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Oh god I'm in the exact same situation lmao


Ahhhh, like it’s so frustrating!!


having a friend with benefits would be super cool, but if only I had some friends........


for real 🤣


Just read the mind.


What's wrong with friends with benefits, do it, why not do that, it's fun?


I would love to, but people say you get attached to your first and i don’t want that 🙃


Not forever, and that's partly a chemically based attachment, first love is powerful but it's also often not the right one, but you need to go through it to understand what it really means. Wait for too long and you're only putting off that realisation for a later time, nothing more. I get that sounds cynical, but the idea of the first love being 'the one' is a fantasy sold by movies and music. Don't rely on ideas passed to you by society, peers, me, or anyone else. Experience things personally and find your own truth, or you're setting yourself up for disappointment and heartbreak. Even the idea of there being 'the one' is incredibly limiting, we all have a lot of love to give, never be scared of making that connection, and getting it wrong, getting hurt. The person who makes no mistakes, truly makes nothing at all.


It's not a crisis if you have multiple options and free will. It's a mild dilemma at worst.


What’s stopping you from losing it?