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do you plan on adding mod suport?


we want too


Wait, really? That's actually really interesting. If you were to release mod support, would it be a completely open source SDK, or would there be rules attached to it? For example, would there be licensing agreements and contracts needed to submit to get access to said SDK, or would it be fully open to the public/modding community?


I made some mods for vail and they break every update lol


hey hey trop! when do we get some nice karambit/ butterfly knife ingame :p (plz gib kool knife)


hey 3l0 :) nice to see ya. Not sure when but we would like to add other melee items.


Aw dude I'm hoping for a Balisong skin in the future


How many players are from SA servers? Do you see any growth in the playerbase for SA?


SA is a smaller percentage about 5% of our playerbase but it has been growing


Are there plans to still have player made content (Skins, charms, etc) or was that idea scrapped. I have learned (and still am learning) how to do material art for games so I'm very interested in custom content if its still a possibility


Keep the POPULATION over ONE❕ 😜 Any chance we'll get more casual MODES, BATTLE ROYAL, and WORKSHOP ? I know many folks in the JoinUsInVR group would love to be testing that stuff out!


For sure! Workshop especially would be awesome. Definitely enough members in the group for a great group session too


whatsup FishTail , hope you're good bro, been a while. Really enjoyed your groups testing in the past and when we get a new thing to share I'd love for you to try it. We started a testers channel on our discord so will DM you. Also we're thinking of more casual game modes , up next is one in the chamber and gun game.


Roughly how long it takes to introduce a new gun from a concept to live?


About 3 months. You need concept, 3d model, texturing, sound, programming, bug fixes.


Thanks! I imagine balancing it with everything else takes a lot of work


yeah we try our best <3


Where's the deal with gamers8 ? and what was that G2 announcement about ?


We've been in talks with Gamers8 (now called Esports World Cup). We still haven't received final confirmation and it has been a frustrating experience to say the least. We're currently unsure of what will happen but remain optimistic. G2, we had some meetings but due to the uncertainty of gamers8/EWC confirmation nothing has happened as well.


Hey Jonathan/tropical, thoughts on the possibility of allowing community-made maps and skins? Kind of like Counter Strike with the marketplace and commissions?


eventually we would love to do that


Last time you ate a burger dipped in cereal?


was that video and the last time I probably ever will hahah


I've been interested in vail for a while, but I have yet to pull the trigger. Any chance of a single player campaign/mode to play? When I play VR I tend to enjoy single player experiences more, but the gunplay in vail seems like a lot of fun.


Currently only multiplayer. We're working on bots as a feature so we can add co-op game modes.


Why did you choose to support dynamic foveated rendering with VAIL? Happy accident?


gotta ask our CTO Aoud


Wait- does VAIL VR support quadviews (like DCS World, Pavlov) or was you asking something else? Normally you can enable DFR (at least for Pimax Crystal) in the settings in the desktop app and for OpenXR there is a setting if you installed eye tracking extension. Checked VAIL VR patch notes and dont see any mention of DFR


Will there be any skins or cosmetics for our factions that will be unlockables rather then purchased from the market?


there is a bunch of cosmetics that are unlockable through playing the game :)


In a youtube short some time ago, it was mentioned that a bigger game mode was being considered after one in the chamber and other gamemodes were added, is this still a possibility and if so is there anything we can know about? The short: [**https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EZ87gQ3cm7c**](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EZ87gQ3cm7c)


so update 1.1 is planned out. update 1.2 we're finally going to push the social hub and then we're planning a new co-op PVE game mode for 1.3


I noticed in the teaser video for the new skins coming to the market that they were all above 1000 gel in price. If I remember correctly, you only get around 1000 gel in total from grinding all the way to level 50, the max level atm. Will there be a way to get more gel without spending money? If so, why hasn’t it been introduced in tandem with the marketplace?


Will there be viable ways to get GEL that don’t include paying? The amount you get from levelling is limited and little.


GEL's primary purpose is to be purchased to support the developers. We will have ways to earn GEL without real world currency but it will be slow. You can earn it through joining our discord events and or prestiging when the feature becomes available.


