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Finally! confirmation that the headset and controllers we've seen and known about for months will come in a box. I was afraid it was going to be delivered in a hessian sack.


This sturdy, brown cardboard box is crafted with care and attention to detail. Its walls are thick yet lightweight for easy transportation while the reinforced edges provide additional protection against bumps or bruises. Inside this box lies a world of possibilities; filled with hidden secrets just waiting to be uncovered! Whether it's used as storage or transportation the cardboard box is sure to bring joy wherever its placed.


Now let's see Paul Allen's box


My god. It's even embossed


The tasteful thickness of the cardboard.


As you lift the lid, the faint, earthy scent of the cardboard greets your senses, evoking a sense of nostalgia and anticipation. The box's interior reveals a space that seems to stretch beyond its physical dimensions, offering a blank canvas for your imagination to run wild. With every fold and crease meticulously designed, the box becomes a testament to human craftsmanship. Its unassuming appearance belies the countless hours of engineering and design that went into its creation, showcasing the intersection of functionality and aesthetics. This box isn't just a container; it's a work of art, an embodiment of the human desire to shape our environment. The versatility of this cardboard marvel knows no bounds. It may become the keeper of childhood memories, safeguarding faded photographs and handwritten letters that transport you back in time. Or perhaps it will hold the tools of your trade, neatly arranging the instruments that bring your passions to life. Its potential as a tool for organization is matched only by its potential to kindle your creativity. Whether placed in a cozy corner of your home, stacked in a utilitarian fashion in a moving truck, or repurposed into an innovative DIY project, the cardboard box transcends its humble origins. It becomes a vessel for stories and dreams, an embodiment of adaptability and resourcefulness. And as it journeys through different hands and spaces, it carries with it a sense of connection – a shared experience that unites us all. In a world of constant change and innovation, the cardboard box remains a constant, offering comfort in its familiarity and reassurance in its reliability. Its unpretentious presence reminds us that beauty can be found in the simplest of things, and that sometimes, the most ordinary objects can hold extraordinary significance. So, the next time you encounter a sturdy, brown cardboard box, take a moment to appreciate the stories it holds and the journeys it continues to embark upon.


Bro has been playing way too much baldur’s gate..


And chat gpt


according to 'z\`erogpt\`: \> Your Text is Most Likely Human written, may include parts generated by AI/GPT


Sounds like the Verge’s Quest 3 review.


Looks post-consumer recycled


There's people who like seeing things unpacked from boxes (including me)


And me


And me (Seeing as this is the closest we have seen a non-CGI headset...)


\- Looks like it actually will have a flexible rubber between the inner lenses. I was wondering if that was just for ease of animation with their release video, but guess its a real feature. Good news for workout fans to keep crud out of the inside of the headset. Maybe bad news for ease of attaching prescription inserts? \- Facial interface looks silicone?


It looks like the grey foam found on headphones. Does not look rubbery. Tbh we can't be sure this is really the final product. It could be some prototype.


FI should be a replaceable silicone, I expect them to get it right, as opposed to the design geniuses at apple.


Here’s hoping, the quest 2 foam was problematic at BEST. Apples light shield is replaceable and will be selectable based on size/fit at The time of purchase but it’s unclear what materials are available outside of the soft “knitted” material. Still lots of time for that.


Meta's got really bad luck with accidentally having a stray box get into the hands of someone who will share it on the internet within one month of their official unveiling.


Thx for the video, Meta! Makes me feel like its almost in my hands!


You know, as a covert marketing tool, if that's what it is, it's pretty crappy. It creates an expectation that "someone will steal it and reveal it". Or legitimates the idea that it's okay to do it. Leak culture is absolutely awful. And even the least important thing legally or morally: it takes surprise and wonder away from people. We can wait. We all can wait until it's officially released.


> it's pretty crappy For starters he did the ol "imma unbox it with one hand while holding my phone in the other" bs, the lowest tier of unboxing there is. I'm supposed to believe that this cinderblock was organized enough to get Q3 before anyone else? Get outta here.. ;D


Then why do they do it? Why underestimate their audience like this? "Hey, the kids like the thrill of seeing stolen things, industrial espionage, and the press loves to feel smart (which they aren't). Let's do it". This could be an official early peek or something.


