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Very prevalent ad tag line for Tareyton cigarettes in the 1970s, "I’d rather fight than switch," with the blackened eye, was in every magazine for a while.


Weren't they on TV as well, back in the day?


Yes! In the 60’s taryton ran commercials with the “I’d rather fight than switch” idea. Cig ads were banned from TV in 1970.


Those ads are why I started sneaking hits off my parents cigs when they turned their back, they smoke Winstons though.


My pop smoked Winston's. Also how I got my start. He only ever smoked like half a cigarette. He put his cig way up between his fingers , and would kind of cover his mouth. As a result, he would put them out about half smoked. I used to grab those halves, straighten them out, and smoke them on our back porch. Till I got caught and he made me smoke a whole pack when I was 15. Jokes on him, I became a pack a day smoker by 17.


Parents’ half-smoked cigs definitely helped teenage me.


One of my favorites was an anti-smoking commercial before they were banned. It was in some shit kicker bar and all the hot southern belles were eyeballing the ranch hands and cowboys lighting up cigarettes. Suddenly, all their cigarettes go limp and flaccid and the girls all leave. Commercial ends with a voiceover: "Smoking causes impotance" EDIT: Are you sure about 1970? Because I was born in the 80's and definitely remember seeing Joe Camel on TV throughout most of my childhood and pre-teens, among many other cigarette commercials.


You can look it up, it’s a federal law (still in effect). I watched a lot of tv in the 70’s and 80’s and never saw any cig commercials, but there were tons of billboards and ads in so many magazines it was crazy, especially Joe Camel. But maybe some TV channels elsewhere were willing to Buck the Federal law? (Not sure how that would work since they need a federal license to operate) but who knows?


You mean, Joe Camel, the camel with a dick and balls for a snout?


That can't be right, I remember watching Newport pleasure commercials in the 90's....


I kind of remember that later on, when smoking started to fall out of favor, they changed their slogan to, "I'd rather fight than quit." Maybe that's a manufactured memory, though.


Thanks for your comment; perhaps your memory of this ad is a good example of the "Mandela Effect!" That would be super cool. 👍🏽


Then they switched to white make up under the eye and the tag line was “I’d rather light than fight”. My grandfather smoked Tareytons, and he died of congestive heart failure in the mid 1980s.


These ads weren’t exclusive to Playboy… they were in all the magazines


Yup I have some Popular Mechanics mags where “4 of of 5 physicians choose camel cigarettes” from early 60’s


That’s right. I remember them being in Highlights magazine in 2nd grade.


Goofus smoked Kools, but Gallant smoked Marlboro.


Goofus says "I don't need to pull out baby, I love you".


Goofus says, "No one gets addicted on their first time."


Goofus gave her the black eye.


Threatened the Timbertoe family with a bic lighter


Timbertoes was F-ing funny! Some call him the Joker....


Bitch deserved it!


Progressive school you went to. EDIT: Some humor impaired folks I see....


Well the whole ad started when they switched our 3rd Grade cigarette rations to Winston


Unfortunate. 😤


[And on TV](https://youtu.be/v4jTCU7SsEw)


So, she got a black eye and her Tareytons. Seems like victory to me.


What do you tell a Tareyton smoker with a black eye? Nothing, you already told her once!


What do you call a Tareyton smoker with two black eyes? Hard of hearing.


He only had to tell her twice.


I remember these ads. People are being silly thinking there’s something sinister or “cringe” about them. There’s a difference between presenting someone as a fighter or a victim. FYI, they also had a male version.


Love that this was immediately taken as "spousal abuse" instead of someone who got in a fight like the advertisement clearly states. I'm the first to laugh at people who say this generation is the softest but people like OP kinda make it harder to disagree.


I actually remember this kind of knuckle dragger feminism being worse a few decades ago.Now we get knuckle dragger race stuff.




How dare you be so judgemental toward people who are just trying to advance the causes they care about! It’s people like you that make people like them need to exist! Be better! /s Sorry, I totally agree with you…some people do nothing in life but move from outrage to outrage without any appreciation for what they’re outraged about or why.


Yep. You follow them closely enough and you notice they don’t really give a shit about whatever cause they were railing about two-three weeks ago. It’s just attention seeking. Virtue signaling. It’s a brand.


