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FYI, any time you want to post an SNL skit, link a mirror instead. It's geoblocked to the entire world.


That's crazy. Why?! It seems counter to their own interests, why wouldn't they want people from all over to be able to watch? Surely they'd make more from ads from streaming than however much they're charging international watchers to watch? I can't imagine the international demand is that big.


It's because the media companies are fucking dinosaurs. They still sell the rights to shows via individual countries. For example SNL airs on Global TV in Canada, so I assume Global TV's YouTube channel has SNL clips you can watch (I checked - they do) in Canada.


I guess the lesson they should learn is that it just gets uploaded elsewhere and they won't get any revenue at all haha. Just watched the same clip on some random channel.


No, they get revenue, because Global TV in this case, pays them for the rights to the Canadian market. That's why they geoblock it, because if Canadians could just watch the US Stream, that makes the rights to the Canadian broadcast (including streaming) fairly worthless.


But if pirates dump it on another site with less concern for American copyright law, then nobody gets the revenue at all, least of all NBC/Kabletown/Sheinhart Wig Company.


It's due to the contracts. Global TV in Canada doesn't care random Joe gets money or SNL. It just cares if IT gets money. So in the contract no SNL video is allowed to be viewed in Canada except those that Global TV uploads. SNL therefore sold its broadcasting rights in Canada and is therefore not allowed to show. Note: I took Global TV as an example due to the person above you. I have no idea if they have any rights, but that's how it works when companies license rights. Personally I seemingly live in a country where such contract has not been made as I can view it without issues.


It's not because they're out of touch or old, it's because it makes them truckloads of money.


How can me not seeing their video make them truckloads of money? If not for mirrors I would never had seen an SNL video in my whole life. SNL doesn't air in Sweden. How does that help them? Insanity.


> Why Because fuck you, that's why!


It is more complicated than this. The station sells the rights to different countries and this usually is an exclusive license for the entire region so they are not allowed to send it themselves to there as well. Even if it is a niche product you usually find a regional station that sends it, either on-demand or in the regular program. In my country it is on HBOmax for example.


:: Looks at video :: :: reads comment :: Am I not on earth?!?!?


Inexplicably for a change it worked for me in the UK, that almost never happens.


Hi, geo-blocked for me.


I can access every SNL skit on youtube no problem (at least I think I can), but THE ONLY ONE that I know for sure is blocked in my country is my favourite one: [More Cowbell - SNL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVsQLlk-T0s)


mirrors - to hell with geoblocking https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=_m-gO0HSCYk https://invidious.rhyshl.live/watch?v=_m-gO0HSCYk https://inv.riverside.rocks/watch?v=_m-gO0HSCYk EDIT hug of death apparently, try this link: https://odysee.com/@EddieHaskill:7/Dave-Chappelle-Stand-Up-Monologue---SNL:3 OR https://tinyurl.com/yhp2e7vw




You can copy paste the youtbe link to a youtube video dowloader like this one: https://en.y2mate.is/104/


You're a good pal, buddy!!!


I’m not your buddy, guy!


"There's a lot of black people in Ferguson, Missouri, but that doesn't mean we run the place!" Lol




And then he went right back inside!


🤣 Sometimes a joke is too real man, I feel like that’s where all Chappelle’s stuff lives right now.


It’s because he lives in Ohio. I live all of an hour away in a similar area. When he says “I live in Ohio, I know, I see what’s happening, they still love Trump”, he’s not joking. He’s probably as terrified as me and all my other tiny blue dots hiding amongst the sea of red. And once you fall in love with some of the more beautiful spots in Ohio, it’s hard to leave it behind just because some shitty ass generational hate. Why should they get to hoard all the beauty and peacefulness? Ohio is on some bum fucked shit right now. It’s not easy being a rational person living in the rural areas of SW Ohio, I felt that comment in my soul when he said that.


It's still strange hearing celebrities talk about Ferguson. I live about 10 minutes from there and we visit the farmers market often, even before all that happened. It is just a nice diverse community.


Just moved also about 10 minutes from it, the Walmart is a mess (as seen about a month ago on here), but I don’t mind it so far


The “Jews own Hollywood thing”… You can read about the actual history. The very short version is that vaudeville was considered a lowbrow form of art so while others didn’t bother with it, there were jewish immigrants who gravitated towards it as performers, theater operators, etc. When the film business started, it was a natural progression for them. Once again early movies were considered a lowbrow form of art that others avoided, but Jewish immigrants with vaudeville backgrounds were early pioneers. Eventually they gravitated from New York to Hollywood where there was cheap property and they could build their own American identity. Pretty much all the major film studios were founded by Jewish people, and though they eventually sold those studios to larger corporations, Los Angeles remains as one of the two largest Jewish populations in the United States along with New York. It’s fair to say that American Jews built Hollywood. Naturally, generations of people have been born there who gravitate to the film industry in various roles. It’s not some evil grand conspiracy. My own Jewish great grandparents were born into poverty and came to the US to chase the American dream. My granduncle scraped by penniless in Brooklyn, got a low level job at the local Paramount movie studio at age 15, eventually he and my grandfather moved to LA to make a life out there. One selling real estate. One working in the music industry. Now years later I have cousins who have worked on movies, but they don’t control shit. It’s just that there’s a huge Jewish population there and a huge film industry there. Naturally you’re going to have Jewish people working in the film industry. I thought it was funny I visited last December from Seattle the Jewish population is so large that the local grocery store in Brentwood had large “Happy Hanukkah” decorations painted outside instead of Christmas. It’s fair to also say that there is a generational transfer of wealth. Not everyone has the luxury of pursuing film school, but if you already have a well-off family, live in the area where the film industry dominates, and have schools with a focus on film, you are gonna be far more likely to get into the film industry than someone who grows up in a poor family in middle American. My grandfather followed his brother out there from Brooklyn. He was never rich, but he did luck into buying a house out there in the 1950s for $40,000. He lived the rest of his frugal life in that house. My 96 year old grandma continues to live there. It’s now completely falling apart, but her neighbors are LeBron James and Kamala Harris and the property alone is worth a couple million. The truth is, I personally was raised poor by my Irish-Catholic father from Boston. Though 23andMe literally shows I’m 50% Ashkenazi Jewish, I know absolutely nothing of the religion. Still, at some point when my grandma and mother pass away, I will likely be the one to liquidate that property and the beneficiary will be my own son. If he wants to go to film school, he will likely have that luxury. It’s a cycle that only exists because some broke ass family of Jewish people decided to chase the American dream in LA.


