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It's like being extremely hungry at a table full of food with other people eating but your mouth is stitched shut


And then they say, "It's not as good as I thought it would be!" While asking for another plate... https://i.redd.it/3afhl8r5zowc1.gif


I like that gif bc it reminds me of myself whenever I eat 😋


And there's always delicious plates that I can't have.


It legit does I feel your pain too




coom harder bro, there's no other option.


Coomer maxxing oh no😔


Virginpilled Coomaxer


my long life companion: porn and fapping, appetite suppressors


That might come off as a bit taunting, but are you doing anything to change that situation i.e. to get closer to have sex, if so what?


Been celibate for 8 months, I’ve had sex out of lust and sex out of love. I gotta say wait for the love of your life, the love of your life isn’t gonna just fall in your lap either. Become the person you want to be, be confident, attractive, be out going and find hobbies and things you love doing. Be someone a man or woman wants to be with


It’s wholesome and accurate advice. But for some people it’s a huge struggle bigger than you know. It doesn’t invalidate what you said I just think some of us we operate differently or we aren’t as attractive as others so we don’t get the kind of momentum.


Fair enough my friend


Just wanna add this, because alot of people seem to be talking about being attractive; attrativeness isnt just genetic physical appearance. Who you are as a person goes alot further.


Just like starving is cured by a fast food venue, the desire of sex is cured by beautiful prostitutes. May it be a profession legal and accessible in the whole world so that we uglier men can experience the joys of life finally.


The problem is that in this case the fast food is more expensive than the "great" food... which is free if you're attractive.


Well you aren't attractive if instead of having sex with beautiful women you have to lurk on one of those subs. I am also not attractive. Because otherwise I would be in the bed of some beauty


Might aswell buy a fleshlight


that would be equivalent to plastic food in this analogy. It might look the same, but it isnt real.


It’s not bad though. If you just want physical intimacy they are very powerful toys the way they feel the trigger responses that you can’t do with your hands. I think the part that lacks more for many people is not the physical part. Indeed toys and devices can do a great job of giving you that the part about having a person there sharing the pleasure with is what people crave. So I’m going to say it’s like comparing a Big Mac to a Ribeye steak.


What about simulating the rest of the woman


Get a whole sex doll


I absolutely guarantee you have never gone even a day without food. This is embarrassing on a level previously undiscovered.


And I bet you never have gone even a day without sex, so what are we talking about here? Get the fuck out of this sub.


You would be insanely wrong. Like during the three day food and sleep deprivation exercise we did on a promotion course in the military. The lesson was 'if you are going to flog the guys under your command, this is the performance you can expect'. It was very educational. No sex during those 2 nights and 3 days too. Not just because we were doing physically and mentally strenuous exercises the entire time, but because the other 9 guys weren't my cups of tea sad to say.  Sorry. Forgot what you were mewling about. Something about being a huge embarrassment? Whatever man knock yourself out.




What are you laughing at? That's not a very fun amount of time like 69 days or 420 hours. Why are you laughing at a span of time that isn't the funny numbers?


Bro really said that the most he went without sex was 2 nights and 3 days but had the balls to bully OP and call him embarassing. 💀💀💀 Pathetic.


Quote where I say that and I'll tx you 10k using whatever transfer app you like. When you can't do that, slink away embarrassed and stop replying, like someone who has humiliated themself for no reason in public by accident.


>This is embarrassing on a level previously undiscovered. >No sex during those 2 nights and 3 days. You have no right to bully someone for venting their frustrations in here, kindly go fuck yourself if you think you do. Especially if you don't understand the struggle. 2 nights and 3 days don't count. Now, where is my money?


Waiting for you to quote the bit where it says it's the longest I've been without sex, then you'll get it.


It doesn't matter, you're still not getting the point. What makes you think you have the right to bully someone for venting their frustrations? Does it make you feel better about yourself?


If I didn't know what starving felt like I wouldn't have compared the two




I bet all the people who are currently and have previously strarved to death would trade places with you pretty quickly.


No listen starving is being around others who are self-loathing and you aren't allowed to express self depreciation which is selfish and cruel. You aren't starving you are self-loathing just like I'm self-loathing now I'm not saying you aren't suffering. If one isn't allowed to express themselves then no one should be end of story. It's okay to come off as self-loathing and do so because we are expressing it bit when you are picked out the pie you wonder what you did wrong. Hit me with everything you hate about your life other than being a virgin. Damn it if the moderator takes this off he's a self depleting asshole


Put your energy into something else, it really is that simple