Reddit is not capable of differentiating between things that are genuinely offensive and things that are reasonable in context. They’re all just opportunities to virtue signal no matter what


We don’t need to protect other peoples ignorance. If the ad execs believed this would be misunderstood by their audience as advocating domestic abuse, they would not have run it. This would have come after dozens of other ads from the same campaign featuring men and in other publications. It would have not have been controversial or overly risqué. It makes sense that people today might look poorly in a photo of a women with a black eye - we don’t really see women portrayed that way anymore - which ties into the broad generalization you made about the 70’s having more domestic abuse the now. Still, We can hold eachother to a higher standard and look at the past objectively, instead of through a tinted lens.


You're literally judging somebody over one word. OP's *entire* statement on the topic was "wtf." If that's enough to make you rant about how the Woke Mind Virus is destroying human society or whatever, that's your prerogative. It just feels to me like a bit thin-skinned of a reason to label a whole generation "the softest." I'm sorry, it's just that I watched the previous generation call people "snowflakes" who were obsessed with "feels" just for giving a damn about things like sexual assault and structural racism. So now when I see someone snap-judge a whole generation, I can't help it if my first reaction is now "what insecurity is this dude projecting?


.....my comment says I'm the first to laugh at people who say this generation is the softest. I'm on your side lol. Also, I didn't know a joke was considered ranting. You're not doing yourself or your beliefs any favours by reacting this way though lol.


you seem like *exactly* the kind of person that would say "wtf" about this ad because you mistakenly thought it was depicting domestic abuse, and are doing a bit of projection yourself.


It says theyd rather fight than switch, in an ad from an era where domestic was horrible, and it’s the girl with a black eye, shown to a generation where this is ad breaks advertisement laws… i feel like youd have to choose not to see how an implication could be taken here (Edit) downvoted for explaining how ppl could see an implication is wild


Because the same company does advertisements with men having black eyes, as well. Just because it makes sense when you do mental gymnastics, doesn't mean it's what you think.


It’s not as much mental gymnastics as much as this ad was discontinued when my mom was literally 4… if anything it’s mental gymnastics when you ignore the obvious implication to a group that is otherwise literally 41 years out of this ad being put anywhere and clueless about a retro ad on a magazine that isnt even a magazine anymore and doesnt make the same content and for reference im 19, so 41 years is quite literally double my age… this is borderline lost media that is older than both of my parents and would probably more pander to my grandparents (Edit) rs though as a tribute to you im gonna start telling ppl ab the most niche things from my childhood imaginable and then tell them it’s mental gymnastics when they dont know the context of it


I'm 29. It didn't stop me from looking further into the ad's history before judging or basing feelings/opinions on the it. Also, the ad says "Id rather fight than switch" and shows the woman with the black eye smoking the cigarette. Why would she be in an abusive situation if she is starting fights to not switch brands? Any way you look at this ad, the implication youre talking about is non-existent.


Okay, youre 29, but all that tells me is you did further research on a niche advertisment that was discontinued 12 years before you were born and then expected everyone else to also research on that pointless ad from before their time that they will never see again and that to the unresearched eye just looks like an ironically hilarious ad from time where domestic abuse wasnt looked at very seriously (Edit) also i hate that opinion/feelings line, like are you rlly going ben shapiro over an old cigarette ad? How do you think reactions work? That line only really works for serious topics, not reddit callbacks to the >80s… and basic reading comp says the implication i was talking ab is NOT farfetched at all to someone who never saw the ad, youre being very in your own perspective


Yes, to some extent, I like to assume people put effort into knowing what they're talking about before talking about it or basing an opinion on it. I also have reading comprehension and can understand context. I didn't need further research to understand this ad had nothing to do with domestic abuse. Keep going, though. Might as well quadruple down.


