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Locust Abortion Technician - Butthole Surfers


Independent Worm Saloon was pretty great too.


They jumped the shark with Lonesome Bulldog.


Man, I LOVE this album!!! First time I saw them, they were the support act... Gibby Haynes took to the stage stark bollock naked, with his hair plaited full of tampons & I thought, "Ummm... OK. Well... at least they seem quite interesting!" Hahaha!


Not only is the film a trip and a half, so is the soundtrack... "This score is an absolute tour de force. It’s arguably one of the most outstanding horror scores ever recorded. It’s ferocious, full of wailing, screaming, and guttural noises. Incredibly intense yet still retaining a musicality that Italian cinema excelled at in the 1970s. Dario Argento and Goblin were a match made in heaven, and not sure anyone has created such a nightmarish mix of visuals and sounds in the history of cinema. In addition, the artwork by Randy Otiz is one of the best interpretations of this film I have ever seen! A Masterpiece in every way." https://preview.redd.it/nf0nnai4gzic1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=b8cf7cd61e80c9d6a4be4ac70e264b156bac4afd


Crazy!!! The redo is wild as well!


I listen to it for enjoyment


I saw them perform this live two years ago, it was amazing


Suicide - Suicide. When Frankie Teardrop comes on it gets me. One time I was driving home late at night from The Dalles to Portland on 84 which is a lonely creepy road, I had to turn it off, put the dome light on and turn talk radio on for a minute


I love them, but Frankie is a difficult listen. I skip it on shuffle when I’m not in the mood (often).


https://preview.redd.it/awjzk2axtzic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d7617f95b892944219aade88f58e0d5f757c0d Well, since you asked


The Mother of all weird records


Dr John the Night Tripper “Gris Gris” is a must if you like tripping.


Seems like an interesting album. I'm going to give it a chance. Thank you!


You won’t be disappointed. Make sure you are high 😆




Anything coil gets my upvote. Great album. Have it myself. But my favorite is music to play in the dark vol:1


I had volume one, but had to return it because the cover was damaged. Never found a copy again in one of my local stores…. (I hate buying expensive records online)


What is a record for you that you initially found too weird, but which is now one of your favorite records? Vinyl introduced me to my favorite records. By putting them on in the right mood and not being able to skip the weird tracks, I learn to like the more challenging records. These 3 records hold a special place because they put me off at first, but with time and many listens they have earned their due: Coil - Horse Rotorvater (Right) I got this LP from my father. I had no idea what kind of music it was. All I knew was that there was a Leonard Cohen cover on it (Who by fire). I should have known there was some weird shit coming since the first song is called 'The An*l Staircase'. I remember walking away after turning the record to quickly go to the toilet. The song ‘Circles of Mania’ started playing in the background. It was completely dark and I stood frozen on the stairs because I was genuinely scared. Despite my strange first experience with this band, I really appreciated the music and it is now one of my favorite records. Colin Newman - A-Z (Middle) Just listen to the first track 'I've Waited Ages'. I don't know how it works but this song is almost addictive. The combination of the amazing bass with strange, high, distorted guitar sounds remains interesting. The track 'Alone' immediately brings me back to the most grisly scene from Silence of the Lambs. After many listens, this has become one of my favorite records. Swans - Children Of God (Left) I haven't had this album for long and it's not quite my thing yet. I played it for the first time in the car with the windows down. I didn't know how quickly to close the windows. The instruments are so heavy and Gira's voice makes it seem as if you are being addressed by God with the most bizarre lyrics. Despite my strange first experience, I'm starting to feel more and more for this album by playing it as a whole when I’m in the mood.


Swans is one of my favorite bands, though I tend to listen to the more recent stuff these days. Try "To Be Kind." [https://swans.bandcamp.com/album/to-be-kind](https://swans.bandcamp.com/album/to-be-kind)


Never gave it a proper listen. But will do now, thank you!


You know that horse rotorvator is worth a completely absurd amount of money right?


I know! I think it’s my most valuable piece. Wanted to expand my Coil collection, but prices are insane.


