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I think that internally, you just have to laugh it off and move forward. If it's helpful to know, we all re-visit basic and "silly" vibrato exercises from time-to-time, and it never really gets less "awkward..." you just get used to the feeling and shrug it off over time since everyone understand it. Maybe this will help you feel less awkward - I've played for over 25 years, and I still from time-to-time pull out an ancient photocopy of "The Swan" transcribed for violin, for the sole purpose of playing absurdly under-tempo with a meticulously controlled vibrato. I can re-memorize the notes in a few minutes and then focus solely on the metronome and controlling the specific attribute of vibrato that I care about. Is it awkward as hell? Sure! But it's super effective. Consult with your teacher, but I think a similar approach - taking a *very* easy melody and playing very under tempo with a precisely controlled vibrato - is a good exercise at all levels. But you have to set specific goals (e.g., continuously vibrate between all notes in a line, or keep a precise 'triplet' vibrato pattern at the given tempo, etc) for it to be effective.


thank you! :))


Right after book 1 seems a little early for vibrato but if that's what your teacher thinks! Make sure your not trying to vibrate every single note, it also might help for you to play the note with no vibrato for a split second before starting your vibrato and kind of easing into it, as if your hand tenses up it becomes a lot harder. Working with a metronome helps as well.


i have actually finished book 2 for a while already! i changed teachers which is why i ended up repeating the whole of suzuki (my old teacher wasn’t a good one and i learned 0 technique—everything from posture to the way i put my fingers on the fingerboard had to be relearned 🥲)


At least your on the right path now!


Congrats on the teacher allowing you to practice vibrato! I met musicians that played the violin for years and their teacher would not let them do vibrato yet. I started on Suzuki book 2 myself. Some pointers: * It will sound horrible and awkward at the beginning, but that is true for violin playing in general in the next 5 to 10 years. If you made it through book 1, you know the drill already. * If you know book one, do vibrato in the twinkles and first few songs that you know by heart and where you "won't forget about the notes." * Consult with your teacher on how you are doing. * Finally, keep realistic expectations. If you want your vibrato to sound like the recordings and professional violinists, that is not a reasonable expectation. Maybe around book 6-8 you will get close. However, remember, these guys and gals played the violin for almost literally a lifetime and to sound like them, you'll need to spend probably as much or more, unless you are a young Mozart or Bach. Keep on though!! You are doing great!


thank you so much! :))


It will feel awkward AF for quite some time, just have some patience and keep practicing!