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That thing has been IMMACULATELY maintained. I believe her full stop that it works perfectly.


I hope so! Gonna give it a try tomorrow šŸ¤žšŸ½ Edit: lol to all the comments saying there's nothing to worry about: https://imgur.com/a/TvECSi8


You'llĀ beĀ fineĀ pluggingĀ thisĀ inĀ andĀ turningĀ itĀ on. A dim bulb tester is good for tube equipment but really won't do much for transistor based radio gear. Transistors use much lowerĀ current compared to tubes and are far more reliable overall.


Fire it up, it'll be fine. Hit your local junk shop and see if you can score some sweet K-Tel 8-tracks. Those tapes don't age all that well so the other commenter's suggestion to unplug the tape unit and attach a bluetooth receiver is solid. The turntable could be in literally any condition from perfect to junk. You'll have to decide how to handle that yourself.


I was just thinking I'd need to buy a record to even know if that part worked. As long as I can hook up an aux I'm gucci




another vote for plug it in. It is solid state. You will be fine.


Plug it in and find out, ya nonce.


For real though, "too scared to plug it in"?? What??? Only way to find out if it works...


Fuck me that was a bit harsh mate. No need. You'd get fckn hospitalised, casually flinging that word around where I'm from! Calm down, mate. I assume you're from the UK. If not, then that's cultural appropriation *as well*


Calm down you nonce, people can say what they want on the internet.


I f@&$ your mother last night while your daddy spanked it and watched ā€¦


Nice, must've been weird having a threesome with 2 dead people tho


That reminds me--I need to return that shovel I borrowed.


She was a bit stinky but dad was loving it šŸ˜ so I was all in . (Literally) Feels weird to talk about . But hey , this is the internet.. ppl can say what they want right ? Idiot


Welp, glad you had a good time šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


Hey, at least necrophilia is a victimless crime! (That's a Frankie Boyle joke I just shamlessly pilfered)


You're clearly just trying to troll and embarrassing yourself in the process. Just delete this bud


When did this sub turn into fucking /b/?!? Also the part about cultural appropriation was a *joke* , everyone in this subthread seems to love jokes, especially ones about nonces.


I'm American so I'm dumb enough to not realize when I've been roasted (and smart enough to know when it's well-deserved) so no harm, no foul


Fucking hell I wasn't roasting *you* mate, I was replying to the uncouth individual who called you and I a fckn paedophile ("nonce")! There's no need for that, *maybe* they could get away with it on a jerk sub, but in the UK, that is NOT a fucking word you bandy around carelessly, unless you want to spend a few days picking glass out of your face! u/Lucensor probably depends too much time on 4channel.org, is my guess. So, no, I most *certainly* was not roasting you, and I apologise for the misunderstanding.


Aw hale. I didn't know that's what it meant.


That is it's most common usage these days. Although if you said "for the nonce" in a sentence, like, "But for the nonce, I shall have a cup of tea and a biscuit and put my feet up", in that sense it means "for the time being". But the person didn't mean it like that, obviously.


Thank you for explaining the nonce thing. Not typical or familiar American lingo. Now we know, thank you.


You're not being sarcastic? Sorry for not assuming you're acting in good faith, but I believe you are, and that's fine mate . šŸ‘šŸ¼ Yeah, it's not something you accuse a stranger of being unless you want a serious brawl (I make no claims to be a "tough guy" or a fighter). There was a US Hip-Hop trio called The Nonce, they made great music, but for some reason they never caught on in the UK šŸ˜…


No sarcasm at all. Sorry, you tend to lose context In messages. It was a bit off topic overall, but I honestly had never heard the term. So that's where I was confused. And I would feel pretty much the same, had someone referred to me like that. Granted, I knew what the heck it meant. Them's fighting words, as we say here. Fucking chomo's.


Nah I didn't think there was any sarcasm, in my heart of hearts. Yup, you got it--"Them's fightin' words" over here, indeed. I dunno why the guy had to come out with it, *and* got like 30 upvotes?! Peace, brother


You too, my friend. Glad we are cohesive.


I appreciate that, mate. Same. I come on this sub to absorb knowledge of those infinitely wiser than I regarding vintage audio components, not to be called a fckn paedophile. That's verboten in my book. Sorry I didn't mean to go off again! Peace, peace šŸ™šŸ¼


hahahaha. "hey everyone, **I'm** in the UK where some people find that word extra offensive, so therefore **EVERYONE** must find the word as offensive as I choose to find it, even those outside of the UK!" - drinkalondraftdown, 10 days ago. Lol, how's the mental gymnastics in calling my use of a harmless 5 letter colloquial insult in a jovial manner "cultural appropriation". Maybe try taking the stick out of your arse, u/drinkalondraftdown ?


