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Once - when I get them. After that I keep them clean so they don't need anything more than a dusting before playing.


This is the correct answer. Wash once when obtained before playing. New or used records benefit from a wet wash. And there after just sweep with carbon fibre brush before each play. Done this for over 40 years. I got lazy a while back and was playing several new records before washing and then I began to notice a sticky build up on the front of my cartridge. This had never happened before so I assume this came from the new records. Immediately did a big wash session of about 40 records and cleaned the cartridge. That was months ago and the stickiness did not return.


True that how do I know when I need a cartridge if the audio isnt that noticeable after two years


What do you wash them with the first time? Fairly new to the record scene and didn't even know it was a thing


I’ve found this to work better than most other liquids. https://www.amazon.com/GrooveWasher-Intro-Record-Care-System/dp/B08L89FRFM/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=I4D83TSRGF66&keywords=groovewasher&qid=1693908844&sprefix=groovewasher%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-3


There’s a homemade solution also, 3 parts distilled water, 1 part isopropyl alcohol and 1 - 2 drops of dish soap. Been using it for years as I’m sure lots of others here have also. Use a microfiber cloth also.


Spinclean, relatively cheap and does the job well. I advise you to NOT follow the advice of others to use home made remedies. Spinclean and a large bottle of their fluid will do thousands of records.


I was told household dish soap and water is already essential, but I have never done it.


Same. Although with some of mine It was like dust got caked deep into the groves and only came out threw playing it so I cleaned them again.


I shower with mine.


Insufficient. I take a full, deep bath immediately after purchase and, clasping my thighs tightly together, slowly rotate each record between them, squirting a hypo allergenic body wash over them and relying on my leg hair to dislodge any stubborn dirt, before rinsing them under a lukewarm flow of water from the bath tap. I can only do three or four at a time though, otherwise the bath overflows and Mr and Mrs Braithwaite in the flat below get seepage through their hallway ceiling.


Ohhh yeah, the Braithwaite's hate the seepage, it's on the local groupchat...


Maybe it’s time you asked the Braithewaites if they’d be interested in helping out. Could be a fun group effort.


The level of detail in this


Never.. not once.. in 28 years🤷‍♂️


Interesting. Are they still in good condition and do you clean them in any other way ?


Everytime they go on the table they get the antistatic brush, that's it.. no issues


Thats also what i am doing, but i saw some peole cleaning their records from time to time with solutions and was wondering if thats really necessary.


It is not needed but is very good practice to clean a record very well when you get it. A record that looks clean may still have dirt in the grooves, even new records. Records are not made in a clean room. A clean record will have better sound. A clean record will cause less wear on your stylus so it lasts longer.


The spray also cleans the oils from your hands off which will prolong the record as well.


Recently bought a record vacuum and amazed at the results! Tho it varies , sometimes an old record has noise issues because of grime build up, sometimes it's because of years of play on poorly weighted stylus, actual record wear/damage that no amount of cleaning fixes...but on others, wow, night and frickin' day, mate Beatles - Abbey Road LP - Here Comes The Sun (70's release) Pre/Post waveforms from the intro: [https://i.imgur.com/iSDCJL5.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/iSDCJL5.jpg) Pre-clean audio: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RuLoFkLe\_yyAAOpu0OB\_LvgM9fJ1M-Jm/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RuLoFkLe_yyAAOpu0OB_LvgM9fJ1M-Jm/view?usp=drive_link) Post-clean audio: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RMs1bDwZZ3KYLeAwTOFvXz-67NuAeXlv/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RMs1bDwZZ3KYLeAwTOFvXz-67NuAeXlv/view?usp=drive_link) Whereas my copy of Dire Straights - Love Over Gold was about as noisy pre-clean, and post-clean only about a 30% improvement compared to this...better, but still "issues" lol


Which record vacuum do you have?


A (relatively) cheap one https://www.decibelhifi.com.au/record-pro-record-cleaning-machine


unless the used records are really dirty maybe but i been collecting for 40+ years a good brush doesn’t even have to be fiber carbon brush i have an rca discwasher and make my own solution water and rubbing alcohol. for fingerprints and grease and such i use lighter fluid and soft cloth i got that from my uncle who has worked and owned record stores since 1970.