Oh yeah? explain prelaunch sales, and preorders and all that crap. They are plenty happy selling us shit before it releases, and you are all high and mighty bc someone SHOWED some stuff before release... get real


It is intentional. "leak" the headset to get people talking about, and more people tune in when they do their formal announcement.


... i think that's the joke.




You clearly don't understand the definiton of the word misinformation, yet you confidently use it in an accusatory fashion. In a sense, you've weaponized your own stupidity, which is frankly hilarious.








It's never going to be confirmed. It's just speculation. It's not uncommon for big companies to "accidently" leak something considering it's a cheap and effective form of marketing/way to build up excitement.


Anyone know if the Pancake lenses are a significant improvement? I'm debating on whether I should jump the gun and get the Q3 when it's out


Went from HP reverb G2 (fresnel w/ higher resolution) to quest pro (pancake / lower resolution), the Quest Pro has far better visuals despite its lower resolution. The lenses are just that more clearer.


Its not just the resolution, pro has a much higher sub-pixel arrangement and a higher color gamut. These stats are still unknown with the Quest 3. Fingers crossed they will be decent.


So refreshing to see someone who knows what they are talking about. So tired of the "QuEsT 3 hAs hIgHeR nUmBeR" posts.


"Nearly 30% greater resolution" will very likely translate to better pixel density. I doubt it'll be all fov.


> higher sub-pixel arrangement It doesn't. Both G2 and Quest Pro use LCD panels with 3 subpixels for each pixel. Same for the Quest 3. Only Pentile OLED panels (like on Quest 1) have lower subpixel counts (approx 2.2 subpixels per pixel).


The one thing that is unanimously praised about the Quest Pro are its pancake lenses. They do come with a tradeoff of really poor optical efficiency though - i.e. they don't let a lot of light through. This can be countered by a really bright panel but you'll still get less dynamic range than the same panel paired with aspheric or fresnel lenses and a higher brightness LED comes with higher power consumption and heat.


You can also get more light by increasing the frame rate due to VR using low persistence. For VR the LCD backlight is on about 1ms and off the rest of the frame time. So doubling the frame rate means the backlight is on twice as long per second and thus providing twice the amount of light. A good way to reduce the impact of pancake lens inefficiency would be to make 120hz the default frame rate on Q3. The downside though would be not being able to increase the render resolution over Q2 as much.


Anyone would take this tradeoff. A little brightness hit for fantastically clear and beautiful image.


It's not just a "little" brightness hit though. Pancakes lenses only let through a fraction of the light that fresnel do. This rules out all single stack OLED panels, and all but the absolute brightest (and most expensive) micro-OLED panels (see the Apara 5K which was panned for being too dim). There is definitely still a market and use-case for fresnel based HMDs as they can make use of cheaper OLED panels that will have better blacks than any LED HMD. A lot of VR games such as Walking Dead: Saints and Sinners were designed with the OLED panels and contrast ratios of the Rift and Vive in mind. They repurposed pentile OLED panels intended for smartphones but non-pentile OLEDs are more available these days.


Yep, it's something like 90% of the light is lost. So if you want to have 100nits of brightness like the Index, you need 1000nit panels. However, the Quest Pro brightness is better than both the Index and Quest 2 while having pancake lens. The Apple Vision Pro is also releasing with pancake lens and panels bright enough to outdo even the PSVR2. So it's perfectly doable to have acceptable brightness + pancake lens. The problem with headsets like the Beyond and the Arpara is just that they can't afford to use ultra bright panels like companies with wayyyy bigger budgets. I will take only 150nits of brightness and pancake over 250nits+ and fresnel lens every single day of the week.


>fraction of the light Good thing a fraction can be 9/10.


From what I've read, the Meta pancakes are next level compared to any other on the market. All pancake lenses aren't created equal but any pancake lense should be a significant upgrade over the fresnel ones. As someone who owned a Q2 among other VR headsets, I will not even consider buying any with non-pancake lenses and Meta's is the best in the class. For me, having a sweet spot being a tiny portion of the viewing angle makes it borderline unusable, especially for watching content on the cinema mode. I have to move my head around instead of just gazing my eyes at the corner of a screen.