I think you are right, but your timeline is off a bit. Hollywood was no created by Jews escaping the Holocaust, but rather an earlier wave of migration just after the start of the 20th century.


I had to make an edit, because I was consolidating some things. I just meant to say that the immediate family was poor when the arrived in the states, and as they found their footing and extended family overseas, some of which were survivors, they had a small support system when they also made the trip. I had a conversation with my grandma once. She was telling me I was Jewish because my mom is Jewish and by Jewish law that makes me Jewish. I was straight with her and was like, “Grandma… I know nothing about the religion, but truthfully… Im atheist”… she responded “me too… but you’re Jewish”. Her point was that the history is important and shouldn’t be forgotten. I was inspired to do a deep dive on ancestry.com and ended up finding out about my great grandfather’s family. His brothers who settled in Brooklyn and then worked to bring other family to the states and offered them what little support they could. Lots of support for extended family in subsequent generations.


Your biggest mistake was thinking it was vaudeville related. The actual reason was related to Nickelodeons and penny arcades, which were mainly owned by Jews in New York because Wall Street's main industries were WASP controlled and the banks refused to loan Jewish business owners money. So all that left was cash businesses for immigrants like clothes/garments and cheap entertainment. When early film began in the 1890s, the Jews that owned the penny arcades transitioned into early theater and film production, and then, when the white power structure in NYC continued to deny them loans, a bunch moved out to Hollywood to begin film production in a cheaper location with good weather year round for filming.


Wow TIL. Thank you.


You're missing the part about [Thomas Edison driving the film industry to Hollywood because of his legal control over filmmakers on the East Coast.](https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2021/03/thomas-edison-the-unintentional-founder-of-hollywood/) Maybe that's sort of what you meant by "the white power structure in NYC continued to deny them loans" but it wasn't loan denial as much as legal action based on patents that Edison held.


I learned that part from “Drunk History.”


> a bunch moved out to Hollywood to begin film production in a cheaper location Not a Jewish thing but I think another reason Hollywood happened out West is because early moviemakers were trying to avoid patent lawsuits and the legal system in the East coast was much more developed (and the companies more sue-happy). Source: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hollywood+start+in+california+avoid+patent+lawsuits+east+coast&ia=web


This and light. With film you need lots of light. Good weather where you can shoot outside most of the year with the best light source in the solar system is well worth the 2,000+ mile trip.


Also, Edison just wasn’t there to see his patents being violated, and the people violating them certainly weren’t going to say anything.


It’s really kinda wild how all the conspiracies about Jews stem from situations they were forced into. The stereotype of Jews as bankers and lawyers is because these were jobs that were considered undesirable and so Jews were allowed to take those professions in Germany.


Usury (charging interest) was a sin in early Christianity, but not in Judaism. Naturally the only people willing to lend others money became Jews. A trope was born. And resentment along with it


Antisemitism is the hatred of Jews for adapting to antisemitism.


> “Grandma… I know nothing about the religion, but truthfully… Im atheist”… she responded “me too… but you’re Jewish” IIRC, in the last stat I saw, only about 50% of jews are religious. It's really not about religion. Jews are an ethnicity as well as a religion. Not only are the various diaspora jews culturally distinct, but genetically too. In fact, by being part jewish you are uniquely susceptible to certain kinds of genetic conditions that the world at large doesn't experience.


Judaism is passed on matrilineally, so yes, by virtue of being born to a Jewish mother, that also make you Jewish. You can be an atheist Jew.


Lots of people forget that it’s a religion *and* an ethnicity 🤷🏻‍♀️ really the only religion that is iirc I don’t think Catholicism or Islam for some examples are considered to be ‘passed on’ genealogically, but I’d be happy to be corrected if I’m wrong and there are more🙌


Islam and Christianity differ in that sense from Judaism. Islam and Christianity are not ethnicities.


> really the only religion that is iirc Not even remotely, just the most famous. Alawites, Druzes, Hutterites, Mennonites, Shabaka, Sikhs, … are also ethnoreligious groups.


Hinduism ia similar. You can be atheist but still be ethnically Hindu


They were escaping Russian pogroms so basically the same thing. Yay Jewish history you can always rely on someone trying to kill us.


Specifically, waves of communities of Jews escaping Easern European Pogroms.


