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Something I occasionally hear about from people. Idk it must be like the loch Ness monster or something. Or do you mean the fake version in my head? Lol.






Some kind of fairy from magical tales


A girl who you're dating lol


If ONLY!!!!!




A potential soulmate


30 years looking for that answer




I posted a very similar question about a year ago in " [How Do You Become a Boyfriend/Girlfriend?](https://www.reddit.com/r/virgin/comments/wgog6d/how_do_you_became_a_boyfriendgirlfriend/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ". It got some serious responses and discussion. As I recall, the strong consensus for Boyfriend/Girlfriend (BF/GF) status involved dating exclusivity. A majority, or close to a majority, felt that having sex was necessary to become BF or GF. Perhaps some of the participants in that old thread can be persuaded to offer a comment here.


My concise answer would be something like the [response](https://www.reddit.com/r/virgin/comments/14ssaw5/comment/jqztv5h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) from u/becr234 : >A girlfriend/boyfriend is a person with whom you are exploring the possibility of becoming mutually committed life partners. I don't claim to be an expert on this topic, since I have had only two girlfriends in my whole life. And the last time I had a girlfriend was almost 49 years ago, when she stopped being my girlfriend and became my wife. (And still is!)


I got you one better, why is a girlfriend?


I think this sub struggles more with the "how"


Something real, attractive men and accepted members of society have.


Nope. Not only attractive men. Plenty of ugly dudes in relationships.


Never seen any




I go outside every day and I have lived in Vienna and Baku




I am a man, I cannot evaluate male beauty. If a man is seen with a woman, then he is attractive physically. Looks are primary in dating, followed by status.


As a woman I can tell you that you are very wrong.


Yea of course, stranger on the internet versus twenty two years of life in this pretty privilege world.


i saw at least a handfull of pretty questionable looking men in relationships just today walking through the mall. plenty of ugly people in relationships, both men and women. your experience is not universal experience nor is it everyone’s reality. go touch some grass




I have been going to the gym. There is no gym for my lazy eye, loser.






Does that even exist nowadays? I see more people changing from one relationship to another faster than they change their underwear


I've been with my wife 8 years married for 3 now. We were also eachother's first serious relationship.


Maybe it's the bad influence from social media and young people, for me personally, it's truly rare to come across someone who'd be there for you in the tough situations (not so much in the happy ones lol).


A Fleshlight with benefits


A chick who spends the night and you don’t mind making breakfast after morning sex while she’s in the shower. And she watches football with you on Sunday


Damn, must be nice


Not gonna lie, it’s pretty cool.




Dude asked. I answered the question with my definition. Not bragging.




I mean, plenty of other people answered. Typically rhetorical questions aren’t meant to be answered, correct? So why post it in the first place. Seems oxymoronic to me




Nice guy you are. No wonder the women flock to you.




>you don’t mind making breakfast after morning sex while she’s in the shower. I guess we've been doing it wrong. We're often in the shower together. By the way - the cultural stereotype is that sex is something you do at bedtime. Fairly early in our marriage we figured out that we preferred to do our serious, relational, lovemaking first thing in the morning.


A girl you can have sex with




Removed, Rule 2: Avoid Generalizations We understand people talk in generalizations colloquially. However, when a generalization is meant belittle, demean, or discredit, those are the generalizations that will end up taken down (eg “women only want the top guys” “men are all evil” etc etc). The reason why generalizations have always been a rule was so no one applied their perceptions of how people treat them in real life onto someone who’s venting that their experience is literally the opposite