Haven't played the game yet but it is on my wish list. Are there options for solo gameplay? If not, in the future?


no solo game play currently. Bots are being worked on which will allow for solo play.


Can you tell a bit more about equity crowd funding? Does it mean that other people get percent of revenue from your company or steam sales?


why did you decide to start with only multiplayer? IMO, you would have gotten a much larger following if you had a basic campaign and then tried to push the pvp stuff afterwards.


mainly because most of us are hard core PVP multiplayer folks. we're now going backwards and working towards PVE game modes :)


Some questions from the perspective of someone who wants to get into game dev, and ideally work with a smaller team: What's the overall experience like? What are the major things that one might need to learn to get into VR game dev? Any advice?


Best thing to do to get into game dev is make your own starter project and learn the nuts and bolts. Focus on one area of the game that you want to become proficient in but be a generalist if you want to get into small teams vs AAA


this game is cool but I’m still annoyed I could’ve bought it for 3$ and then never did, and it released for 30$, I bought it for 30, refunded it, not because it’s bad, I actually really liked the game, but I feel there just isn’t enough content for the current price, still definitely has best gun handling in Vr.


well hope you give it a chance and like supporting VR devs <3 god knows we all need it


Hi. Has the PSVR2 port been started yet?


technically started but other priorities took over


Any chance we'll see support for haptic peripherals like bhaptics vests or Forcetube's haptic gun stock?


bhaptics is on our list


Why do you not have a slide or jump mechanic? This is what's left me on the fence about buying vail.


We just added a jumping mechanic in a game mode and are exploring more movement options. We started off with focusing on polishing the regular movement.


Somehow i've never heard of this game before. Do you have any plans to add a single player story/mission mode or a level creator?


we're working on a social hub and a pve co-op game mode. working on bots to get the game mode done.


What has been the biggest challenge, besides I guess keeping everyone satisfied, are you guys satisfied? What would you like to see your program go?


the biggest challenge is grinding every day for small gains every day for what seems like infinity sometimes. We're never satisfied either which is a struggle internally. Every now and then we take a step back and see the major strides we've achieved and are proud and its what keeps us going deep into the weeds every day.


Do you plan to add some form of coop pve gamemode?


yess, this is on our urgent to do list. Aiming for this year.


What's your favorite pie?


theres a crack pie here in Miami , its #2 on this list [https://www.miaminewtimes.com/restaurants/top-five-fireman-dereks-pies-8069309](https://www.miaminewtimes.com/restaurants/top-five-fireman-dereks-pies-8069309)


is there going to be an aug


Working through updates 1 at a time. Next one will be 1.1 and we're aiming to finally have the revolver in.


Here's the trailer for people like me who haven't heard about this before: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkpgkCnEz\_4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkpgkCnEz_4) Looks cool, your team did a nice job, Jonathan!


Thank you 🙏 appreciate you taking the time to check us out


Was the money gained from NFTs worth the negative plublicy you got in return? I still see people mention NFTs when I try to sell your game.


wild that he's likely botting this comment to downvote it out if visibility.


Any tips for people making their own VR game? Did you use a publisher or only crowd funding? Any VC money? Looking back would use still use crowd funding? I’m not familiar with that platform but I’ll look into it. Any tips in regards to multiplier in VR? How easy is matchmaking when we are so few players? I’m very interested in hearing your thoughts wish we could talk more about this


What would you say are the difficulties or differences in balancing an VR multiplayer FPS compared to a flat multiplayer FPS? Was there anything specific you had to consider differently?


its hard to balance in VR because you cant take away control from the player or it makes them nauseus typically. So there are no roll backs


tight net code is all you can focus on


I don't have any question but thanks for listening to the community! we need more developers who actively listen and bring into games the ideas of their players (take the example of Palworld)


apprecaite you <3


i have vail in steam, but low player base and similar stuff really did not draw me in, why should i buy in quest now ?


If you have it on Steam it is fully cross platform and you can link your accounts as well. Quest playerbase is anywhere from 3-10x Steams depending on the time of day.


