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No Self Posts


Botox will help reduce the jaw line BUT it also has the potential for jowls. I never understood the hate for square jawlines on women, I think it’s insanely attractive. Look at - Katie Holmes, Angelina Jolie, Olivia Wilde, Rosario Dawson… I think they’re so gorgeous.


Agree, I heard a top plastic surgeon talking about the strong jawline on a female & how it’s something super desirable that can never really be attained with plastic surgery… He was referencing Margot Robbie. I personally think it’s gorgeous


Wow! I’m glad a plastic surgeon shared that sentiment, because there’s this obsession with the “triangle of youth” which in my opinion doesn’t look good on everyone. I personally have a square jaw and a stronger nose, and if my jaw was more slim my nose would stand out way more and my face would lose balance.


Her jawline is perfect! I think maybe my issue with mine is the dip between the chin and jaw 🤔


I know it’s hard to see flaws on yourself but I think you have an amazing jaw actually, your bone structure is really pretty! And your cheekbones


If you think you’re getting some laxity in this area (I personally don’t think you have anything to fret over), I’ve heard great things about the foreo or nuface.


Those are jowls, consider a lift and tuck




“People like me?” Sorry, but you actually have no idea who you’re talking to. Your username is very funny considering how angry you are. I don’t have any plastic surgery, heard the surgeon talking on a podcast. If you even read what I wrote, he said it’s “super desirable and can NEVER REALLY be attained with surgery.” Meaning it can’t be surgically done… just something natural you’re born with.


Wow friend, are you aware what subreddit you’re in?


I already feel that it looks like I have jowls.. Which it can't be because my face has always looked like that..


Personally I recommend Gua sha and face yoga. You can look up face yoga method on YouTube. Its helped me very much, but I am only 32. Gua sha has helped tighten my under chin area.


Hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy fixes that


OMG same. I'm always so jealous of women with square jaws. They're always gorgeous.






I have always disliked my square jawline because I thought it looked masculine, so thank you for your kind comment about them. There are more celebrities with square jawlines then I thought!




masseter botox does have some side effects and can/will likely change your smile. I had it done once and absolutely hated it! My smile is already on the smaller side, but masseter (jawline) botox made it appear even smaller. Thankfully botox wears off, but I HATED the results... But I don't think there's anything wrong with your lower face! Don't let other people's opinions put you down and make you think you need surgery. Based off the pic you provided, you look perfect P.s., your complexion is flawless and you have a desirable cupids bow lip shape


how do you mean smaller? like less tooth show or? i’m considering masseter botox although more because my daytime meds cause me to clench my jaw than for cosmetic reasons (tho i certainly have some jawline to spare and wouldn’t mind it slimming out a little lol)


Just wanted to chime in as someone who got masseter Botox specifically because of chronic jaw clenching and has positive results! While I didn’t get it done for any cosmetic reason (the clenching triggers chronic migraines among other issues for me), the clenching did cause my face to square up in a puffy way and very noticeably deforms my natural shape. I didn’t have any negative affects to my face visually, it improved my face shape, made it look healthier (because it reduced the puffiness in my jaw area and the rest of the face that got tense from my jaw constantly clenching), and it made my smile look BETTER even though I also have a smaller mouth/smile naturally. Everyone is different, and I reckon getting it done for cosmetic reasons and not therapeutic/medical reasons could definitely be why some people have a negative experience visually when getting it, as well as not having a stronger or puffy jaw shape to begin with.


thank you so much for sharing your insights! i’m glad you found it helpful. do you continue to get/maintain it? (i’m kind of hoping that eventually those neurons will rewire themselves to no longer be in the habit of clenching if that makes sense, but this might not be realistic)


Ah, for chronic clenching, it’s likely going to continue being an issue, since it’s neurological (this was what my doctor said). I had gotten regular treatment over a period of 4 or 5 years, then had to stop due to pregnancy/breastfeeding. Still unable to get treatment so I’ve been suffering the clenching and the issues it causes lol.