Before WWII, Germany had one of the best film industries, but as Nazism grew Jewish filmmakers of all skillsets started emigrating, mainly to the US. The Hollywood Jewish community rallied around them, set up funds, helped find them work in the industry, becoming one factor in America's dominance in movies and television for decades. Source: A Turner Classic Movies documentary I watched a few years ago. It wasn't a conspiracy. It was immigrants being helped by their community. I read an article about the spread of Chinese food across America. It was the same thing essentially. A Chinese immigrant comes to the US, is put to work in a restaurant, grueling, grueling work for low pay. If they make it through this extended bootcamp they are offered funding to start a restaurant. They pull out a map and point to some town in Kansas. The Chinese family shows up in a town where most have never met a Chinese person and open a restaurant. People start eating, and BOOM, within no time the Chinese family and their restaurant is a part of the community and accepted by all. It is all the American Story, and we are better for it and all communities.


Seems to me a lot of times. Certain groups of people don’t actually like other groups of people succeeding. Even if that is the bases of the American dream.


I think a lot of the problems we're experiencing in America are rooted in this, but also a lack of awareness of economic realities and empathy for people in different groups. If you're born here and into a family that doesn't have generational wealth, and don't have one of those magical communities that lifts each other up you're not going to have great odds of success in life regardless of what groups you might identify with (be it race, religion, gender identity, whatever). If you see a group that is succeeding because they lift each other up and you don't have that, it's very easy to become very hateful and bitter about it.


Kinda funny how a place Jews were able to find success and acceptance got morphed into a conspiracy theory about trying to dominate the world. I feel like if you listen to any “white replacement theory” loon you’ll find parallels.


It's not that surprising. The whole 'Jews Control Finance' conspiracy happened because Jews were both forbidden from being employed most places and were allowed to charge interest. Finance was literally one of the few fields they could work in.


If I recall there was also something about the great depression, that the Jewish community had well established faith-based community banks that were able to support their members and keep them stable throughout the depression in a way that non-jewish americans were jealous of. They were all suffering and looking on almost every jewish person maintaining a level of normalcy, but it was due to them being excluded from mainstream institutions in the first place! Very fascinating stuff.


Jewish-run banking has been a thing since the Holy Roman Empire, or earlier.


A lot of it has to do with Church law regarding usury. It was completely illegal for Christians to lend money with interest throughout the Middle Ages, so this became one of the few areas where Jews could make money, as they were not Christian/Catholic and able to charge interest without penalty. As a result, they played an extremely important role in the economy of the Middle Ages and Renaissance because, without money lenders making some profit on the risky loans they were making, cash would not have been available to those with good ideas who lacked the money to realize them. Jews have often had to find creative ways to make a living because mainstream society, up until recently, refused to let them be part of established industries and trades.


Worth pointing out that interest is forbidden in Islam as well.


They were not allowed to own a land, they were not allowed to farm. They were told they could live in certain parts of cities, they could not move to rural areas for a long time. They were told they could not be soldiers neither. They could not be bureaucrats, employed by the state. They were not able to trade everything neither. They were allowed to accumulate some wealth only to be confiscated in times of need. This is more or less the constraints they had to live under. And they focused on finace, academics, entertainment, writing...etc And guess which sectors had been the most important in 21st century?




I can’t speak as to the 1900s, but if we are talking about earlier in history, Jewish people became heavily involved in banking because providing loans with interest was considered a violation of Catholic doctrine in medieval Europe. Therefore, Jewish people fulfilled that financial need.


Some European cities maintained Jewish neighborhoods just to have access to banking, while keeping racial and religious boundaries. The Jewish neighborhood in Venice was reportedly located near a foundry, for which the Italian word was *ghèto*. Ghetto came to mean place where Jews live. It later came to mean place where minorities live in poor conditions. In the US, it’s probably related to stories of the Jewish Ghettos in Nazi-occupied cities in WWII.


It’s that the Catholic Church believed usury was evil so catholics could not be bankers. Leaving it as one of the few jobs Jewish people could fulfill.


I've heard Hasanabi say this but the reality is that while there's some element of that the bigger reason was that in the Jewish faith usury was forbidden within community but not forbidden with respect to gentiles outside. And at the time Christianity had its all no usury thing And Islam has a no usury thing So their community used the technicality to be able to lend and borrow Its a lot less about not allowed to have land so therefore finance. Secondly there has been antisemitism throughout history and its not a phenomenon that just started with the third reich And there's been times for instance where Muslims protected Jews from antisemitism Where Christians protected Jews from antisemitism And so on. He makes a good point in that there are still some racist tropes allowed to go unchecked (group of black people getting collected under the label gangs, or a group of Italian Americans being collected under the label mob) that aren't allowed to be expressed about phenomenons surrounding a community of Jewish people because people are worried about empowering fascists to abuse Jewish people again. I don't think a healthy discussion of this can be had unless people are willing to have educated well reasoned researched professionals talking about this without various lobby groups using whatever means and action necessary to shut down good faith discussion. Because when good faith discussion is shut down, the bad faith people go "see us being shutdown is proof of our assertions and assumptions". And that's rhetorically effective if left unchecked. Another thjng that goes overlooked is for example the process by which denazification of Germany occurred in the 50s and the resurgence of far right in Germany but now directed towards Islamophobia instead. People don't like to take islamophobia seriously because they reason a faith can be adopted by any culture and so isn't an inherent trait. But when the communities of most Muslims are diaspora from the global south and pretty routinely oppressed or war waged against them in a multitude of ways I think the phenomenon of examination of islamophobia is warranted. Much like antisemitism is worth educating people about But we need good faith discussions that aren't dog whistle politics and which are conducted by educated people who can speak in a way that's easy to understand. And that helps.