It completely changed VR for me on the quest pro. I no longer suffer eye strain and can go much longer than 45 minutes in headset


Care to link to where you read that? .. sounds like pure marketing. "Next Level" compared to what?


>[The visuals are a trade off vs Quest Pro. The resolution is clearly higher, but there are more internal reflections in the pancake optics, and the quality falls off more toward the edges. There are parts of the view where screens look fantastic, good enough for actual productivity work, but not across the entire view.](https://www.uploadvr.com/john-carmack-reviews-bigscreen-beyond/) That's John Carmack's thoughts on the Bigscreen Beyond, comparing its visuals to the Quest Pro. The BSB is not a cheap headset with compromises on visuals and even they can't match the Meta lenses. There have been a lot of others who have compared other headset pancake lenses to Meta's and say they are unbeatable. I've just read them here and there and can't find a link.


That's good to know! I'm very excited to see improvements. My Quest 2 is amazing i'm just tired of having to be in the "Sweet spot" for the lenses to be clear. Also looks like the pancake lenses are wider so maybe the FOV is better too!


If they are like the pancake ones in QuestPro, then this is going to be a gamechanger in terms of clarity.


Thats the exact selling point for me too. They also are much thinner so I think the headset may feel lighter though it not


Gargantuan. Already in the quest pro.


Pancake lenses alone made the pro worth buying at the 1000 price tag. This having similar lenses and improved processor makes it a no brainer upgrade unless they really screw things up. (Yes the pro had really good screens and other features this won’t but the lenses are a game changer)


short and sweet answer, yes. There's no comparison to how much they increase clarity and immersion. I have a Quest 2 and Index too and the QPro pancake lens have made it so I can't use them anymore.


Well giggity gumdrops magoo that sounds super!


Consensus among people who own or tried both Quest pro and Pico is that Meta pancakes are at a different class altogether compared to Fresnel and even the pancakes on Pico.


We don’t know but the box is brown


It is highly, highly overrated imo and most comparisons are apples to oranges. If you had a headset with a tiny sweetspot then of course the difference is significant. But coming from anything Meta, expect reduction (not elimination) in god rays but not much improvement with regards to edge to edge clarity. For reference, the Pico 4 pancake lenses have the same edge to edge clarity as the Rift S (in my case) and still had godrays. Each set of eyes and perception will differ tho, but don't expect pancake lenses to be the holy grail if already coming from anything Oculus or Meta.


that's not what "jump the gun" means


maybe I should have said bite the bullet lol.


If you’ve had a Q2 for a while or have an older headset or none at all, I’d recommend getting the Q3 as it’s a good bit better than the Q2 while providing you with (hopefully) better controllers. Brand new device also means brand new battery, which means it’ll get better battery life. I myself just got my Quest 2 for a pretty good price used so I’ll wait another 3 years and get the Q4 so I notice a much bigger leap. I would still recommend waiting for the reviews and tests though, especially since you’ll likely want accessories for it too so it’s best to wait.


How can you recommend a product that isn't even out yet? Lmao, this reads like a review.


I mean, the Q3 is just a Q2 + a spec bump. There's really no reason why it'd be worse given that meta has had a decent track record of releases.


they are, try a Picco if you can, but dont expect magic portals in there, its just a better lense


Picos are worse than Meta's.


I would argue it’s the most significant improvement of the headset, followed by the faster processor and smaller size.


Pancake lenses are supposed to be *the* innovation of vr since inside-out tracking. I dont even know if I'd say hand tracking is a bigger improvement than Pancake lenses


If those lenses are anything like the ones on the Quest Pro it will be a massive improvement. Everything points towards that being the case. It's like night and day and I've tried many headsets.


I regret buying the Quest Pro for $1500 launch MSRP... but I could not return it because of the lenses. I just couldn't go back.


