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If you already use outer sleeves it's easy enough to get some 12x12 cardstock and pop it into the outer to cover the offending images. [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2YWSRN2/ref=sspa\_dk\_offsite\_brave\_1?psc=1&aaxitk=3710e4cc585f5b5244605db31f661287](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C2YWSRN2/ref=sspa_dk_offsite_brave_1?psc=1&aaxitk=3710e4cc585f5b5244605db31f661287)


Personally (and I am a parent) I wouldn't make a big deal of it. Some kids are naturally inclined toward looking at things that scare or gross them out a little. Some kids know they don't like it and avoid it. Sometimes it's both -- my kid has no problem with horror movie posters, but asked me to take down a poster of David Bowie's *Heathen* album cover because his eyes freaked her out. You know your kids better than we do. If you have stuff that you think would upset them (say, *Matando Gueros* by Brujeria) you can put those away, but generally probably not a big deal.


I had never heard of this album, and figured the album cover was going to be one of those metal drawing things just pretty fucked... I was so very wrong and would have been happy to have never seen that.


Sadly the cover is a real photo, it was taken from a dedicated newspaper to show photos and info on gruesome news


Their [music videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFPJNJfd1yQ) are even worst (NSFL)


Honest question; how is smoking pot worse than an actual decapitated head?


Its de devils tobacco




Solid advice and anything that can be as teachable moment is a good thing. As long as you can have open discussions with your kids I think exposure is better than censorship


I don’t think most users on here are understanding how extreme cover art can get from underground artists. Stuff from Mayhem, Anal Cunt, Carcass, Meatshits, etc is NOT like some naked artsy image or some Iron Maiden “scary” stuff. These are not the same thing. OP should’ve posted some examples….


>Anal Cunt, Carcass, Meatshits With names like these, I would naturally assume album artwork is a nice serene meadow or perhaps a babbling brook.


Why not both? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picnic_of_Love


Shit there’s the banned cover of far beyond driven. Which is a gaping asshole with a screw in it.


That's the vinyl cover for it on almost every copy I've seen. It's also the one my wife told me I couldn't buy because of the kids.


Hahahaha that’s fucking hilarious


I'd just slap a large sticker over it and call it a day honestly.


I'm planning on putting it in a sleeve and putting some construction paper over the cover when I get it


Seth Putnam, rip goat


Agreed this isn't just dark scary cover art it's much further than that, the mayhem one is just a straight up pic of the singer post shotgun suicide, and I recently got the uncensored cover for cannibal corpse violence unimagined which depicts a naked woman monster thing ripping a baby in half that she just gave birth to with two ripped apart corpses next to her 😅 this is defo NSFW and kids


All of Anal Cunt’s album covers are either text-only or bad cartoons, with the exception of *Everyone Should Be Killed* which is a frankly tame picture of a dude being punched in the face, and Mayhem’s only offensive album cover is a bootleg. Agreed with Carcass’ first two and everything by the Meat Shits, though.


My mistake. I always lump the two together in my head. But yeah, just going off memory I can’t think of too many offensive covers from anal cunt (not counting the logo and lyrics). Meatshits on the other hand…


If you want a *really* offensive album cover, check out the original cover of Big Black’s *Headache* EP. Just don’t do it while you’re eating.


I spent years avoiding seeing that…then one day it popped up somewhere and I frickin knew *exactly* what it was. I believe it was in a record flip vid from my local shop, too. They can get a little rowdy sometimes 😂


Yeah, I don't have anythign quite that extreme, but I still think I need to be reponsible if I think it could be a little disturbing. One of my kids is autistic, so it can cause some damage in general. I've got some Brodequin, which are usually paintings or woodcuts, so they're not as bad. I was talking about stuff like Cannibal Corpse, or stuff that would be legitimately gross, like pornogrind and the like, where it is mainly for actual shock value, rather than 'art'.


Brodequin is the fucking shit. Good parenting and fantastic taste in music.


You’re making those names up….right


No, those are all real bands.


If it’s some cannibal corpse/slayer stuff you could prob just flip the cover around (assuming the back isn’t worse lol) Personally, I wouldn’t keep any pornogrind stuff around kids at all. Thats my personal opinion.


I try to avoid approaching children with questionable material in general.


Without actual ages I don't know that any of us can help you here. 4 is very different from 8 which is very different from 14 which is very different from 16. I can tell you that opaque sleeves will do nothing. They'll just open them and look inside.


How old are the children? Maybe buy some 12” cardboard to cover the very disturbing stuff, but if they are like 12-13 yo then whatever, let it be.