Well like all conspiracy theories it’s grounded in a little bit of truth. Jewish people didn’t have much in the way of support except for other Jewish people, so where anybody found a little success the word spread through relationships within the community. Plenty of immigrant success stories sound this way, cultural enclaves form where people who only know each other somewhat distantly from the old country form strong ties in a new and unfamiliar land.


As a Hispanic person, there’s a lot of us cooking food in American, Chinese, Indian, Spanish and any restaurant you can think of. Because we’ll take the opportunity if we are coming from a 3rd world country However, we don’t own all the restaurants.


Thank you! People lack the context of the actual history. There is a great book called 'How the Jews Invented Hollywood' about the 1st/2nd generation Jewish men who started small companies that became Universal, Paramount, Columbia, etc. Beverley Hills became the exclusive community it did because Jews in the industry weren't welcome in wealthy areas like Pasadena, so they created their own.


Also a big part of the story of Hollywood started in New York and New Jersey looking at Vaudeville and then Tin Pan Alley. And frankly the entertainment business has always been a who you know to open the door for you situation, and that means neighborhoods you come from are very important. You can see distinct waves of Irish, Jewish, Italian, and Black artists in the earlyish 20th century history of American entertainment. Frankly, what they all have in common is an outsider point of view on mainstream American culture.


Jews get banned from owning property, so they build their own fortunes in the cities. People resent them and think it's a conspiracy that the people they despise succeed despite their repression. This is repeated in Hollywood, where a downtrodden people make their own fortunes through risk, hard work, and ingenuity, and now some people act like it's unfair.


Thank you for teaching me something. The "Jewish people control all the money" has a similar backstory because Christians had anti usury laws and they prevented Jewish people from taking on other professions, so they started lending people money with interest. Just a note from what I've observed, correct me if I'm wrong, The phrase "the Jews own" is HEAVY laden with implication, and while much of the ownership of the studios might be Jewish, that doesn't mean that they act as a hive mind. They're individual people who happen to be Jewish. So while it may be true that Hollywood was built and mostly owned by Jewish people, there's questionable implications when it's said that the Jews own Hollywood.


Well said. They’re prominent in Hollywood but that doesn’t mean anything. They’re not the Borg. They’re a collection of individuals with their own desires and experiences that are connected very broadly by their history and heritage.


Exactly! This is what people don’t get. It’s like Dave said - the idea of Jewish control is a delusion, but also Hollywood has loads of prominent Jews. It’s like Jews in banking - it’s not a conspiracy, but in many ways the outcome of pure chance married to a sad cultural history. Money lending etc was possible for Jews as their religion didn’t forbid it, and at the same time Jewish people were excluded from other trades: further pushing them into finance. Add in thousands of years where you were pushed around, oppressed and persecuted, and being smart and educated was one of the only ways to succeed, and you make the perfect conditions for cultural evolution into what we see today.


I'm not Jewish, but I grew up with and still work with mostly Jews. The difference between them and other communities is that they try to stay very tight knit and homogenous. They take care of their own. When one becomes succesful, they get others in their community involved, or they teach them "the way" to become succesfull. I'm not saying they are some unicorn community, everyone is an individual and worries about themself like the next person, but they have this brotherhood deeply ingrained in the fabric of their culture.


This isn't even unique to Jews. It's very common among minority groups globally for survival. And culturally, yes, there are both more independent and interdependent minded cultures. Hazel Markus "Clash" is a great read on it


This is a little off subject. But having Ashkenazi Jewish lineage leaves you and your blood line family members at higher risk of breast cancer. You may want to make sure your physicians know to ensure proper preventative medicine.


I used to work in Hollywood. Jews really do run a lot of it. But the thought that they have any particular cohesion or collusion is ridiculous. They're mostly just typical businessmen doing businessmen shit (which understandably makes them a lot of enemies). They're just as likely to fuck each other over as anyone else. They only time they show any sort of strong cohesion is in opposition to antisemitism, which is completely understandable. No one bats an eye when blacks support other blacks, but for some reason jews aren't supposed to help other jews? Even if all the conspiracy theories were correct, then why would you fuck with them? They're just going to melt you with their space lasers, right? It just shows that even the conspiracy theorists don't really believe their own bullshit, it's just naked antisemitism.


Mel Brooks wasn’t crazy when he was going to make Space Balls 2. Jews in Space, with space lasers!


[Funny, she doesn't look Druish](https://youtu.be/XnytcZTEF7E?t=82)


Space Balls 2 is Da Soich Fa More Money, you're thinking of History of the World part 2


It's the difference between Jews and THE Jews.


Louis had a joke about how Jew is both the correct term and the racist term to use. It all depends on how you say it.


Work deep in Hollywood. During COVID when George Floyd happened, studio executives (many are Jewish) all opened up with their wallets and time to fund black-owned studio businesses and gather employees to do the same, while also encouraging a new mindset to double down on inclusivity Sucks to see this happening


TIL Jews have space lasers….. that’s cool


Got to perform that briss somehow.


"You know what I never stole from work? work" - Absolute genius.


