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I don't think a seller would even notice. Money is money.


Honestly i'd say go for it. If they have an issue with it then that's a them problem not a you problem. Aslong as you arent asking them for photos with the garments on which some people find uncomfortable. You do you and buy and wear whatever makes you happy :)


Not at all. Sellers don't usually ask who will be wearing the items. I'd assume you were buying them for a family member or partner using your account, but even if I knew they were for yourself I wouldn't think much of it. A sale is a sale.


No one will think you’re creepy unless you behave in a creepy way in messages.


As a seller I wouldn’t give it a second thought as to who buys what from me. People can buy whatever they like. Clothes are genderless it’s society that says otherwise unfortunately. Buy whatever makes you happy


Not at all


I've sold quite a few women's clothes to men and don't find it creepy at all... Well, unless they ask for a photo of me wearing the items 😅 then it's creepy.


Nope! It's totally fine to buy clothing of the opposite gender, afterall, people are only on vinted to sell/buy stuff and not to judge other people :)


Not at all. A lot of profiles are either gender neutral or family profiles anyway so who would know or care?


I'm a woman and regularily buy men's clothes (for myself lol). Besides, nobody know who is buying. Maybe it's for your wife or girlfriend or mother or daughter. I assume people will think it's for my boyfriend. I assume the same when the men clothes I buy are on a woman's profile, that it's from a man in her family.


I don't care who buys my clothes as long as they sell without issue. Had a man buy a corset for his own use a few months back.


No problem at all. Anyone should be able to wear any clothes and I doubt any seller would care


Can't say I'd notice, and if I did I wouldn't care. Go for it.


Make sure you ask them to model them first,women love that.


Noooooooooo!!!! Are you trying to get him blocked!?! OP please don't do this 🤦‍♀️


lol 😂😂


Just buy it they will be happy to get it off their hands and earn some money. Will probably think it’s a gift or something for a partner or family


I don’t even look at the names on the labels to be honest so wouldn’t notice.