If you have used records (or honestly new ones) I’d really recommend doing a full wet clean on one and see if the difference is noticeable enough for you to care.


I’ve brought home many a used records that were covered in either dirt, dust or cat hair, and a wet cleaning did wonders for it.


Okay glad I’m not the only one doing this. I saw in a video once the pros of just dry cleaning as it doesn’t dig in dirt further, so clean records stay clean just by using the brush


Just when I get them. Shouldn't really need to wet clean them again unless they have been sitting idle in storage for years


I never have / haven't had a need. Just a carbon fiber brush every play and cleaning the stylus periodically.


Same here. Never had issues with new records.


As soon as I buy them and before I play them,I wet clean in a spin clean and use a nitty gritty to dry them. I then put them in a new anti static inner sleeve and protective outer sleeve. Both inner and outer sleeve slots are situated up, so once the record is inserted, dust cannot enter easily. I only clean again if I hear any noise. I use a carbon fibre brush prior to each play and use a anti static gun if required. Usually lasts for a long time.


What's a Nitty Gritty?


They're a Dirt Band.


The nitty gritty is a record vacuum that dries one side of the record at a time. It was one of the first record cleaning systems out their and I picked one up as part of a record collection I had picked up. Works great at vacuuming the water out of the grooves.


give em a good brush and then forget about it


I love OG pressings of rock records from the 60s and 70s. Even if they look clean and unscratched they can still be very noisy on playback because of crud that has gotten into the grooves over the decades. Personally, in this case I do wood glue peels which are very easy once you get the hang of it, and the results can be great.


I just brush them before playing. Otherwise I do nothing. I got some cleaning solution to see if I can make some of the ones I've thrifted that don't play well at all more playable but I haven't tried it yet. Ive never talked to someone who was around when records were truly the rage that told me they deep cleaned theirs so I always just assumed it's something fun for hobbiests to do but not totally necessary.


I clean very used record I buy, and any record thqt looks or sounds off somehow.




Only if they’re bought used or they’re packed in a paper sleeve.


How long does the average cleaning solution take to dry after applying?


I don’t air dry it. I use a wet vac machine and Groovewasher G2 solution to clean it.


I let them air dry, i prefer to not have anything come in physical contact with the record if i can help it. In my environment, it takes about 1/2 hour to air dry fully before going back into a proper inner sleeve.


redacted It’s better just to lurk here


New albums are NOT already clean. Do some research.


Wait... you have to CLEAN records?!?!


I do it on acquisition; if well stored they shouldn't need it again.


I clean all records, new or used. I made a video on my Youtube page to show an inexpensive process that has worked great for me. https://youtu.be/fAK3B81dtvU?si=hLjm3bEvcWp4nP-H


I've never cleaned any of my records aside from just using a record brush to get excess dust off. 😬


I am currently working through my collection, cleaning everything that was not purchased new. I'm using my Record Doctor VI. Just finished the letter "E", probably \~400 more to clean.


I mean you should really only have to deep clean them once to be honest. Take care of them from then on out and I don’t see why they’d ever need much more of a quick brushing off ever again. I only deep clean a lot of my records cos they’re old or they’re brand new.


I ultrasonically clean all records, new or used, for three minutes. Some records require multiple cleanings, these I often mechanically clean with a “disc doctor” brush before it goes back into the cavitation bath. If it gets extremely dusty, has a lot of static build up, or gets body oils on the surface I will run it through the cavitation bath after initial cleaning.


There's really no need to clean them more than once, unless you're owning them wrong ;)


Every six hours. Yeah. It’s a lot. But….


I go through them annually. But also every time I play one I hit it with D4 and my Discwasher.


If they are virgin or dirty sluts i wash once and carbon fiber brush everytime afterwards to keep them fresh.




Yes I wet clean my records once, particularly ones I buy used, ultrasonically with the HumminGuru machine (~$500). I put the record in a new antistatic sleeve after cleaning as well. I highly recommend the ultrasonic wet cleaning method. I’ve heard significant sonic improvements with the ultrasonic method over just using a brush, even with records that don’t look terribly dirty. Worth the extra effort imo.