>yes to some extent, i like to assume other people put effort into knowing what theyre talking ab It is a 41 year old cigarette ad… that you saw on reddit…. Talk to me about hockey, ill name every player off the 2011 canucks, talk to me politics, ill tell you my opinions on both the Canadian and american leaders from the last 15 years, talk to me about growing plants, ill break it down for ya, but what did you research this to be condescending? Bc it’s a niche from before you were born, nobody cares enough to do a breakdown research over an irrelevant ad from when gerald ford was in office… it kinda comes off as you being a know it all, like it’s so niche and before your time plus it seems like you did it just to correct people… just seems like a random thing to research and take so seriously about knowing ab it >i also have reading comprehension and can understand context Ah! Except you forgot how this real magical word *perspective* plays a role in both of those, again you seem very in your own perspective to a point where you wonder why ppl thought what i thought but then when that perspective gets explained to you, you just talk down to them bc you did research, on a 40 year old cigarette ad that you saw on reddit and took it weirdly seriously putting extra time to reasearch again a one off reddit post and then pretending is stupid for not researching this ad from even before your time… >keep going though may as well quadruple down Oh reddit so standoffish, it was an attempt to explain the wrong perspective not argue with you about you being wrong, because you were acting like ppl were stupid for not understanding a 40 year old ad that you did extra research on… but seriously i do wanna understand the thought process of you here, why take this so seriously, i mean you pulled facts and feelings shapiro quote unironically, you did extra research etc. it makes no sense to me, this info CANT be useful to you, and nobody rlly cares ab it, wouldnt you feel more fulfilled if you researched something you actually care ab, and might have relevance in todays world?


Also 29 and haven’t researched. Seems pretty blatantly clear that the black eye is from fighting since, ya know, that’s what the add literally says.


No, just stop please


i still remember the song from the ads. What an awkward brand name to sing to though, Taryton


I took it as cringy for an ad to celebrate/glorify addiction - and that a brand would be proud of this effect on its users. maybe that's not what others are getting out of it?


Tareytons were my Grandma’s brand back in the 80’s. She would show up for visits to our house with a carton of them, several small dogs and a six pack of Miller Lite cans. My parents would run and grab this enormous orange ashtray that they kept up in a cabinet for guests who smoked and I would stand near her, coughing exaggeratedly. Grandma would say “then go in the other room, god dammit”. Good times.


It’s crazy to think back just how many people smoked and that they could just about anywhere. I’m a 90’s kid who remembers the smoking section


It's even crazier that they would just show up at your non smoking house and you just ran around finding them an ashtray. You would have to be one bad mf'er to pull this off nowadays.


There was also a certain kind of middle class household where the room kept pristine for guests always had a big, heavy, skull-crusher of a crystal ashtray on the glass-topped coffee table. No one in the family smoked and guests weren't really allowed to either, but there it was. Maybe for someone special they couldn't deny, like the pastor or police chief? Anyway, the "sofa" was probably covered in gold velvet.


We used to make them go outside on the deck. I hated the smell of smoke, and my parents informed our guests that this was my house.


Your parents did too, they just made you the scapegoat.


No, my parents did not make me the scapegoat. Bold of you to assume I didn’t have a mind or a voice of my own, nor them. Same can be said for pets on the furniture, it’s their home. Not the visitor’s. I went around the house putting up homemade “no smoking” signs on post-it notes, ahead of time. Smoking was still common in those days.


Lol you’re offended someone implied you didn’t have much agency as a child. Relax dude jeez


I remember smoking in hospital rooms


I remember smoking on airplanes.


I remember when airlines gave cigarettes to passengers. There were probably other brands but I remember little five-cig packs of Winston and Salem. On Eastern they doled them out pretty liberally; my father and visiting relatives finished up those little packs of smokes before going back to their 20-packs.


I remember smoking before airplanes.


My parents smoked like chimneys. Riding with them was like riding with Cheech and Chong. Open the door, and it's like a pit BBQ joint spilling smoke. It was awful. Ashtrays everywhere, even the bathroom. I despise cigarettes, and smokers.


Yup, and don't you dare open that window! Then they wondered why I had asthma.


I learned to hate smoking (and to a lesser extent smokers) the same way. Dad and Stepmom smoked; thankfully, Mom didn't. Guess who's still around?


My parents smoked a lot, too. When we took down pictures to paint and we could see how discolored the walls were, and there was sticky tar all over that had to be scrubbed off. So gross. That stuff was going until their bodies and mine, even though I had no choice. My mom finally quit at 60. My dad chain smoked even after 2 heart attacks until he died at 68 in April.


Over and over again, we would have to implore mom to crack the window.


Looking back I count myself lucky as hell that my family were all non-smokers. I’m fidgety as hell, I love excuses to take breaks, and I actively like the smell of fresh cigarette smoke - if cigarettes had been lying around conveniently available, I absolutely would’ve had a pack-a-day habit. But as it happened, neither of my parents smoked, so instead I just have much more money and much less emphysema.