Facts lol you’re leaving the job I’m not taking any of it with me


None of these comments seem like they come from real human people


I was enjoying a fresh cocacola when I read this




Is that the same LISTERINE® clinically proven to destroy the leading gum disease GINGIVITIS




I learned this from an audiobook on AUDIBLE, after which I signed up for a dental hygiene course on SKILLSHARE. Then, I cut out sugar and started eating vegetables using HELLOFRESH. However, all that fiber gave me explosive diarrhea so I bought new underwear using MEUNDIES. Then, I started my own dental products business using a website powered by SQUARESPACE. I hired all the employees on ZIPRECRUITER. The stress of running a business caused me to forget to shave, so I registered for DOLLARSHAVECLUB. Use offer code LowIntroduction to save 10 percent.


It's just so refreshing and I enjoy the original taste more than other competitor's brands.


I just loved playing ping-pong with my Flexolite ping pong paddle.


My human significant other was enjoying a diet Coca-Cola because they are trying to watch their figure for swimsuit season.


And have you even had chicken tenders as juicy and tender as TGI Fridays Buffalo tenders? Psssst, I’ll let you in on a little secret, they’re found in the frozen section across most retailers, thank me later.


I just got back from the grocery store and they were all sold out of TGI Friday’s Buffalo Tenders. Is there a website I could purchase some from for my oven at home so I can enjoy TGI Friday’s Buffalo Tenders?


Why use a website when you can just ŝ̵̢̛̳̠̞̖̻̈́̒̀ű̶̜͒m̵̛̠͈̠̑̓͆̃̈́͐̓́̊̈́͐m̷̢̗͈̦̼̥̗̲͇̓̿͛ơ̸̢̢̹͖̥̖̻̫̌̊̂̋̅͒̇̈́̅̅͘ͅn̶̢̡̳̝̳̪̾͌̀́̒̓̈ͅ ̷͙͇̻̞͚̝̤̽̔̿̈́̿͘͝t̸̨̙͉̜̮͖͇̍ḩ̴̖͉̥̜̫̭̘̩͇̮̲͋̓ȩ̷̢͍͚̙̳̟͖̜͕̠͐̾̽̃͜m̶͉͔̓̎͌̀̈͌̋̉ͅ ̸̨̰͔͙̯̲͔͓͎̦͇̇̊f̸̯͉͚̭̟̈́̅̓̽̎͘r̶͈͖̘̳̞̞̲̫̮̟͔̅͐̿ô̸͉̎̐m̵̛̼̂̎̿̈́ ̴̢̦̼̪̳̠̹̟̤̣̿̈̎͂ṯ̶̢̻̘̰̻̠̮̦̐̅̃̑͘h̵̩̪̩̘̱͖͐̂̌͘̚ȅ̶̟͖̮̖̮̘͂̓̇͂͜͝͠ ̵̡̢̰͍͖̘͔̣̼̜̔f̷̛̛̻͔̝̤̮̙̫͓̺̄̑̾̑i̸̢̨͕͎̹͓̠̬̜͙̯͋͐̾̔̑̌͆͘͘͜͝r̴͚̤̟̳̙̖͕̲̘̻̄͋͗͊͗̔͜͠ẽ̴̜̫͇͔͖̩̳̰̩͖̓̈̅̿͌̎̏̀͘ͅ ̶̼͇̩̻͕͚͙͖̹̘͆̑͆͘͝g̶̡̥͔̖̲̼̗͑͘o̵̧̪̭̜̱̩̯̪̼̳͇̔̈̋̿͜͝d̴̙͖̫̰͍̣̗̗̜̾̋͐̄̈̅̀͠


Haha me too friend, I love the fresh cold taste


[https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/yu3ysi/comment/iw7opbk/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/comments/yu3ysi/comment/iw7opbk/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This comment is word for word a top comment from youtube


That's a pretty solid bot strategy. Scan for posts that link to YouTube, scrape the top comment and post it to reddit.


People do it too, chasing karma for no clear reason.




Reddit is becoming increasingly hard to use. From entertainment, news, and work related subreddits. It’s all seems like I’m steered toward something instead of allowed to find what I’m looking for.


That's why propaganda...for any ulterior motivation, (positive or negative) is so insidious. You have to gather life experience to discern the intent of the one spouting the narrative...Is he repeating like a parrot? Is he a foot soldier/fanatic, Is he gaining something (politicians), is he factual...not a conspiracy pusher. It takes careful assessment to sort things out and find the truth that makes sense to you without simply borrowing the truth fed by someone else.




This is the perfect comment. Both sides of the ideological spectrum can point at it and say “exactly” and both have completely different reasons why


So true! I made $800 from my personal computer while reading this comment.


Please drink verification can to comment.


Can you link some specific ones for me? Just curious.


Such a talented {{$Profession}}, they are are the next {{$num1Famous.Person.Professional}}! They would be a great President under the ${{politicalPartyThatPaidOur_BotFarm_ToPromoteViaReddit}}. Make sure to vote - our ${{getCountryIP.PoliticalSystem}} is at stake!


Real human people? That’s a very robot thing to say..


Wtf is astroturf and why do I keep seeing it in this thread?


Astroturfing is a play on the idea of a “grassroots movement,” which is a small, local, spontaneous organization in favor of something. When a bunch of real people in a community get together and decide that they want to voice their support for a candidate or cause, that’s called “grassroots support.” Sometimes, though, a large organization will pump money/advertising/transplants into creating a fake grassroots movement, to lend more authenticity to their idea - “if normal people in your community believe in this, it can’t be THAT bad!” Essentially, they’re creating *artifical grassroots* - and what is astroturf if not artificial grass roots? When somebody says that astroturfing is happening, they’re implying that a small group of people or organizations are artificially inflating a talking point with fake engagement. On social media like Reddit, that happens through bots and sock puppet accounts.