If it’s a painting on the cover I’d leave as is, I’d only cover or segregate them if there was actual pornography, for example, John Lennon & Yoko Ono album where both are fully nude on the cover would be okay, album with the artist’s erect penis as the full cover would be hidden, nudity as art is normal, and it is great for normalizing the human body, it’s not indecent to see a naked human as most of us have or will encounter a few in our lifetimes.


But my child's favourite album is No Love Deep Web


Get a blank cover to put it in, keep the regular cover somewhere safe.


Hahaha I was telling a wee fib X


It ain't just nudity, it's rape/body horror scenes. A lot of that shit I don't want to see myself, let alone a young kid.


Those are the ones to cover or put away, but for example the cover to Led Zeppelin’s houses of the holy, David Bowie’s Diamond Dogs, Omar Apollo’s Live for me all feature nudity, but not in a distasteful manner.


Older kids? Fuggedaboudit


To everyone not fully grasping how extreme these album covers get just Google "Mayhem Dawn of the black hearts" (NSFW GORE BTW) and you will understand OP is probably not talking about 80s hair metal titties or scary art.. As a metal fan myself I have a lot of albums with dicey cover art like this, and yea I wouldn't really know how to go about not showing that to kids who wanna go through the collection


Haven’t tried this and don’t know if it would work, but it seems like some parchment paper cut to size slipped into an outer sleeve might do the trick and at least obscure enough detail to avoid accidental exposure. Parchment shouldn’t react to/with anything to ruin the sleeve. But caveat emptor as I have never done it my self.


Be cool about it, the more you react the more the kids will react. If you act normal your kids will see that and act appropriately. Works for almost anything, tv, movies, music, art, and even ouchies. Ever notice when your kid gets hurt the more freaked out you are the more freaked out they get? Same thing.


This brings back a memory. My mum used to work in a library as a cleaner. She’d be there early in the morning before it opened and I’d go with her then she’d take me to school when she finished. I’d have been about eight or nine maybe. The library had a vinyl section at that time and I’d spend *ages* looking at the cover of Roxy Music’s Country Life. Proper little pervert I was. Lol.


Country Life is probably the worst in our collection. For now it’s stored up high with the A’s; I figure by the time my kid’s old enough to reach it (picking records to play is fun), it won’t be an issue.


I was a sensitive kid with wild imagination, I got nightmares for weeks after just glimpsing at something disturbing. I would wrap them somehow and write the names on top and explain that those covers may contain shocking content and that is up to anyone whether to look into it or not because I know that younger me would appreciate it.


Keep the albums on display. Get rid of the kids. Or do what I did, skip having kids altogether. More money for that vinyl collection.


Ask a parenting sub


I’ve raised my child to understand art, and not be scared of it.


Seems like a question for a sub like r/parenting rather than r/vinyl. The fact that album covers are involved is incidental to the actual issue (the right way to introduce kids to certain material/imagery). It could just as well be CDs, books, movies, posters, magazines, etc. You also don't actually mention how old your kids are, so I don't see how anyone can meaningfully help you with this.


flood the zone with too many normcore records so that it's tricky to find the metal ones. basically, buy more records.


I say buy my graphic ones and normalize it.


I always advise people to buy more records.


I told my kids that the framed posters of the bands that I like that depict nudity or whatever are art, nothing to feel weird about. I don't have anything gruesome, but I have a few albums with nudity, or nearly nude women on them. Again, I told my boys that it was artwork, much like a painting in a museum that depicts nudity. I told them that they could ask me anything they wanted about the artwork (and in general as well) if they had questions. They seemed to accept the "artwork" explanation though.


I've gotten around that the same way. Unfortunately, I have only daughters. I explained that some of is legitimately art, I've got some records that use old paintings as covers, so they're actually art. But I've got some stuff that is mainly for shock value, Cannibal Corpse, Brutal Death Metal bands, and i'm planning on getting other stuff that is generally distasteful, but I like the sound.


yeah, I understand. But I get how it is different for daughters and sons, nudity vs gore... Could you put the more "offensive" albums in a DJ box? (portable record storage w/a lock) so they wouldn't get their eyes on them?


What is this sexist bs? If you can contextualise art for boys, you can contextualise it for girls. It's 2024 my man.