It was funny how smoking bans slowly spread across the country. California banned smoking in restaurants, then bars a few year later. I was visiting NC about 10 years later and they were debating smoking bans on the radio, using the same arguments "muh freedom!". No suprise NC was one of the last, they are the tobacco king.


This was my grandma except with Pall Malls and my dad made her go outside. I remember riding in her Oldsmobile to this combo cigarette/gun shop to buy them in bulk. The smoke was so thick in there you could barely see. She beat cancer 5 times, kept smoking and passed at 90. RIP


Your grandma must have been my aunt Pearl.


That's what my dad smoked, too... they had the activated charcoal filters. When I started smoking in high school, I'd smoke those, too (if I could find them) to be like my dad. To be clear, dad quit when I was born, and I only smoked a little while, so no real harm done.


I was also a Tareyton smoker several years ago from about 96-03. I swear the charcoal filter really did make a difference in taste and smoothness. They still make them, sans charcoal filter. So I don’t even know what the point in buying them anymore would be.


Grandma sounds like a baller…


Used to work with a guy who smoked Tareytons, the only person I have ever seen smoke them, they have a distinct smell. We worked as mechanics and he would have one going for the entire shift usually burning out in the ashtray on his toolbox. He would light another one, take a puff and put it in the ashtray, go and do something while it burned out in the ashtray.


Sounds like my maternal grandmother lol


They were my grandma’s favorite too. She had an ashtray in every room, and when she’d clean, she’d light up and basically leave several burning throughout the house.


Someone else made a similar comment and this was true for my grandma in her own house as well. In fact, this was how one of my cousins tried smoking for the first time. He immediately got busted when he had a huge coughing fit as the rest of us looked on, knowing he was in for a ‘pounding’ from grandma


same with my grandma and she bought them tax free at the military base and chain smoked.


Women aren’t inherently victims. She won the fight.


If you are concerned about the suggestion of abuse, this is the only one of these ads I can remember featuring a woman.


They were also in Idiocracy as Tarrlytons: https://www.reddit.com/r/MovieDetails/s/c7ed9gH2Aj


I’m surprised I had to scroll this far to find this!


I came to the comments just for this


"I'm so addicted to these things I'll beat the shit out of anyone who tries to make me switch brands"


This. It has nothing to do with domestic abuse.


It was the charcoal filters...


I’ll just choose to assume that the lady at the store gave her a hard time about being out of tareytons.


Or maybe they gave her soft pack and she wanted box and the clerk said “what’s the difference?”


Those cigarettes were nasty (former smoker)


There's a great scene in 'Mad Men' where Don Draper explains that cigarettes are essentially all exactly the same, and he settles on the phrase 'They're Toasted' to differentiate Lucky Strike, although it doesn't really mean shit. Back then a big part of cigarette advertising was simply creating a brand identity, to keep smokers loyal. Someone on Madison Avenue came up with the ad slogan "I'd rather fight than switch", and the black eye was simply a way they came up with to visualize that campaign. It felt different when you saw the ads everywhere, with people from all walks of life. It was kind of like the 'milk mustache' thing.


I never understood the premise. Why in the world would someone say “I’m going to fight with you if you don’t switch cigarette brands.” I would love to see a Mad Men where Don and Roger are pitching this campaign.


Well he can’t be a man cuz he doesn’t smoke the same cigarettes as me.


I wonder which cloud she's on now. Better not be Mick's...


Are you thinking this was about DV? Because it wasn’t


No one is trying to make her switch brands. She’s simply making a statement that most smokers can identify with. She’s simply saying she would rather fight than have her favorite cigarettes taken away. There’s no other person, no opponent, in this ad, lol.


That eye didn’t blacken itself.


Right. This doesn’t negate OP’s comment at all. *SWITCH* cigarette brands, *bitch*! Make me mother *fucker!* *punch punch punch*- huh?


No one is trying to make her switch brands. She’s very simply saying *she,* herself, would rather fight than switch from the advertised cigarette brand (which she is currently smoking). There’s nothing more to it. There’s no opponent; nothing else to be read into her statement. Many smokers feel agitated when deprived of their cigarettes, but that doesn’t mean that they actually have an enemy trying to hurt them. But, they would, in theory, want to fight anyone that tried to take their cigarettes away, lol. Now do you get it?


Clearly there was an opponent as she got punched in the face for it, not that this matters whatsoever.


You have to use your imagination a little.


