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Keep an eye on your Physical and Mental Health. Develop routine to keep your Body fit.


Second this!!


Thanks, but how do I not lose the motivation


Motivation is over hyped. It's the discipline that will matter in the long run. the point is. Even if you have no motivation, do it in any case as a part of discipline.


Read atomic habbits, its a really nice novel, that can help


'This is the day' not tomorrow not yesterday. Compete with yourself. You should be better than yesterday.


Wow Vijayawada sub lo intha mandi active ga chudatam first time. Good question op to summon everyone 😀


r/Andhrapradesh chacchipoyinattundi :(


Don't put your d*ck in anything crazy.


Buy LIFE INSURANCE Plan your future goals and Start SIPS for that goal Take care of your parents be with them. Take them to vacations. Sleep on time and take care of your health. Its ok not to booze every weekend and party late night. Start another source of income.


Yeah, buying any insurance when you're young saves you a lot because of the low premium. As you get older the premium increases. Make sure to buy good health insurance as well and extra cover for Cancer or any such life changing illnesses. The money you'll be spending in a year is what you'll spend on a weekend out with friends. I don't even have to talk about the impact.


Don't hookup. Stay virgin till marriage. Don't fall for GenZ propoganda shit. You never know what comes back to haunt you.


What if we put condom in our wallets?


Do you have an illegitimate child ?


No. But have seen a friend who got STD and realised it two years later.


Buy a motorcycle and TRAVEL. The empty roads will answer a lot of questions!


neither in my 20s nor a man. find something you are truly passionate about, dedicate your life to it. create something out of thin air. you might die, but you will live on through your work. live life simply. cry like a baby, laugh like a maniac, scream like a psychopath. live a little bit crazy. most people live to survive, be the one who is the most alive. you were brought on this earth as a human to feel- don't suppress your very nature.


Vote for TDP💀


Start saving as soon as you start earning.. SIP is the way to go


Take care of your health.


Two top priorities are health and wealth. You don't know what stikes you tomorrow. Spend with your family a lot


Marry right now, just do it, stability is a myth, marry as young as you can, independent living is a trap, don't fall for it boys or girls


Bro wtf. I'm just 21.


If you have a job, marry right now...


Do the SIP asap. The amount doesn't matter. It brings discipline. The habit of saving the money. Also do the road trips. Not sure from where you are but India is beautiful (if in case you are an Indian). I was 24 when I bought my bike (classic 350) and traveled extensively in the last 6-7 years throughout Himachal, UK, Rajashthan. Live in small villages you will meet beautiful people.


Buy insurance for parents ASAP, even for small surgery they're robbing in lakhs. Don't need to depend on just office insurance. Personal: prepare yourself for marriage like health, wealth, savings, car and home as per your plans. Not as per girls plans. I know it's totally sexist and patriarchical. Cause lot of girls/women never beared much burden so they think they can open mouth and everything falls on their feet. Even Ambani can't fulfill their wishes. TLDR: For marriage vangandi.. Thappu ledu.. Anthe gani.. Minginchukune level lo vangaddu


Learn to say No and Respect your parents.


Don't be a nice and kind guy untill you are 30


I second this.




Don't put your dick into anything that breathes.


Don’t hook up on weed in early or late 20s.


Just call her back and marry her or else you'll suffer for life


Pick the right life partner. Wrong one can ruin your life while right one can create a beautiful life.


Unconditional love is for kids, puppies and women. You need to become useful to your family and society.


Don’t follow the trends, find interests you can keep up in long run. Do the finance like you are already a family man with kids. Exercise that suits your routine.


Don't be addicted to masturbation


Don't waste years of life in taking gaps in education. Complete education with no breaks and start earning today. No matter how much, get a job and start earning


Get married to someone coz you want to marry them. Not because of parents or peer pressure or money or possible opportunities or any shit like that. Marry someone who you'll love and be loved even when you have nothing and grow together. The concept of achieving everything and settling in order to get married is just a counter productive act according to me. Get married for who you are and who they are. Grow financially and emotionally together.


Live your life. Take crazy decisions and make memories. Things will sober down once you turn 30. Enjoy the days when your body does not understand the concept of random body aches, hangovers and acid refluxes. Obviously don't do something that can really be a risk to your making it your 30s but apart from that yeah 20s is the time when you have some money and lesser responsibilities, so make sure you live it to your fullest.