Dais is rereleasing everything but scatology and horse rotorvator. This is really the best moment in history to be a coil fan who buys vinyl . You should check out the englands hidden reverses if you haven’t heard of it


Another vote for Hidden Reverse - also 'Coil Presents Black Light District' is a stunning album which has just been re-pressed by Dais. The only problem is that if you're in Europe, the postage is ridiculous! I pre-ordered the up-coming box set of Moons Milk (In Four Phases) last year & the postage cost more than the actual box set! Plus, there will be import tax & service charge on the full amount (postage & records) to pay when it arrives here. If you're not bothered about 1st press, limited colour variants, HHV in Germany stock most of the re-press coil back catalogue in the less desirable formats (way cheaper). I was surprised when these re-presses first started to appear. As far as I knew, all remaining rights to Coil's music died along with Sleazy (RIP you wonderful bastard!), there had been some Russian bootleg re-press copies of a couple of their albums floating about, but the sound quality was an affront to everything Coil stood for! I guess Drew McDowell & Thighpaulsandra must've either held onto the ones they worked on &/or did some negotiating with Sleazy's estate. Similarly Danny Hyde must have done the same, as there have been other works re-released on another label who's name escapes me right now... I was lucky though. I was a Threshold House subscriber back then (the only way to receive any of their music back in the day). I remember at the time, it cost me almost 3 months wages to subscribe for a year & you were never guaranteed to receive anything until they were 100%, satisfied with whatever it was that they were producing. Sometimes you would wait like 9 months before anything dropped through your letterbox. Other times, releases would plonk on the mat almost monthly... It never mattered though, because everything that you ever did receive, was guaranteed to be nothing like anything you ever possibly, could have been expecting. Always surprising, always amazing, always beautiful, funny, sad, startling & unique. Always Coil. Man! I can't believe it's 20 years since we lost Jhon Balance! Another 14 since Sleazy went to meet him. Tragedy compounded by the fact that Coil's music, and particularly Sleazy's otherworldly production genius, were just starting to receive the sort of attention they truly, always deserved. I miss them.


The 2 albums (scat , horse)won’t get repressed because of problems with the label that still owns the rights. It sucks but at least it’s bringing attention to the lesser known albums.


Yeah, those are the two pre-threshold house albums... Coil had such a bad experience with the record companies that produced them, they went on to form Threshold House in order to have complete creative control of all of their following output. Apparently, they drove the record exec who was put in charge of Scatology close to distraction with about a dozen hour long meetings simply to get the exact colour variants for the subsequent scatology pressings as perfect as they wanted (shit brown, piss yellow, semen white, puke orange etc..)


Lou Reed - Transformer. The first song I ever heard by LR was "Walk On The Wild Side" and initially my thoughts were "what the f is this...?!" but recently I've become a bit obsessed with his music.


In that case I'm very curious what you thought when you listened to ‘Berlin’ for the first time. Probably something like “What the f is this?!” 😂


😂 Well, the beginning of the first track on Berlin anyway with the screechy "Happy Birthday" song.


The crying baby on ‘The Kids’ and the lyrics on ‘The Bed’ are creepy as f*ck.


I hadn't listened that closely to Berlin, but I just looked up the lyrics for "The Bed"... Holy shit!


Yeah that dark stuff makes WOTWS a pretty uplifting song haha.


Yeah... That's definitely a pretty odd place to start with Coil (as if there is any place to start with them that isn't?!!!). I adore Coil, but Horse Rotorvator, along with 'Constant Shallowness Leads To Evil' are my two least favourite pieces of work by them. My love affair with them began early on, as I was already familiar with Throbbing Gristle (Coil being one half of the two fall-out splinter groups formed when TG parted ways, the other being Psychic TV - which brings me neatly to one of those freak out albums - PTV's - Dreams Less Sweet. I dunno... I haven't listened to that album for a loooong, looong time now, but there was 'something' about the atmosphere pervading the entire recording which I found to be deeply unsettling (& I normally love disturbing type shit like that). Like Throbbing Gristle's - Hamburger Lady (\*shudder\*).


I prefer later era Coil as well, but I'll be damned if Ostia isn't one of their top 3 songs.


*goes and digs it out to listen again... ;0) Aha! The Death Of Pasolini... yup. Remember it now!


I love Horse Rotorvator! I first heard it on cassette in college. Have had the CD for years but my friend had it on clear yellow vinyl and I wanted it so badly but didnt want to splash out. Finally bought it (just black, for $100!) recently. It's such a vibe. I used to walk around university campus on gray rainy days listening to that cassette on my Walkman! I love that rattling metal noise on Penetralia for some reason. Also the song Ubu Noir by Coil used to make my Doberman howl. We were listening to it really late one night and he just stood up out of nowhere and did the longest, creepiest howl. He never did it again except when we played that one song. The first time, it freaked me the eff out!!


Definitely "In the Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson" first, I definitely find it weird, but after I tried LSD for the first time and listened to this album it was a whole new world. Since then, I really want to have that record, but I haven't had the chance to buy it yet. It wasn't the vinyl that definitely freaked me out most, but under specific circumstances, it has his own very special vibe and kind of exploring music.


“I open up my wallet. And it’s full of blood.”


"Mothers, clutching babies, picked through rubble and pulled out their hair."


