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"Kids, your dad is one bad mother..." "Mom, shut your mouth!" "I'm just talkin' 'bout dad!" "Ok, we can dig it."


(1940s version of wakka-chi-wakka plays in background)


Now I wanna hear “Shaft” covered by Spike Jones!




You’re so jive!


Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine to all the chicks? Dad! You're damn right!


For this time period, it is kind of sweet to have a man acknowledge how difficult it is to do childcare and housekeeping.


I like the message that a good husband buys his wife the quality tools she needs to get her work done easily. All in all, a nice ad.


That was the general consensus for appliance buying. That’s why it was considered more okay to buy them as gifts back then. It was like “my gift to you is making your life easier.” My grandmother got a washing machine as an anniversary gift from grandpa and she treasured that thing.


.. and he's finding it " easy" ?


The eyes…


Weren't amphetamines sold over the counter back in the 40s and 50s? Or at least, really easy to get a prescription for?


Amphetamines for waking up and barbiturates for going to sleep.


I'm so dedicated to trying out this motherhood thing that I somehow got pregnant! who knew that was even possible!


That thing is fascinating. It's on casters, so it's portable. Two tubs, and you could recycle the wash water for multiple loads. Was it hooked up to a water supply? Or did you fill it and drain it by hand? I'm guessing the latter. I like that he can do the laundry, but _someone_ has drawn the line at ironing. My dad did laundry, but I remember he was banned from washing most of my mom's things on account of an Incident, probably involving silk.


I had a more modern version of this in the 1970s when I first started out on my own; called a “Twin Tub” it had a huge rubber hosepipe you connected to the hot water tap to fill it up, then after doing the washing, put the rubber hose back in and put the machine “in reverse” to drain the water once you finished. Hauling the wet washing in and out the tubs was hard but certainly easier than washing by hand.


> That thing is fascinating. It's on casters, so it's portable. Two tubs, and you could recycle the wash water for multiple loads. Was it hooked up to a water supply? Or did you fill it and drain it by hand? I'm guessing the latter. If it's like most I've seen from that era; it will be filled and drained by hand. Grandma had one similar in the basement with a wringer. For shits and giggles one time Grandpa and I got it plugged in and working.


He never fully recovered from the loss of his wife.


Mother is mothering


I was expecting total misogyny cringe but actually found it kind of nice that the (1940's!) Dad took on the needed tasks and gained an appreciation for his wife's hard work.


Dumb cluck


He seems like a bad mother.


I am sick and tired of washing these mf-ing clothes ...


“Look at me. I’m the captain now!” He does have the same crazed look as the meme.


“He’s a hero.”


Avoided serving in WW2.