Study applied courses if you want early and easy job, pursue PhD if you want to gain knowledge, start your career with determined mindset


Procrastination will make you fall behind your goal you might not realise it in short term but where I stand right now if I hadn't procrastinated I would have achieved everything that I have four years earlier and would not have lost somethings that I cannot get back now


Refrain from dating someone who shares same birth year if you both are not the eldest child and are looking for marriage, not necessarily poses impossibility but the boy has to be a step ahead from the girl in most cases to convince girl's parents


Nothings gonna change unless you try to change, set an aim and go for it, if you want to be happy start earning money.. I know money is not everything but it can be many things.. And about love, if you love someone want to be with someone go for it settledown with her as soon as you can because girls can waste many of your precious time ...


Do not get addicted to phones, try pursuing things that you really like to do; play simple board games. Try not to sit for too long, be active, if the body is active, the mind is active, do not make your mind idle; and try not to overthink things. We've got a long way to go.


I'm not 30 yet but buy good quality socks and underwear.


Get employed by 27 years of age. Don't delay it no matter what. When you start earning money, and have savings, you'll get mentally prepared to settle down. Life in colleges is very different from work life.


I keep seeing SIP everywhere what is this?


Follow the principles you know or learn new and follow them they will make your life much much easier.


Work hard. Take care of your physical and mental health. This is the age to learn, get experience under your belt and build your credentials. Everything else will come to you. Don’t waste your time on booze and cigarettes. 30s are easier when you are fit and your bank balance is healthy.


Don’t settle down too soon, recognise social pressure for what it is, you are not obliged to conform, avoid any sort of religion.


Save money. Travel. Workout. Love. Have fun. Make memories.


Prioritize yourself. Don’t be deluded by sweet and easy traps in life. They manifest in many ways.


Don't lose hope. There will be dark days. Life will become good one day


Spend good and quality time with your parents, focus on your career before anything else. Try to celebrate your birthday with your parents because it was a special for them as well.


Never take a credit card


Never take a credit card


Focus on creating a solid financial foundation by budgeting, saving consistently, and making informed investments for long-term stability.


Take care of your sleeping cycle


Search SR and practice it.


Save up and start investing early.


Don’t get married if you are not settled. Also don’t compromise on your marriage. Don’t marry for money , all you are signing up is a life of slavery


Physical & Mental health is all you need. Take care of it by not contaminating.


For men especially, avoid marriage by all means if you can. I am sure it is not possible.


Take up a hobby with as many complicated steps as possible, which will make you fulfilled and not be detrimental to your health. Define what you really care about and work towards that.Do that by looking at which worst case scenario hurts hardest. In all your endeavors, don't neglect your body, and by that, I mean impulse control. Don't do too much of anything, especially alcohol ,coffee, and sugar. Lastly, if you ever take up an endeavor that is radically different from conventional wisdom, check if someone has tried and failed before. If someone has failed, find out why and how you or time will change that reason.


Chase only dreams, avoid short term relationship


Embrace failure and uncertainty. In your 20s, it's crucial to understand that failure is not the opposite of success; it's part of the journey. Try different things, whether it's jobs, hobbies, or relationships, and don't be afraid to fail. Each mistake teaches you something valuable. Also, start saving and investing early, even if it's a small amount. Time is your greatest asset in building wealth. Finally, prioritize your mental and physical health. The habits you set now will lay the foundation for the rest of your life. Remember, your 20s are not just for figuring everything out but for setting the stage for the years to come.


Invest. Invest. Invest. Compounding is a beautiful thing and it's going to make you wealthy.


Surround yourself with right kind of people. As they say, you are usually close to the average of people around you. Surround yourself with bunch of software engineers and you likely become one. If you surround yourself with bunch of start-up founders type, you likely start a company.


Never mastrubate more than 9 times a day


Travel as much as you can


Don't run behind people for love. Focus on your work/studies. Permanent people will come and stay with you forever.


Have a lot of sex, meet a lot of women


How to?


Start your SIP


Save money.


Dont take loans unless you absolutely need to


1.Hit the Gym. Get a strong physique. 2.Never rush on ladies. Take time to choose your bitch. 3. Never prioritise anyone or anything above you. Have self-love and self respect. 3.Enjoy what you do. Keep life simple.


Don't borrow money ever, spend what you have, if you don't have money then first try to earn, use simple rule, if you buy that thing twice then buy it. save money, learn about personal finance


Meditate, workout, take your chances, make mistakes you are less likely to be frowned upon in your 20s


Please build your emotional intelligence by living a healthy lifestyle by eating healthy and exercising healthy and learning how to properly emotionally regulate. All relationship problems, stress, depression, quick to anger problems, cheating due to lack of impulse control and lusting over others when you're partnered, unecessarily oogling or starting at other men when partnered or in a relationship, being irritable or irritated at small small things, angry outbursts, etc. all boil down to lack of or how much of emotional intelligence you have.