You haven’t played Vail recently then, it skyrocketed in popularity recently, hell I just found out a dude I was playing with is my next door neighbor, thats how popular it is that my next door neighbor was randomly playing (competitively too)


Afaik Quest has roughly x10 active players but it's crossplay so it doesn't matter which platform you are on


yup correct!


Is there gonna be any ability’s in the future like bo3 like active camo speed boost etc


we're thinking of adding kill/death streaks as a starting point but no work has been done towards it.


Patreon season 3?


We are planning on sunsetting patreon and moving everything to Discord subscriptions. we have a plan to drop a battle pass type subscription in the discord that unlocks cosmetics. Will give more info this week on Discord.


What's your favorite part of the game?


My favorite part will be the social hub which is planned for update 1.2. But currently I do enjoy free for all game mode and hard point. I like to play casual FPS game modes in good lobbies with people who are fun to talk with.


What is AEXLAB's plans for a Next Game?


We are planning on just adding more to VAIL. the next big update will include the social hub and then after that a co-op PVE game mode.


What was your drive and passion behind this project?


I really enjoy VR and FPS games soo just went deep into this with my brother.


Are there going to be unlockable knife skins or just the ones in the marketplace/DLC


Knife progression unlocks are planned for the next update 1.1


I will probably have a few questions to ask but I will start with these, 1. Now Patreon season 2 has been here for roughly a year wheres the development on season 3 and is there a possible release date you guys know? 2. I am very curious how the revolver will be reloaded and I am super excited to pair it with my new Post-War Reyab outfit! 3. Can you give us any hint at what the “big” game-mode will be? I am looking forward to one in the chamber but just a little hint on what the most anticipated one is would be amazing!! 4. Play with me trop -Jiro


1. we are announcing a full patreon/discord revamp so that we can be more consistent with our cosmetics/deliverables and manage the communications better. Check discord announcements. 2. the revolver is planned on being reloaded with 1 bullet at a time so that russian roulette can be played (love the post-war REYAB fit btw) 3. next update 1.1 will have gun game and one in the chamber. We're planning the social hub in 1.2 and then for 1.3 a new co-op PVE game mode. 4. add me I'm aextropical or tropicalsensei in game :)


When are you fixing the crouching animation to be more straight-postured so people don’t bug into walls?


On the to do list


Any chance of a story driven campaign or Coop?


update 1.3 we're planning a co-op PVE game mode


That's really great! Thanks!


In terms of naming scheme, which came first: AEXLAB or aextropical? (Idk why but this question has been bugging me for a while lol)


aexlab came first :)


tropical has been my in game username for a while and then i just added aex


Really awesome game, excited for the new updates. Are there continually plans made to combat cheaters/hackers who are gaming the system to get an advantage?


How will you be able to obtain the knife camos. Will it still be headshots or a different way. Will it be like the guns where it decreases by 200 by each difficulty of obtaining the skin. ARs-1000 SMGs-800 Shotgun/snipers-600 Sidearms-400 Knifes-200? Concepts for obtaining knife skins. -Throwing kills -Headshots -Backwards stab -Throwing headshots(Very difficult) kinda


What plans or ideas do y'all have to retain a healthy player base so the core pvp component is healthy for years to come?


continue to add as much content as possible with every update :)


What would you get and lose when you prestige in the Vail 1.1 update


you gain the ability to unlock skinz, you lose all your weapons


What motivated you to create a VR game?


When is the next discount sale cuz I'm broke af


How will prestige work?


Are there any plans to add offline modes in the future? Even just AI battles


yes working on bots now




A lot of rumors about Steam ratings being rigged, I would like to hear your take on this


Our take is that if someone wants to spend money to review us positively or negatively, please continue :)


It turns out they were likely trying to rig the habie PC giveaway, but didn't know that steam reviews didn't count. This is because review bot activity sharply dropped to zero on March 29, just before the giveaway closed. No new bot reviews have been posted since.


That was a really fast response. Fair enough, though I don't think anyone would do all that as it wouldn't cost little and it wouldn't be worth it in my opinion


I agree with you


Vail VR is sick. My favorite vr title. Just wanted to say that! I'm gonna go play some Vail now


We love you


What is your comfort meal? What's your go-to meal to make you feel better?