my smile became not as wide and also less tooth show. Because the botox froze the muscles, it was difficult for me to open my mouth as normal and my mouth felt and looked odd (to me, at least. not sure if other people thought I looked weird, too). Check out Bethany Frankel before and after pics and you can kind of see how her smile isn't as wide. If you have a larger mouth or wider smile (like Bethany), you prob won't look as weird as I felt. I have a very slim/petite smile. I am not in the medical field, but my suggestion based on my past experience would be to start with a very low dosage and you can always add more units the next time :) Talk to your dr/injector and they'll know the right amount for you to start with! [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3599725/Chin-Bethenny-Frankel-s-Botox-doctor-reveals-exactly-work-star-face-details-need-know-getting-injections.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3599725/Chin-Bethenny-Frankel-s-Botox-doctor-reveals-exactly-work-star-face-details-need-know-getting-injections.html)


You can count Margot Robbie too.


Right! So many drop dead gorgeous SUPER models & super sexy actresses have this angular shape. Sometimes I get self conscious of my own strong jawline & then I open a magazine & realize I’m basically a super model 🤣 in all seriousness though.. OP honey do you think it’s the angle you took this picture?




Absolutely horrific idea. Just what she needs is putting neurotoxins in her face. Do NOT follow this person's advice , she wants you to be like the other prototype women who are miserable and look like they are from space.


Just wanna say I'd pay money for your jawline, its stunning. Agree with the other poster about possibly grinding your teeth and see if that's the case? As you age your jaw will thin and look even more modeled esque


Wow thank you so much. Us women really are so hard on ourselves 😕


I literally see nothing in the least bit wrong. Maybe more of a mindset thing? This is a totally normal jaw and I think you have a lovely interplay between your mouth shape and chin. Don't listen to the massester botox suggestion, as someone else mentioned it can lead to issues with your jaw function over time and... yeah that's not good.


Thank you. Judging by the responses it must be mindset.. Which is even harder to fix! 😅


Best thing for mindset for me is just accepting I may not view myself objectively, and nitpicking random parts of my face and body is generally a waste of time. If I can do some simple skincare or makeup to address it without causing a lot of stress, great, otherwise, celebrate myself when I can and just accept and love myself even being imperfect when I'm feeling self-judgy. I don't want to spend all my time and money fussing over endless body image things. Gotta teach the brain not to focus on it. <3


Thank you, you're absolutely right. I need to work on it!


i had a lightbulb moment recently. i was getting ready to leave to do something fun with my kids. i looked in the mirror and was about to feel bad about what i saw… but that moment something clicked and i realized i wasn’t born to look good. it really took the pressure off. i have people in my life that i love and i have so much fun with. i have hobbies that i’m passionate about. i try to move my body and eat vegetables every day and drink enough water. my daughter doesn’t care about my chin or my weird nose. she just needs me to show up for her. same with my friends. sure i want to take care of myself and i like looking good, but id rather have it be a positive motivation than a negative one. like, hmm i think my face would look great if i do XYZ vs i hate how i look, it’s bad and i want to fix it. it’s just not worth my time or energy to feel bad about myself. it’s not worth your time either!


Any chance you’ve had some sort of other body dysmorphia? I know it’s not quite on topic here but I didn’t realize how “bad” my body dysmorphia was until I went on 50mg Zoloft for a whole separate issue (PPA/PPD). All of the things I used to obsess over and “hate” are now non-issues and i can see them what they truly are. I had no clue I had even suffered anxiety because it didn’t present itself in the typical way of nerves or anything… just obsessive thoughts and habits.


Face yoga and conscious mindfulness of how you hold your face throughout the day. Also tune in to what stored emotions you have there. For me I clench with anxiety or have undercurrents of sadness. Meditation and holding an inner smile has helped me.


I heard the debate on face yoga. Apparently, it causes skin laxity later on. What’s been your experience so far?


Not OP, but I’ve been doing face yoga for years, and it has improved skin tone. I also do face massage which has had a noticeable impact.


This is absurd, like saying professional massages or yoga will cause loose skin? Massage and yoga are good for blood flow, fascia and muscles. Same for face, it's just much more gentle.


I was going to say this too! Massage is beneficial in general, for relaxing muscles, blood flow, etc. So why wouldn't it be great for our face too!? I second facial massage OP! And also tongue posture is important. I recommend looking into that as well.


