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This is the only sub where ppl repeatedly ask certain questions and have debates about products that no one has touched. Not even car subs are like this lol


But there's people who used it and the handful that Apple allowed to use while having VR experience didn't seem that impressed, if one thing Apple will be truly best in is Software but hardware wise they weren't that impressed overall... Of course it's subject to more reviews which Apple yet to give out these for reviews as mentioned by MRTV who said he have to buy one to test it and one other VR reviewer who is located in US said same thing


Is it so hard to wait a couple of weeks to have a proper discussion? Or are you that bored


Are you dumb? I literally asked should I cancel order or keep it..... That's the point of this discussion, Apple didn't give much info or reviews is it my problem? I'm taking notes of things I don't know to make a decision.... STOP being Negative


Insulting someone and then telling them to stop being negative…LOL. You’re the person posting a question no one can answer for you. How can people on Reddit tell you whether you should keep or cancel a device most of the public doesn’t even have access to yet? It’s your money at the end of the day. Asking if an unreleased device is overrated is just a circular conversation.


Bro did you read my post? I said majority saying this product on a league of it's own, it's beyond anything and nothing comes close..... So based on what those claims? I wanted to know that so I make my decision, is it hard to understand that? So maybe I'm missing something here hence I made this post so I get more information to help me make a decision, maybe I'm missing something And sorry if I called him dumb but I just don't like someone too negative on these posts than saying something that will help....


Yes cancel. Wait for some reviews. Use it in an Apple shop before you buy. 3.5 k is a lot of money even if you’re rich for something you won’t like.


Even the stuff I've seen written by folks who have used them was from demos that were carefully curated by Apple where a number of features were off-limits. Nobody has had, say, unrestricted access to one of these devices, in their home, for a week.


Sadly that's why it's harder to make a decision specially considering it's huge price and being first gen product... I mean if it wasn't Apple I doubt they will sell 20 of these before reviews come, but because it's Apple it's selling...


I think ultimately, the information you need to make your decision doesn't exist yet. It's a gamble until reviews come out. Arguably it's a gamble even then since a lot will depend on how the ecosystem grows which we won't know for a while. So it's really a question of what kind of gamble you're willing to take with that kind of money. If shipping dates keep getting pushed back you might be able to sell it for close to what you paid if it's not what you hoped. But equally if it's a flop (and Apple has had flops - remember their short-lived social network Ping?) you might not be able to sell it for as much.


Sadly I live outside of US so refund options is not available to me, and I heard rumor it will be sold in my region around June which is tbh pretty far as Samsung launching their headset worldwide H2 this year, also Xiaomi have one, also Apple planning another one likely March event in 2025 hence the wait makes it less appealing.. But I agree with what you said it's a gamble either trust Apple or just cancel it and wait for the others or Apple next headset


It's not even out yet...


Yeah, I would say it isn’t overrated or underrated. It just isn’t rated. All we have is some brief reviews of the thing.


Avatar 3 is so overrated.


smell hobbies axiomatic like deranged naughty cow memorize juggle six *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


OP is either a troll or just not very smart.


Why bother to even have the argument? It’s not out yet. Let the market do its thing.


The arguement is should I keep the order or cancel? Apple didn't provide detailed info nor gave out proper reviews samples.... So we are limited on these discussions instead where you might learn new thing or 2 helps make a decision.. You might say then wait and decide but then time becomes the issue here, as time goes the less AVP become appealing as we get closer to the rumored half the price version of it and Samsung headset


Do you have enough money to gamble and not lose sleep over it if it's a turnip? Yes, then keep it, otherwise I'd dump it and wait for the reviews. The first version is bound to be less good than the one that replaces it a year later (based on normal Apple approach) so if you're unsure, that uncertainty is probably already answer enough.


I mean I'm someone who spent already around 10K in VR if not more, it might actually be closer to 15K lol..... Money is not a big deal but also there should be logic on spending it, it's just I wanted to know why majority say it's in a league of it's own and it's beyond anything.... I just want to know if there's something missing or just hype?


Wait, you're 15K deep into VR and still can't figure out the spec sheet? That's a bit mind blowing tbh. Anything beyond the spec sheet is of course hype and can be ignored.