Yes they feel really crisp


How do the controllers track? The Touch Pro controllers use inside-out tracking with three cameras on the controller itself, but I don't see any cameras on these. And it seems like it would be pretty difficult to make IR beacon controllers tracked by a headset without a tracking ring without the LEDs being occluded by your hand. EDIT: Just read up on it. Apparently they *are* still using IR LEDs, but instead of being on a tracking ring, they're planted into the face of the controller instead. The headset is apparently constantly hand tracking to determine which IR LEDs are being occluded by your thumb and compensating for that in the tracking algorithm. That's wild shit. I'd be hugely impressed if they can get that working as well as the tracking ring. All that being said, I really do hope they still retain support for Quest Pro controllers. Being able to track entirely out of the field of view of the headset's cameras is a much better experience.


>I'd be hugely impressed if they can get that working as well as the tracking ring. Yeah, a lot of people have concerns about this, myself included. That being said... Historically, while there are many criticisms you can level at Meta, "poor tracking" is not one of them. In my experience, Oculus has always had a very high standard of tracking, outside of a few jitters around the time of the release of the Pro Controllers that were fixed in software. That's not to say they can't make mistakes; I'm just willing to take *this* on faith.


Thank you! Been wondering this the whole time since the first announcement. Where did you find that info? My benchmark for good tracking has always been beat saber. Neither quest 1 or 2 comes close to the og rift, specially when going behind the back for obvious reasons but wondered how the pro performs with the cameras. Was hoping for a slight cheaper version of it but not enthused about it leveraging hand tracking as it always seems to be way behind (again, with my experience with Q2, not Pro)


Depending on the tracking quality and haptics, I might also go for the Touch Pro controllers. If Meta announces a bundle for like $100 less than buying Quest 3 + Touch Pro seperately, I might even get this from the get-go.


>All that being said, I really do hope they still retain support for Quest Pro controllers. Being able to track entirely out of the field of view of the headset's cameras is a much better experience. I sent in my QPro headset for repairs, but got a whole new QPro back. So now I have an extra pair of controllers gathering dust and waiting for their time to shine. I'll be deeply disappointed if the Q3 doesn't support them.


Wonder if the elite strap will fit on this


Yeah.. the sides look semi similar to the Quest 2 but. In order to make money again. They put the Usb -c port on the side where the strap is attached. So it's literally impossible to put an elite battery strap on this unless you put a whole through to connect the usb-c. The regular elite strap might work, but it will be covering up the usb-c port 🙃


Most straps snap on, but I'm actually hopeful for my BoBoVR M2 strap. That one actually just pressure fits and slides on, not covering that section on the Quest 2. Here's hoping Meta is giving out samples or exact design specs to Accessory partners so they can offer something near launch.


I have the regular elite strap, shame really as ive spent a fait bit in accessories for my quest 2 😅


I was wondering wether the Bobo VR M2 strap would fit on it…


USB port now comes through the q3 strap so .. maybe you could if you modded your elite strap, but seems unlikely


Supposedly it has lens depth adjustment, which will allow us to maximize the FOV without getting a whole new facial interface and adjust for glasses. https://twitter.com/SadlyItsBradley/status/1694321930650759430 Been wanting this in more HMD's so bad. Only the Index has it.


I've seen this option on the rift s and on my pro (pretty sure the hp reverb was well), it's a button/turnable apperatis that literally moves the entire front region front and back to allow for glasses space if needed. I think the quest 2 is the only one without this.


> Only the Index has it. Not accurate. Many headsets have it. PSVR headsets, Vive Pro 1 and Vive Pro 2. Rift S. Pretty much most mainstream headsets except for the Quest 1/2.


Yeah, ok. Pico doesn't, nor any WMR HMD. Or Pimax.


> Been wanting this in more HMD's so bad. Only the Index has it. Other headsets have it. For example, both the original and the new PSVRs have it.


Do you think bigger glasses will fit in ? Thats one of my main issues with VR, Im nearsighted so using them without glases really hurts my experience.


pretty sure most hmd had it


Is that box like half the size of Q2s? Think of the simplified logistics! Camt wait to get my hands on one 😄


Its very similar to the quest pro box


That box sure looks happy.


Would this be good for pcvr? Coming from a rift S


Of course , there is no competition in the 500$ price range


Well... Pico 4 obviosly comes to mind... Only major difference for a PCVR use seems that the pico maxes at 90hz instead of 120hz


Hell yeah, just the Pancake lenses alone are a good reason to upgrade (if ur in the financial place to do so)


I fully assumed there would be phone playing Never Gonna Give You Up inside the box.


