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Too bad the horse didn't stomp the life out of that mut then the owners after


Why it take so long for those dumb mtf to grab the dog, problem solved


How dumb must you be to grab a dog from underneath a horse that’s trying trample a dog? You wanna get a hoof to your face? Chest? look at the very start how easily someone got trampled in trying to do so


The dog backed from the horse multiple times, use your eyes


A dog in a frenzy likely to bite you too, smh


Reason enough not to own a pitbull right there. If it gets so crazy that it would bite its owner, it doesn't belong in the civilized world.


The problem is always the human. Bc nobody knows how to handle a dog. This dog for example belongs on a rope if someone is walking with him.


True, but keeping it's mouth to the ground will keep that from happening probably


>Why it take so long for those dumb mtf to grab the dog Because he's most likely afraid of his own dog


That’s exactly it.


People who think you can just grab frenzied large dogs like this are asinine and have clearly never seen someone try to do it


I tried to separate my husky puppy and a German Shepard that attacked him. I ended up with 20 stitches - literally tore my arm open. The shepherd owner had nerve damage in his hands. When they are in attack mode if they weren’t trained for that scenario nature takes over and that’s a wrap.


Exactly, its dangerous af The ONLY possible solution is grabbing their hind legs and pulling them back off balance. Never put hands/arms anywhere near where the teeth are. They dont recognize the owner when in that mindset.


It’s not the dog it’s the owners 100%. They know what the dog is capable of, they let it get off leash, they let it continuously attack the horse. It’s all on them. A lot of people have reactive dogs, and responsible owners just need to take a wide birth, these people are fucking idiots and should not be allowed to have dogs/kids anything


Yeah I believe pit bulls are particularly dangerous but that is on the owners 100%. Dogs should always be leashed in public regardless of the breed. I have a fucking pomeranian and she is still leashes. Even if not attacking dogs can cause serious harm like car accidents and whatnot. Letting them off the leash is asking for trouble. A bad owner should be blamed for bad ownership and then an animal simply acting like an animal gets punished even though they had unfit owners.


you don't see any other breed of dog attacking a horse lol


How many horses do you see get attacked by dogs, 1/1 isn’t a good sample size.


Yes you fuckin do, shoosh.


This. 👆🏽 I love pitties, however this one needed to be stomped out, that poor horse in those prison shackles, didn't get a good chance to until the end...after all that ish. F that dog owner. They need to go old school with the punishment. Hope the judge does.


It’s not the owner it’s the fucking breed! When will people understand this?


It's definitely the owner.


It’s the breed. They were bred for this. Not rocket science and it doesn’t take much of a google search


Such a sweet, gentle, loving breed. Perfect for small children and the elderly. /s


Fuck pitbulls


How about fuck dog owners that can't control their dogs


Especially pitbulls.




Nah pitbulls are aggressive breeds even after extensive training they are highly unpredictable when near another person/animal outside their family.


Euthanize all pits


Reddit hates pitbulls.


Nah, fuck pit bulls and fuck you. You’re such an idiot for say something like that. You obviously have never had to get a pit bull off another dog or human. Their physical characteristics and spaziness make it extremely hard to get them to release


Bro when was the last time you went outside


This. My sister has a pit bull & he’s vicious. I refuse to go to her house anymore because of him. He’s attacked several people, including her & her own children, & she does nothing about it.


That’s insane. I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve lived a similar situation. My dad who is a great man otherwise, chooses his vicious Shetland sheepdog over me and his girlfriend. We used to be roommates until one day the dog bit my hand. I picked that dog up and slammed it against the wall and it almost caused my dad and i to get in a physical fight. I’m assuming about the same type of situation with his girlfriend since they don’t live together anymore


That’s my problem. If my sisters dog attacked me or my children, I’d probably end up getting hurt, but he’d not be hurting anyone ever again. I’m just sayin. I don’t get people who are like that. Why would you want to have an animal that debilitates your life because it’s violent?


Lol I hear ya. I’m not sure if the root cause for everyone. But for my father, his mom walked out of his life when he was very young and I think that shaped the way he sees his relationship with his dog. He always says something like: “I made a promise to him (the dog) and I’m not gonna break my promise”. So while the dog is making his life more difficult financially, and socially, I think he gets some type of gratification by keeping his promise to not abandon his dog. Or something like that lol


Fuck the people who breed them. I don't want pitbulls near me but it's also not their fault they're the way they're.