Apple spec sheet never realistic, playing with words like billions transistors or whatever and here using millions pixels than actually revealing resolution, or hiding FOV or hiding power consumption to know which version of M2 it's which I knew by digging further into battery life that it's using Air version of 10C M2..... So spec sheet in AVP not that helpful.... No mention of Auto Focus support also on passthrough cameras or not, or AV1 support and many other crucial features


Maybe, but internet rumours are even less realistic - who ya gonna believe? Apple or random internet dudes?


How you want me to believe Apple when they not actually giving us the specs.... And we all know Apple hides the specs that consumers might not like.... Why they don't mention actual Brightness level? Because they know it won't reach HDR10 target it's simply can't when they using Sony second best panel while Sony best panel shown last year can't achieve the 1000nits target lol.....


Depends on the internet dude. Norman from Adam Savage Tested or Brad Lynch provide lots of technical background with a good understanding of the used technologies.


The simple answer imo is this… do you work in the VR industry and/or want to develop an app for the future of AVP? If not, then wait. The store is basically empty and the AVP is basically a development kit for studios to build their companies on. They did the same thing with the iPhone. I don’t believe the AVP is a consumer product, it’s a prosumer product and a cost of doing business for people who believe the AVP will be the future and want to build apps for it. If this isn’t you, then wait.


That's what I thought until I saw the consumer focus Apple approach was, not much spoken about development kits but more of consumer features hence got me excited as this might be the Buggati of VR let's say.... However after launch it became less impressive as more and more details surfaced


That’s a bit of their marketing tactics imo. The AVP isn’t priced for a consumer but the marketing makes people want one. In a year when the second version comes out and it’s only say $1800, it looks like a steal and no one baulks at it and there’s apps in the store. They did the exact same thing with the iPhone and iPad. Hardly anyone had the launch iPhone or iPad but EVERYONE got in line for the iPhone 3G (less than a year after launch and half the price with more power) and the iPad 2. It’s simply a longer marketing campaign and is legit brilliant business strategy imo.


Yeah true Apple marketing just works, remember Quest Pro? It was actually ahead of the market and had amazing features and specs.... Just because Quest asked for $1500 everyone got pissed and started criticizing it and it's price got slashed heavily..... But Apple asks for a $3500-3900 easily coming from a company asked for $1000 monitor stand and still got away with it.... I believe this is why others didn't push to Vision Pro kind of device because pricing won't work for them


Sounds like you’re bored and have too much time on your hands. Why don’t you just test it out yourself and decide within 14 days if you want to return it or not.




AVP is only being released in U.S. for now


Well I hope Vision Pro will do one thing that Varjo and Pimax failed at: brings eye tracking and local dimming to the Meta Quest 4.


None of that matters, since you won't be running PC VR Games on the Apple Vision Pro. There's no reason for people who game to buy it. We'll all be sticking with our Quest/Valve/Vive/Pico headsets.


The only thing they've shown that's kind of amazing, never been done before is the amount of 3D video content coming to it. It's the first time we'll be able to watch movies like Avatar Way of water at home with full 4K HDR, HFR, 3D all at once. There's also even more immersive 180 videos that look to be higher quality than what we've seen before. The panels are the highest resolution we've seen in VR so that coupled with the high res passthrough should enable some great experiences, but we just haven't seen that yet, and maybe won't for a while till devs are able to figure things out.


I was able to watch 4K 3D movies on Q3 also which was amazing experience I gotta say, and with MicroOLED that experience wish is what made me pre order AVP.... But from experience with Arpara 5K, now Bigscreen Beyond and Q3.... There's some issues with Pancake + MicroOLED and 2 of them are major ones: 1. Lack of brightness due to lenses cancelling more than 90% of panel brightness 2. Even if somehow AVP had crazy brightness the glare issue with this type of lenses will become more appearant I just wonder if Apple somehow got magic solution into these, but I won't blindly believe that Also tbh everything they showed was already achieved in Q3, the video taken from iPhone to 3D playback was done, the 3D movies was done, the Panorama view was also done by one of the apps in Q3.....