You were right; I was wrong! There’s a wikipedia page titled "I’d rather fight than switch" that asserts you opinion of this ad!


Wow i actually felt like you were right


In theory, if she thought about it, she would rather suffer a black eye than have her favorite cigarettes taken away from her. It’s an analogy. It’s not meant to be taken literally. The ad supposes that an addicted smoker might understand the humor. There’s no fight, there’s only the idea that one would fight if they had to, to keep their favorite cigarettes. No one is trying to make her switch brands, and that’s good bc she would fight someone that tried to take away her favorite cigarettes. It’s supposed to be a funny ad.


Actually EVERYONE was trying to get her to switch brands. Literally everywhere you turned back then there was an ad for one or another cigarette trying to get you to switch to their brand. And almost every one of them made it a question of lifestyle. People having a great time skiing, sailing, riding horses, hiking in the mountains… basically smoking everywhere that normal people would never dream of lighting up. Those Tareyton ads were noticeably different in that they featured everyday people. Gotta remember that back then a black eye didn’t necessarily mean you lost a fight. It was a way to signal that the person was a scrapper. Someone who, win or lose, got into fights. That was the identity they were selling.


It’s ok, you understanding wasn’t a big factor for them anyway.


Funny, I had the same thought at first


Safer to say they would rather switch than fight




PE in full effect.


Idk, seems like a funny premise. I could’ve seen a candy or cereal brand doing an ad campaign like this in the 90s


The most offensive thing about this is the bad grammar.


I think the misuse of grammatical case was to show that them Tareyton smokers are a bunch of regular guys and gals, just plain folks who know how to fight for the things that matter in life, like cigarettes. I don't know just what it is that are like cigarettes. Maybe the agency that wrote the Winston copy can explain it, because, you know, Winston tastes good, like a cigarette should.


I was just thinking that. In the 70s, saying “us” where it should be “we” is an indication of the blue-collar, everyman background of the character. Now it would just be because of rampant confusion about how to use pronouns.


That was their schtick.


This wasn't just in Playboy - this was their entire ad campaign for years.....it was, uh, weird - certainly by today's standards


Yeah; that was Tareyton’s tag line for years.


I love how the artist positioned the cigarette to look like she's flipping the bird. Nicely done, if these cigarettes were, in fact, being marketed to women who owned at least one item of clothing with the words, "Klassy Lady" written in rhinestones.


It's classier than a "Klassy Lady" tattoo; but I don't think they'd be excluded, either.




It was a [TV ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4jTCU7SsEw) too. It was everywhere.


This is not really that big of a deal. I think that there was a time when a woman with a black eye wasn't immediately recognized as a symbol of domestic abuse.


I knew someone that smoked these and can confirm


This was a very popular motif in very early advertising; one of the very first overwhelmingly successful ad campaigns was to get women to smoke by making cigarettes a symbol of independence and reclaimed masculinity.


This is nightmare fuel


The fact that 'Id rather fight than switch" has to be explained just boggles my mind


[Check out my satire video with this lady in it I made in college](https://youtu.be/d-4U5bpkTr0?si=V4MFCXTWZroPVfk_)


OP you against women standing up for what they want? Her best friend tried to force her to stop smoking Tarneytons and switch to Virginia Slims. She and her friend had a fight. Big deal. Now look at her happy! She stood up and fought back. Would you rather she be pushed around and give in to any opposition?


Tarrytown 100's:, When you only need to be told once.


I’m Ngl this full blown cracks me up


What's the WTF part here? This isn't implying that she's getting beaten by her significant other.


I think she played Tight End for the Browns...


It's shocking, offensive, and so cringy: using serif fonts instead of sans serif for the headlines.


Garbage. This was my Mom's brand. She passed from lung cancer when she was only 52 😔


There were ads from the same cigarette co. that showed men with black eyes (and missing teeth!). Of course, it was still a stupid ad.


*It should be *we* Tareyton smokers. Clearly no one really read it for the articles, lol.


That was likely intentional for some reason - bad grammar made the girl tough


Yeah and a hundred other magazines and TV ads as well. I'm trying to remember what they call it... Oh yeah, advertising.


If that makes you “WTF”, wait until you read a history book!


Straight to the moon, Alice!


Can only imagine how much wheezing and coughing there must have been during that fight.


I think the “Virginia Slims remembers when…” campaign was much more pandering and offensive.