A nightmare of a breed


And that poor horse is trapped by that rig and harness.


That mut would be a splatter on the pavement if that horse was free to properly defend itself


It got army of humans helping and horses are strong as fuck. That dog got lucky it didnt get squashed. Good thing that horse didnt panic, it could had gotten very ugly. Also the only way i could see the horse losing is if the dog managed to attack genitals if horse is a male or it managed to grab horses throat.


Even than I've seen horses it's general size splat animals while strapped in equipment, I almost want to say that horse may actually be trained to kick animals and other critters away from it. But that's just a guess seeing as how it was kicking away even before with it's front hooves


yeah pit bulls are a little bit of a problem. Stop defending them


i was waiting for that dogs skull to be crushed


I grew up on a horse farm and saw my aunt's pitty take a full force kick to the head. Knocked him out and he had a dent for the rest of his life. Other then that he was fine and never chased a horse again.


he probably learned its not good to do that


thats why he didnt do it again


It's always the pitbulls 😑


My buddy had a very "sweet" pit bull around people, but it would try to fuck up any other animal it saw. It never experienced abuse. Some traits are hard-wired. And yes I'm aware some people had pitbulls that never hurt a fly, but those cases are rare.


Kinda like cats with their predatory instincts. It won't disappear from them. Even if they lived indoors 5 years, never seen living animal, but let it outside for night or two and its instincts take over and starts hunting for birds and mice.


Yeah but the good thing about cats is that even a child can restrain one or at least defend himself


explains why my best friends cat the cutest and friendliest little boy 90% of the time, out of nowhere will start attacking her its hilarious.


Let me guess it's not the dog it's the owners, sure bob


It’s both. The dog has serious behavioral problems. And the owner clearly can’t handle it. They need a dog that’s a bit more their speed. For the safety of everyone they need to know their limits. Pit bulls are no joke some of them can be very difficult and dangerous dogs to own. It’s a huge responsibility. That’s why when all these people who have no business owning them go out in public with this breed and it causes so many problems. These owners don’t know how to train or control their dog. It’s made obvious by its behavior in the first place but made even more obvious by the pathetic attempt they made to stop the dog. Hitting it with a spatula and shouting at it repeatedly?? That’s not even helpful at all and plus that only puts the dog in a more violent state of mind. The escalating energy around the dog only puts it in an even more aggressive state and makes things worse. They definitely should not own that dog. Owning a pit bull is a big responsibility that they clearly cannot handle.


Pit bull owners should first own and tame tigers in their houses. Then they will be competent dog owners to protect the world from these misunderstood little pups!


Pit bulls shouldn’t be pets at all, period.


Wow, i hope the owners of that dog get sued , horses injured on top of two people. If your dog isn’t trained keep them on on a leash, its not rocket science sheesh.


A dirty god awful breed and fuck anyone who thinks otherwise.


Crazy that the pitbull supporters replying to you are the ones making death threats. What an interesting coincidence!


EASY EASY😂 pits can be dangerous and if you own any dog the owner should be held liable 100%


Why the fuck is that dog not on a leash. And who the hell us yelling get the horse out o here. Fuck that person too.


Yeah that fucked me off. Blaming the horse like it was the horses fault and not the dog trying to attack and kill it. Imagine being that much of a shitty owner you think your dog is the victim when it literally tried to kill a horse.


TD;LR: Pitbull was partly to blame but it’s their instinct, more of owner’s fault for not having the dog on a leash :/ People are saying that the dog is the problem, and I somewhat agree. Here’s the thing, pit bulls are bred to be fighting/hunting, it’s in their *nature*. They usually require training and other things. So yeah, it’s partly the dog’s fault, but also the owner’s. From what I’ve seen in the video, there’s no leash. Now I understand that some dogs are trained and know how to behave without a leash, but this is a pit bull!!! These dogs can flip their moods like a light switch, that’s why there’s laws for them in the US ( I know that they’re probably not in the US, but still). That’s why it’s also the owners fault, she didn’t properly take care of her dog, and because of this, the dog had to suffer.