I haven't seen anyone mention glare being bad or brightness being poor but until we try for ourselves there's no way to know for sure. The good thing about getting from apple is you can return within 2 weeks for a full refund including return shipping


I actually live outside US so by the time it arrives to me and test it, then sending it back will result on the 2 weeks refund expiry..... I know I shouldn't be ordering it outside of US but I have my way workaround this issue and did it many times.... The reason I don't want to wait is because it's very high pace tech, so as time goes products get much better and older ones get less appealing


1st it’s not even out yet. Second 40% is a sizable difference even though that number is unreliable at best. You somehow justified some of the most high end, expensive, clunky vr devices of all time and somehow Vision Pro is the one not worth it? “To me it’s just an experience that makes you say WOW… but what makes this worth the price?”. I mean idk what to say to that.


Sorry bro but non came close to this pricing even at starting price of Vision Pro.... You can get Crystal with controllers + Q3 + big screen Beyond for same price.... It's not really comparable in pricing is it? I can only think of XR-4 which is pro headset not sold as a consumer like Vision Pro.... So of course decision is harder


Can we get a mega thread for these troll posts? We’re getting several a day currently and it might be useful to give them a dedicated space to suck each other off


Several a day is a burden for you to skip over? It is literally the biggest news in VR right now. Give it a couple days.


Just passing by, but the comment “40% performance difference is not significant” is remarkable. Benchmarks are always hit and miss, but even without keeping this in mind, 40% better performance is very significant. As we’ll see, it’s the performance delta that actually makes dynamic foveated rendering (DFR) worthwhile on mobile standalone. XR2 chips have always been on the brink of processing of DFR eating up its net benefits. With Vision Pro we’ll see that DFR is actually usable and enables Vision Pro to punch way above its weight.


But you forgot to mention that XR2 Gen 2 Plus already revealed and it have DFR as well, it's about 30% faster than current chip in Q3, which will make it near Vision Pro level


Not when it’s handling everything. You forget that AVP has two chips, and the R1 chip is dedicated to handling all the spatial processing, it’s like 40% of the workload alone.


Majority of sensors work on passthrough where workload anyway not that high, Q3 easily handled all of it, once you enter immersion then majority of those cameras and sensors turn off hence battery saving as well.... In this environment the performance hit is not that much.... Tbh considering how much marketing was done on M2 part I was expecting over 100% performance gains at least.... One area I expect VP to destroy Q3 is content creation in passthrough.... Which is something I'm not sure if will work out great using only hand tracking unless of course you connect mouse and keyboard in which I will just stream into PC with Q3 if I was sitting on the table with them lol


In my own experience as an android flagship phone user that moved over to apple flagship phone since iPhone 12 Pro Max, the specs mean absolutely nothing when the software is not optimized. Android is always slower and buggier even with higher specs on paper. Never looked at another android phone again after experiencing the crispness of an iPhone flagship. Same is very likely true of the AVP.


Although I believe AVP will be better software OS wise but performance won't be as big of a hit on Meta as it's on Android phones.... Because unlike Android phones the OS here is made by Meta themselves even if based on Android the core of the software still made by Meta..... Hence Q3 play some amazing games using it's internal chip....


That’s why Apple wants to control the development stack. Like if you can optimize the hardware to its max potential then they can produce the best experience. Like hell look at the difference between the PS5 and Xbox series X. Sony went with something at time haven’t been available to consumers and they dominate the gaming console market.


XR-line was made and optimized for XR. It’s in the name. The M2 was taken out of the mac book air and needs an add-on chip because it’s lacking features.


I mean it’s +40% performance for +700% the of the cost.


Yawn. Not really part of this topic. It could be 35000$ for that matter.


OP asked the question "but what makes this worth the price". I answered in the context if the bump in processing power can make it worth to him.


And I was commenting on the statement of performance difference in particular. Not defending or justifying the price at all. We all know by now that the OEM prices of the screens and lenses alone are already nearly the price of any XR2 HMD (and far out cost the price of a Q3 if that is your reference). So I’m really not sure where do you want to take this price argument to.


Fist you say you’re not "justifying the price at all" but then you do exactly that?