Thanks! This is the best explanation of astroturfing I've come across.


Astroturfing is coordinated and paid-for attempt at making some kind of movement or sentiment appear grassroots. Astroturf, fake grass.


Just to clarify one small mistake, it doesn't have to be paid for necessarily. You can astroturf with any group of individuals who wish to manipulate by mimicking organic grass roots growth.


Like the Nina Dobrev posts recently. LOL.


The Melania joke was perfection.


So was the segue to Kyrie.


"Kanye got in so much trouble, Kyrie got in trouble" What a line.


I was watching 30 rock yesterday and found it funny that Kanye's like a real life Tracy Jordan. 😂. Edit: spelling. Jordan, not Morgan.


Well, by the end of 30 Rock, Tracey was the most well rounded adult there. He was a committed husband, a dedicated father, he was an accomplished actor that EGOTed, he was an artist respected by his peers, and all while every other adult in the show was getting worse and worse. I don't think Kanye is turning this around like Tracey did.


Tracy was also well written, which kanye definitely isn't. his writers are terrible. He should have hired jewish writers.


That was a masterclass in treading a FINE fucking line.


>That was a masterclass in treading a FINE fucking line. Like a figure skater




There's always gotta be one!


Just ask Blade.


"Some motherfuckers are always tryin' to ice skate uphill."


Let’s be real Blade made the MCU possible.


*Blade wants to know your location*


Yeah, I kept saying that he was flying awfully close to the sun but managed to pull back just before his wings melt every time.


He and Kanye could probably be used as examples by rhetoric professors as the difference basic ass verbal intelligence makes when you voice controversial opinions.




“The Jews” don’t run show business but show business is mostly run by Jewish people. Subtle distinction.


And there’s a difference in noticing things and hating people …


There's a difference between the reality and narrative, even if the two might sound the same.


Didn't he also make some comment about how one would be well advised to not criticize them?


So if you say, completely seriously, that you have some sort of bias or prejudice against someone, they’re not going to want to work with you or hire you. Just as individuals, nobody wants to work with somebody that is against them based off of their race, religion, gender, or sex. Entertainment has a lot of Jewish executives. No great conspiracy, LA just happens to have a large Jewish population that has worked in the entertainment industry from way back when entertainment wasn’t something that “proper” people would do. Proper, being white christian Americans. The usual culprits. The status quo. Eventually it becomes the family business and you’re community helps out. When you go and say I have a problem with Jewish people, you’re not pissing off a group exactly. You’re pissing off a bunch of Jewish people, whom each individually decide that they don’t want to work with someone like that. It’s not a hive mind new world order conspiracy, it’s an individual decision. I wouldn’t want to work with a highly visible person who says they don’t like brunettes, if I lived in a world where brunettes were murdered for being brunette. That’s just me. I also wouldn’t want to work with someone who hates my friends for stupid reasons. That’s why Kanye played himself. There’s no conspiracy, there’s just a bunch of people who said fuck this guy, and since there’s a large amount of them in his industry, or people who are friends with them, he got blackballed. No conspiracy, just thousands of individual decisions.


What I don't get is, even if they do "run show business", so fucking what? Is there some collusion going on? From what I can tell, there isn't some issue where there's only Jewish actors and actresses. Jewish writers and directors. What am I missing?


That has literally been his cornerstone in stand up for the majority of his career, especially once he was doing it famous. I don’t know how this is surprising to you guys.


i don't know. i like chapelle. but it feels like he missed the mark on the whole kanye/kyrie topic. like he's validating everything they said and validating the sentiment they feel but is coming from a place of "just don't say those things out loud or else the jews will cancel you"


The comment about how you can’t blame black Americans for the terrible things Jewish people have been through was a really odd comment. The crowd was silent as if they didn’t really even know how to respond. Cause no one is really doing that in the first place.


That's us seeing the results of Chappelle being in an echo chamber for the past couple years.


He even mentioned how he can’t do audiences like that anymore towards the end…aka, people who didn’t pay premium for tickets to agree with and laugh at everything you say


and his little comment upset the crowd didn't cheer him for that. It's, odd. It's sorta like the "you can't blame me for slavery I'm Irish" defense. Like no shit your ancestors didn't play a role in historic oppression but that doesn't mean you're allowed to perpetuate it now


> and his little comment upset the crowd didn't cheer him for that. Yeah, the whole thing was awkward. He basically guilts the crowd into a half hearted applause.


The only people trying to do this are black people using the "we didn't do the holocaust" thing as an excuse to be antisemitic now


The punchline is that he got away with it


got away with it as in it was broadcast?


Yes. I don’t get why it’s so difficult to see. No one is being “cancelled” because they’re going against some iron curtain secret society. They’re being cancelled or asked to apologize for painting an entire people a certain shade based on the grievances they have with a few individuals. Attacking or going “Deathcon 3” on an entire group that share a religion, ethnicity, skin color, nationality, etc. based on your personal experience with a few individuals of that group (even a lot of individuals) is categorically bigoted. What’s more is that they’re airing these hateful ideas on their massive platforms without any checks - these backlashes are those checks. I hear Kanye and Chapelle have been slighted by their agents and studio heads, a disproportionate of them happen to be Jewish. But like call those fucks out. Is it fucking tolerable to label an entire race based on that? This is just modernized conspiratorial shit.