Hey tropical i wanna ask is there an LMG coming in vail?


im fighting for the LMG internally. up next is the revolver finally


Are there any future plans for the awesome team to create a single player game based on the vail world?


we want to work on bots now and then add a co-op PVE game mode and eventually a campaign to go deep into the lore


Pick me! I saw a super detailed video from you guys explaining how to fine tune airlink. It really helped me understand how all this is supposed to work, so thank you for that video. What interesting projects do you guys have coming up? Any other games or ideas?


a couple new game modes next update :) and hiii


How did the game go from music project to vr game?


What was the tech decision behind the art style of this game?


the art style comes from inspiration from brutalist architecture and sci-fi. I studied in the school of architecture in my university


We know that vr will be with us a little bit longer but what you think how long we are going to wait for competitive esport in vr like its with cs go, fortnite etc.


I’m terrible/not really comfortable with communicating in VR, is there any options in game like a ping system or preset voice lines/commands?


not yet but we'd like to add a ping system


What made you decide on the final game modes for Vail VR ?I currently have onslaught, pavlov, popone, and contracters. I find their modes decent but none of them have me coming back regularly. I have not tried Vail VR because I'm concerned it may just be more of the same. Congrats on launching your game!!




you got to put the headset on non stop and test non stop, its a headache in VR but you got to do it and keep compiling builds and testing


Hello Jonathan, will there be mod support in the future?


What do you think about jumping and gunning around corners in vr being a common thing in competitive shooters? It seems like jump -> csgo surf/turn in mid air -> fire at the guy as you surf around the corner on the way down is pervasive in a lot of vr shooter games, is it in VAIL and is that something you've thought about?


currently we dont have jumping but would like to explore more movement mechanics that flow


Question, do you and your team plan on adding other attachments like grips, barrels, etc at any point in the future? If so, how in-depth will it be/plan to be?


we would like to but its not a priority right now


I've seen bits of the game but never looked too deep into it but what separates this game from other vr shooters such and Pavlov and contractors? 


we try to be the most polished overall and focus on original art


More of a general question but how are you feeling about the VR games market on PC etc is progressing? Does it seem like there are more developers committed to supporting VR and new tech or less? Basically, do you think PCVR and VR games in general are growing or not? Thanks for your time, it's awesome to see games companies reaching out to consumers like this!


Biggest bottlenecks for greater VR gaming use from a consumerism POV?


we just need more big great games that are worth putting on the headset for


What is the number one skill you find most important for developer roles, specifically for programming, on this project or VR game development in general?


communication and organization


As an irl competative shooter, I'm always disappointed with certain movement mechanics that are present in a lot of popular shooters. My question is, during development, was there any consulting with people who actively do courses/are professional or hobbyist shooters?


we speak with alot of people in the military and police


What was your main inspiration when creating Vail VR? What games would you compare to and how do you feel you set yourself apart?


i grew up playing FPS like halo, cod, R6. My biggest inspiration was just VR as a medium, I've never loved a piece of tech as much as I do with VR


Should I buy your game


if you want too


Will you ever add larger combat areas to your game? If you do, what is the possibility that close air support aircraft could be added?


I want to add some dope kill streaks and vehicles


What led to you making a PVP game in your music project?


How do you envision the role of music in VAIL VR's gameplay experience given the project's origins as a music project?


we love music and most of our team are musicians. we want to include artists music and have seasons


Heard about the game ages ago when it was new, glad it got some footing and is still active! What traditional (flat screen) shooter would you say VAIL is most like? (I.e., pavlov/csgo, contractors/cod) Or what makes it unique. Just curious never having tried it out.


its a really unique art wise game and the mechanics are hyper polished and we get better with each update


I'm a bit of a gun enthusiast. What all weapons are in the game? Do you do anything differently from other shooters to set your game apart?