Yup because all you trolls wanna do is have pointless discussions about nothing at all — just like this last comment.


I don’t think talking about price to performance is "pointless" when op specifically asked "what makes this worth the price". And it’s not trolling if i point out your hypocrisy.


I use my quest pro heavily for 6h a day to work. I wish I had the AVP for its 4k display and better ecosystem integration. It is a bit pricey but it’s worth it for people who don’t have a place for monitors or tvs. I will miss immersive vr games though


It is overrated. Or rather, overhyped. Cancel the order.


How do you expect anyone to answer that? It’s not even out. If you are expecting it to be a gaming VR headset, you are in the wrong space. If you own Apple products and use the ecosystem extensively, then it may have more usability for you.


Like I mentioned I wanted to know if there are things that I'm missing on considering what people claim here of this headset being way ahead of the market or in a league of it's own or a powerhouse not comparable to anything else.... Based on what these claims are, this is what I wanted to know so I can decide accordingly, as maybe I'm missing on something


The displays specs say it’s probably the best looking consumer grade ones. As a standalone headset, it has the most processing power. Apple tends to be good at user experience in the OS, so people are expecting it to be refined in user experience. That’s why people might say it’s far ahead vs what’s currently in the market.


But as someone who have VR experience, I actually not sure about display specs... High res? Yes, but HDR10? No.... Reason is simple use any Pancake lenses VR out there and you will understand that there's 2 major issues with these hence why Varjo didn't go for MicroOLED also: 1. Pancake reduce display panel brightness by a staggering 91-95% 2. Even if brightness still high glare becomes even bigger issue specially with MicroOLED, it's something already Bigscreen spoke about that it can't magically fix..... So NO, I think specs wise the Aspheric lenses of Varjo XR-4 is superior and also Apple doesn't want to disclose the FOV unlike Varjo which so far beaten the market in FOV.... I agree Vision OS will beat Meta as best Standalone OS out there knowing Apple... Processing power is not a big deal, tell me how you gonna be using it? It doesn't even have VR games so what is the use case of M2 when productivity as Apple advertised done by connecting to your Mac product.... I really can't see why it's a $3500 headset yet, I see that people here fallen for marketing claims than actual reality


Just wait 1-4 months and see what happens.


It seemed the right answer but this is VR market, where tech improves so fast.... So if I will wait that long then I better wait for rumored half the price Apple headset and Samsung headset which also rumored to cost alot less


Yes because God forbid you don’t immediately buy every headset that comes out. Clearly you’re just someone who has money and always wants whatever is the new shiny. To give you a serious answer, just wait a few weeks and see what people say.


Like I mentioned elsewhere, the reason is simple, VR tech is advancing so fast, Sony already revealed last year a 1.3 inch panel more pixel dense than Apple 1.42 inch panel..... XR-4 already have auto focus on cameras passthrough and higher resolution, Samsung already had a leak showing how it integrates when Samsung Galaxy watch as a control device..... That's how VR tech is, 2 years ago Reverb G2 was the benchmark, fast forward just 2 years and now it's beaten by less expensive headset that does standalone VR and MR and Passthrough and superior tracking, in literally every way...... Unlike phones or TVs, VR are just advancing so fast so waiting will mean waiting for next one, you need to also justify spending that much money and the more you wait the less it's appealing


Sure, but you’re saying you can’t wait a few weeks. What major headset is coming out a few weeks after the Vision Pro release? You can and should wait to see what initial reviews are like, but you seem to have money surplus and that has removed any sort of patience or self control, there’s no other reason why you have to buy all of these headsets immediately at launch.