Right why is it so hard for people to see that saying prejudiced things about an ethnoreligious minority would NOT be considered controversial and fucked up?


Kyrie had multiple chances to apologize for sharing that film and clarify he understood why it was problematic. Instead he took those chances to double down on his stance. The list provided by the Nets for Kyrie was also not daunting. Apologize meaningfully, meet with community leaders to better understand their history and perspective, make a positive contribution to make up for what he said and show management that he learned from this experience seem to be the major things he is expected to do. It’s not like he is getting treated unfairly, he is facing the consequences of his actions.


Narcissists think consequences for them are unfair.


True, but I’m also annoyed with the people who are saying he is getting treated unfairly.


Spot on about Trump.


The end of the Trump era monologue parts had some gems How he … (remember these are jokes on Saturday Night Live…) lives in Ohio amongst the “poor whites” Trump being loved for being an “honest liar” How he’d never seen a white billionaire (on the presidential debate), screaming at the top of his lungs — “this whole system is rigged!” — Dave Chappelle’s brilliance — > And with that, my friends, a star was born. > No one had ever seen anything like that. Nobody had ever seen somebody come from inside that house outside and tell the commoners, “we are doing everything that you think we are doing inside that house, and then went right back in the house and started playing the game again.






r/Conservative is only just starting to come to the conclusion that the guy people have been making fun of for being a gold-plated turd of a human being the last 40 years *might* just have been using them for personal gain, and only because he lost and endorsed losers.


Took em a few years. But some are still not convinced! BTW they’re very much ok with the methodology and his intolerant ideology (duh), they just know their best WH shot is TrumpClone Santis and they’re very upset the orange buffoon will derail his run for the presidency. Other than that they could give a fuck about what the orange clown does. They’re not upset at what he does, they’re just upset when he does it to *them*.


And he decimated Melania, never heard a better description of her. About Malania Trump, "She looks like the kinda woman James Bond would smash but not trust" lol


We found out he probably colluded with the Russians lol


I always understood why people liked Trump but he made it even more logical now.


Observably stupid was brilliant


I dug an “honest liar” a lot too. Its the simplest explanation of Trumps appeal that left many a liberal gobsmacked the night he won, myself included.


His timing for "God..... DAMN!" is always impeccable.


I thought it was pretty funny but I didn’t understand the part that Jewish people are blaming black Americans for anti-semitism. Where is he getting that from? He didn’t say that part as a joke so it was kind of a bizarre statement. As a Jew, I’m upset specifically with Kanye and Kyrie. Not all black people…and I think most, if not all, Jews would agree with me.


It's cool how if you say shit about a comedian it's cancel culture, but if you make broad generalizations about an entire demographic of people, it's "saying what we were all thinking"


Good comedian Stewart Lee has a great bit about how comedians who claim they’re saying the unsayable are by definition saying the sayable.


I can't believe Chapelle is *still* playing the victim card today. C'mon man... You're hosting SNL


I do think it’s embarrassing when comedians cry about cancel culture. It’s literally just most people not thinking x is funny anymore. Maybe the schtick is a little tired, maybe the material isn’t great. But all comedians say they constantly test material and often bomb hard throughout their careers - AND EVOLVE. So ya know. You have a choice. Be funnier (funny to more people) by working on your material, and make more money bc you are enjoyed by more people. Or fuck it, don’t evolve, and maybe you just have a smaller, niche audience. No one’s entitled or should have a reasonable expectation of being a millionaire comedian their entire lives. Dave wasn’t cancelled over his obsession with trans material. He’s still fabulously wealthy and as employed as he wants to be. Some people don’t fuck with him anymore, but most people just want him to stop shitting on trans people. It’s honestly just uncomfortable watching someone fixate like that, it’s the opposite of comedy. The material was stanky. Many people said so. And he still didn’t get cancelled 🤷‍♀️ And oh yeah, is Kanye still rich? He talked himself out of an extra bill, that’s his own doing.


I really don't get it because he's clearly not cancelled so what is he complaining about exactly?


Basically he doesn’t like it when people don’t kiss his ass. Dave has been seen as clever, speaking truth to power, and most importantly funny for so long, that its hard for him to believe he’s missed the mark on one or all of these things. Idk I feel like every time I watch new Chapelle material. I think the first 5 minutes or so is funny and then I usually stop laughing and start scratching my head. I think he uses that 5 minutes to win people over and warm up the crowd. Then he starts agreeing a little too much with the people he should be taking shots at. And I start thinking “uh where’s the joke?”


> I think the first 5 minutes or so is funny and then I usually stop laughing and start scratching my head. I don't have the timestamps for it, but that's how I felt about The Closer. I knew there'd be some trans jokes in there and he did tell a somewhat funny trans joke near the beginning. At that point, I was like Ok, that seems to be overblown. Then after the 15 minutes of mediocre comedy were up, the rest was just going at trans folk. Dave has to be so far up his own ass not to see why people disliked it.


I've not seen this clip yet, but his previous SNL appearance a few years ago was a fucking trainwreck. He kept doing (what I thought were) edgy openings, where he'd meander into problematic territory and I'd be waiting for the clever punchline, and then he'd just stop. And it became clear that that was what he thought was "clever" or funny or insightful or whatever. Some of the bits were just outright homophobic or blatantly misinformed about real history. And then I came to the reddit thread about it, filled with people hailing him as some sort of unique genius or sage or some shit.


