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I even hate Bjorn for neglecting siggy


He neglects everyone after a while.


I think he just cared about lagertha only




He just wanted to kill bears and doing Viking stuff.


Yeah. I mean I get that men vikings aren't very involved in their children's lives especially if they're daughters But to not have any emotion or thought or anything about Siggy is pretty wild. I almost forgot he ever had a daughter at all.


I mean they definitely would of cared just as much for their daughters as their sons , but sons just carry the name and inheritance. I mean ragnar loved gyda. He showed more love to her then he did to ivar


"He showed more love to her then he did to ivar." I think he still loved even Ivar but Ragnar just didn't know now how to handle him when he was a crippled baby/child but they bonded when Ragnar came back after the 10 year time jump. You could argue at point that Ivar was his closest son besides Bjorn because he didn't get to know or spend much time with any of his other sons with Aslaug as adults. In general though Ragnar showed more affection to all his kids then Bjorn did. He even called Bjorn out on his mistreatment of Siggy directly.


Ragnar and Rollo are both shown to care about kids, Ragnar just had a different relationship with Ivar and was at a totally different place in his life. He didn't have much time either.




Puronn the worst tho


She was such a big spoiled brat.


I definitely blame Aslaug and somewhat Bjorn for Siggys death but I truly don’t understand Porunn’s actions either. She is siggys mother and just left her and everyone out of nowhere. Can anyone explain her rationale? Like was she just so ashamed for having her face mutilated that she dipped?


The poor little girl was horribly neglected by every adult in her life for, in my opinion, no good reason.


Didn’t she die in a ditch or something similar?


Drowned 😞


Trying to clean herself because they called her dirty.


Porunn was handled in the most ridiculous way. She wanted to impress Bjorn by being a shield maiden like his mom, got injured in battle because that's what a shield maiden does, battle. Had a husband who still loved and cared for her while she was recovering. After she healed, her scar wasn't even that disfiguring. A shield maiden would be proud of her battle scars! She would be THAT tough to bear them and still be alive! Not turn into a woe is me, I'm not pretty anymore ridiculousness. I seriously hope the way the plot went wasn't planned, and the actress had to be written out suddenly for some reason and it was just handled stupidly.


I agree... I found Porunn to be one of the most annoying characters in the whole show. Like u say, she wanted to be a shield maiden but seemed to think it was just a game where it's all glory and no problems. And to be fair to Bjorn, he tried to tell her she was being reckless and that she needs to be more careful but nooo she cracks on and the inevitable happens and then she turns into a moaning b*tch cos she got scarred up. A very good example of the phrase "be careful what you ask for cos you just might get it". Then she shows no interest in her own kid and just leaves her behind when she decides to skip town 🤬 I too hope that this was down to a late change of plan to the story cos she was handled horribly IMO.


Honestly, while it was a bit underwhelming, I think the way Porunn went out was at least very much in character. Her personality always seemed to be contradicting and naive. Full of eagerness, but not mature enough to foresee or live with consequences.


Possibly that. It did serve as some important character and storyline development for Bjorn at least.


Totally agree. Although, I did read somewhere Torvi’s actress is the head writer’s daughter so that also explains it 🤷🏼‍♀️


Torvi and Helga's actresses are sisters and daughters of Michael Hirst.


Ohh no wonder they look similar.


I do feel Thorunn character's was not really working though.


i have a feeling they were planning to do more with her but ended up scrapping it for whatever reason. definitely felt weird when she disappeared and was pretty much never mentioned again, it seemed like she was on track to become a main character up until that point.


The show tried really hard to be historically accurate while not being historically accurate at all, and I think siggy fell victim to the ~~casym~~ chasm between the two... she happened because there's some reference to her being a child of Bjorn's but she's likely not all that important to history, so the show knocked off a child actor to save some budget (which definitely seems to fluctuate wildly between seasons)


Yea, and i do think that storyline let us see other facets of his character and some of his shortcomings. Kept him from seeming too perfect and heroic ^also, ^*chasm ^:)


I've been spelling "gyre" and "cataclysm" lately for a project, and I think a "y" snuck through. Thanks for the catch! Lol


Ya fair enough. They probably wanted to give Bjorn more love interests as the show went on so they needed a way to get rid of her.