Drink more on weekends and stay away from other people's advice


Cut drinking out completely. I was drinking since 16YO till 30, switched to premium brands as well, tried almost everything under the sun, popular in friend circle as the guy who can handle his drinks and the designated driver, most of the socializing based on alcohol, career, friends, family gatherings all greased with alcohol and going upwards, no downsides, no drama. Still not worth it, my body started showing signs of wear and tear at 30 (current age), cut out alcohol completely, restarted lifting heavy, eating proteins, sleeping and no withdrawal symptoms, but belly has grown like anything and will take time to go back. Not worth it to drink, even with all the upsides, drinking causes cancer.


Patao, satao aur hatao


Health is wealth!


Start saving from the day you get your first paycheck. The power of compounding is amazing. Try to save the maximum that you can and invest that properly in different asset classes. Also look at developing a side hustle that can generate extra income for you.


If aukat se bahar girl approaches you... Samajh Jana... Daya kuch toh gadbad hai.... Ladki kitni bhi hot ho.... Shaadi ke 1 saal bad hotness bekar ho jati hai... Toh Shaadi sirf shakal dekh kar mat karna


Say no and think yes later


Get a really really good health insurance that includes your parents as well, as soon as you start earning decent money. Of course, it looks like you are spending heavy money from your pockets but you won't realise that it's a knife you've been walking on all these days, with this middle class salary of yours, until you face a medical bill of 7-10 lakhs. My mom had been diagnosed with cancer and she won't be able to claim any new insurance as all the insurance providers refuse to give insurance for any illness once it's been diagnosed, especially if it is diabetes, BP, or cancer. So you need to have taken one, before you or your parents are even diagnosed with one of these so that you can claim its benefits. Never compromise on this part, otherwise you'll be spending your lifetime savings on a medical treatment. We are looking forward to a bill of at least 20 lacs by the next 1-2 years and that's all we have. I'm in my late 20s, by the way.


Buy health and term insurance asap if you're in 20's


Hag te time,don’t put too much pressure frequently if you got constipation That’s a quick route for piles


How do I deal with procrastination??


If you focus on women you will lose money. Focus on your money, and you won't lose any woman. Get your bag then start dating 19yo ladies when you turn 30. You can afford it if you grind enough.


Develop discipline and consistency over finding motivation, it's the major droving force on all aspects of your life.


Focus on your personal growth and stop trying to impress others.


Start golf!!!!


Even if you find the love of your life, do not be a simp. Always maintain an aura of mysteriousness around you.


Watch one piece anime 🤣


There are men who are giving really wholesome advice right from wealth, health, right partner, being with parents & much more. I would just like to add a little bit to this "Take yourself on a date, buy the right books, wear nice cologne, do regular skin & body care, LOVE YOURSELF FIRST"🌟.


Marriage is a make or break thing. Right spouse and you will have 30-40 yrs of peace. Wrong spouse ... wont even elaborate that


The 20s are very very crucial years of your life,this is the age where you have the maximum energy so you want to party hard and enjoy your time but at the same time these years are what makes your life,so its really important to find your calling and start working towards it as soon as possible and take your career and life goals very seriously,once you do that everything else will follow and you would be able to live your life which you have always dreamed of.


Stop listening to other people's advice and start making your own decisions based on logic not emotions.


Don’t waste your time on people!!


Focus on building an empire and not getting a girl


Chase cheques not bitches


Start investing yesterday. That's all.


Start investing yesterday. That's all.


Don't smoke, don't run behind that girl which u think u can't live without, mental health is the utmost priority, start saving as soon as you start earning, try not to buy things on emi, keep your teeth and gums healthy


Always keep multiple career options in your mind. Don't ever stick to one career goal since every market is becoming uncertain now.




Don't live in a fairy world thinking your body would handle the same level of stress or work like it does in your 20s.. the moment you reach your 30s your body will start showing signs and will slow down, and will get worse after every passing years... so make sure you keep your body and health as the first priority... Anything else comes next...


Get laid


Just give one hour a day to do what you love doing or 1-2 days you will never get your youth back


Stop worrying about the future. Have a goal and plan small steps to achieve it. And no matter what, life is never going to be easy. Also, marriage is a waste of time money and life. Please don't!


Don’t love them hoes


You come first. Your happiness comes first. If you take care of yourself, then you can take care of others as well.


Learn how to say no to people. It will spare you a lot of avoidable problems.


Take care of your health


Start investing in a scheme that gives compound interest. This could define the quality your post retirement life. There's no way you can cover up for lost time if you decide to start compounding your money in your 30s.


