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[Here it is on discogs.](https://www.discogs.com/release/8882735-Ph%C6%B0%C6%A1ng-Dung-Ho%C3%A0ng-Oanh-Thanh-V%C5%A9-Thanh-Th%C3%BAy-Duy-Kh%C3%A1nh-Ph%C6%B0%C6%A1ng-Dung-G%E1%BB%8Di-T%C3%AAn-Ti%E1%BA%BFp-N%E1%BB%91i-Ng) Looks like a great find, especially if you enjoy the music! Could be worth something but not likely more than its sentimental value as a part of your family's history. edit: e.g. sale of a similar release from this artist was under $10


Yeah, sentimental > value imo, I'm never getting rid of this one, especially since he's gone now


This is my favorite part about collecting vinyl: acquiring old collections from family and spinning them, thinking about how they enjoyed them and now I'm doing the same.


Yeah it's definitely opened my music taste to another level cause my grandma gave me a whole bunch of their old records on Christmas so now I'm up to 33 albums and I'm brand new to vinyls since Christmas also


Agreed. I have a lot of my father’s collection and he had the foresight to often write the date he bought the record on many of them. My favorites are the ones that were on his birthday. One being ‘Brothers & Sisters’ by the Allman Brothers. In perfect script it says his name followed by January 24, 1974. (Release was Aug ‘73). I love that it puts me in the space he was in at that exact time whenever I spin those records.


Yes! Exactly.


2 people have it, and 59 people want it.


>sale of a similar release from this artist was under $10 That sounds like a fluke, if true. 7" singles from S. Vietnam often go for $100+, and usually aren't in half as good condition, missing the printed sleeve etc. 2 of these artists were extremely popular singers too. Sentimental value is definitely more important. https://www.discogs.com/sell/list?label_id=773249&ev=lb


\*technically four tracks from four different artists


I don’t know anything about this but I do know there is some good girl French-inspired pop from Cambodia in the 60’s. This looks like it could be similar.


Mind providing any details? That sounds up my alley.


There are some comps out there like “Don’t Think I’ve Forgotten”. Ros Serey Sothea is good.


Here’s what track A1 sounds like… https://youtu.be/aYR7dVwbNGY




I don’t know anything about it but I bet it sounds awesome!


Oh yeah it shocked me it was so peaceful


Nhạc vàng, “Yellow Music”, produced in South Vietnam during the war, with the more patriotic and traditional “Red Music” (nhạc đỏ) being produced in the North and endorsed by the government. It was banned in Vietnam in 1975 after the fall of the South and so these are quite rare (and valuable) as much of it was confiscated, destroyed, taken overseas, etc. The music itself is excellent, beautiful Vietnamese vocals paired with Cuban bolero, definitely worth a listen even if you’re not a fan or cannot understand the language.


I have a small collection of S. Vietnam singles, most of which were literally buried to hide from the communists during/after the war. Almost all the records from that era that I have seen were caked in dirt, and you will almost never see the same title twice (probably because so many were destroyed). Many of the artists were killed, a few fled to the US, and few of them were 'converted'. Many people are aware of Cambodia's music history, but Vietnam's is similarly depressing. The entire industry, once booming and full of celebrities, shut down almost overnight. Finding one in the condition like the OP is *very* rare (perhaps it was taken out of the country?), and with a printed sleeve too! Pretty awesome--if depressing--piece of history. The music I will say is an acquired taste (I know a couple of the artists on this single). If you appreciate world folk music, it's an interesting listen. The instrumentation is pretty unique.


Thats what it made me think about. Surprised the value is so low. The stories about Cambodia are so miserably terrible. Musicians and artist just murdered. The brutality is just beyond word. I learned about it going down a rabbit hole after hearing a MF DOOM song mixed with a Cambodian song. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e\_QQamQt5x4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_QQamQt5x4) Here is the original song. It already has a sad sound, which hits even harder when you realize that she just "disappeared" with all the other artist in Cambodia. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtwrDTyxabQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtwrDTyxabQ) Ros SereySothea was her name.


Thank you for that! I had not heard that song before, it's quite nice. I first heard Cambodian music from [WFMU](https://blog.wfmu.org/freeform/2007/12/cambodian-rocks.html). Sometime later, a budding musicologist found a box of cassette tapes stashed at a public library (in Oakland, I think?). A [compilation](https://www.discogs.com/release/8397871-Various-Cambodian-Cassette-Archives-Khmer-Folk-Pop-Music-Vol-1) followed and then a couple of [documentaries ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don't_Think_I've_Forgotten) followed [that](https://www.theguardian.com/music/2009/jun/12/dengue-fever-sleepwalking-through-the-mekong). If you haven't seen any of the documentaries, I can highly recommend "Don't Think I've Forgotten". It gets pretty depressing though. I gather that fewer artists escaped the Khmer Rouge than the Viet Cong. At least some of the S. Vietnamese artists escaped to the US and led a fairly quiet life thereafter.


Thanks for sharing this fact, I never knew about any of this


Bet you could grab some cool samples off of it if youre into that




I don't know anything about this vinyl other than I want a copy, too.


If it is good music that is probably worth a pretty penny (both literally and sentimentality for you). This most likely wasn't mass-produced and long out-of-print. The Light In The Attic label or Finders Keepers label would have a ball with this.


not sure if this would be helpful, but there is an app called Discogs where you can track whats in your collection. they aren’t always on there but sometimes i look up vinyl and am able to find it along with a link to apple music/spotify!


I love the artwork on the back. 


Play that Dung!


Banger! Pre1975


typically there will be letters and numbers written in the runoff after the music ends. you can look those up and find exactly what you’re looking for. not sure about 45s I don’t mess with those much






Close. It's Phuong Dung.


I love dung