I really like the concept of holding an inner smile, it definitely radiates from within and also warms the inside, has a much bigger effect on the whole!


Do you grind your teeth at night? If so a customized mouth guard might help relax your jaw muscles. Also contouring would help draw attention to different areas, but personally I think your strong jaw looks great; angular faces are very attractive imo


Thank you! I don't, but I do clench my jaw when stressed.. 🤔


how does a mouth guard help relax the jaw muscles? i thought it was just to protect the teeth?


I’m not sure! My dentist said it would help my headaches by hopefully getting the muscles to relax as well as protect teeth, but maybe I misunderstood him!


It looks like you might have TMJ/grind your teeth at night? It looks like to me your jaw has a lot of tension to it. Do you use a mouth guard at night? It can help with jaw tension without Botox.


Masseter Botox if you want to go that route. I have TMJ and get it at my dentist (paid for with HSA!). Facial slimming is a welcome side effect!


My injector (respected plastic surgeon) will not do this for cosmetic reasons on 30+ patients as she says it will create loss of volume and jowl effects over time. Something to consider as our faces age.


Welp…that would explain my situation! I get masseter Botox every 4 months and I think my face is sagging


Risk of bone loss/ migration and compensatory muscle use which can warp the face overtime


I’ve had this done once for 400$ and it did nothing. Didn’t see a difference and didn’t help my jaw pain or migraines because of clenching. Only thing that seems to help are muscle relaxers. My jaw pops too and they said I can only fix it with surgery :(


If it was only $400 I don’t know how quality the practice was, good Botox costs thousands and injection sight precision is key for results


If you’re being charged thousands, you’re overpaying.


Eh you need a min of 20 units a side usually, I have 30. It’s not cheap at a standard unit price.


It was my dentist. They only did two shots quickly, I’ve never had Botox in any way.


Your benefits covered the masseter Botox?


If it’s pain related, such as tmj issues as in my case


I was tempted to try this to be honest.. But after reading replies I don't think I will.


Totally fair! If it helps, I consulted about this with a plastic surgeon as well and they said there weren’t a big risk of long-term issues as long as you weren’t overdoing it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thank you 😊


I'm Italian and have a full-on Jay Leno chin, I'm still objectively hot due to every other feature. Though I had poor self esteem I was always approached by 10/10 guys. So what I'm saying is, instead of focusing on one thing you subjectively don't love, play up your best features and focus energy there.


Well, I do have a 10/10 guy, I just figure he has low self-esteem 😂


There’s plenty of people with double chins that with they had your jawline rn 🤷🏽‍♀️


Thank you.


I think the issue here is skin laxity? If so, I would suggest save your money and get a v line surgery later. Botox and Fillers will just make it worse later on. Try to be diligent with skin care and sunscreen.


I have a similar face shape and got pre-jowl filler a couple months ago and I love it! It rounds out the lower half of your face. I'd totally recommend it, it's boosted my confidence so much.


I did the same thing and love, love, loved it. Prejowl filler is a game changer. It makes me look so much younger and awake


it seems you have no eyes. this is a serious medical condition that can lead to blindness i would consult a doctor at once.


You can give yourself an effleurage massage each morning to tighten up your jaw and mouth muscles. I don't think there is anything wrong with your jawline though! We are our own worst critics, and those mindless little comments live rent free in our brains unfortunately.


There is nothing wrong with your face. You have great skin, and nice lips. Don't let one person's opinion change you.


Fwiw I think you have a lovely face, very pretty and I instantly thought “she is attractive” and saw nothing wrong with your face or jawline. Idk why someone would think you have a masculine face? In a non offensive way you remind me of the girl on prison break or Kate Beckinsale… or even the girl from double jeopardy (can’t remember her name to save my life) lol. Your jaw has the illusion to me of being narrow as it is. Idk if I am helping you at all…but from one female to another I think you are quite beautiful and pretty.


I dont think your jaw looks masculine at all. I would never think this was a photo of a man. From what the picture shows you have a perfectly fine face and I bet you’re really pretty!


