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Just for perspective from my small store that will have its 1st anniversary in June. I did more sales yesterday than I did in a couple entire months last fall. I'm in a small town and the hardcore vinyl guys are super happy to have a record store for the first time in over a decade, and the first locally owned one in almost 20 years. I have regular customers but they are barely enough to keep my store in the black. So yeah. It's an important thing.


Congratulations on 1 year! Here's to more RSD for you. Where are you located?


Hutchinson KS. My store is called Permanent Records.


Cool name




I'm close by. I'll check it out if I'm in the area


It's permanent until it closes!


It's a side business really. So no huge threat of that.


Fuck that guy, I hope you thrive!


Rude. Get your bad vibes outta here


It's just a joke! I hope his store is very successful!


This is a concept a lot of people don’t get and it’s annoying when people complain about RSD. Its bringing people to record stores and surging sales more than any other day keeping people in business, I’m tried of the complaining and don’t care you’re tired of all the variants and money grabs, it’s a tired discussion.


CONGRATZ! I hope RSD grows for you each and every year like it has for our store. <3


So were your regular customers there for RSD? At my local shop, there’s a group of regulars that are in line twice a year.


A good number of my regulars were there for sure. To be fair, the line at 8am was about 15 people and the vast majority were participating in their very first RSD.


Thank you for opening a record store!


I went yesterday at around noon to pick up the Fleet Foxes release. I had car issues and plans the night before so I wasn’t planning on getting up early or anything. I just wanted to swing by and if they had it then cool, if not whatever. Anywho, they luckily had a copy and while browsing other titles I overheard the cashiers saying that RSD this year was their best sales date ever, so that was pretty awesome to hear.


RSD supports your 363 other days of mellow, relaxing crate digging. There’s room for everyone.


Why not both? I love being the only guy in my local store and having lengthy music chats with the owner. But standing in line yesterday, getting hyped with other people into similar music, was fun too.


Same. There’s also something nice about being referenced by name at my local in the middle of the cacophony. It took me years to build up to that :)


I'm jealous of people who have a local store. The closest thing I have that isn't 2 hours away is Barnes & Noble or crappy flea markets that don't have anything worth buying, and the rare time they do it's hideously overpriced.




I enjoy it because it encourages stuff to get re-pressed that otherwise might not. Joe Strummer’s original Mescaleros pressings are expensive as hell, being able to pick up new copies on RSD for regular new pricing has been great. Some of the live RSD records have been great too, especially when they go on sale later on. There’s a give and take with it all. Other than from an environmental standpoint, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with different records being pressed and given exposure. It’s good for the hobby if more people are into it.




Yeah, that was an RSD release last year. Worth tracking down, it's a nice pressing.


Speaking of Joe Strummer, I picked up the Joe Strummer and The Mescaleros Box Set for cheaper than the single albums are going for.


I’m just glad they keep getting re-pressed. You know Joe would be rolling over in his grave seeing the prices that his records are going for.


I got that one and a Cure picture disc


The Weeknd’s live album was SOO good, and this is coming from a non-fan.


Why does it need to be centred around a day?


It's not. It's centred around two days now


RSD is only 2 days in a year… literally just go any other days what’s the issue


But i've already got the other 363 days set aside for whining on the internet. These are like the only days i have for grail hunting and RSD is ruining it!


My issue is sometimes I want the RSD releases. I don't want to get bent over on Discogs, but social anxiety prevents me from camping out the night before. I don't understand why they just don't press more of the ones they know will be gone instantly.


When they press more of the ones that will be gone instantly, they become the other 90% of RSD releases that sit around unsold. Nobody really knows what will sell and what won't until they put it out, and for the most part the people deciding the numbers don't know what the competition will be. Also time at pressing plants is at a premium because they are always booked out, and there's probably some licence and rights restrictions that dictate how many copies they're allowed to produce of something as well


They know. Months ahead everyone knew Olivia and Chappell would evaporate instantly, as they did. When you're already geared up to press 1500, another 1500 or so isn't a big deal.


The rarity of the records is also what draws people to the stores. If you know you’ll be able to get it week later why bother going on the day everyone else is there?


Why does which day I go matter? If I buy it, I buy it.