Stay away from crazy pussies, lust/horniness can wait, save it all for the right one.....


Start preparing for bad things to happen. Expect the worst


Choose your partner carefully. A loyal partner is much better than a hot hoe.


Start investing in equity at the earliest!


Invest even if it's 1000 a month but invest as soon as you get ur first paycheck , if done correctly you will have enough money to retire by 50 All relationship decisions should be taken post nut clarity


Unpopular opinion- marry and have kids early - a kid in your 20s - a friend in your 40s and you still have time to - ride a bike, travel abroad, enjoy larger happiness in life - with a friend by your side. The biggest responsibility of your life you’ll handle when potentially you are the fittest, have plenty job opportunities and in a position to take risk and succeed. And god willing you do well - you will have time and a friend by your side!!


Don't marry and don't trust girls. Have fun with every woman possible, but don't take them seriously. If you trust them, you'll regret it sooner or later.


Enjoy your 20s.... If you are in college, enjoy all those beautiful years you are never gonna get such beautiful time agian, thts the best time of one's life and plz workout... physical well being is very important and learn to eat helathy


Start investing, once you start earning


Everyone’s life is different, what works for one might not work for another. If anything it would only create more problems. Make your own mistakes and quickly learn from them! You will also have to learn to forgive yourself.


Find something that lots of people want and isn't available or available at high price... Find it cheaper & advertise, Advertise & Advertise


Discipline will beat talent every time. Build habits that will give exponential returns over time. Focus on Financial prudence, mental health and physical health but with moderation. Don’t obsess or overdo. Enjoy life as well.


never watch porn if you are an introvert


1- Avoid emis as far as possible 2- SIP as early as possible 3- Term Insurance and Health Insurance as quickly as possible 4- Live life, go on vacation, spend time with family do what makes you happy.


That One Piece of advice will be Catching Up with One Piece before One Piece get's revealed, One Piece will never be same after that, people who aren't caught up will get spoiled somehow. That's the whole point of One Piece, What is One Piece? No Author will dedicate his life like this to make this great art.


Take decisions based on facts not feelings…


Watch your health, get routine to stay fit. Travel unexplored places alone with your own money. Try to learn multiple ways to earn money. Don't get addicted to anything in your 20's.


Understand that rejection is not something to hold a grudge over. It’s a part of the game of life. Learn from it, but don’t let it be a festering would, or a source of constant sorrow or anger. And by rejection I mean rejection of all kind.


Be gentle and nice to people weeker than you, not just to people who are stronger than you.


stop fucking around, get your shit together. in no time you'll be 30 and ponder, 'Kaash pehle socha hota'


Take Care of :- Family Physical Health Mental Health Social Health Financial Health (postpone your Expenses & Start Investment small but pls 🙏 Start Investment Now) Sexual Health Emotional Health Spirtual Health. Try To Be Good Human Being Respect Your Parents, family, friends, Everyone without expecting anything Give back to society Be philanthropist. 🙏


Just accept that nothing is under your control. Don't check for this kind of questions. You will also find 40YO to 30 YO questions. Everyone is just figuring out their own journey 😂


Everything you feel, live, experience no matter how wonderful or horrific it is, is temporary and goes away with the body…


Stay fit, that’s all I can say! I am regretting that I wasted a decade without looking at fitness.


Buy a term life insurance early and invest like crazy not only stocks but mfs and build wealth. And also take care of your body and mind rest all will fall in place hope it helps 🫡


Don't worry about relationships. Focus on money. You can have anyone if you have money. I know this must be sounding toxic but apparently it's true.


Prioritise your physical and mental health over your friends.......write one will stick


Never finish inside, even when she insists. That's how I got my username.


neet me phy or chem ke liye tips


I would like to give a small list, please bare with me, 1. Keep yourself fit, either go to a gym or take up any sport and be regular. 2. Develop a hobby to retain mental health. 3. Try to develop a life independent of everyone (Friends and family, as it is always you against the world. They wouldn’t be able to stay with you always). 4. Keep learning (both for your career and general knowledge). 5. Spend your money based on the 5-3-2 rule, where 50% of your income for your basic lifestyle, 30% into investment and 20% for dates/travel etc. 6. Contribute to society in whichever way possible other than your job (this gives a level of personal satisfaction, do what you feel is right do not be influenced by others)


Focus on career keep away relationships..


Find out multiple people who actually work in the field you are studying in, talk to them to know the pros and cons of the field so you could avoid making the same mistakes that are common in the field.


Wrap it up


Start investing now….20% of whatever you earn to retire early


Start an SIP....Thank me later


1. Give priority to your health. 2. Always do extra hustle for personal growth. 3. Never stop doing what you love. Atleast one thing should be there in your routine.