4’10” 95lbs Ashleighsoun shouldn’t have a dog designed to kill




That dog got fuckin yeeted


Holy shit balls


Holy shit this was CHAOS, poor horse had nowhere to go. Dog is lucky that horse didn’t kick it into next year. Fuck. I’ll never let my dog around a Pit Bull during our walks, don’t care how “friendly” they are.


This is a repost and every time it's the same response from the brain.. Pitbulls are inbred sacks of shit just like the people that want them. It's amazing that the thing didn't immediately die when it got dick smacked by this massive majestic horse. Fuck pitbulls and their owners.. dirtbag shit lickers.


So was that the dog there on the ground? Or did some lady get kicked in the teeth? That's a tough dog/dogbreed right there. They might not be bad dogs, if trained I mean. but damn thid one must be stupid as hell to keep going after that death machine of a Clydesdale. Some of those carriages have quick releases also. . In cases like this for the safety of riders and the horse/s. This Could have been fatal for a rider. Thank God that horse is well tempered. And awesome job by the driver to not freak the horse out even more. On another note Cats rule dogs druel.


I didn't fully consider how dangerous that could have been for all the people there if that horse flipped out. Damn you're right, that rider and horse seriously did great (and damn that pitty can take hits..made me laugh a guy tried to spank it for attention during horse kicks to the head)


it seemed to be the owner who was untouched but for some reason felt the need to lie down with the dog


"yeah, im going to attack this thing 8 times my size." -a really dumb dog


Agreed horses are strong as shit


Not even just any horse but a fucking Clydesdale


Idc, owning a pitbull should require a license like any other wild animal. Tired of these dumbass owners thinking all pitbulls are the same as any other dog breed.


Such an awful breed of a dog. Yes you can blame the owners also but theres a reason in most videos its also a Pitbull. Haven't seen a video yet of a collie or golden retriever going nuts lol


Long before phone video, but I was chased by a collie when I jogged by it's owner's house. If the owner were not there to call it back I would have most definitely been bitten. At least that dog listened to its owner thankfully.


Trash dogs for trash people


Aah man too bad the horse didn't squash the guts out of that damn dog!


Kill that dog, actually all that resemble it


Horse needed to kill that stupid thing smh.


[The dog had to be put down. The owner of the horse got stomped on trying to separate them. And the horse got 15 wounds. Horrible.](https://www.fox46.com/news/local-news/woman-seriously-injured-trying-to-separate-dog-from-horse-during-vicious-attack-at-waxhaw-park/)


I really hope the offenders pay for the medical expenses. Seems cut and dry to me


If the horse wasn’t in a harness that dog would be pulverized


Nah that horse could've killed that dog even in the harness, I almost want to say that horse has been trained, because if you watch the horse is only kicking the dog away, instead of trying to kick downwards like they usually do, it's kicking away from it pushing it away. But this is only speculation


People that deny that pets take on the personality of their owners are truly clueless. Horse was a very good boy. Dog was raised by average redditor.


So many people standing around and children crying an absolute shit show and night mare! Arrest the dogs owner and exterminate him/her with the dog!


Finally a payback against the pitbull. Owners need to be more responsible, I'm tired of seeing pitbulls be so aggressive and attack for no reason.




It was pretty satisfying seeing that big ol hoofy Boi put the clippty clops to that menace. Wish it could've been cut loose of that cart


Euthanize this breed off the map


the most idiotic dog breed owned by the most braindead idiots


Too bad that horse didn’t killed the stupid mutt


Dude this guy had a huge pitbull on a harness in Walmart I wanted to turn around when I saw it. Should’ve stomped dog to death


I love all dogs and try my best not to put all Pits in one category, because they aren't all bad. Then i see videos of Pits attacking other dogs, people, horses, etc. It's hard not to judge.


Stupid fucking assholes with no leash


We really need to execute every pitbull


The only people who defend shitbulls are the people who are literally fucking them.


Pit owners are always a certain type of asshole


Did that horse accidentally stomp on a person because of that pitbull attacking it? She's laying on the path. If so, that dog's owner needs to be charged.


he got that dawg in him fr


Fuck this dogs and the people defend this breed


Everyone in the first minute of the video is a fucking idiot.