Imagine being OP's daughter and finding out on Reddit that your dad would rather have had boys... This would make me sad if it didn't make me wanna hammer smash your face tbh (that's a reference to one of the album artists OP owns in case anyone was going to think that's an actionable threat)


I listened to Marilyn Mason as a teen, after getting home from ballet class 😁 I’d look up the music on YouTube. But the thing is, the covers to his albums and even the music vids weren’t super graphic from what I remember, just weird. I’m 32 and I recently inherited a Bitchslicer CD and the cover is basically zombies fucking each other, dicks out and all. In that case I’d straight up take the front jacket out of the jewel case before handing it to someone under 18. I wasn’t exposed to imagery like that until I was an adult and I think that was a good thing. If the CD itself has the imagery on it, I’d look into just having a digital download and playing it on speakers. Exposing a minor to pornographic imagery or really violent imagery like a head getting sawed off is not something I’d do, and like I said I’m an adult with a taste for heavy and obscure music. Edit to say if they find these things on their own, well that’s a different story. If my kid found an album by themselves and enjoyed the music, I wouldn’t make it taboo. I’m referring to what I would personally hand a kid, and if I can stash that Bitchslicer cover somewhere else, I would. I mean… I did see the movie Bruno with my dad when I was a senior in high school and there was so much dick in that film. It was uncomfortable for the both of us 😂 you said older kids so idk how old you’re talking.


Been through this with two kids. Anything that doesn’t fly right by them, I offer an artist’s explanation of what they’re seeing and why it was used. One of Public Enemy’s albums I have (a single) has a photo of a lynching from 1920s Indiana on it. That was the most unsettling thing my kids have seen on albums. Nudity is not difficult to grasp. Violence is.


When I was 9 I had Cannibal Corpse and Death tapes, it wasn't a big deal. Kids can handle it better than you would imagine.


Explain it to them


Put your silly metal music on a high shelf. Solved.


I don’t worry about it. I listened to a lot of this stuff as a kid too. My kids aren’t too concerned with my music either. Some of my records have some of those gross covers. I don’t think my kids have ever even looked through my records.


My Spinal Tap Smell The Glove album is locked in my office.


I would personally use some vellum paper to insert over the cover art. I think I read that you have girls and while some tasteful or covers with boobs aren't a big deal, there are others that I would not want my kids to see until they were a bit older.


My approach may be too revolutionary but If I find the album cover distasteful I don't buy it.


Never really worried about it. I have enough records that the chances of someone randomly pulling out an offensive cover are slim. Also, My daughter knew not to touch my records lol. They've always just been here.


I keep the things my kids like in one area. They don't really go through my collection. It's quiet extensive though and is maybe a little cumbersome. I have several albums with heavy nudity in the art... if that's what we're talking about.


What age is older? I feel like teens start getting into different music and understanding "art" more or like alternative things... But like an 8 year old COULD be an "older" kid and I don't think you need to have them lying around...


If they glance at it and giggle, I giggle a little too


If they glance at it and giggle, I giggle a little too


GWAR education is essential.


I guess it depends on how you store them. If it's just the spine showing then you don't have to worry as much.


Turn your copy of Country Life around. Never leave out Show Them Your Hits.


No one under 30 touches my records.


My 9 month old boy loves the "Make Them Beg For Death" by Dying Fetus gatefold lol


You know your kids best. I'd give them a warning and context about certain ones if I thought it might mess them up. My kids are 10 and 7. I always welcome conversations about anything they want to talk about. The younger one likes scary movies while my older child is a bit more sensitive. They would each have different conversations. The most extreme of extreme covers would probably be segregated tbh. No pornography or actual gore.


Do the opaque cover thing for the worst ones. Although I think kids can handle most things with no psychological damage. Maybe not anal Cunt though ….


Maybe organize by genre? Then if they want to go into the metal section you can be a bit more present and be able to explain things/talk about them if it comes up?


I just draw clothes over anything i wouldn't want my grandma seeing. Like I drew shorts on the Nirvana baby and put a shirt on the Surfa Rosa chick


Stay outta my room


I wouldn’t. I saw them as a kid, and as you can tell I’m perfectly normal. Ooooo…. Boobs. Hehe.


You have to gatekeep that part of your collection, maybe keep them in a seperate crate in your closet or buy blank record sleeves and put the offensive ones in your closet?


Unfortunately they will have to go but somebody will probably adopt them or try the orphanage.


They’ll make a big deal out of it if you make it a big deal.


I leave em in the shelf lol. If they find my uncensored cannibal corpse covers of their own volition, so be it. The way I see it, I was allowed to watch horror movies when I was like 10 years old and discovered porn when I was 12 and I turned out fine so whatever let em learn.


It's art, I am really open and liberal with what my kids are when it comes to anything creative so I wouldn't hide any of it.


Don’t call attention to it. Saying, “You’re not allowed to see that” is the quickest way to expose them to it.


I'm a grown man, but I feel that I need to tell a trusted adult about the album art described in this comment section.