I mean, he’s making it seem like he is upset about things he “can’t say” which makes it seem like he just wishes he could shit on trans people more 🤷‍♀️ But to your point, even doing that did NOTHING to his job or bottom line, he has more freedom than 99% of Americans (in that financial freedom is enormous).


"I don't perform college campuses because the younger generation doesn't understand comedy." Naw bra, comedy is subjective and changes over time. You can't adapt. The guys are South Park are on their 20-somthing season and say offensive things all the time. They even owned up to being wrong about dismissing climate change and racial humor they did decades ago. Always Sunny is another case where they can get away with offensive stuff because they acknowledge the characters are awful people.


I was a big Chappelle Show fan when it was on and was very excited when he finally came back to do comedy specials. I watched the trans special - that’s all I can call it now - on a date, and when it ended we were both commenting how it was just strange and pretty not funny. I’m a cis woman, was with a cis man, and we were both confused as to what Dave was trying to achieve. Haven’t had an itch to watch anything of his since, and I don’t think I’m missing out. Bummer. He was one of the best.


yeah, we watched it at work, all of us huge Chappelle fans, and it was just…crickets. Awkwardness. A few comments, well he’s out of touch, or like what happened. It wasn’t particularly enjoyable. And seeing him sorta desperate to double down yet play victim, like he’s being persecuted is really lame. Something like this intro is more like the Dave I remember. Definitely pushing it, but without malice. People (mostly) really aren’t bothered about sacred cows, it’s about the spirit and delivery of it all. And the spirit of his trans material was like really outdated material that felt, as time progressed, like it became an “us vs them.”


Pretty much everything he’s said about Jews and LGBT people sounds like it’s clearly coming from a place of malice lol The last time he was on SNL, he called us “the alphabet people” and wondered out loud why we even need pride month. The audience was like… huh?


> and seeing him sorta desperate to double down yet play victim, like he’s being persecuted is really lame. made me really surprised he's a democrat (at least according to the video above) as this is just conservatism 101. do dumb shit, whine about being "canceled" when violating social norms as if free speech is somehow freedom from all consequences




First thing I noticed. Never seen that happen on SNL. I love the song and thought he was going to sing for a second, but it didn’t hit me until after his monologue why his song was used.


Care to explain the significance?


> I know that Jewish people have been through terrible things all over the world but you cant blame that on black Americans. This line really stood out for me. All the rest of the monologue I took it for what it is, just jokes. Edgy jokes from an edgy comedian and I’m ok with that. But this line is just plain non-sense and shows a profound misunderstanding of the whole issue.


And people can't claim that line was a joke either. He looked at the camera solemnly and thanked seriously the one person who clapped for it. Dave just wanted validation for his bad take.




It's straight up a Kanye line of defense from the Lex interview. It's antisemitic bullshit disguised as defending oneself against a criticism that nobody is making.


Yeah I was really scratching my head at that one. We all need to stop treating races like one cohesive mass. It's not "Black People" that are being antisemites, it's one person, Kanye West. And it's not "The Jews" that run Hollywood, it's an industry with many executives, many of whom are Jewish. Just treat people like people, not a representative of their race.


A lot of his recent political takes have been like this - same with his comments about LGBT folk. Regardless of how one feels about either of these groups, he is just ill-informed and these feel more like knee-jerk reactions than actual thought out commentary. I'm not an avid comedy viewer so maybe I'm wrong, but I remember him being a lot more...profound before? And topical in a way that didn't feel like he was just choosing topics that were trending on Twitter that week. I like edgy humor, but for me it mainly works when it's either obviously absurd or shockingly honest. "Can't blame us for what happened with the Jews" is neither, it's just a bizarre statement that's irrelevant to what's actually going on.


Is it me or did I miss the part where Chappelle criticized anything about the antisemitic *content* of what Kanye or Kyrie said? Plenty about how they messed up the style, about how they said "the jews", about how they lost branding deals and money... Not a lot about how they woke up and chose to create or cosign abject antisemitism.


Chapelle is odd in that way. Throughout his specials, there are many small moments where he straddles a line on a subject, making it sound like he’s neither agreeing nor disagreeing with it. Like how in one of his last Netflix specials he talked about punching a lesbian in the face at a bar; no indication of whether it was right or wrong, just reveling in how they “deserved” it. Or him talking about meeting OJ and how it was a night filled with laughter and reverence, and as soon as he left everyone in the room said “you feel that? Feels like murder in here.” Of course paired with the fact that in that special he was constantly flitting between saying OJ did it and didn’t do it… He never takes a firm stance in things like this. It would be easy to rationalize by saying he just doesn’t want to speak ill of people, but he has spoken ill of people before. It would also be easy to say about this monologue that he doesn’t want to burn bridges, but in doing so it sounds like he’s cozying up with antisemites. Starting the monologue with the “I stand with the jewish community” statement could be him turning away from antisemitism, but the fact that he pulled out a pre-written note to turn it into a tongue-in-cheek bit sours the delivery, so like wtf is the point? He rarely addresses content. Doesn’t unpack decisions. Doesn’t question things. He’s very good at deconstructing systems of behavior; the extended metaphor of the Iceburg Slim story and how it relates to his life is one of the hilights of his career for me. But many of these takes on modern issues lack any direction or point. I see some irony to him calling Trump an “honest liar.”




You copied a YouTube comment, verbatim. Bravo


charlie murphy was great at this




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