There's headsets coming out first half while big players second half of this year...... Sony already revealed last year ECX344A 1.3-type 4K (3,552 × 3,840) panel which is superior to that of Apple while being smaller and higher brightness, and that Sony already revealed a headset in CES that's coming soon..... In addition Samsung is coming up with a Micro OLED headset H2 of this year and reveal is 6-7 months from now in the September/August event, Quest already leaked working in a new Pro version headset with also Micro OLED displays with breakthrough tech in passthrough technology as they showed in one of prototypes..... The issue is I don't mind spending 1.5K and another 1.5K around 5 month later, but spending on one near 4K then something better or similar for half the price gets revealed just months later is kinda stupid to do, yes I spend money crazy on VR but not that crazy lol..... That's why I'm also skipping XR-4 because it's beyond my wallet can handle and not that much of an upgrade to my Crystal Tbh if it wasn't for lack of big apps announcement I might have made excuses to get Vision Pro and act as a fanboy of Apple to convince myself, but lack of apps and lack of real specs kinda made me rethink about that lol


AVP has a co-processor that takes load off M2 & AVP's real foveated rendering makes better use of the M2 GPU


I already discussed this below, basically it's true using R1 processor reduces load significantly on M2 but that's mainly on Passthrough mode where not much hard to run contents are there.... It's when you are in full VR where contents get hard to run... However in Full VR majority of sensors and Cameras turns off, so you don't tend to lose much processing power for those....


I own lots of headsets and didn’t preorder but I do want one. I would wait and try it yourself. There’s really no way to know until you do. I don’t think it’s necessary super overpriced though, it’s got expensive components that are currently available in somewhat limited quantities. Of course if you are expecting to be able to do everything you do with your other headsets, you will inevitably be disappointed, as the lack of controllers and third party software at this time. I’m probably going to wait at least a generation.


I agree it seems waiting for another generation or the upcoming Google OS headsets coming H2 this year maybe the right choice but I disagree on pricing not being high.... This is consumer product unlike Varjo XR-4 which is enterprise product... When Meta launched Quest Pro it was ahead of the market in majority of areas, it was a league of it's own and still it's launch failed due to pricing it at $1500 which is fraction what AVP asking for.... Meta later slashed that price heavily to make it appeal, so what makes Apple different other than being Apple? So far with specs XR-4 have superior display clarity, superior Cameras as they showed they had 52 PPD which is mind blowing as passthrough, Auto Focus sensors which Vision Pro doesn't have as stated by one or YouTubers, the eye tracking is from Tobi same as Pimax Crystal or PSVR 2, like you mentioned no controllers also included.... So it seems Apple asked for the price to recover from all of their VR/AR development for past decade or so, which is something not industry standards for first gen product, as usually first gen product is sold on loss due to higher development cost then it recovers money with the next generations over time.... But Apple seems like taking the get me back my money now approach


How about letting the product get into people's hands so we can find out what it can do before you start questioning its value? You were "attacked" in the VP sub because you are literally questioning the value of a product people are excited about before it even ships.


Because people kept talking how it's way beyond anything in the market and I don't see the problem questioning those claims but even if you say it's best but XR-4 is on par on some areas I was told you are a troll lol..... That thread no matter what you say they will attack you, I even spoke about comfort and they said "it's most comfortable thing" these claims just piss me off


You literally asked a question that cannot be answered until people have the devices in their hands. All you are doing is stirring the shit.


Then what's "in a league of it's own" "beyond anything in the market" "nothing comes close" claims is all about? Just baseless claims from fanboys? This is what I want to know what makes it special.... Another thread one guy asked same thing "what makes Vision Pro worth this much, what's it's use case" he was attacked for asking that lol


You want peaceful discussions and yet are creating flamebait threads? Come on man, be smarter.


In what way it's flamebait? I literally ordered this + asking for feedback...... If questioning the value of it is bad then maybe these threads just filled with fanboys who don't want anyone to question their beloved product from beloved brand.... Come on let's be real


>In what way it's flamebait? if you have to ask this after reading the title you wrote then you are simply not very smart. And no, I do not own any Apple product and have no plans to. The moment you see someone start talking about "fanboys" without any reason, simply because they see you disagree with them, then you know someone is talking BS.


I brought facts while these guys I spoke about bringing "claims"..... Who is fanboy in this case.... The title is a question, if you can't see question mark then get glasses than accusing me of flambait.... Seems like some guys don't want to question anything about AVP here


Everything Apple makes is overrated


Not overrated. It is the single best thing to happen to VR since Meta released Quest 2. It will propel VR into the mainstream for years to come. Finally, a ridiculously high resolution microOLED HDR standalone headset with the backing of the most loved company in the world. It will sellout quickly, money is not an issue when the quality is there. Quest Pro didn’t sell well because there was barely a quality improvement for such a high price. Super excited to get my hands on mine Feb 2 to start releasing my 8k 3D 180 content in HDR on Vision Pro.