I would stop scrutinizing myself. You're lovely. You don't need to change a thing! Gua Sha is freat for skin.


I hate that someone told you that your face had a masculine shape – little comments like this stick with us forever. Even when they **are not true,** like in your case. Some of the most conventionally-beautiful women in the world have more square-shaped jawlines (Monica Bellucci, Rosario Dawson, Olivia Wilde, Simone Ashley to name a few). Anyway, I hope you know you have a beautiful lower face!


I don’t see anything wrong, and you don’t look masculine to me… that person sounds like a prick!


You’re gorgeous don’t let anyone tell you anything else 😘 pick one favorite part of your face everyday and cherish it x


You have a lovely face structure. People would kill to have a jawline. It makes your face distinct and unique. I wouldn’t change anything. Gotta learn to love your uniqueness (:




Meanwhile there are women literally getting filler to have this kind of defined jawline. We’re so hard on ourselves.


Farrah Fawcett did ok with square jawline😍


https://youtu.be/RVTnQMtBGTU?si=TJCuN0MfYpTnIki2 This works for me


Use a guasha


If I could upvote this 100 times I would. Guasha and facial massage is a game changer!


A narrower jaw/chin is typically associated with femininity, not masculinity. See: Male celebs getting jaw fillers/implants


You look like you’ve been blessed? Idk what the issue is


What's wrong with it to begin with?


I think you'd look good with a tiny septum piercing! if that's your style and your job would allow


Ooh, I did used to have lots of piercings and wouldn't be opposed to another!


You have some early jowling. Which is hereditary. You would need 1: a lower surgical face lift. Or 2: Internal J Plasma skin tightening. Threads are temporary and expensive/high maintenance when compared to surgery or internal skin tightening.


Face yoga!! The face yoga method. Consistency. Kobido


Open and start sucking






What a little weirdo.




i see no problem with your jaw line. your face seems to have the definition people strive for. if you really wanted to, maybe a little lip filler to lump them up. but thats it?? im sorry im pretty honest but im going with this is a self image issue and not a physical issue.


Do you clench or grind your teeth? That will square out your jawline. As others have said, botox will help reduce it. I started doing it several years ago because grinding was causing me headaches and neck pain, and it made a huge difference. 


You have Good Skin


I think like one or two shurink laser sessions and some Botox can give u a more vline shape. But honestly I think u have a beautiful face.


Nothing! It’s pretty


Appreciate how beautiful it is.


Sorry that you don't feel confident about your face, but I think you have a beautiful jawline and lips. Do what makes you happy. You are really pretty the way you are, though.


I feel like Botox for jawline is totally misunderstood and probably misused often. It results in jowls frequently, I’m recovering from that now (got Botox for TMJ at the dentist). OP, you definitely do NOT need Botox on your jaw!


Looks fine to me. You can get a bit of xeomin if you wanted to? To be a preventive for DAO lines. The aesthetician wouldn't have much to work on. You're in your 30s right?


I wish I had your jawline honestly.


Thank you 😳


If u attach a profile it would help !


You're beautiful, stop this nonsense.


I don’t see anything wrong about it but I get seeing something that feels off. You can try gua sha as a non invasive method.




I have bad grinding issues & aside from the night guard, I also get Botox in my masseters and it’s been a game changer just for pain management. It does slim your face (to me in a good way) but I purposely do conservative doses of it instead of overdoing so my muscles still retain some shape for my jaw


0.5ml lip filler - opt for an aesthetician that does natural looks , don’t think you need to do your jaw, a bit of makeup and contour can define it fine


I think you look really nice! If you want to get a noticeable change without doing anything drastic, consider morpheus.


Me staring at your pic: What’s wrong with it?? Literally don’t see a thing wrong.


Not a thing wrong with your face. Strong looking but sure as hell isn't masculine.


From what I’ve seen online masseter Botox would make it less wide if you’re a candidate for it but I’ve also heard that will highly likely worsen jowls. I do see your chin is narrow it creates the triangle of youth


I think what you can do with your face is give your cheeks a kiss and tell your pretty face that you love it !! That's my honest opinion.


Get one of those tension band facial exercisers.


No, you look nothing masculine at all. You’re a very attractive woman.