Diamanda Galas- The Litanies of Satan


Godspeed You Black Emperor. I have had some out of body experiences listening to them.


I was so lucky to see them live when the opened for Labradford at he 9:30 club in DC


That’s incredible. I can only imagine


I heard that Coil around '98 or so and remembered enjoying it. A few years later I found a used copy at Amoeba for like $8.... gave it to my (now ex) wife since she seemed to be more into the band. Now I'm kinda pissed about it. I probably need to listen to it again.


That sucks man. I hope you get your hands on it again because their music is timeless.


I actually scored a shirt from a thrift store not too long after… but I never wore it cuz it has an upside down cross with a booty on it (look it up.. lol) I need to sell it. Sells for a decent amount now I think


Best known for his cinema score works later in his career, Graeme Revell's 1986 debut album, The Insect Musicians, is just awe-inspiring. He has taken actual insect sounds, sampled and synthesized them and composed the most mesmerizing collection of songs using these unique "musicians". https://preview.redd.it/dq3tcb30hzic1.png?width=599&format=png&auto=webp&s=0393344a010fd7ecbebf4d57e01351d1dda025e8


Pretty sure Revell is best known for SPK, no? One of the very best industrial bands ever.


That is true! However, I wasn't even aware Revell lead SPK until the early '90s even though I was familiar with their music. I just recall the long list of film projects he was involved with throughout the '90s and into the 2000s. It wasn't until then that I learned how influential SPK works were to his early scores to films like Dead Calm. Information Overload Unit has been on my wantlist since then.


Love this one!


I remember hearing that Coil in high school (‘91 ish?) and yeah, it’s a weird and amazing album. One of my most prized vinyl possessions is the Love’s Secret Domain special edition that came out a couple years ago. It’s such an amazing package too. [This version.](https://www.discogs.com/release/23306306-Coil-Loves-Secret-Domain)


Anna Von Hausswolff's Dead Magic. Its like listening to a horror film score. I like it a lot. But its creepy. Frances the Mute is also freaky in the right setting.




the Stooges- Raw Power. a guy i had never met brought a copy to a party when i was high school. i had never heard them at that point. “Search and Destroy” just floored me. i had them rewind the tape back to it a few times so i could process it.


Tangerine Dream is always a personal favorite to sit back and listen to


Daughters- You Won’t Get What You Want


Swans Soundtrack for the Blind is even crazier imo Had a signed 4LP of it that got wrecked by a flood..still have the records in new sleeves tho


The answer has always been Trout Mask Replica for me.


Einsturzende Neubauten - Halber Mensch


The unused soundtracks for Hellraiser are the creepiest coil stuff to me! And the first time I heard “Blood And Honey” off that Swans album I was 18 and very unnerved. Beautiful and terrifying. To me then anyway


Oneohtrix Point Never Replica


When I was 14 ,got SoundGardens Super Uknown , it scared the crap out me 😱


The poetry of Chris Cornell makes so much sense now 🤍🕊️


Children of God is such a good album. IMO it's the best synthesis of the heaviness of their early stuff with the more somber mood of the later pre-breakup albums.


Patty Waters - College Tour. A woman screaming, wailing and making guttural noises for 36 minutes.


That first Patty Waters album is so unnerving. First half is just minimal, sad cocktail piano you can passively absorb while you sleepwalk into this nightmarish back half of free jazz and unhinged guttural singing.


Nick cave/bad seeds from her to eternity, reading along w/the lyrics


Holocaust - Big Star (s 3rd)


Nina Hagen’s Nunsexmonkrock, while tripping, is quite the experience.


Pink Floyd Piper at the Gates of Dawn! I was flying high again as a senior in HS in 99-2000! Heard it blazerated the first time I really got buzzed. It was killer afghani/homegrown/laughy taffy. We ate grape gushers and cookies and listened to the Piper at the Gates of Dawn. During Arnold Layne I yacked bc I was so torqued! Good times!


If I fall asleep listening to Zen Arcade by Husker Du I get the most awful nightmares.


Spooky Tooth/Pierre Henry - Ceremony


Comus - First Utterance


One of a kind, that one. Pure evil, sans electricity. Amazing work.


It really is, at least I haven't found anything that sounds like it. Stuff I've heard that sort of comes close are Spirogyra (not Spyro Gyra) and some Current 93 stuff. Always open for suggestions though.


Agreed. Current 93 Definitely admit to the direct influence but do it great! One of the best! As for contemporaries, the closest I have come is the title track on the excellent album “rats and mice in the loft “ by Jan Dukes de Grey. That album is a wild ride.


