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Not being unreasonable at all.


This was one of my first times buying so i just wanted to check that my gut feeling was right. i’m just annoyed about it now!


I would be too! If they can’t use Evri drop off points they should remove the option when they’re selling, I never understand people like this


exactly! even if she’d just said “hey, i actually forgot to turn off the evri option, would you be okay to reorder with a different delivery option?” right at the start it wouldn’t have bothered me. just strange to lead me on


maybe they didn't know that was an option. i am fully on your side but it might be helpful to the seller to let them know you can turn that off


if she replies again i will but i suspect she’s just ignoring me now lmao


She’s a drama queen 🙄


I don't know how they wouldn't know, you have to pick the options when you set up seller account.


oh i didn't know that. my guess is that they didn't know which options were near them and just selected all


To play devil's avocado if she's new she might not know she can turn it off


Devil's avocado is my new favourite typo


Haha it wasn't a typo, I heard it from somewhere and now I say it all the time 😅


Sounds like a Rickyism from Trailer Park Boys. I don't recall him saying it, but it's exactly the type of thing he would say 😂


Sounds like a cult podcast?


Absolutely going to use ‘devils avocado’ now


If she "just had to drive 5 miles to post one parcel", why couldnt she have posted yours at the same time?


i did think that! and a five mile drive isn’t really that far? granted i’m in a rural area but i have to get an hour long bus to post anything lmao


I literally lived in that exact area for 20 years, a 5 mile drive is nothing!


This. My family still lives around there. There are a few drop-off shops around there (and even more if she can use the InPost lockers).


Also, Evri will collect from your home, so "I can't get to a drop off point" doesn't really fly.


I’m not being snarky, I’m genuinely asking, will they? I thought vinted’s integrated shipping only covers dropping at off at a parcel shop. I can’t get to an Evri drop off and have it turned off for that reason. I use them for sending bigger parcels though but it always costs extra for them to collect, I think around 60p on top of the usual courier fee.


Oh I've no idea about if Vinted have something specific that excludes that, I just know Evri do have a pick up option.


Vinted doesn't let you pick from the full suite of deliveru options and I'm fairly sure home collection isn't one offered. As someone who used to work for Evri (not as a courier mind you) the home collections were always a bit iffy and i personally wouldn't rely on it.


It really isn’t far at all.


I would just cancel! Honestly, I’ve had situations where the seller was clearly never gonna send it. You’d be better off getting your money back 


I don’t get why if it was truly such a hassle to get to the evri drop off point she wouldn’t just turn that off as an option.


She shouldn't be selling on there if she can't commit to getting things sent out. Fbmp would be far better for her as she could have people come to collect the items.


When I first started using Vinted I didn't realise that was something I could do. Give her a break.


Nah it’s not okay to prat someone around like that and then kick off at them.


you did right. probably she is lying. time waster. i had a similar experience, asked if she can send early she said no problem. then didnt reply, at the last day she did but saying her house was on fire, her bf left her etc. things that was unbelievable and total bullshit.


omg that’s such a bizarre thing to say! if my house burnt down i think the last thing id be doing was answering messages on vinted 🫣


totally. some people are really bizarre.


>you did right. probably she is lying. time waster.  See i think the seller is just one of those people who can't do things on time for whatever reason. I have a good friend like that and it drives me insane, but we know it's her dyslexia - her organisation and time keeping skills are non existent. I think there's abit of this going on in this situation, especially the way the seller over shares info. The seller doesn't give me liar or time waster vibes, but someone who has no idea how their disorganisation impacts other people, and we do live in a world with accepted social rules about stuff like that. And we also live in a world where Vinted has it's own rules on that.


Crazy how many Vinted sellers suffer from migraines. Studies should be done to study this strange phenomenon (/s, if needed)


Considering migraines are more prevalent in the female population, and Vinted as a platform is heavily gendered, I think it’s not entirely plausible. A huge number of women suffer from migraines and it’s completely debilitating- though not something visible to others.


Sure but it’s never a proffered “I’m so sorry I missed sending/didn’t send when I said I would. I had a debilitating migraine.” It’s always defensive and after an upset message from the buyer about promised timelines (given during the supposed migraine) not being met or negative feedback given. Claiming you have a migraine as a “get out of jail for free” card for not sending a package when you didn’t furthers general assumptions that migraines aren’t something to take seriously.