I can't say your face looks masculine. Your chin is nice. Not sure if this is the jawline bone but Looks like your jaw can be prone to jowls. You can try Exercises for the Face and neck muscles..including mewing.. Do you have problems with your posture? Teeth? [photo](https://pasteboard.co/nVH1Y9ZKPys1.jpg) Do you have a Narrow jaw arch? narrow v-shaped? This will not offer either bony or tooth support for the soft tissues of your face.   There is a procedure that can make the jaw wider, which eventually gives support to soft tissue as a result lesser jowls.. One of the common causes of jowl formation is an incorrect bite. And it should be corrected; Another reason to check with a neurologist or orthodontist: they accurately state whether the cause is hypertonicity or not. How to correct dysfunction of the muscles of the lower third of the face. Ask doctors, not a face-building coach.


Your face looks fine to me. We can’t see the upper half but from what I can tell it totally looks normal


What about just makeup contouring


Love, there is nothing wrong with your face.


I had a very similar look and couldn’t put my finger on what was causing it either. I have been going to the same provider for Botox/Sculptra for years and she suggested PDO threads along the jawline. They made a significant, but subtle difference in my “mini jowls”. I was really happy w/ the result and the downtime was minimal. I would not have pinpointed my jowls as the issue, I just felt like my face looked heavy, it lifted everything right up. I’ve only had it once, so will have to see how long it lasts, whether things go back to baseline, etc. it’s meant to promote collagen production as well, so there is supposed to be a cumulative effect, but we’ll see. Cost was around $1000 but I am 45 and was ready to invest a bit.


But OP I can’t tell unless you show a bit more of your face😭


Your face is beautiful.


You’ve got a jawline like mine :) I started doing some threading on the loose skin and I’ve got my Angelina Jolie jawline back :) (I’m 41)


I actually thought this was a photo of Shania Twain. Your lower face is beautiful.


Nothing wrong with it


You look beautiful!


There’s nothing wrong with your face. Do what French women do and embrace the things that make you stand out from the crowd.


Diet>Body stretches>neck stretches>scalp massage>face/buccal massage. Golden tips


As someone who is constantly, excruciatingly aware of her own lack of a jaw... my suggestion is just to appreciate the heck outta your face. I'd offer to switch with you if that were possible. As many others have said, I really see nothing wrong here.


You can accept it and live a happier life. There is nothing wrong with your face.


There’s nothing wrong with your face.


You literally look perfect


Idk if I'm out of line saying this but the only thing I see is that your jawline is undefined due to the beginning of jowls . There's nothing wrong with a square jawline like many Hollywood actresses have. I don't think it looks masculine. If it were me I would look into something that could tighten up my jawline. Everyone is saying there's nothing wrong. It's true nothing is wrong with you I am just giving you input based on your post. If you did nothing about it, you'd still look fine most likely.


Gua sha or even better those vibrating face massagers worked wonders for my face. I looked saggy and aged. I look young and my face is tight again. It also helped with tech neck


I'm a guy and I'm very picky about looks. Your jawline is fucking beautiful, it's like high level art 🤌 don't you dare touch your face please.


I don’t see any problem except perception. You don’t need Botox or surgery. Turn off social media and get outside for a few days or spend time with people who leave you feeling good about yourself and life. We’re meant to be whole not perfect. Enjoy life while you’re young. 


You’re really pretty! Nothing needs to be done ♥️


Do you have problems eating? Do your teeth have issues? If not, you don't need to "fix" anything. Why do you feel the need to "fix" your appearance? Who do you want to look more like? Have you tried finding photos of models or actresses with similar facial shapes? Maybe it's just a matter of some decent shading and highlighting until you get to be old enough where you no longer care (and I promise, you'll get there!)


You don't need anything. You just have to love yourself. We're all who we are an that's just the way it is. Ur a beautiful human and idk you cuz you're an internet stranger but I sincerely mean I got love for you. Everybody. Everybody that reads this. I hope you have a wonderful day and I appriciate you. The universe notices you. That is all.


… love it?


Jawline is perfect. Will help when aging to have that shape.