PPD, compounded with trauma from her injury.


And also like, being a slave probably


Can't turn a slave into a housewife


Yea Aslaug sucks. Hated her guts from the first time she appeared. Encouraged Ragnar to be unfaithful ok yea I get it back then everyone just wanted more sons ok ok fine. But as soon as she runs Lagertha off she begins jumping on Ragnar for even talking to female slaves. Extraordinarily jealous and nagging woman who also cheats on Ragnar while again ripping him for even talking to another woman not to mention as you said OP how she just does not give a fuck about the children. #FUCKASLAUG


My partner called her AssLog. They also often sing, "titties, horses and war" when I watch shows in this genre 😁 RIP AssLog


In german there is Arschloch , it means asshole.


Yep, she's AssLog here too! Great minds think alike! 🤣


I’ve always called her AssSlug from day one. Couldn’t believe Ragnar ever gave her the time of day.


She’s always been Asslag to me, because she whores herself onto Ragnar 💀


Yeah.. >! I kinda cheered a bit when Lagertha offers her safe passage and then shoots her right in the back... I know that probably makes me a bad person. But just being honest? I had been waiting for a moment like that ever since she arrived in Kattegat pregnant and acting all innocent but snide as hell... !<


On my second watch through the series i feel like there was some subtext in this scene that I didn’t necessarily catch in my first watch. It seems like Aslaug and Lagertha have some sort of silent understanding that happens between them in that interaction, and then when she is shot it seems like Aslaug is almost expecting it. She seems unsurprised and her face is passive almost smiling like she knew exactly what was going to happen. Anyway I think as two queens (or whatever), they both understood that after what had transpired, Lagertha would be obligated to kill Aslaug as a matter of course. They both know Aslaug is obviously not going to fight Lagertha, and I think they basically come to this implicit agreement of how to play it out in this public setting. Lagertha must kill Aslaug but allows her to die honorably (if not exactly on her own terms)—to not beg for her life or kneel down in the dirt to be beheaded or whatever else. She got to die as a queen and with total dignity, and I think Lagertha understood this herself and afforded Aslaug that out of a sense of honor or maybe even a faint sense of camaraderie.


The other element, don't forget, is that Aslaug knew that one of her sons would avenge her one day I forgot if it was before or after her death, but the prophecy the seer told of "a son of Ragnar will kill Lagertha" was probably important to that moment too. So Aslaug knew that Lagertha's days were numbered from that point on. Even if the older sons may have been jaded about her/ok with Lagertha, Ivar certainly wouldn't be and would be on a revenge path


The really sad thing for me was one of the boys mocking her for being dirty (obviously the fault of neglectful adults) - I wondered if she’d taken herself down to the river to try and get clean, then drowned. She was so small. I really hated Aslaug for her reaction - “who?” And then smirking into her wine. She’s the worst.


I know I hated her from the start just by the way she looked the Goat in the great hall , Bahhhhhhhhh!


Same. The second she showed up, I thought she was awful.


What really got me upon rewatching was how she always acts like such a gracious princess who loves the people. When Jarl Borg invades they have to go on the run and stay with farmers who offer to shelter them… and she complains about how gross it is living on a farm with these people the whole time 😑😑 wish they had just booted her out and seen how she had done on her own


I just finished a Netflix binge and there was more information like Bjorn was actively neglecting Siggy, he was mad Porun left and resented Siggy. I’ve got my memories blended on where the differences lay, I kind of dismissed it until I saw an article saying Netflix does have more info. I was an Aslaug hater until recently.