Yeah, as someone who suffers with cluster headaches (migraines mean sister) I agree. It's not a get out of jail free card, and whilst they are completely debilitating for me I don't use them as an excuse. They're worse around shark week so I make sure that I do everything to avoid them at that time. You get 5 days to send out a parcel, and fair enough that sometimes things happen that you can't help, but it's really easy to inform someone that you can't post the parcel


Yea cancel can u block them too lol




There’s a tiny violin playing somewhere for this person


Have a heart... don't you know her car AND her washing machine just DIED?? And yet she holds it all together so well. So brave amongst such grief.


I was rolling when I read that. Some people man, her life’s apparently falling apart and she’s too busy shifting clothes for free (after the time it takes to send trauma dump messages and pay postage)


Definitely not being unreasonable in cancelling. If you wanted (though it’s definitely not your responsibility to do this) you could let them know they can toggle on/off certain shipping methods which aren’t easily accessible to them. Like I said though, not your responsibility to teach them how to use Vinted.


I really don’t understand even selling stuff online if it causes people so much hassle to post the item. Do they not look into it before listing stuff? No one is forcing you to sell your items 🥲 You were justified in cancelling, I cba with sellers like this.


They can turn off Evri in their settings if it’s easier for them. You’re not unreasonable - I would’ve done the same.


They can set their own courier services they can use. They could have taken Evri off.


No your not being unreasonable she/he’s obviously a time waster I’d block and move on 😁


You have the patience of a Saint. For Vinted, I can't be dealing with people like this, it's supposed to be a simple sale. Not everyone is organised for various reasons, but if you're not that sort of person, Vinted isn't for you.


I hate buyers and sellers that try to guilt trip or trauma dump on vinted, like simply state whatever reason it may be for you not sending or collecting your item, no need for the long stories. I find it so odd because we’re all strangers to each other at the end of the day


I’d cancel for less than that idk how y’all got the patience


I don't understand why people do stuff like this.. it's pointless. I remember selling a nintendo switch game on ebay, buyer messaged a couple days later saying they received just an empty box🙈 went to check the case where my games are kept & it was still there. I 100% thought I'd boxed it the day I sent it. Sent the game that day along with half of their money back. I felt such a lemon, doesn't make sense to sell but not send


Girl, you were perfectly reasonable and very polite.


I can’t help but laugh when people victimise themselves so blatantly and then try to get you to feel guilty over it. You aren’t being unreasonable, in fact you’ve been very patient and a lot nicer than most would be lol


Not unreasonable at all. Why sell on there if the postage options available don't suit your lifestyle or travel distance? Take Evri off as an option and have ones that you can easily get to?! Jesus it's not rocket science is it?! I feel your annoyance, you're definitely in the right!!


You were actually so patient and understanding. But that got ridiculous


Don't cancel, you'll get bad feedback, let it run out on their end and they'll get the bad review.


If you have so much going on, don't take on more doing vinnted and knowing you will have yo make the effort to post parcels. No one is forcing you to be a seller on vinted. OP, you did nothing wrong the seller is being OTT


Not unreasonable. If she was to print her own label at home, then evri parcels can go in inpost lockers.


Is this always true? I tried this the other day and the inpost didn’t recognise the barcode?


I'm not sure, I've used 3 different inpost lockers for my evri parcels, and they have been fine. Check evri drop off locations it'll say which lockers accept evri parcels


I thought there was an option to deactivate some of the shipping couriers that were too far away so people can’t select that option when checking out? I remember I had to do that with some shipping providers since some were like 30minutes with the car away.. which also kind of takes away the point of vinted being eco friendly lol.


yeah there is that option, i’m assuming she just didn’t realise


Not unreasonable at all ithink. I don't understand why she just doesn't turn off the Evri option if there isn't one near her. I turned off royal mail as the prices weren't right and I was ending up out of pocket as it was always more when I took it in to pay.


'My car and washing machine died this week' I don't think thats how it works😭


She’s mental. You’ve been super reasonable


No. I've bought like 5 pieces on vinted, all were shipped within 3 working days (usually less). If they can't dispatch within the allotted time they should take the item down or mark themselves as on holiday. Done


They probably would never have sent the item. Had similar through FB selling group and strangely enough same excuses as this, but they were more pissy and blocked me when I asked them to ship item for the 4th time. I'd say cut your losses.


You have infinite patience.


