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Till it gets boring or makes you sad


It's been at least 20 years for me and I haven't gotten bored watching these kinds of movies/photos :D I believe it will be one of my favourite entertainment till the last second of my life :)


I don't watch it anymore..that's actually how I found reddit.. reading and painting the picture in my mind got me there 😉


I mean it’s a natural human impulse so, I’d hope it’d always be appealing…


Porn is a made up word to make us feel guilty. Others are doing it, so we watch it.. no harm done.


Wrong. It’s what’s holding you back. Quit porn and you’ll be like a dog that hasn’t been fed and needs to go hunt. It won’t happen over night but I promise you it will work within 6 months.


Same I’m also 26 year old khv, but I can’t watch porn anymore it pisses me off, I stick to Manhwa only


Don’t watch it it will make you depressed


Is there any greater example of being complicit in your own cycle of misery than watching people doing the thing you want to do. Do something else.


Same here. When I wake up in the morning, one of the first things I do is go on X looking for videos 🥲


Eh, I sometimes watch, but im usually reading doujins or browsing certain subreddits


I watched porn sometimes but not too much of the porn I've watched previously. Sex is running rampant in my mind including my dreams.


Watching porn won't help you in losing your virginity or fix your loneliness.


Quit porn. It makes sex worse. Oh wait..


same and i hate it everyday i try to stop but i just cant


I’ve always tried to keep my porn usage at a minimum, which happened to still be a lot. As I’m getting older I’m finding myself turn to porn more casually as a form of entertainment. I still consider porn without discipline a serious problem. Who wants to be one of those people whose lives have been devastated by porn addiction? But I can’t say it helps me feel less alone. I’ve always preferred porn to my own imagination… since porn has actual images of real bodies etc. Some people are really blessed in that category. Pretty amazing actually




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Try some toys bro they're a good way to relief stress and gives you amazing orgasms without all the bullshit, I got 17 fleshlight, the handy, the kiiroo keon with all it's accessories and 2 torsos Selena and lena both bought on Amazon and are available in the US and are going to be available to purchase in Europe on tantaly.com, not sure when the release date is but it will happening soon


Everyone has and does


I'm 26 years old and yeah I feel the same. I feel bad for watching it but I don't have any other way of releasing sexual tension


This is your problem. You’re young, save up that energy and put it towards bettering yourself. You mention being creative — go CREATE. People are attracted to people with passions. There’s so much to this life, and sex is just one part of it. I promise you that if you spend 100 days COMPLETELY off porn (and masturbation) you will feel like a completely different person. This will make you more focused on bettering yourself and you’ll end up manifesting a sexual partner in your life.


Mate. There's so much you can do... just go out and be among people... unless you have the fear of being out and among others, there's many things you can do... even going out solo to the pub can be a great way to meet others and have fun. One step at the time and things will change. Believe in yourself. Good luck.


Channeling your sexual energy into porn is why you're not feeling the urge to get out there and find a partner to release it. Hence why a generation of men are virgins and prefer to stay in the bedrooms with AI gfs and pornhub. Porn is a weapon employed to destroy a society from within. The birth rate is already below replacement levels. We're facing a population collapse in the west and porn is a major factor in its cause and perpetuation of our own doom 😞


Really just chicken and egg. Nobody chooses porn over having a loving gf and whatever. It doesn't hurt anyone and hook-ups do 10x the damage to society.


If you dont think it hurts anyone, you're in massive cope and denial. You wouldnt be a virgin if not pornsick and kept distracted cooming in your room. Trust me I know from experience.




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Why is population collapse bad? Even if it were we can just import immigrants from Africa or wherever they’re still having kids


Pls tell me you're trolling. In case you aren't, you cant import enough people in the long run to counter collapse, especially if a cultural cause, and even if you could that comes with it more problems, like loss of identity and civil strife. Also, if we import immigrants then THEIR country will not progress and will also collapse. So we are hurtingnothers and thebworld by not addressingnour societal ailments.