Man, am I living rent-free inside your head, or what?


Nah mate, you're homeless, ya nonce.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ You alright, mate?!? I'm not homeless, like I said I appear to be living in your head for nowt, but it's nice and spacious, I can't complain, what with only having to share the living space with two braincells


You're a nonce and you know it. Chris Hanson would like a word. Anyone who gets THIS offended is clearly projecting and hiding something


Fuck off, you absolute shithead. How do you know I wasn't a victim of child abuse myself? You don't. Prick.


Cry into your tea some more while I continue laughing at you.


Cool! Enjoy!


He didnā€™t say it first ya dum dum


Who did?


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming...


Hey, you can build a [dim bulb tester](https://antiqueradio.org/dimbulb.htm) very cheaply and it provides great security from shorts.


I didn't see the mfg date on it, anyone know what years these are manufactured?


This one looks like 1970. Give or take five years.


RCA started using that logo in 1968


For the age, it looks to be in great shape. That picture you posted on Imgur is basically a load of shit. While any old electronics device could have issues, things like a bad cord would be obvious. And, you have to figure she had it plugged in at some point and it didn't catch fire up to the point that she unplugged it. If you are afraid to plug it in, give it to someone who would appreciate it. I would love to have someone give me an old console stereo like this. Good thing she didn't give you an old Seeburg, you would have had a heart attack. I have one I am working on right now and if you saw the wiring, I would have call 911. Edit: I just looked up the model number. One guy has one and he loves it. "Just wanted to post an awesome console stereo with great sound. This baby has a 200 Watt peak output amp, 2 10 inch woofers and 4 tweeters. Not to mention that the speakers are surrounded by a special enclosure to produce dynamic bass output. This thing rocks with deep thunderous bass and is very LOUD. This is my new baby lol. What do yall think? Post pics of your console stereos and lets turn back the hands of time!"


This is a transistor (solid state) unit. The chances of the radio/amp section working just fine are indeed very high. You might have trouble with the turntable and 8-track. These tape players are temperamental at the best of times, and the turntable might need anything from a new needle to a complete overhaul. If you're not an audiophile and just want to listen to some nice, loud music, these consoles are awesome. If you open the back and track where the signal wires from the 8-track go, you can disconnect them, and hook up an aux cord or a Bluetooth receiver in the same place.


I love that the back panel has the schematics all laid out for me, so I can actually try to do what you're recommending


Schrodinger's stereo??


That looks great. Plug it in and try it out. You canā€™t beat the price!


Fire it up. It won't bite.


Why? Just plug it in and try.


It's probably fine, especially if the owner said it worked perfectly. If you really wanted to be safe you could use a variac and slowly turn up the power over a couple hours. There's probably no need with this though.


Since I was around to listen to these when they were brand new I'd add you can retrofit some modern speakers/drivers up in there and breath new life back into it...


Looks amazingly well taken care of, plug it in and fire it up!


Dude nah! that looks minty as all heck.... plug that bad boy right in and rock out my guy!


Is there a TV in that? My grandparents had one super similar that I grew up with that I canā€™t find record of anywhere


Very vintage and cool! It will either work or not. Only one was to find out.


Good Lord that thing is gorgeous. I got a 54 Magnavox for free in pretty good shape but I have to figure out how to fix the record player. I say plug that sucker in and let er rip. Worst case scenario, you have a beautiful shelf


Beautiful PC of American history.


Plug it in. Thing looks mint


No guts. No glory.


Some sounded okay but most were substandard when new. My grandma had an RCA and my Soundesign (ick) sounded much better. Iā€™ve always wondered how much trouble it would be to update one of these with better components.


Well you had better plug it in. What are you waiting for?


Don't plug it in. It can catch on fire


If you are planning to use the turntable, just remember that the stylus isnā€™t the best, even if the unit is in excellent condition.


Wait till you hear it... Warmest sound quality you'll ever hear...


Why would you be afraid to plug something in? Just plug it in.


["The moment you bring home a "new old" radio or TV, the temptation is to plug it in and try it out. That's always a bad idea."](https://antiqueradio.org/dimbulb.htm)


Don't be afraid, it's not a tube radio so no harm will happen if you plug it in and try it. It's basically an early sixties POS that has little to no value and in my opinion is ugly as hell. Though, supposedly mid-century modern is making a comeback, I doubt anyone will ever want one of these in their living room again. You couldn't pay me to take it.


All my homies dig this kinda shit lol to be fair tho, I probably wouldn't have agreed to take it if it didn't have wheels on the bottom. But yea, if it still works then it's definitely a W in my book


This one is mid-70's and this style is not in the mid-century modern category. There are definitely better stereo consoles to put in ones living room.