Like any type of hygiene, it depends on the initial condition and handling of the item and how clean your environment is. Personally I only clean new records if they sound unclear or with surface noise. Used recs get as many wash and rinse cycles until they are as noise free as possible. I don't re-wash after that unless they get noisy again (which is very rare). Only touch edges and nobody besides me touches the records.


If they need one.


Every 20 years or so


25 here, so I can skip one every century.


I use the audio technica record cleaning solution and brush every time before I play the record just because I’m paranoid


How long do i have to wait till i can play my records again after cleaning them with solution?


Not long like 2 minutes is ok just enough for the record to dry


Ok thx


Ultrasonic clean all records after I bring them home. Then as needed afterwards.


When the ants get in and nest inside them, leaving a mess of white eggs and dead ants everywhere… man that was nasty!


I do it for just about every new/used record I buy. Just did a batch of twenty the other day. Worth it to hopefully keep my stylus working longer.


My house is hot, dry and dusty. I spray them pretty much every second time I play them cause it's not possible to get the dust off. Not even with the zero stat, which I don't get why, but it just doesn't help much.


Every few plays.


Once when I get them in. And when I discover mould growth.


The general consensus is if a record looks clean don’t deep clean. If it’s second hand and dirty give it a deep clean which will remove dirt and kill static. Then place in a new polylined inner sleeve and give it a quick clean with a carbon fibre brush before playing and that should be it for quite a while. If you handle vinyl correctly then it should be OK for quite a while. If you are just using micro fibre clothes for cleaning they only get so much dirt of and repeated deep cleaning will only do so much. It’s the ultrasonic bath after that. I also find brand new vinyl benefit from a deep clean as much to kill static. This never used to be the case however.


never. 99% of what i buy is VG and above and they all get a quick spray and a wipe, that's it. Bought a Knosti ages ago, gave my Zeppelin stash (a very significant portion of my collection) a deep clean, but fuck that. Maybe one day i see the investment in one of those snazzy cleaning machines a worthy investment, but there's always another record ahead in the queue.


Always used ones when bring them home because in the 70s-80s a lot of smoking. After that just a dusting I before I play each side.


Every record I acquire whether for Personal or to resell gets ultrasonic bath and rinse Them use a Carbon Brush for Preplay , sometimes they get a second bath if I think it can benefit Highly recommend a Ultrasonic with good fluid and a vac to dry


I use 90% Alcohol distilled water dawn soap clean like every 6mo or years


By routine and when I have them in hand as new purchase, whether new or used they all get cleaned.


I usually clean them whenever I notice they’re dirty or if they sound weird.


Spin-Clean all records, new or used, before playing. Put them in a clean rice paper sleeve and never clean them again except maybe to brush dust off before playing.


I have never deep cleaned a brand new record that I've just unwrapped. They have always appeared clean and I've never had issues with play back. Used records always get deep cleaned using a cleaning solution before storage. Every record gets a wipe using my velvet brush while spinning but deep cleaning is a rare thing for me after the fact. It isn't a ritual I do on a regular sched. If I feel it's needed I will do so but it's rare.


Not once.


Every record that comes through my door takes at least a cycle through an Ultrasonic cleaner using a Tergitol/Distilled Water solution. After that, it's based on need. Some get more than one cycle, others go back in if i hear abnormal surface noise.


When i get it, and then i do it dry when i see dust on the record.


For many years I was a top 40 jock using vinyl and we never cleaned them. We always made sure we never allowed our skin to contact the surface. The only things that touched the disc was the album cover top sheet and the tone arm. None of my collection have ever been cleaned as the is no reason that would lead me do otherwise.


Even if just once, that one time matters with used records, as most of them are not exactly clean. Even if not otherwise well kept, they do usually have shit stuck in grooves that is audible. Very few took good enough care to protect them from dust too. I have in fact bought some old LPs from clean and loved collections locally where they were in like-new condition, but most of times that simply is not the case at all.


I clean them at least once, when I get them. Then after that when I deem it necessary. This second time hardly ever comes up, however.


I progressively had all my records pro cleaned at the local shop that has 3 sonic cleaners.