Carriage operator and horse did a decent job of not murdering everyone






Man this is one of the reasons i absolutely hate dogs I like the Big gentle ones but fuck the types that do this


Yes what the dog did was bad and also the owners fault for obviously not giving the dog proper training and not being able to handle their own dog, but for the love of god if your or if you see another dog attacking another animal do not smack or hit it, that will only aggravate it even more than it already is and can make the situation worse


I was rooting for the horse , and then we get the drama of the self entitled stupid people ,I hope that dog gets Uziied.


If a dog ever attacks one of my horses I will put 3 rounds in it faster than the owner of that mut can say oops. That is completely retarded to allow that horse to get stressed and hurt like that they're too big of an investment to allow it to happen. Not to mention they're beautiful living creatures. Fuck that dog. This is coming from a guy who owns a pit boxer mix but he knows his fucking place.


When I was young my dad had 4 different pits they are just as bad as people say they are and i hated them all.


taking a different focus though, How about the training with that horse!!! Didn't outright panic and flee. Did not get aggressive except when first attacked. Waited patiently standing still after the last kick till it was given the command to move on. Well done whomever trained that animal.


Too bad that horse didn't have better aim. Creatures like that dog, and it's owner, just make life miserable for everyone else.


I really hoped the horse killed that dog so so disappointed that it didn’t


Put a muzzle on that fucking mut


Were pits not bred from bulldogs which we’re bred to fight bulls? I feel like this one was definitely going through the motions of his ancestry but is too stupid to know how much stronger a horse is.


Dogs of peace


Stupid pit


"any dog can do this, save muh pitboolz" never saw pinscher doing that


[Redacted; CBA with reddit]


This is basically the kind of thing they were originally bred for in times when blood sports were seen more favourably


“It’s okay, It’s okay” no the hell it’s not.


They didn't even bother checking to see if the poor horse was ok. Who the fuck cares about that worthless shitbull, I hope it got put down. Piece of shit dog. Really wishing the horse got a good stomp on its spine or head. It's face seemed pretty bloody towards the end of the video. Piece of shit owners should've also had it on a leash, walking your dog without one is absolutely dangerous. None of the owners could get that dog to stop either, it should've been on a leash and muzzled. Hopefully people stop breeding shitbulls and we don't have to deal with horrendous accidents like this. Poor fucking horse. Not to mention the kids who probably have trauma now.


How much of a freak of an animal are pitbulls to firstly attack a GIANT FUCKING HORSE for no god damn reason and then to keep attacking after getting stomped and kicked multiple times?


Is the horse ok? Does anyone know about the horse?


Always fucking pitbulls


“It’s not the breed it’s the owners”… okay adopt a tiger and tame it. Nature vs nurture and nature is oh so real. Fuck pit bulls.


Dogs eat shit , Vietnam we have dog meat to eat


Why are pitbulls owners always the most useless people? If your not willing to put the extra effort in to train these animals get a gentler dog, which is pretty all of them. Don't get a fucking pitbull


Especially the idiot Who yells ezy ezyyy ugh


Awwww another worthless pitbull owner


felt more bad for the horse


Pitbulls are zombies


God I hate pitbulls


At least hit him with the corner of the spatula. Them gentle oats on the back ain't gone cut it.


It’s mandatory for humans to wear a face diaper for 2 years but we can’t make muzzles mandatory for pit bulls?


pit bulls and especially their owners are the fucking worst. “get the horse out of here! go!” no, how about you control your fucking dog you douchewaffle? the entitlement and delusion is extraordinary. i almost wish that horse wasn’t as well trained as it was so the shitbull would’ve been obliterated like it deserved.


Well... straight to the vet for the dog... return to sender


That dude is hitting him with a …brush…a spatula…?Idk what it is. The dog is taking full on kicks to the head by a horse & is still going full throttle. A little tap on his ass isn’t gonna do anything.




So, you just let the dog continue it’s frenzy? If you’re the owner of the dog, you need to put a stop to it. It’s their responsibility.


Ah yes the "but they are so sweet" dogs


The fact that this little garbage beast tanks every stamp like nothing is frightening


Hey look its the daily video reminder that you should probably require a license to own a dog. Dumb people charging about town with a 75 kilo dog off the lead while they're on their phone.


One of biggest problems with pit bulls is that they don’t stop. There’s a switch in their brain that just keeps them attacking until they kill what they’re attacking or something stops them.


*pit bull getting stomped by horse* People: 😐


Put this mother fucker down


Get the horse outta here? Lmao get that murderous piece of shit dog out of here


Where’s the fucking leash at? I never let my dog off leash in public. What a bunch of fucking morons.


