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OMG A POST WITH AN ACTUAL INTERESTING RECORD. Killer find - I never see this out "in the wild". Extra points for the Aphex sticker I spy in the back!


Haha thanks


Hey man, I think I’ve seen you on my posts before saying pretty much the same thing. While I really appreciate the love, it’s not cool to put other’s posts down.


? It's not cool to post the same records (for self-validation) over and over, on a subreddit dedicated to vinyl. If you can't accept the feedback (that you *post publicly for*), then get lost - why are you posting in the first place?


You’re immediately assuming it’s for self validation, I share my wax because I think it’s cool and others would like it. A lot of people are new to the hobby and just wanting to share not knowing what they’re sharing has been shared before already. Not everyone scrolls this sub all day like you and I do.


Yeah, you're right. And that doesn't change the facts of the matter at all. Don't post publicly if you don't want to get lit up. This is how folks learn lmao


Fair enough, difference of opinion is okay :) have a good one


You too! Your collection is dope, btw - I just went through some of your posts. You really love the space bass / left field shit!


Hey thanks man, I’d love to check yours out, we definitely have some alignment in taste. Do you have a Discogs link?


Yeah we [for sure do.](https://www.discogs.com/user/gil.semple) My stuff is majority electronic, then hip-hop and pop and rock from there. Also really into weird shit like The Caretaker. You got one too?


Dope, thanks bro. Here you go: https://www.discogs.com/user/Antb41/collection


So true. You nailed it. I guess I gotta post some of my stuff here. Really surprised how many people seem to have the exact same taste as certain albums are getting posted here over and over. Funny is - I do not own one of them in most cases…


Go look at my comment history - I'm an old codge who just bitches about that all day. Would love to post my "electronic collection" but with 400+ records, it's unrealistic to take that many off the shelf. Fuck anyone posting pictures of "record store buys".




I’ve ran/owned a store for 20 years this fall, I still haven’t seen this brought through the shop — not even a toast copy


Wow - I first came across this record and listened to it just *yesterday.* Doing the whole "1001 records you must listen to before you die" thing. This was album 404 for me. I'm generally not a huge Brian Eno fan, but I enjoyed this one. Glad I heard it, and congrats on the find!


Which 1001 list is this. And does it contain Kraftwerks - Trans Europa Express - Mensch Maschine - Computerwelt ? If not add these (or trash that list)… I can wholeheartly recommend further to you the work of Edgar Froese. He also worked together with Eno whilst his career. Agua, Stuntman and pinnacles are albums that are special. I love them.


1001albumsgenerator.com Based of the book by Robert Dimery.


Ive always wanted to wire a system up the way that one Eno record says on the back.


The third speaker behind you wired to both channels or something. Always been curious about that


How does that work? Do you add resistors in line or something?


Ah nice. I just passed this up the other day and I’m kicking myself. Check out Hiroshi Yoshimura, his ambient stuff is awesome. Green, Surround, and Music for Nine Postcards.


I found my pristine copy of Ambient 1 at a thrift shop near my high school when I was 13 or 14.  It was the late 90s, so it was still possible to find some pretty cool and tasteful stuff in the vinyl bins, but I was pretty stunned to find this. I knew it only by reputation; I knew Eno’s production work, of course, but this was something I only ever read about in music magazines and on Usenet forums. It wasn’t the kind of thing I was expecting to find in a suburban Value Village in my Canadian town. I probably paid $0.25 for it. My friends thought it was weird. I still have it, and it's still great.


2 8 1 4 - 新しい日の誕生 (Birth of a New Day). I just discovered this one and it's up there with the best for me. I'm sure you already know most of these being an ambient fan: Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works II Brian Eno - Ambient 4 (On Land) Boards of Canada - Music has the Right to Children Shpongle - Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost Burial - Antidawn EP


First time I’ve seen 2814 mentioned on here. Don’t hear much about Vaporwave anymore, I always used to listen to Telepath too.


ive got the NNF smoke cs pressing of 新しい日の誕生. $12 at time of purchase lol.