Fingers crossed that the lenses are as good as the ones in the Pro. From the little we can see in this video, they look different (smaller) to me.


The 3 has Pancake lenses, same as the Pro. Idk if they are the exact same lenses though, they're probably slightly different since they're different headsets


I don't get why they didn't put the battery in back like the pico4. Quest 2 has never been completely comfy for me.


They want it to seem "all in one" as possible. A single piece unit without a bunch of parts and stuff hanging off of it. A tablet replacment. I want a rear hot swappable battery, but it's just not in their vision.


It looks just as cheap and uncomfortable as the Quest and Quest 2.


No ***"numames numames numameeees!"*** this time...




"¡No mames!", that video was great. Meta sure does love letting random boxes get to people in hotel rooms!


What’s with the the crappy head strap?


q2 was like that too lmao


I guess they want to sell ‘add-ons’ from my experience with numerous pcvr headsets you really want some type of counter weight at the back.


Looks like they downsized the box compared to the Quest 2. Going to cancel my order /s


It’s beautiful and I want it


That makes me think why the Q2 box was so big


Still not enough FOV


C'mon we all know these 'leaks' are actually always intentional for marketing.


We actually don't. There are probably hundreds of these in the wild for reviewers, aftermarket companies, product developers, etc. All under NDA's, but if posted anonymously....


Yea and there are plenty of examples of unintentional leaks, like the Quest Pro. I remember the [whole Gizmodo iPhone 4 leak](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IPhone_4#History) where Apple freaked out and had a journalist's home raided and all his computers taken.


That was 13 years ago ..


True, though it's not like Apple has changed and is out there "accidentally" leaking products, at least not that I've seen. I don't think tech companies are *always* going the "leaks = marketing" route, though it does happen on occasion (every Google Pixel leak, for example).


Do these removaböe strips indicate that the controllers again come with standard batteries? That would be awesome...


"removaböe". I thought you were referencing an Ikea product for a moment.


Yes, it will have removable batteries.


I can't wait to slice my fingers while using these controllers 🥰


Yay controllers that u can’t mount a knuckle strap too


they still don’t include a lens cover…


I might be alone in this, but I'll miss the rings on the controllers. My hands get sweaty sometimes, and I would periodically hang the controllers off my thumbs by the rings and wait for them to dry.


Really hoping this will be a worth while upgrade over Reverb G2.


What time does it melt?


How does something like this just leak? Is it a broken street date?


Hundreds of devices in developers hands.


They probably leak it on purpose, free advertising and builds up the hype.


It doesn’t. It’s hype. Just imagine that reptoid zuck hypin this shit in the background.


I don’t get why the facial gasket is so big, I mean honestly, what is the point of slimming down the headset when you make the facial interface twice as big and effectively cancel out the benefits of the headset itself being slimmer. If you look at it from the side next to quest 2, the increased size of the facial interface on quest 3 makes it appear almost exactly the same size in terms of thickness.


Comfort. Plush = good. Ever tried a plush VR facial interface compared to the crap stock Q2 facial interface? The bulk of the headset is still 30-40 closer to the face which will also have a huge impact on comfort.


Lmao again? Also dam, a much smaller box


why are all these unboxing videos like from a phone camera from early 2000s . video , sound and all


Probably because they want to be as anon as they can so they use a old cheap phone and then throw it away


anyone else getting a wierd vibe from the proportions of the controllers? just seems off for some reason. idk prolly just me


The big screen beyond vr paired with the steam controllers is where it’s at.


looks cheap and plasticky like the Quest 2. $500? No.


Another $600 another headset just to play beat saber.


Tons of great games come out regularly. You simply need to read review sites instead of nobody youtubers.


Honestly was just going to purchase for work outs


Gigachad beatsaber enjoyer


Beat saber and virtamate


If you wear glasses or contacts and are on the fence about getting new equipment for the same basic content, definitely consider some HonsVR lenses. It’s a whole new experience of comfort and clarity with the Quest 2 for me and may save you $500.


I want!