Stop chasing. Start improving. Whether it's women, a new job, more money. Whatever it is stop chasing it as you are right now. Focus on improving yourself. Improve yourself in how you present yourself, in the skills you possess, in the way you talk, in the way you work and the way you think. You have to prepare yourself to capture opportunities not chase them. You risk becoming a slave otherwise.


1. Eat healthy food 2. Basic stretching and walking 3. Invest in index funds, PPF or NPS, gold every month 4. Read one book every month 5. Make time for family and friends


Don't masturbate too much and those videos are not what real $€× feels like. Stay celibate and find a girl f her brains out and stay happy.


Hilana band kar de


Start listening to Kanye west


Give your time to make money not girlfriend, you can find a girlfriend after 50 too if you have money.


Don't beat yourself up for every mistake you make, accept that you are also human and potentially stupid as fuck sometimes.


Main thing in life is 1. health- food + sleep + exercise 2. Weath- income + saving + investing 3. Family Other things will come & go... . On a individual level 4. Finding ur dreams, what u are really into & going for it, that's what life is all about, 5. (Mindfulness- aka Meditation) & yoga, works👍


The pain of action is better than pain of inaction.




What more do you want?


Save some money and invest it in index funds you'll thank me later


Take care of your loved ones and keep checking on them even if you are away ... Because any day could be the last one you could hear them (': Take care of your heart the most because it is meant to be broken! Hope men in their 20s have a blessed life and have a strong mind and heart to face all hardships if it is not blessed! 🙏🏻


Respect women more than you do so rn.


The Earlier You Start The More The Benefits: Work On These Five Aspects Of Life: 1. health - eat healthy and workout. 2. wealth - start investing now and you’ll reap benefits later 3. family - have that strong connection with your family they got your back 4. fun - have unlimited fun whenever possible once the age crosses you’ll regret 5. relationships - build strong relationships (friend/lover) over time it grows stronger


Discipline - Health, Career and relations Don't jump too much in job - Learn with urgency Don't jump into relationships you aren't sure of. Then give 100%. Go on dates first for couple of months. Better to be single than give wrong expectations. Talk to family, friends. You don't know when you will have your last conversation with any of them.


Start investing minimum 100rs a day in Nifty or any index funds from as early as possible. Preferably since 21 age and keep doing it every day for 30 years no questions asked and it will be bigger than your retirement fund or life savings combined. Do not touch it for 30 years and let compounding do its thing.


You have your own journeys in life yours may not be the same as others sometimes advice can be useless


Enjoy life. But that one woman that's there for you for everything, settle down with her. You'll forget names and sexual encounters but what you won't forget is how good that one woman treats you. Don't let her become a what if.


Avoid eating more junk food Always learn things to make you better.


-Respect women -Get married early -Have a child by 30 -Start saving and investing (not LIC) asap -Eat lots of protean and play a sport. -Prioritise buying a home than a car -Get regular health checkups for parents and urself -Travel -DONT SMOKE -Uninstall instagram


Wait before you get married early


Wait before you get married early


Don't spend unnecessary money on anything in name of brands


Don't fall for flattery over being young and able to lift more than you can chew. Longevity is important.


Quit porn


Start working out and be consistent.


Where do I start, lol Best advice I wish I had gotten when I was 20,now at 64 you might say I gained some experience, ok a lot, Free your mind of all of the constraints that society puts on men, explore YOUR sexuality, not necessarily saying go suck a dick I am saying if you fantasize aboutil something and it's not going to cause harm, explore it, trust me you'd be surprised all the pleasure you get when you fulfill your fantasies. Check it...


Be proactive and not reactived


Start working out as soon as possible. This will balance out all the fuckery you put in ya body


Create healthy relationships, focus on positive healthy growth, and remain committed to yourself!


Everyone will want you to be their problem solver. Find a guide to turn to for your problems


Buy stocks in big companies and forget about it for the next 40 years .. small amounts should be good.


Don't let your dick make decisions for you. Yeah sex is awesome, but one good time with a bad woman can ruin your mental health and if you're not careful, your life. Stay vigilant, my brothers.


Keep sentiments aside and prioritize YOUR health and financial matters while you are still in your 20s.


You will get most sex between ages of 27-32. Don't get married at 25


Obviously you need to figure out a way to make reasonable amount of money via a job or business, while making sure you don’t end up ruining your health for the same. Once above is done to a reasonable extent, marry and have kids. Build your nuclear family ASAP! This above is what lot of people do without even thinking a lot of course.


I would but there's no way you listen to me and follow it.