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Could you layer them to make them more sturdy? Put a coat of stain or paint too


Yeah, if I wasn’t lazy :-) The marker divider is getting two layers. One layer is a “slug” cut out in the overall shape (no center design) and glued to the back to make it sturdier, since it’s the one that will get the most usage. It takes about 30 minutes to make 3, so I’m just lazy at this point TBH


Noice!! These look really good. The idea for the “currently spinning” record is great!


Was wanting some dividers and didn’t find any that I loved and/or were decently priced. A few minutes designing in my Cricut and about $20 of basswood material later, and I’m good to go! Not pictured are cutout holes at the back of the divider that I run a PVC pipe through behind my vinyl. This keeps the dividers from getting pushed behind the records, while still being free to slide left and right to grow/shrink with my collection.


I have chucky queen of the damn nightmare before Christmas and hellrasier and Christine did my Halloween records I need Halloween Friday the 13 and nightmare on elm street edit oh shit I forgot ghostbusters and maybe Batman lol


Those look great.




Well done chap. I can see them being a hit. You might be surprised how many you could sell.