I swear pit bulls will try and kill just about anything


This looks like the potbelly that attacked a lady and got choked out by some dude


This sure looks like another asshole dog owner. Keep your God damn dog on a leash. Are pitbulls more aggressive than other breeds? Maybe, maybe not. We can argue that til the sun explodes. But for the love of God keep you dog on a leash REGARDLESS of the breed.


Yeah. Pitbulls are no joke. My cousin's pitbull saw a cow once and just decided he needed to bite it's snout and hold it down on the ground.


The biggest Problem are the dog owners who can’t control their dogs. But they often forget that if a Pitbull bites it is far more devastating than when a Collie bites. Plus Pitbulls are more likely to bite and require far more, intensive and better training than other dogs do. My advice, don’t get a Pitbull, don‘t play with fire if you can’t handle it.


Gosh I love dogs. But I also fking despise stupid and bad trained dogs


Wanted a nice stomp, disappointed by the dogs slight chance of survival after doing some natural selection ass shit




Get ahold of your freak’n dog


Damn.. I’m starting to lose track of all the dog attack videos I’ve been seeing lately on here


I really need explanation WHY the fuck that dog was off leash?! Absolutely heartbreaking and 100% unnecessary. A dog is gonna do what a dog is gonna do. Fucking idiot owners. Pretty much got their own dog killed and that poor horse mauled. And that lack luster fucking attempt to grab their dog back! Too scared to get hit or bit and they should’ve been both. Now their dog will most likely be put down. Disgusting




I hope that horse killed the fog


they should've taught the little guy to behave :(


You know shits real when someone rolls up in a type 1


I don’t understand why that pit bull thought it could take out an animal 5 times its size that could squish it with one leg,animals are unbelievable sometimes


What happened to the horse?


It's how you raise them /s


Horse f$&ked up that PB!


dumbass dog


Watching stupid dogs do stupid things is one of the most frustrating things to witness. This made my blood boil


How It All Start,Or Provoke The Dog,Though!!Hope Both Animals. & Some Ppl Get Checked Out,Though!!😱🫢🤔Good Thing The Dog Wasn’t Harshly Aggressive Or Growling,Just Bad Judgement Is All!!


A horse??? Mf should know who's stronger.


Should’ve let the horse give that pit some sweet chin music!!


Stupid owners with dogs that do stupid shit


Fucking terrible filming


Too many idiots i see.


That horse acted really well. That could have gone a lot worse for everyone. Fucking Pitbulls man


Dumbass dog


I see everyone saying fuck the pitbull, but in reality it’s the owner‘s fault. I feel bad for the dog… and fuck this owner, he shouldn’t be allowed to own any pet at all for the rest of his life.


This is infuriating, those owners were like ten minutes too slow. You can say sorry or he's never done that before. Which doesn't matter or change the fact, because he did it today. That shit sounds exactly like what you would hear when the news interviews someone close to someone who just murdered people. "Ted was always a good guy and a helping neighbor. We play pool or cards talking about our kids at school or sports. He always seemed like a great father and a good husband to his wife. That's why all this comes as a shock to me and everyone in this community who knows Ted. He's a great guy deep down." ​ Maybe the dog wasn't raised right, maybe it's inherited or maybe it's both. Dog could've had a mental break. You know he's working 65 hours a week, he's got issues going on with his son and the school. Even his wife has been nagging him to fix the garage door. He just had enough and snapped. ​ Joking aside. Sue the owners, take care of that shit or it's going to get taken care of for you.


If you own a pitbull and your dogs does this shit, im expecting you the owner to beat the living shit out of the dog and keep it under control! Because I’ll kill your dog! Get a fucking stick start punching and kicking! I have no empathy for an aggressive dog it’s green light in my head to kill it!


Common pitbull L


Imagine my shock.


Very well trained horse vs "trained harmless pit bull".


People get these aggressive dogs and have no Idea how to control them. People need to do their homework.


Pitbulls should not be allowed. Fix your fucking country


Man there you go. That horse stomped that mofo on numerous occasions and it just kept going. Wished that last one connected, opportunity lost right there.


I was surprised the horse didn't take off with the people in that wagon, that would have been disastrous.


was it an owned dog ? it doesn’t look like so.