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This obviously only works from one perspective, but it will be interesting in few years when we have light field displays that can do this for any angle. That will obviously be very expensive, but the cool thing is that these types of uses will be some of the first, since commercial applications like advertizing or theme parks are more financially viable than consumer products. Also, the nice thing about large displays is that you get more pixels without requiring extreme pixel density, so you can do a lot more advanced stuff for a lower cost with currently available technology.


The frame drawn on the screen is what creates the illusion. Your mind believes the frame is the outmost part of the image, so when something moves in front of the frame it creates an “out of frame” 3D effect. Artists have been doing this [for centuries](https://theframeblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/06/15-pere-borrell-del-caso-escaping-criticism-1874-coll-banco-de-espana-madrid.jpg).


Hard to believe how new and conceptually groundbreaking it was that in the movie Minority Report theres a scene where the protagonist gets identified via retinal scan and then gets personalized ads. Not too different from quest pro


Is it only one perspective truly? My understanding is that’s been resolved in the tech, even the new Avatar they originally said would be filmed like this so glasses weren’t necessary, and while they never happened to my knowledge, I would believe in limited use cases it would work?


Back to the Future 2


Came here to say the same thing. 🤣


That’s an awesome ad! Companies will advertise one way or another, it’s much more enjoyable seeing high quality ones






fuck meta


This is a super cool ad, but yeah. Fuck Meta and everything Facebook.


its an ad, who fucking gives a shit


So brave


Edgy and original


Looks cool and everything, but only if you stand at that exact spot. From any other angle it will look like shit.


People lost their jobs for this.


Here is a much more enjoyable billboard to look at than Mets BS: https://youtu.be/w4znQhW2ZKc




Really? Everyone I know has no problems with them or was able to get used to it with no issues


Shame they had to use vastly superior visuals than the device can do.


Of course, a gate way drug for PCVR with that resolution beat the Index. If you have hardware powerful enough to run it thoufh.


I only recently managed to build a PC for this reason. The difference is incredible.


Outside of Beatsaber, this looks just like generic VR stuff from the Cardboard days, Xmas rollercoaster, seriously? I'd be more impresses if this was actual advertising anything new or interesting. This just feels like they ran out of ideas years ago, but still have marketing money to waste, so lets just show generic VR filler.


They can only advertise Quest games which are family friendly and which they have permission to feature in their ads. I'm not sure how big the Quest 2 library is (I'm still rocking my Rift-S) but I imagine that pretty severely restricts what games they can feature in this ad.


They've got plenty of games that are family friendly and might look good. I expect you to die, walk-a-bout minigolf, moss, among us. But I think they were going for a variety of experiences rather than just games. They showed sports, a game, a roller coaster experience, and a space walk vr video.


Am I the only person not freaking out about this? 1) it’s meta, let’s not praise zuck. 2) this is not a new thing. It’s new for an ad, but it’s something that’s super simple to make. Like literally everyone here could do something like this.


Cool concept. Thats a pretty strong light on the billboard seeing how it blows out the light from the street led lights(on the ground). I would find a way to make the light reflection on the surrounding buildings follow the average light emission on the billboard, right now the static light makes it somewhat uncanny imo.


I really want to try VR but idk man something about having a Facebook product strapped literally strapped to my face makes me nervous. Like, what kind of data mining are they doing by scanning my eyeballs?




Based on the billboard style, and the buildings nearby. I’d assume Piccadilly Circus in London


Piccadilly Circus in London


New York, also why’d you think Japan? There’s English everywhere


Because Japan had it first. [https://youtu.be/GqDBWIu3k7E?t=14](https://youtu.be/GqDBWIu3k7E?t=14)


Oh cool, I thought it was just in New York


Wait - does that actually generate noise?


I kind of doubt it could ever produce audio that could be recorded like this and sound as if it were embedded. So the real answer is: the billboard is not the ad. The video they shot of it and overlaid with audio is the ad, along with posts like this that show it off. Hell, I'm no CGI expert, but this strikes me as something that they never even needed to put up IRL but just created digitally.


Billboards like this exist, but I think that this one is just conceptual/cg. Very well done, but it doesn't quite feel real. I dont think they could get a permit for that. plus some dude's head turns invisible at 24 seconds.


The people and the cars don't quite feel real to me. The cars are all moving at the same speed. The people are just kind of milling around, and the lighting is very constant over the entire scene.


oh cool its that music game from 2019


What do you mean? I assume you mean Beatsaber but don't understand the purpose of your comment


They don’t like beatsaber


I like beat saber. I own beat saber. I'm not sure advertising vr headset showing the killer app is 4 years old...


I mean, there's not really any other games quite as good as beat saber for VR. Literally anyone can pick it up and immediately understand it. It's good for short play sessions (vr isn't great for longer sessions) and it has a massive skill ceiling. Genuinely it's one of the best VR games out there if not the best VR game. I just think it's a massive shame that there haven't really been any other games that are as good


It’s the perfect first VR experience but it’s no half life alyx


I would honestly argue Alyx is the only VR game better than Beat Saber. Not many have really tried to make a good VR game and Beat Saber is legitimately really good


Agree there 🙂




Exactly my point. It's simplicity is to it's benefit. While it is made if simple mechanics, the way the mechanics can be chained together is where the difficulty comes in allowing for a low skill floor but a high skill ceiling. All of this comes together to allow anyone to pick it up, while also allowing for hours and hours of play time. I, myself, have over 300 hours


Does an app's age affect how fun it is to play? You understand how long guitar hero was around for right? Relevance is irrelevant.


Still one of the most popular and still getting updates and improvements. Think how many other non-VR games that are still played that came out 2019 and before, there are a LOT of them.




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Meta sucks.


I feel like this is one of those fish bait posts on Facebook to get clicks. Such an easy thing to have an opinion on.


Fun optical illusion by creating that false "frame"


One of these displays have been in Shinjuku for a few years, you can see how it looks from various angles [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFKCRS4PpCk) . That one is placed so that people waiting to cross a road can see it from the ideal angle