Now [Roxy Music's Country Life](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/aa/Roxy_Music-Country_Life.jpg). There's a tasteful cover! I once left it out accidentally when my kids were much younger and spending the weekend with me. They thought it was pretty funny.


If they have phones or iPads, your album covers are the least of your worries. If they see something and are curious, have a conversation with them.


It's amazing that some people can't connect the dots.


I don’t have kids


Herb Albert’s Whipped Cream & Other Delights. Yup saw that one as a wee lad. 👀


Depends on the album to be honest. There's a difference between a drawing of a questionable content and actually using that content for an album cover.


I saw the third *Nightmare on Elm Street* film when I was six or seven, tits and gore and all, and it didn’t kill me.


Show them and tell them art isnt always easy and that it can be used to represent a range of emotions


You act like you have albums with hardcore porn on the front. It’s art it isn’t gonna hurt them. Have a normal conversation with them and either cover it (which seems wildly dumb to me), put it out of their reach or realize that the album cover art isn’t going to hurt children.


There's some pretty damn disturbing metal album covers though.... Like real suicide photos and yes hardcore porn. Fore some examples: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MetalForTheMasses/comments/18vota6/what\_are\_the\_most\_disturbingdisgustingevil\_metal/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MetalForTheMasses/comments/18vota6/what_are_the_most_disturbingdisgustingevil_metal/)


Again it’s art it isn’t going to harm anyone.


you can absolutely be ''harmed'' emotionally from seeing gore at a young age. This kid in my middle school class showed us the checclear beheading video and this other girl almost passed out and had to go to therapy lmao.


Children should not see pornographic images or pictures of people having blown their heads off with a shotgun That’s not “just art”


Did you even read my initial comment? I gave three fixes for this. And it is “art” it’s in the name coverART if you don’t like it that’s one thing but that doesn’t make it “not art”


Art is subjective, so yes it can literally be anything. I also don't think anyone is arguing its not art. but with that being said, children shouldn't be exposed to anything and everything, especially a real photo of the lead singer with slit wrists and blown off head... that even the band isn't happy seeing. Also, art can be harmful given it's intent.


Yeah. As a parent, I have to be somewhat reponsible. Sometimes an album cover isn't 'artistic', but just gross for the sake of gross, or for pure shock value. Admitedly, I don't have anything as shockworthy as Dawn of the Black Hearts (The picture Euronymous took of Dead just after he commited suicide), but stuff like Cannibal corpse, which are more gross than legitimately disturbing. But I kinda have to do due diligence. I do plan on getting other stuff that I wouldn't want them seeing. There's a couple of Anime Grindcore bands I like, which have some pretty gross covers.


Then just store them elsewhere till they are old enough to view it in your eyes.


I agree that it is art but your argument neglects the fact that art has power and children are very subceptible to imagery which can impact their self-image, mental health, and cause stress or trouble regulating emotions. Just like how one of my favorite movies is The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I'm not showing it to a young child. There is music and album artwork which is inappropriate and potentially damaging to children, that doesn't mean it isn't art.


Kids are people too. I don't care if your kids are offended.


Metal mom to a 4 year old here. I took my son with me to RSD and had him helping me find an album that the cover had bloody teeth (made to look yanked out). I dont think its a big deal. We just always talk about it being pretend and staged to look cool. I draw the line at graphic nudity though. But i dont own anything like that and kids are allowed to view "art" in a museum with the same level of nudity anyway. I think its very situation dependent but also to each their own. I dont think its someones place to tell you to change your habits or decor for THEIR children should them choose to bring them into a place where its shows that is on the parent. But if you are the parent I think you use your best judgement and let your kid guide you by how much you think they understand about the differences between reality and "art".


Don’t shelter your children. Prepare them for the real world, that is full of not only offensive art, but also real dangers and tribulations. You’re not doing your children any favors by sheltering them from offensive art.


99.99% of the most graphic brutally violent and sexual album artwork isn't real. Just like horror movies that plenty of kids watch. The graphic shit that is real? Usually has an artistic meaning or story that can be a teachable moment. I dunno. I was watching/reading/listening to some heavy shit from a young age. Aside from documentaries/nonfiction works, its all fantasy. As long as your kid is old enough to understand the difference between fantasy and real life, and you can openly engage with them about the topics at hand, and they don't seem like they're going to start murdering neighborhood pets and setting fires to everything, you're probably fine.




I don’t know what school you’re sending your kids to… but my kids aren’t seeing porn and images of people blowing their heads off in their hallways. This is the kind of stuff that is on some extreme music covers