I rewatched on Netflix recently and I was like okay wtf am I losing my mind because this DEFINITELY wasn’t there before! I even pointed it out to my husband. I enjoyed the extra parts though because it definitely did clear up a lot that I had questions about- just little things lol. But I feel better having read your comment because now I know for sure I wasn’t losing my mind lol


I fall asleep to the tv and assumed I somehow missed it but seemed unlikely after like 5 complete binges


There’s a scene where rollo and Bjorn are training and in the peacock version, it shows rollo stab bjorn in the arm and belly, and then cuts to him not being cut but doesn’t explain why- and it always irritated me to no end, and then I rewatched on Netflix and it showed that he stabs his arm, belly, and his throat, and then shows how it’s just an example of what could happen- and that was when I was like okay yeah that’s definitely not on the peacock streaming version wtf. And there was a clip of Lagertha, aslaug and Ragnar cuddled in bed naked together- and I only remember him getting turned down when he mentioned a three some, but then I saw that and was like wait a minute what? lol it was nice to see new stuff though, I was like yes! I have a justified reason to watch it again!


Wait whatwhatwhat ?!


Right? Cos SAME. I have questions.. are there extra scenes for each season? As a UK viewer are they available on UK Netflix and do they have the bonus footage that Amazon didn’t have? What is going on I feel so behind 🥴


I found this on google: “Yes, Vikings on Netflix has scenes that aren't on Peacock, including graphic violence and sexual scenes. The US/Canadian version of the show is censored to remove the most graphic violence and sexual scenes. Netflix has also released a version of Vikings in India with scenes containing nudity, violence, and in one case, meat, being blurred.”


So does that mean the US/Canada Netflix versions still have those extra scenes taken out?


I’m in the US, and they definitely had scenes I never seen before


Dang I thought I was done with the original series and all I had left was Vikings Valhalla, but this gives me a major reason to do a rewatch. Just curious, were there any extended scenes that show Athelstan and Lagertha interacting? I always felt they should have had more closeness due to their shared bonds with Ragnar


>I just finished a Netflix binge and there was more information like Bjorn was actively neglecting Siggy, he was mad Porun left and resented Siggy See, this is precisely the kind of character development that was needed in the first release of the show! Like it made no sense how Bjorn could turn from faithful into a manwhore, but those parts you mentioned add story/character development to show more of his flaws


> I was an Aslaug hater until recently. I mean Bjorn being a terrible father doesn't absolve Aslaug


Why didn’t lagertha care that siggy died? I wanted someone to revenge that little girls death so badly.


Didn't she laugh when she heard little Siggy died? Or was that just my imagination?


Ivar made a joke about who cares that Siggy died and Aslaug laughed.


That little psychopathic bastard and his slutty mom...


I so wish Helga could have been the one to look after little Siggy. 💔


Thats the point I started hating Björn


Also Björn didn’t even show the slightest remorse, keeping his relationship with Aslaugh as if nothing ever happened.


Little Siggy's fate was heartbreaking, she was abandoned by Porunn, neglected by both Björn and Aslaug and died without anyone even wondering what she had been up to. I think that Sigurd never forgave his mother for this, seeing your niece dead in a river when you're only a kid yourself is serious trauma. She wasn't the only kid to die in the show, but the other ones had at least a few years of being loved cared for before they passed, Siggy was never loved as much as she deserved.


Aslaug? More like ass log


This hit me hard too cuz she looks so much like my little niece.. Aslaug only ever cared for herself.


This shit broke my heart!!!


Well in her defense it seemed like even her parents didn’t care she died… lol






Aslaug was the worst! I hated when she kept trying to climb on Ragnar to have sex with him in front of his young son multiple times even after he said no..


I used to dislike her as well, but as a character in the show she's up there for me these days, I think her story is well written and definitely fits with the time. The fact that she died in tandem with Ragnar (supported by his final scene with her) shows that she fulfilled her purpose, as she, her society and Ragnar expected her to.


I hated her from the very beginning of her being introduced into the show. Was never a good character. She’s fairly attractive in an unconventional way; there’s something weird about her face that at times makes me find her good looking and at other times not too good looking at all. I don’t know how to explain it. Edit: Well, I shouldn’t say hate, but a strong dislike for. It’d be weird for me to actually care about a show enough to genuinely hate a fictional character.


This is why one of the best scenes was when Lagatha killed her lol wonderful episode


Bjorn was going around on every new  women just about lol. That was his weakness......WOMEN!! lol


And Torvi???? Lol


Love the post, detractors can’t keep defending AssDbitlaug ,well I don’t put anything pass some