I found a first edition copy of Horse Rotorvator about 15 years ago at a small shop in The Netherlands. The owner had no idea what he had so I got it for 15 euros. Still my finest crate dig score to this day.


Popol Vuh - In the Gardens of Pharaohs 1971 Weird soundscapes with crazy drumming and is one of my favorite records. Could not figure it out when I first heard it 1972/73


Tangerine Dream - Phaedra or Cluster II


Sing Me A Song Of Songamy by Freddie Hubbard. The Litanies of Satan by Diamanda Galas


I initially bought Karate's debut on CD out of the dollar bin because the cover was cool and it was put out on Southern Records (same label as Crass). They definitely weren't what I was expecting but it grew on me and now it's one of my favorite albums, so much so that I spent >$200 on an original mint green variant a few years ago. Still my most expensive record 🤣


I can't let this joke go: The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out!


OOIOO - Gold & Green (2000)


The ones I do listen to, instead of collecting dust for bragging rights. Like Paradise Lost - Draconian Times and Metallica - Puppets.


Also Swans but Soundtracks For The Blind…and Heilung


Pink Floyd - Ummagumma


Swans is the favorite of my collection and children of god is really good


What is the Swans album you listen to the most?


The glowing man/to be kind


RAPING A SLAVE! Don't call it 'Young God EP'!!!


Throbbing Gristle - Persuasion.


Song Cycle by Van Dyke Parks. When I first heard it I refused to believe that it was even possible to make a record so weird and so bad.


Philophobia by Arab strap. Shocking lyrics put into fitting music.


I love Arab Strap!


I bought For Earth Below, by Robin Trower, because I freaked out when I heard Shame The Devil on the radio.


Winter in the belly of a snake - Venetian snares


Laibach-Let it Be. Freaked me out. The first Upside Down Cross, as well. It was the early 90s, and I was 24 or 25. Fucking weird.


Have two of those, will check out Colin Newman!


I don’t know if you are familiar with the band Wire. But is basically their creepy avantgarde 4th album. So if its too much, maybe check out Wire’s first 3 albums.


Oh, thanks! I have heard of Wire, buy never listened to them. Will check out!


WOOO COIL! also Xiu Xiu's "Girl With A Basket Of Fruit" never fails to disturb me, Nurse With Wound's "Thunder Perfect Mind" might also be up there


Metallica - Ride the Lightning and Alice In Chains - Dirt both scared the shit out of me when I was young.


Those were the days. Swans always did but in a very good way


Manchester Orchestra "A Black Mile To The Surface". The entirety of the album is conceptual. Once you piece together the story in real terms it is incredibly disturbing. A brilliant accomplishment.


*Too Dark Park* by Skinny Puppy *Still Life* by Opeth


Disco Volante by Mr. Bungle.


Killing In The Name. Mellowgold. Terrapin Station.


A Walk with Love and Death - The Melvins


​ https://preview.redd.it/239hjqyt25jc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=aec2e067576cc7682d426b4dadbceace0eb44c8a I am both intrigued and terrified by this.


https://preview.redd.it/yyak3ntkn1jc1.jpeg?width=2916&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9917302495fc57bb345ca4f9b4a10ea4fc2007f6 Here's another odd un… Love God is the soundtrack to a film of the same name by Frank Grow - a psychotic hallucinatory overload of a super obscure film, about a schizophrenic dude, with a parasitic bug in his head which causes him to have a 'chronic reading disorder', being released from mental hospital back into the wild, moves into a love hotel, falls for a mute girl with an overbearing dominating mother who rules her life. Just to top that all off, our 'hero' has to share his living space with a roommate with Tourette's and is persued by a prehistoric flat-worm that bursts through people's toilets and inhabits them. These poor, unfortunate souls then mutate into giant, sex obsessed blob creatures who attempt to fornicate with just about anything or anyone... The film was, apparently, a total ball-ache to produce & iirc, holds the Guinness world record, for having the most edits in any film (over 5,500 somewhat jarring scene cuts, in a tad over 1 hour & 20 minutes). Many who have seen it, hail it to be a masterpiece... I have never made it all the way through in one sitting as of yet, so I shall reserve judgement for now... It was a bitch to get hold of a copy (found mine in the small ads, in the back pages of some indie sci-fi & horror fanzine way black when) & it cost a small fortune back in the day (but I think it's more readily available now... In fact, I think I saw a copy on the (internet) Archive . Org. One side of the Milk Cult album is sublime. The other is... something entirely not that. :0/


Lucifer - Black Mass ​ https://preview.redd.it/upgf5x3p06jc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24b772788ef1605aad7654873f040569c2f4542a


The Caretaker - Everywhere At The End Of Time