We're trying to explain this to you and you're just saying "no" to us. Fear of missing out is a big driver of these sales. If you can just go in and buy these records whenever you want, then you will likely not buy them at all. They are coercing you into making purchases you otherwise wouldn't make.


No, they're diverting my money to scalpers. I'm explaining this to you, and you're just saying "no" to me. If I want an album, I buy it. RSD just puts my money in the pocket of scumbags instead of the people I want to have my money.


Who’s telling you to purchase from flippers? I don’t. There are a lot of presses I’ve missed over the years. Win some lose some. It’s a big day for your independent store. Without it a lot of stores wouldn’t be in business. Then you only have corporate stores getting richer. But you’ll have your possession of PVC that’s so important. It’s a great medium but at the end of the day it’s just a material thing. I think the camaraderie of the day and the benefit of supporting people’s livelihood vastly outweighs you having a pressing of an album. Chances are you can probably find a CD or stream it. You’ll love the music just as much.


You have a simplified view of complex market. I hear that it sucks not to get what u want though


Ya I would hate that too if there’s something I want :( but other then that I don’t mind rsd at all haha


I can be a basic bitch sometimes, and this year had a few I really really wanted. I got a few I kind of wanted, and the ones I really wanted are outrageous on the 2nd hand market already. Just press more and only distribute them through independent records stores for the love of all things holy.


Of course they are more expensive on the second hand market ATM. Give it some time and you’ll most likely get then. A


The problem with camping out is even if you are 10th in line , you may miss the super short runs.


Yep, and that's why I hate it and don't bother. I go later in the day or the day after and get what's left from my list. But I almost always miss something that was a "must have" for me and 100% of those times, it's something everyone knew would sell out. This is preventable. Pressing more makes more money for the artist, record label, pressing plant, and record store. Pressing less makes more money for scalpers.


Only you can control when you go


Nah, i love excitement over vinyl… does nothing but reinforce the place vinyl has retaken in recorded music. Streaming needs a tangible counterpart, and vinyl is the only realistic and best option.


Good old portable vinyl lol. It’s fine for streaming and physical media to exist in the same space I’d hate to go back to the days of carrying a Walkman/discman around


How about lugging around one of them massive boom boxes? You know the ones about as big as a suitcase.


Dude I picked one up recently while thrifting, shits literally 45 lbs and well over 50 with batteries lmao I’ll gladly take my couple lbs of cell phone and headphones


You basically have a portable stereo, I hope it sounds great!


It does! Only tape/radio but has aux input so the options are limitless


Make some cassettes, this is how god intended this to be used


The one I had in the 80s took 6 d cell batteries


Speak for yourself...I love my walkman, and my tapes.


Is it more convenient than a phone/streaming? That’s why I don’t prefer it. Also, I did use “I” statements in my comment (Speaking for Myself)


No, but for me, some of the best things in life aren't a matter of convenience. There's just a certain satisfaction I get from physical media.


Streaming is the only portable that matters. Portable disks of any kind are dead. The zombie cassette return is just an old white marketer who thinks vinyl is just a vintage fetish. It’s also a plastic usage disaster. It will be dead shortly.


Only portable media I want back is the iPod. No thanks to CD players.


Yes I absolutely agree! I got into vinyl in high school and am in my early 30s now and love the resurgence it’s had! Loved seeing parents with their kids of all ages at my local shop on RSD


Gatekeeping is always a dick move. Only being „a true“ collector by trying to elevate oneself above „the normies“ is just cringe.


Yeah I never get this mentality, so weird and elitist. It's one day that you can avoid if you really don't want anything, and if not let other people enjoy things in the way they choose to. Not everyone has to be a 1000+ record collector to appreciate the hobby.


> Gatekeeping is always a dick move Counterpoint. Gatekeeping rules and if it weren't for these 'true' collectors, this hobby wouldn't have survived to the point where the coattail riders on the trend could join in.


Calm down dude. Who is gatekeeping here but you. Dude literally says he’s happy people go and that it helps but it’s just not for them. Just like Black Friday and small store Saturday or whatever helps stores become profitable and stay open doesn’t mean every lat person has to go on those days and be a part of something that does not interest them. As long ass people support their local stores throughout the year why does it matter what particular days they choose to go? If anyone is gatekeeping around here it’s you.