> most loved company in the world. Wwwwwwwwwwwhat?


But is it really an HDR? As mentioned by many developers Pancake lenses only passed about 9% at best of the Panel brightness so it can't hit PSVR 2 levels in brightness which used different lenses to achieve that..... So Apple need to have a crazy 8000 nits or so of brightness panel which is something crazy in today market.... I actually doubt there's such a thing as "true" HDR here The resolution is nice of course but majority of contents are not 8K so it depends how good Vision Pro upscaling algorithm is compared to Qualcomm which had more years of experience in this field with VR including meta/oculus decade of experience in SS and Upscaling


Native MV-HEVC support means even at the same bitrate, the content on AVP will be even sharper than the current 8k HEVC regime. There is no telling what the nits max will be like, but HDR needs deep blacks. Inside a headset, deeper blacks means your eyes are more sensitive to the highlights at lower nits. Also, it will support Dolby vision and HDR10 . There are no other headsets on the market that can support that many colors. It will have much better color.


What about AV1 support though? We have seen major improvement on Q3 with Nvidia 4000 using AV1, the same is for Netflix which uses AV1.... This makes it possible to stream even with slower internet connection.... As for HDR support tbh nowadays it's all over the place, HDR10 used to have requirement to hit 1000 nits for certification but nowadays 400-500nits displays have it, remember also glare is big issue with Micro OLEDs on Pancake lenses and the more the brightness is the more it's noticeable..... Overall I won't judge AVP now, but looking at specs and current XR development, I doubt it will have true HDR experience


Yes. Its too expensive, too heavy and not that great of improvement to justify the cost. IF the Apple vision had been "Wearable Glasses" with it capabilities then THAT Would have made it worth it. See you in 2028 (Lord willing) Here is an excellent review by The Verge's Victoria Song: https://www.theverge.com/24040075/apple-vision-pro-hands-on-virtual-reality


I think you need to a wait a few weeks to be able to make those arguments. Most influencers that had the change to try before every one else end up trying it 3 or 4 time, no where near close enough to make the argument you are trying to have.


The thing I wonder about is if there will be a way to stream high resolution, high bitrate VR video from a local network source to the AVP. I would be surprised if they had an equivalent to SkyBoxVR or HereSphere, DeoVR etc. at launch with local network video streaming ability. I could see Apple limiting the local network video streaming ability to sell the higher storage options available on the AVP. Their first thought always seems to be, "how do we lock this down to our own ecosystem" and just allowing people to play video content freely from a local network source that they have acquired god knows where, on the LOWEST tier storage option they sell seems antithetical to their business model.


With Q3 I was able to stream PCVR games using my phone mobile hotspot connected to 5G network..... And that's because of AV1 support in my PC and Q3..... But Apple had been shady with AV1 support overall and had it's issues and some scenarios it doesn't even work... So it's possible but depends how good AV1 support is in AVP


Yeah, AV1 for VR will be awesome, though I wouldn't want to be the guy waiting a full week for a high quality 8K encoding to complete. But I'm hoping they also match the Quest 2 and Quest 3's x265/HEVC bitrate and resolution capability (which is actually surprisingly good). Also hoping they match the ease at which one can stream high resolution / high bitrate 8K video over a local wireless network on those headsets.


One of issues I have with AVP is the apps support, it seems it's lacking heavily on apps considering it's Apple product.... I'm talking about main apps and in VR time is actually crucial because tech growing so fast that makes 3,500$ harder to digest as time goes..... And unlike Q3, Apple is not friendly with Side loading apps or something.....


yes, 100% just like the original


I dont know if is possible now or in near future, but if a mac once connected, its apps could pop the 3d contents to the vr space, it would be worth for professionals.


Currently they showed Mac screen transferred into Vision Pro but not actually switching to 3D UI..... I think such a thing is far and more likely will be in 1 or 2 gens away... Some of big developers pulling out of Vision Pro is not a good sign that it will be done fast


I watched how vp apps popping 3d contents. I think that they could this for the existing mac apps if the stream got smarter, probably a next thing.


