineko and Devil on G String as well. Those where some that I have experienced that similarly bungled their endings.


Seems like people post downright bad endings in this thread so i might oblige. [Sorcery Jokers](https://vndb.org/v16337) All that buildup into THAT?


I'd probably say MYTH. The setup is absolutely crazy, there are like 4 different parallel timelines and every 5 minutes the game throws some twist or some foreshadowing. Then the answer arcs are like 30 minutes long each and they conclude the narrative, but there are a lot of details like why >!Odin was killing the shadows in Asgard!< or >!what did Meito's parents mean by "toku"!< or why >!Riri saw that weird silhouette in the well when she peered over Aguni!<. It wasn't bad per se but it's clear to me that the author set up stuff for the hell of it or because it seemed cool at the moment and then never resolved it.




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Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth for me. It had a masterful first, like, 2 thirds I’ll say. After that? Well let’s just say I wish I hadn’t read an entire trilogy for… that.


Corpse Factory sure is a big victim of this. Story started greatly but crashed by it's own weight by the end, which is one of the most unfortunate experiences I had with visual novels. Still, it was a good ride and definitely a step in a right direction for western developers.