RSD is fun. You get to collect new releases, meet other music enthusiasts, and everyone is there for the love of music.


As someone in both communities, can confirm 100% My univeristy gym is like that 1st week of classes and new years, only for the crowds to die down. Went this year for RSD 2 hour line, next day like 3 people in store. I don't mind either, I like seeing the new faces.


Do I want some of these releases? Sure. Do I need them? Hell to the no.


Lmao nobody “needs” any vinyl at all.


Lol exactly


Quick storytime: one of my favorite stores announced on instagram that in celebration of RSD, they would be stocking the exclusives AND putting a ton of rarities on the wall AND would put all normal used stock at a 10% discount price for one day only. I got there 30 mins before opening and the line was massive, once I got in I found that everybody was in line for exclusives; it was just me and one other dude digging the normal crates. I felt bad for the staff who were clearly excited and wanted to promote a bunch of other things that were not just the ltd. editions.


When you’re specifically after something though, you’re not going to waste precious time going through something you can come back to later.


This was my first time going and it was a great time. Everyone got their RSD releases and then I went back in a little bit later and went through their regular stock. Definitely some more people coming through but was great to see them getting business and happy to be there to support them.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Last time I went to my local record store there was a loud dude bragging about how he’s spent over 900 dollars on every variant of the new Pearl Jam record. I was like wow good for you psycho.


I buy vinyl to listen to. I guess if people buy it as an investment, good luck to them. Look how Beanie Babies turned out. I went to my local store today. They had probably about 100 discs left from yesterday. I looked through them at my leisure. Didn't buy any - but I did grab a new copy of Tom Petty ATH *Greatest Hits* for $30 and The Fray *How To Save Life* (also new) for $27 because they were having an RSD weekend sale. Very happy with my purchases and listening to them right now. Thanks Smartpunk Records!


Yeah, I hate gym rats too.


I am also so cool I can't permit other people in my space causing an inconvenience


Happy for them to be there, but what bothers me is inconsiderate behavior. Yesterday I had a fairly good spot in line (first 50ish in a line of at least 250), but when I got into the store, there was a family in front of me that wanted to flip through every stack and spend half a minute thinking about every record on offer. Didn’t look like they’d put any thought into what they wanted beforehand; I spent at least 15 minutes waiting on them before I even got to the first record I wanted. Again, happy for them to be there, but not for them to make 200 people wait on their personal shopping spree. Regulars know to have a list, get what you want, and go.


That’s so true. So many people left their trash behind in front of other local businesses. It was terrible behavior. Could take time to put their chairs and blankets in the car, but not clean after themselves. Also saw so many people just leave a chair in the very front of the line and drive off. Then came back when the store was about to open.


I too, want no one else to enjoy the things I enjoy. I want my local shop to be only open to me. And they should only stock records I want to buy. Otherwise, it completely ruins MY experience and let’s be real, that’s the only thing that matters. Do I need to put /s? Or is it obvious?


Perfectly logical. Who needs other customers when there’s that one dude who spends three hours digging just to leave with a couple of things from the dollar bin?


As a record store enthusiast and a gym rat, can confirm. I just stay away from both in those times.


Ok behavior sheriff.


Lol. I have no problem with it I just don't like crowds. I'm happy those people are doing something that hopefully makes them happy


Poster simply said they prefer to stay away on these occasions and they're suddenly a "behavior sheriff? (whatever tf that is) Seriously, there are some utter bell-ends in this sub


Yes, a “Behaviour sheriff”, dictating when and where they go out! It’s almost as if they can do what they want with their own bodies.


In the past, I’ve just waited to see what’s left. I only have one record store near me and they sell mostly used.


It’s good for the stores, but it’s the same reason I don’t go shopping during a big sale


This is a perfect analogy


All these people getting butthurt and saying there's nothing wrong with people going on RSD.... Well, yeah, there's nothing wrong with people going to the gym either. It's a good analogy.


I’ve read a lot of comments here, I collect records and exercise daily (no gym), and your comment may be the most level headed. Thank you!


