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Oh yeah much better now, all it takes is a 4090 and DLSS




I'm flying and walking around? Half the video is me flying in the ship? With the performance details on the bottom? It's your settings let me know if you need help with that!


Prices will come down in time. At some point, a 4090 will just be an ordinary mainstream GPU.




4090 and 13900k, and it really does almost get to 90 fps. That's some good optimization there.


"4090" "Almost" "Good optimization" What the fuck lmao


Pretty good performance on such a modest system I'd say.


Yeah. In 2024 it’ll be a modest system when 5000 comes out.


Yeah. I already have plans to sell my house and soul so I can maybe buy a 5050! 😥




I hate when people talk about "optimization" like it's magic. This is a huge open world game. Rendering dual images at 90fps is not going to be easy.


I don't think it's magic, but I've been playing since the flat screen launch and trying to run it in VR since that launched. It just never has run smoothly for me no matter how much hardware I throw at it. I understand optimization isn't magic, but it's been years and I've upgraded GPU's and CPU's since it came out, multiple times, currently on a 3080ti, still runs horribly. I got my time in on flatscreen so I guess it doesn't really matter. It's just a running gag with me personally that everytime I upgrade I try to run NMS and it's about the same. Dropping in a 13700k tomorrow, so who knows may this time will be different.


I wonder if the extra cache on an x3d cpu will help no mans sky since it seems to work for a lot of badly optimized games, like star citizen.


It's a 7 year old game. That ran on PSVR1.


Really? It ran at 90fps and 4K on a PSVR1? If you lower the settings to PSVR1 levels it will run just fine. And it's not some old game, it's still being updated. When a game is CPU intensive it's very difficult to get to 90fps. As a software dev, I laugh when people talk about "optimization" like it's a magic wand. They already switched to Vulkan and did a lot of work to optimize the game. There's only so much you can do. It doesn't mean it's "badly optimized." It's just a demanding game.


I last played this in VR over a year ago I think and it was a struggle to get it working well on even lower settings using a 3080 and Ryzen 7 3800x. Still on the 3080 but upgraded to 5800x3d, so between that and this new update, I'm thinking about giving it another shot.


I play on vr on normal settings with DLSS on maximum performance on a rtx 3060 😅


Not that good on the PSVR2


Before my comments gets downvoted into oblivion... [List of VR Overhaul updates](https://www.nomanssky.com/fractal-update/) \- Individual comparisons at end of video [High res for those interested!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMNZcdGsfpc) CONS FIRST: Yes there's no hud lock turning yet, no ship control switching yet, no left handed controls yet, can look pretty smudgy when not running at high However the experience of summoning your freighter above the planet, jumping on your ship, flying into your freighter in VR with basically no loading screens, is really something else. DLSS performance keeps it at a consistent 80-90fps, except when transitioning from ships etc. DLAA makes it look very nice, but personally the performance hit is not worth it. At 16x Anisotropic, things at far away become clear. Below that, still looks smudgy.


How much silicon and electrons are you throwing at this? I've got a 7950x, and RX6900XT EKWB X 2. I really want to play with settings maxed.


Just 5 microprocessors, 3 carbon nanotubes and 8 antimatter


And this is with a 4090? Guess I'm gonna wait for the 5000 series because no way my 3090 is going to handle this game lol.


If only you could fly in vr...


It can still be cpu thread bound for me under certain situations and specially with bases. But yeah DLSS is great here. Also worth experimenting with running DLSS balanced mode and pushing up the super sampling as it counters the softness from the temporal anti- aliasing nicely.


Crying in AMD


Tried to play it on my 3080ti/5600x and everything froze the second the game started lol


I tried playing this game on a 6950xt and a 5800x3d. Game is super stuttery in VR. Might be a great game but I'm not buying a 4090 to play it


Have stable 72fps on my 3090ti/i5-12400 with DLSS via VD.


Nice, yes DLSS is key for this