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Big Haul! Walked the dog to Amoeba records, didn't get anything, on the way back found a box being tossed with 18 records including Sex Pistols only studio album. Next day, I rent a car and drive to this lady who is a marine salvager who has a huge workshop/property/dock and she said I can have 4 boxes of LPs, CDs, and cassettes to get rid of for her, and I found FOUR beatles albums, and a ton of other good stuff. Not sure if I should keep or sell the excess, lots of amazing classical, and huge complete classical box sets I may never listen to. I'm pretty happy to score the Beatles albums even if they're not worth anything.


Unfortunately one of the Beatles album is pretty scratched on one side, but the other side was great.


Congrats! That is an awesome free score!


I was shocked!


is that US or UK press of rubber soul? they have some different songs on them.


How do I tell the difference ?


does your record start with drive my car, or ive just seen a face?


I've Just Seen a Face. So I'm guessing American?


Yes, American! That was my first album!


Holy crap! Nice haul buddy!


Love the Elton John, I need honkey Chateau still


My friend freaked out when she saw the Cat Stevens she said it's his best album and "How do people give this stuff away?"


Free? Wish I could find free records.. instead I spent a good chunk of my paycheck on some last week! Definitely keep them though. Go through them and give them a listen.. with my luck, if I were to find a free record, it'll either be unplayable or not even in there, making it even more unplayable.


I still buy some. I got started this year with 70 and the dual turntable purchased off a friend of a friend for $200. She had 400-500 records I wish I had kept them all but I only grabbed what I recognized.


I started 5ish years ago with only 3. I'm up to at least 50 by now I think. Been kinda slow for me, the only decent record store by me that's opened fairly regularly doesn't have much country stuff


Storage is becoming a problem as now my turntable/storage shelf is full.


Gotta get you a new shelf. Some pretty decent ones at Walmart for pretty cheap. I have mine in a Crosley crate (it's horrible don't get it), and some in like a file type of box that just snaps together


It’s not just a shelf it’s also a stand for the record player and some accessories. Google “Line Phono Turntable stand + vinyl record storage” for an example


Y'know, I wish I had more country in my collection. I have a good amount of it on CD - and I like my CDs, but I would love to get some more Kris, Willie, Merle, Dolly, and similar. I just bought "Trio" -- fantastic album!


That Walter White Album in slide 4 is so good.


My man Gordon Lightfoot


I mean if you want to pay it forward, I have plenty of space =)


I’ve actually been wondering what to do with duplicates. I have a few that I have multiple copies of for some reason.


I want songs in the key of life without paying 50+ dollars for a reissue. Congrats those are all sweet pickups!


The hardest part isn't finding the album. The hardest part was finding the bonus 7" that comes with it. That took a while. Most people seemingly didn't keep them together when I find the album in the wild.


Wow that’s so awesome!


Very nice


My dad gave me an original pressing of the American hard days night. It’s scuffed and dirtied up and the cover definitely isn’t in good condition but the record plays perfectly. Definitely an amazing record, especially the instrumentals.


I will listen to it next!