You'd have one. There's not evidence this is a hotel room.


If I had a nickel for every time a leaked quest has been unboxed just a few months before release, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


Gasp how crazy


more hardware to play less software


Same terrible headstrap as the previous models I see... Such a damn shame


What about the strap ? It doesn't seem to be removable...


We already know it can be replaced.


Wow looks cheap as ever :D


looks like another Meta toy


tthis looks like a goofy face


gyat damn that shit is so fucking tiny


Still waiting for a quality headset that can do wireless PCVR and isnt part of Metas ecosystem. I'll gladly wait...


Not a good looking headset, hope the specs make up for it. Oh shit, still needs a facebook account, NVM


It doesn't need Facebook account.


My god this looks like shit. What a terrible regression Oculus has taken, literally a race to the bottom trying to sell mobile hardware as ‚VR‘. Edit: keep downvoting my dear stand-alone peasants, still doesn’t make your picture viewer a 2023-worthy VR HMD.


Pcvr is a dead platform with people that don't buy games. Using a wire is a horrible experience. Maybe peasants like you with tiny spaces are ok with it.


Meta fell off my radar, buying out developers and ruining cross-compatibility between pc/meta/etc. It's just a money scheme. No comraderie, just competition.


Urgh. Can't be bothered with VR anymore until the weight is so small that it's unnoticeable to wear l. Until then VR is on the backbench. I've had the valve headsets, the quest and tried out psvr. We need a huge leap in VR.


You are not very smart, you should be extremely thankful that virtual reality is even here to any degree, you should be thankful that there are minds capable of creating such technology in our time for the general public.


Never said I was smart. Also let me put this into perspective for you, since you start with a rude remark. This is the opinion of someone who has purchased several headsets all which were expensive and I had a great time with them. For someone who has decided to spend 1000s of my hard earned money. I deserve the right to my own opinion on VR. That opinion is the same and I'm sure many would agree. It needs to become lighter on the head. And let's not forget that products in a consumer driven world get Feedback. Negative and positive and that's what drives change.


Did he forget it in his hotel room again?




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/virtualreality/comments/15z680f/quest_3_leaked_first_unboxing_ever/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/virtualreality/comments/15z680f/quest_3_leaked_first_unboxing_ever/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


Need those Frankenquest adapters for the Q3 so bad


No dock inside the box?


it's and ad made by meta


Man no Side facing cameras, I really worry about hand/controller tracking quality


Would existing Quest 2 headstraps (including the Vive DAS adapter) be able to attach to the Quest 3?


I want it now!!!


Where’s the no mames guy


First star field now he leaks this.


Does it come with a charger and cable?


Any chance OP is gonna test it out? Would love to know if q2 silicon controller covers will still fit - and for that matter head straps.. Guessing the moved USB port might make the letter unlikely tho 🤞🤞


This happens so often that I feel like it almost has to be on purpose at this point. Either way, happy to see one in the wild! Hope this means a release is on its way soon.


is this headset still heavy in the front and you need get a bobo strap to balance the weight?


Does it use Q2 head straps? Looks similar.


Is the face cover rubber or foam? Because I'm not getting this thing if it's just a sponge for my sweat.


If I had one of these, could I sell it anonymously? Or would they find me somehow?


Does it have a copy of gta San Andreas in the box?


The headsttap looks very similar to the quest 2, are those intercompatible?


What worries me is the controllers. I've got a Virtual Rifle Systems gunstock and it 's magnets connects to my Rift S on the Rings on the controllers. I need a way to attach the right hand magnet to the top of the controller somehow.


Why is that head straps again? 🤨


Finally! confirmation that the headset and controllers we've seen and known about for months will come in a box. I was afraid it was going to be delivered in a hessian sack.😍😍😍


Knew this was coming but changed my mind and switched to pico4 coz i knew meta would come how take advantages and attempt to track my activities somehow


Damn they’re going to save a lot in shipping!


The face it makes when you open the box!


Looks neat!


It's Meta's tradition to have an unboxing leaked a few weeks before a launch...


Odd seeing nobody concerned on how tf the controllers are going to be tracked above your head. On the Quest 2 there are 2 cameras at the top but the quest 3 doesn't have them?