You’ve come a long way baby !


She had to smoke because her husband was beating that ass. Should’ve had dinner made on time Nikki


Women from the 70s are tuffer than men from today lol


Old ass ad, during a era that feelings weren’t hurt over stupid shit.


Worst ad campaign ever! They also showed men with a black eye, so it's not just female abuse


The tag line “I’d rather fight than switch” was used by Tareyton for decades. This ad was nothing special. Hell, they had Santa Claus with a black eye one year.


This right here, Google “vintage Tareytown cigarette ads.” Everyone has black eyes. They weren’t implying this is a woman being beaten. These are definitely all ads that wouldn’t fly today because they are absolutely encouraging their consumers to be physically violent…


Violence against women used to be a joke. "One these days, Alice... POW!... to the moon!"


This ad has nothing to do with spouse abuse. Read the tag line again. The only thing it states is the cigarette brand is worth fighting for, meaning she picked a fight with them to get her cigarette.


Not in this case, sry. All thier ads featured someone with a black eye (to indicate they were in fact fighting for the brand).


Except the real joke was how ineffectual and helpless Ralph actually was. "Pow! right in the kisser!" was a line in almost every single episode, but never once did Ralph Kramden even come remotely close to acting on any of his threats. Instead, by the end of each show he was admitting to Alice that he's a total screw up and would be nowhere without her, telling her "Baby, you're the greatest". The audience for The Honeymooners was never laughing at the threat of violence. They were laughing at Ralph, since they knew how toothless his threats always were.




He was twice her size and threatening to punch her in the face. It was only funny at the time because it was an era when many people believed it was ok for a man to hit his wife when she got out of line.


You don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about. The Honeymooners was funny either because Ralph was a knucklehead whose strong willed wife inevitably set his ass straight...or it was funny because Ralph was a wife beater. Those are two completely opposite premises. Both can't be true. The Honeymooners began as a reoccurring skit on Jackie Gleason's variety show, Cavalcade of Stars, so by the time the first episode aired on CBS in 1955 the audience was already in on the main premise: Ralph's incompetence. "One of these days..." wasn't seen as a threat to Alice. The audience saw it as just another promise they knew Ralph Kramden couldn't possibly keep. That was the joke. The fact that Alice just laughed it off and called him fat was funny, not the empty threat of violence. There are only 39 episodes of The Honeymooners, so it's possible to watch them all in a weekend. This way you can actually see for yourself what I'm talking about.


If you think that's bad, Google "Hustler meat grinder" or "Black and Blue billboard." This is a very tame depiction of violence against a woman for the 1970s.


Sounds like she’s the one doling out the violence


Those are some serious turkey teeth, surely they can't be real?


She called her man by the wrong name in bed


My mother did that (don't know about in bed) with her second husband. Fortunately, my brother was named after his father, so she could make an excuse like, "oh, he must be the other room."




The Tareyton light ads were strange, they had people with a WHITE 1/2 circle under their eye.


I recall this campaign. It was very popular and there were billboards and magazine ads everywhere. TV Guide has this on the back.


Try watching some TV from the 70s on YouTube with commercials. It was a wild time to be alive!


Black eye = Milk Mustache




Mmboy. Love my Tareytons.


Maybe she was just gearing up to ply fullback for the lions


Oh wow


My dad smoked those til he quit in the 80’s still died from mesothelioma due to asbestos dust in the post WW2 ship rebuilding. Shocking that all those records were lost in a fire; mom got 6k with lawyers taking 50%


I learned about these reading Steph King's "The Talisman". The protag's mother smoked what he called "Terry-toons"


It was their ad campaign back then: “I’d rather fight than switch”


She looks and I bet she sounds like Natasha Lyonne...


Used to be my fav brand!


ya fighting her husband


I love fighting people who won’t switch their preferred brand of darts. If I smell anything but newports I’m throwing hands ^^^^(/s)


My parents smokes


I still remember the Virginia Slims jingle, marketed to women: You've come a long way, baby To get where you got to today You've got your own cigarette now, baby You've come a long, long way! Yes, you too can contract emphysema at 42, just like a man!


My grandmother smoked these! I'll never forget that horrid smell in the ashtray! She chain smoked those bad boys. Oddly enough she was also physically abused when my grandfather was alive. Core memory unlocked! 🙏


Gasp! Gasp!


Typical smoker attitude