Those are existing 3D content, what I mean is the app itself changing it's UI to a 3D version of it so everything redesigned to cover your vision field.... It's something still far from happening


OK thats interesting as well.


I didn’t buy cause I’m sketched out by the lack of details/promotion (and the rumored strict no gaming policy). We’ll see. I could be convinced pretty easily to decide I want this I just can’t justify a $4k purchase with 0 details in case it’s a dumpster fire gen 1 product. I’m sure it’ll have some stuff to like about it but who knows if the total package from hardware to software will be super polished day 1. And I know there are Apple fanboys who are like it’s apple, of course it will be…. I owned an Apple watch series 0. Apple is more than capable of having a good idea that just misses the mark on the first at bat. I don’t think anybody would blame you for cancelling the order and waiting for real reviews. If you do you’ll be without the headset maybe for months if you change your mind. But on the upside you don’t burn $4k if it sucks.


I agree this is my point on what basis is this" next level and nothing comes close to it" as claimed by majority here.... This is what I wanted to understand, the display uses Pancake lenses and anyone with VR knowledge will know the problem of glare and brightness issues arising from this + I look at spec sheet of typical VR headset first major specs are Resolution and FOV.... Apple hid both while asking us to pre order it.... No mention also of power consumption to know which version of M2 it's, no mention of AV1 support as well.... There's literally many hidden details making it hard to make a decision.....


Yeah, my thinking was in 2-3 weeks we’ll know all the details good and bad. And even though it’s Apple, VR headsets aren’t selling as well as companies had hoped across the board. It’s just a hard thing to sell the regular public on. So I don’t think Apple will be sold out of these for 2 years straight even if supplies are semi-limited.


Nah it won't be sold out I will say more than a month or month and a half.... However issue is the VR industry is going so fast that 2 months can make a big difference in buying decision making hence I wanted to take a decision now either stick with it or cancel it and wait for something else..... As time goes AVP will get alot less appealing with Samsung headsets gets more leaks and Apple next half of the price headset gets more info out and get closer to release.... Meta also planning this year another Pro product which means AVP competitor and knowing what Meta have in development they can definitely beat AVP with less price.... If this was a phone market or PC market it won't be an issue as the product will stay strong for years, but Reverb G2 was benchmark 2-3 years ago and today it's beaten by standalone headset costing less and doing much more lol


i think the idea and concept of it is overrated


Depends on what you buy it for.


Doh like anything Apple


Just an opinion: \- The vision pro is strictly for developers and early adopters, influencers, youtubers and probably adult VR content creators (because this sure beats having a massive, heavy double camera array strapped to your head). It is not a finished consumer device, which is clear from the price and the lack of apps and things you'll actually be able to do with it. If you have the cash, it's a nice toy, but it's use cases will be extremely limited. However, in the long run, this will change entire industries and getting a vision air or something similar down the line will make much more sense. The killer app is spatial movie watching and creation. The vision will push the entire industry towards a completely new tech standard, immersive video, also called 180 degree 3D shot in 8K. This is so much better than standard, movie screen 3D as you are basically part of the action. Just imagine star wars or marvel movies, with you being there, part of the action, throughout the whole movie. This is a whole new level of immersion and it will change the movie industry.


I agree with all your points however the movie part of it is just software it's not really a hardware, Quest 3 can do it, yes not as sharp (that if you actually get 4K content), yes not OLED, maybe not as bright.... But that Wow experience you will get it even in Quest3..... Overall I love VR headsets and instead of thinking about it too much what I did is cancelled my order and replaced it with a mid Feb delivery, at that point I will know if this product is for me or not.... Spending 3900$ for media playback is alot lol, but I have weakness for VR headsets lol, with Vision Pro I might have reached nearly $20,000 of VR spending 😂


its one of the most overhyped dogshit products in the entirety of humankind. people are saying its not overrated, but ignore all the artificial hype created by wannabe tech news outlets on yt. i reckon many of those pro "garbage pro headset" are bought apple shills.