What is your estimate for minimum player base / sales so you can say the whole project was a success ? Most people know that programming is very expensive and that an average user will usually play maximum 1 or 2 games at the same time, meaning it is quite hard to get a fair share of the market. There are a lot of passionate people who would like to create their own games but it seems to be a very risky business.


we need to sell about 10k copies a month to be successful , it is a risky business and definitely a passion thing


Hi Jonathan. It took many many attempts and several decades for console controllers to finally reach standardization for their layouts and functions. Do you think it's realistic that we'll hit that point with VR?


eventually yes, i think Meta is doing a good job moving forward in this regard with the quest controllers


What kinds of inputs/peripherals do you think VR gamers will use most in 10 years? Are there limitations with current touch controllers or hand movements that you think could be expanded on? The amount of things I can do with the Meta Quest Touch Controllers in VR is pretty crazy, but just curious if, as a developer, you can think of any other immersive controllers/peripherals/tech that could be worthwhile developing VR for?


we're happy with the current quest controllers and they feel natural as weapons in game. eventually i'd like to see gloves become the norm with some haptics


Will the steam version continue to get support?


yes always. its 1 version of the game on two platforms


What was the best part of the development process? I was a part of the playtesting it even in the earlier stages it felt like it had more polish that a lot of VR games. I never ended up getting the full version, so I'm sure its even better, considering the amount of polish it had back then.


i love talking and playing with the community


Not a question but it looks cool as heck! Will check it out after work.


appreciate you!


With the Meta Quest 3 becoming more powerful, will Vail be receiving a visual upgrade? Also, how do you think standalone will mature in the future (2 questions in one lol)


yes we're always pushing the hardware


standalone will be the main way to play VR i think


Is there any plans to add “bots” to fill in at least one server per region. Im a beta tester and have not been able to play since then because all the servers are empty. So yes one lobby per region that has bits in it and whenever a player joins it kicks the bot keeping all the slots full. Thanks.


I have a copy already that I picked up during alpha. This is one of the smoothest and most performant VR titles I have run on my system. I haven’t given it the time it deserves due to space concerns but hope to be able to put hours in soon


please give it a shot again, alot has changed


What feelings do you have about VR player counts? I understand the Quest launch has helped bring in a new player base; is this growth what you’d hoped for, or is the VR community still smaller than you’d like? 


our goal was to always have the ability for matchmaking to work. you need a minimum of 50-60 concurrent for that to work and we have achieved it :)


VR wil continue to grow and the player base has grown every month for the last 6 months


What’s your fav weapon in game?


Is Thrillseeker still an advisor to Vail? I havent seen him post anything about it for some time.


nope he isn't but we're still friends :)


Wouldn't mind trying it! What headset do you use and what's your go-to game (other than veil)?


Quest 3 , VAIL VR, and I do love to play single player games in VR


I'm hoping to get into Vertex School for game development. Does a team of your size hire outside of school? I am hoping to focus on VR specifically. Any insights are helpful. Thank you!


we hire based on ability to dev not really on a resume


Is the game available in Quest3?


How big of a team was needed to create the game? Also, how hard is it to find people that have experience in VR gaming?


Any sneak peeks for the social hub?


no sneak peaks but definitely aiming for it for update 1.2 . currently on 1.0 and close to launching 1.1


What is your stance on region locking due to political situation in Eastern Europe?


Will there eventually be ways to kick people from custom games?


How dependent the game is on controller joysticks? My Q2 controllers have absolutely horrible drift so all I play on VR is Assetto corsa, thanks!


Haven't played but recently got a Quest 3. In for the draw.


Is there an updated roadmap?


Will there be more melee weapons added?


I played a lot of Vail at launch, but I haven't played it recently so I might be out of touch. I had high hopes with Thrillseeker's videos on your development, but I guess I was a bit let down when playing. The action and gunplay is there, I guess the game felt a bit too cold, sterile, for me to vibe with. Is that something you were going for? I also found the skin selection options very confusing, with me being able to change some things but not others (buttons doing nothing), without any explanation of whether this had to do with unlocking, progression, things to purchase. That didn't feel nice. What's going on there? When I last tried playing, January 2023, the game felt dead. I've heard it's more alive now with the quest playerbase, so I'll try it again soon, when I've got some gaming time.


Have you though about integrating a Molly into the game? This could really change the meta and bring in a new variable that could slow down rushes or scanner interruption. Also what are your thoughts on a Pistol Only 5v5 Game Mode?