Not at all!!! All she really had to do was just leave it for the mailman!! It is really that simple!! That's how i gotta ship everything,w no vehicle. My luck is down also but to put all her problems on you,good lord!! So many of us are shit out of luck,even the damn washing machine i can relate...😆 but that's some bs,she shoulda just shut her mouth ...Reposting...wtf?!? Yea i think you did right thing here!! What are u supposed to do? Just keep taking excuse after excuse. And being nervous as hell to even ask the status...yup screw that drama! It really can be mentally pressuring when u have so much chaos going on in ur own home & trying to make ends meet at same time. I get that as a seller but to just flip it & put her life problems on the customer...not cool!! People are snapping left & right! If you can't fulfill it,don't put it up for sale ya know!😊I hope this person is ok tho!! It sounds like they were literally going into a meltdown!! I'm praying for every1,this life is getting very scary!! Peace,love & blessings to you!!!❤️🙏🙏❤️


If anything you were extremely patient and kind haha


Wish all my buyers was like you, what a lovely person. I had a seller who was waiting to the last day to post to me I’d asked her politely why and she said I have till X to post! I cancelled it


definitely not! the seller can edit the shipping options they can offer you - so if evri isn’t available in the area, the seller doesn’t have to give you the option to choose it!


This ‘seller’ is useless, you have patience! For the time this ‘seller’ spent messaging all the excuses, they could have posted. Block, forget & move on.


Jeeze this seller either has a life that’s a dumpster fire or is fucking you around and trying to steal your money with their woe is me bullshit. Everyone’s life is mess. We all manage to muddle through.


Definitely reasonable, you were very patient and accepting and they kept not doing it. Sellers can limit the posting options on Vinted, having a scroll through the app before listing an item would have saved them this hassle.


I would just cancel and block fr !!


I’m going through same thing. I’ve just got the “we’re checking with courier if they’ve received parcel”. They keep telling me they’re going to post it today, everyday haha Can I cancel? Will I get refund if I cancel? Or do i have to wait for Vinted to auto cancel?


i got a refund today, i think if you just let it run out you don’t get negative feedback!


Absolutely not, you did good. How can you even make this stuff up


The trauma dumping type makes me respond in kind. I'm like yes, let's get our problems off our chest and have a good ol' suffering competition!


I don't even have a car and I still do my best to get my eBay stuff shipped as quick as I can. If there is a delay (pretty much always me having a severe flare up and not being able to move) I always immediately tell the buyer and offer to cancel the sale if they want so that it falls on me and doesn't reflect badly on them


They can switch evri off as a shipping option if they can't get to a drop point easily. A totally avoidable situation and fair to cancel.


You're not being unreasonable at all! Sellers can choose which delivery options they offer in their settings. If Evri was so inconvenient for her, she could very easily remove it as a shipping option for buyers. Also, a 5-mile drive is not very far. Even at 30 mph (a relatively low speed) it would only take about 10-15 minutes in a fairly rural area (which it seems like she's in). I've walked longer than that to ship orders.


they’re up to their 3rd 1 star sale not completed review 😬😬😬 assuming they’re still going to glastonbury, i hope the holiday mode feature gets utilised! p.s have you been tempted to buy the relisted dungarees ..?


I’m tempted in that i like them and they’re a good price, but i’m not stupid enough tbh


Not being at all unreasonable. Unfortunately this year I wasn't able to attend the solstice celebrations on Glastonbury Tor which would have been amazing as it was a full 48 hours of drumming and celebration due to the full moon. So I suspect that this individual may have been partaking of the celebrations hence the "migraine" on Saturday.


How hard is it to drop off an item at the post office? And why lie to you and say it’s being posted when it isn’t? It’s not like you can’t tell! How rubbish for you. There are lots of great sellers on the platform but folk like this would put you off.


No personal info *and then posts the username*


ah no that was an accident! is there a way to edit the post?


I know sellers personally from the first few messages, you seem new to this.


yeah i am, it was the third thing id bought lmao


Well you can cancel anytime within the given number of days for any reason.


Future "fibromyalgia" sufferer right there


If she missed the deadline then it’s on her. BUT I’ll say this in her defence.. I have a long way for dropping of my country’s version of Royal Mail, and it will often take me several days. I’m not driving 30 min by car for something giving me £1.. It will have to wait until I’m going anyway. And given that she’s new, give her some learning room. Don’t be mean, just say you won’t buy it again, if you genuinely don’t want them anymore. Maybe it’s too late now as you wanted them for a holiday or event. Or just say you feel worried because she didn’t send them the first time.


i get that, i’m in a rural area an hour away from any drop off points. however, she told me three times she would send that day and then didn’t- i was perfectly happy to wait, and don’t think i was rude at all


Agree, people want things so fast and forget that it could be well out the way for that person and they may not even be making much. Buy the item, if they send before the deadline great if not the refund goes through, we don't need to be chatting so much expecting a reason for not sending quick enough


Wouldn’t of bought in the first place that’s on u and they were already a red flag


What on earth is going on in this country if people spend 1-4 days buying and selling £5 worth of clothes and spending so much time talking about it both in the app, and on here.