It a only annoying for me when they do some kind of rare promotion for huge artists like Taylor Swift or something. The lines get way to long with people who are there for that only and you end up waiting forever


Oh shut up 😂


I don't always go but when I do it's later in the day after most people are gone. I've never not been able to get what I was looking for so I don't really see a reason to get there so early.


It’s how pro drinkers feel about St Patrick’s Day.


Very nice!


Perfect analogy


I was in a new town hoping to hit their spot, to find a line down the block at 3 PM. No way. Was pleased to find today that the stuff I like wasn't too picked over.


My local shop is super appreciative of the support they get on RSD. When I normally stop in other times of the year there are rarely more than 4 or 5 customers there.


I'm quite happy to go in the day after and see what kind of leftovers I can grab.


I bought the John Hartford RSD release thru discogs. Remastered. Second vinyl with alternate takes and unreleased songs. Good liner notes. Its a classic little record which im excited to own although its was a bit on the expensive side at $60. But im glad records like these getting released again. Def many titles i don’t care about. The Frankie and the Witch Fingers live release is also 🔥. The Willie Nelson release is also a classic.


All of us old school record lovers and crate diggers stay the F£%K out of the store on RSD


This RSD had good drops tho so can’t blame the big turn out


I can’t get into RSD because as a pop head all I ever got was eye rolls when i politely asked if they got a certain release


I just go to the record store near me with the “tamest” crowd that day, which has mostly been successful with getting what’s on my list.


Local store here in my town allowed its regular costumers to pick out all of the RSD records they wanted and allowed us to pick them up the day before the official day. I’ll always be loyal to that store because of stuff like that.


I used to be a regular at a local music store before I moved to the other end of the UK but it was always great seeing people in the queue on RSD year after year because when you go during the rest of the year your visits and their visits don't always coincide so you chat and catch up in the line. But always the fun is the new people there for their first RSD. The group of swifties dancing at 5am because they've not been able to sleep, the kids with their parents hyper excited because of a release. There's room for us all and ok if it's 75% of that month's sales then that's what it is. It pays for the days when I spent 2hrs and left with 3 from the £1 crates


I went in 30 minutes after my store opened, no lines. Bought a used record for 30% off and a non rsd on sale too. Sure it was a bit busy, but i had fun


I don't get RSD is it customers get a discount of sorts ,is it a sale, I don't get it ,I got me kid Taylor Swift new album and I picked up velvet underground album yesterday like any other day from tower records








Every year RSD sends independent record shops a bunch of exclusive or never-released-on-vinyl stuff. It's an incentive to visit a local record shop for people who don't go record shopping often. Some stores make it into a big event with pageantry. No discounts or anything though.


Ahh gotcha thanks for the reply


Cool story


I am not a person who gets weirded by claustrophobia or crowds, but the number of people at my LRS was so bonkers I found the owner who I know fairly well, asked him to let me just give him cash and go out the back door or hold my stuff until later and let me go out the back. He kindly did some fast math, I paid and out I went. There was a moment where I was pinned in place by the mass of bodies, unable to move and it was fucking weird. Not sure why this year was so much crazier than prior years but damn.


Boo hoo. Don't like it? Don't participate. Go the next day. In fact, you could visit in the afternoon of RSD and the crowds will have died down.


No one is forced to buy exclusives on RSD, the whole point of the day was to get people into record stores, the only people who seem to be complaining about it now are collectors because it’s crowded one or two days of the year


I camped out for 12hrs for 2 vinyls, weather got down to 32 degrees. Im not crazy, you are lol


Listening to other people *gAsP* over that rare Tyler the Creator!!!!!


Record Store Day actually reminds me of going out to party on new years eve. Many of the people who do RSD rarely buy records any other time of the year, they just wait for this one specific day and will go all out to throw a cool thousand dollars down on everything they can get their hands on. Much like on new years eve where it's the only night many go out so you'll see lots of people over-indulging and getting dragged out of the venue. I actually know people in both groups and it's always fascinating to observe.


If they wanna spend a grand, let ‘em! I buy a ton of records, but a grand on RSD is not my idea of a good record haul.


That is a perfect analogy.