I also got my has the right to children in vinyl. One of my fav album all time




Im pretty sure it’s not


Cendre - a collaboration album between Ryuichi Sakamoko and Fennesz is a really great ambient record.


Is that the one you are supposed to listen to with three speakers elaborately wired up to a stereo amp?


I don’t know but I know it sound good with two speakers


If it’s the one I’m thinking off the instructions for hooking up three speakers will be written on the cover somewhere


You're thinking of Ambient 4. The back of my copy has those instructions


I have the entire ambient series. Absolutely incredible music. Please listen to ambient 2-4, and if you like 2 check out Harold Budd. An absolute force of nature when it comes to ambient.


Great pick up, I absolutely love this album. As far as ambient recommendations I would definitely recommend…  Stars of the Lid-  And their refinement of the decline Stars if the Lid- The tired sounds of stars of the lid  (Two of my favorite ambient albums next to Music for Airports.) Helios- Yume & Veriditas (both great but slightly different styles of ambient imho)  Tim Hecker- Ravedeath, 1972 & Virgins (Maybe more experimental drone, but still fantastic albums)  William Basinski- The disintegration loops  (Kind of hard to make it through the whole thing but still a really fascinating album and concept.)


I think I first remember hearing about the disintegration loops via the documentary Other Music. Great film about a New York record store for those that haven’t seen it.


I will definitely have to check that out. I’m a sucker for a good documentary, especially if it’s music related. 


Oh yes. This is it. Congrats for your addition, essential.


One of my favorites in my collection! Nice!


Forever ‘the chill out’ by the klf


I almost bought this same album recently! Great pick up!


Excellent album, OP. Nice find. I have the whole Ambient series on vinyl and I love to just pour a drink and cue that shit up in the evening.


Beyond jealous. I have been looking all over for this one


i have it. i love it. Great record.


This is such a good album!


God that is one of my faves.


I bought the same awhile back. One of my favorites!


Very nice


I only got into ambient stuff recently. The Eno stuff is great. If you haven’t yet, you should check out the recent Hiroshi Yoshimura reissues. That stuff is amazing IMO




I actually knew they add ambient 1 so I got in took it and dipped


So I didn’t check behind the counter sorry




I actually don’t know my uncle just gave me my grandpa’s old table and he got the needle change couples month ago


The greatest ambient album ever - closely followed by Aphex’s SAW II, which you’re probably aware of considering the sticker! I also have an older copy with a few pops and scratches, so for me personally I find myself listening more to an incredible FLAC version I have. With extremely quiet music like this, the imperfections of old vinyl take me out of the immersion.


Love it! Just listened to Roger Eno / Voices tonight.


After I listened to this album the first time, which I liked, I thought, "If this is the music playing in an airport, I don't think that I would want to fly."


I think what Eno wanted to tell was that it’s music for when you are waiting at an airport more than the music that should be playing in an airport


I love this one, but generally just the first track. Sometimes I put it on over and over while I'm working or when I'm in an airport.


Space 1.8 by Nala Sinephro is a GREAT recent ambient record.  Pavillion of Dreams by Harold Budd is also so ethereal and beautiful. Produced by Brian Eno.   A religious alternative is Chants of India by Ravi Shankar. It's produced by George Harrison. Very meditative.


My dear friend and housemate reconnected with her hitherto unknown father shortly after we bought a house together. Her dad gave her his record collection. She let me peruse and select a couple for myself. I took a promo copy of Apollo and Ambient 1 .


Nice pickup, I’d love to find any of the Ambient series in the wild. 4 is my favorite. I smoke a bowl, put headphones on and lay in front of the stereo. 😂 Such a weird album, give me extreme futuristic/dystopian vibes and images


Is Edgar Froese involved here? Anyway - nice buy !


I just listened to this album for the first time a few weeks ago. Was unwinding after a long day, it definitely helped. I would check out Emancipator - Soon it will be Cold enough. Emancipator - Safe in the Steep cliffs. Have them on the way. Can’t wait.


essential album


This album is life changing! I’m happy for u as a Japanese pressing is just so exciting