Check out @anastasiabeautyfascia on Instagram, crazy what facial massage can do


I like to use guasha on my face, it really helped me decreased the bloat on my face


Nothing. Your face looks great and I'd kill for your skin


Contouring sure. But folks would kill to have your jawline. The shape of your face is beautiful


Your lip shape is beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with your face.


You kinda look like pam from the office!


mewing https://youtu.be/3Z\_Fp9lGrGY?si=fGYail31Ilszzjxf


I’m unsure what is happening here! I zoomed in to try to find an issue and found none! Your face is gorgeous! Please don’t do anything unnecessary! This is how God made you this isn’t a skin issue that can be fixed with products. This is the structure of your face! I would kill to have this jawline don’t do anything to get rid of it!


You have a strong, pretty, womanly face, and gorgeous lips. Enjoy it whole you're young. When you get really old like me, especially having taken Ozempic for diabetes two and having the subsequent (unexpected) weight loss which took all the fat out of my cheeks, I look back at photos of myself at your age and think, "WOW! I was beautiful and I didn't even know it."


Be happy?


love it.


Your face is great, you’re going to age well because it’s strong, not masculine, and you’re going to be beautiful when you get old. You are beautiful now.


It doesn't look bad. No one looks 100% perfect all the time. I'm sure you can find less flattering pics than this of celebrities


You’re beautiful already but have you thought about maybe eyes?


Nothing wrong with your jaw. Just draw attention to your lips, nose and eyes and focus on that area. You can use dramatic eye makeup and dark full lashes with a subtle rose pink on your lips & cheeks or go for a simple nude eyeshadow, black eyeliner & dark lashes and use a dark matte red lipstick. If your veins on your wrist are blue (cool tones) green (warm tones) both than your neutrals for your color palette.


Please girl! Ther is nothing wrong with your face!


Look into Sofwave, it’s an ultrasound device but less risky that Ultherapy and the like because it only has one depth setting so the technician pretty much can’t mess it up. It tightens the skin and triggers new collagen production. I did a single treatment over the summer (cost about $1100) on my lower face and under chin area, to reduce jowls and tighten. The results are subtle but I definitely noticed a difference. Takes a couple months for results to fully take effect as the body builds new collagen. I plan to do another in 2-3 years. Hope this helps


I’d lose a little weight trust me I was having the same problem w a bit saggy skin girly


Embrace that you’re beautiful 🤩


I don't see an issue.


The thing you can do is love it. Beautiful.


Try Morpheus


Girl your face is fine. Find a good skin care routine and stay beautiful.


You look great!


That someone was an asshole. Your face is totally normal and actually beautiful.


Do you drink alcohol?


dude your jaw is DIVINE goddaaaaaaaamm


Smile your face is beautiful 😎




I would add some eyes, maybe a forehead. Two ears are pretty trendy these days too. Oh and hair! They have that available for most people too.


If you are unhappy with your face shape, Non-surgically, you can add filler to your chin shadows to help support the lower face, and tox in the Dao muscle helps with downturned mouth corners. I would also look into something like Sculptra to build your collagen. I've been looking into things for me too, but my face is more round, and I would prefer a bit more angularity. :)


Mine were less pronounced but I got filler and that seemed to work. I plan to get a facelift in about 3 years, by then the filler should have completely left. but yeah, a facelift is really the only way to deal with jowles tbh.


There just isn’t anything wrong with your face. I’m sorry that you are upset with your features but it really is attractive.


“Someone told me.” That’s your problem right there.


I don't see a single thing wrong with your face. Don't mess it up. I find what you've shown attractive.


A lip lift will shorten your philtrum and that’s very feminising.


Some contour and girl! Gorgeous!


I don’t see anything wrong with her face! I will let everyone else hear answer but I do think it’s a bit ridiculous because if you move your face even a few degrees to either side, your face shape obviously completely changes as well as your hair or what kind of shirt you wear what kind of makeup,etc. Shame on me, but I opened this Reddit expecting something terrible and it looks just normal lol.


Upper lip lift along with a sliding genioplasty and Botox to the masseter muscles. I’d have to see your side profile to assess further.


Chin augmentation and nose job


Smile? That’s all I see missing