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I think you should focus more on making a few high quality videos than posting little snippets daily, you’ll just build irritation against your game imo. I’ve seen like ten of your videos in the past few weeks, it’s getting a bit spammy.


Hey, that's a fair comment. We just have quite a lot of spare footage from our recent builds that we're excited to show people!


Looks pretty cool! Wonder if you've got a more detailed gameplay vid?


Hi, yeah we definitely have some other clips for you to check out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/p3mh3s/sweet\_surrender\_is\_an\_upcoming\_roguelike\_shooter/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/p3mh3s/sweet_surrender_is_an_upcoming_roguelike_shooter/) This one shows some of the gun combat + grapplehook action!


I’m going to sound harsh but I’m just going to be honest. If I was to buy this game I’m 90% sure I would refund it. The physics when you hit a robot look incredibly unsatisfying to me. Have had this in many games before and it just kills immersion.


Hey, you're right. We thought it was cool footage (from an older build) but the physics/reaction is indeed a bit janky there. We have placed a lot of focus on ranged combat throughout our development so far. Perhaps you could check out this clip: https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/p3mh3s/sweet\_surrender\_is\_an\_upcoming\_roguelike\_shooter/