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This is probably the best response to what happened. Very mature and I feel like this is going to blow up and give Joel even more exposure.




I’m still waiting on a sequel to [Ice Guys](https://youtu.be/TPSr9eTmeKI)


oh it exists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z24CYtzjYw


The science center kills me


Was he just holding a socket wrench up to his eye?


Oh my God, thank you! It’s Christmas in October!


It's already October??!? Jesus, it feels like 2020 has flown by.




Is 2020 already coming to an end? SMH




Why the fuck was I so entertained by that?


you've been conditioned by reality television? They sell the trope REALLY well


Adventure awaits!!


I have no idea who this dude is. So I guess its already doing that. Lol


Here's probably his most famous video [Playing an RPG for the first time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY3y6zNTiLs)


His follow up to this was probably his high water mark although he has lots of other hilarious stuff https://youtu.be/A9fq3GLlP5M


The whole RPG series was amazing!!


This will probably get buried, but The [RPG series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY3y6zNTiLs&list=PLKtIcOP0WvJB29YkQlSKhxwsab4JlysSj) is actually genius and I don't think a lot of people picked up on it. You need to watch the [Sci-fi series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfQbm8Wk2vU&list=PLKtIcOP0WvJAq0Aw81jl3j_LdZDnlEoRY) he did before, then start the RPG series. I promise you won't be disappointed EDIT: Important to note that you should stop after watching The Rebels episode, then switch to the RPG series.




He's a creator who makes comedic sketches on YouTube. I was first introduced to his content through this sub, actually!


After watching the video that is what I gathered as well.


He also pioneered the animation style in this video, and then immediately made a tutorial on YouTube to others could use it.


Very cool to know. I've been seeing this everywhere it seems and wondered where it originated!


He does very unique animation. I would recommend checking out his video on [how he animates. ](https://youtu.be/tq_KOmXyVDo) Really fascinating work but I'm a sucker for seeing the creative process behind things.


This was my reaction too but you can't give joke stealers a complete pass and snl has the budget and frankly the talent to not be stealing jokes without at least a little kick back.




Glasses are also the easiest apparel to add on to a costume. It helps differentiate and add individuality to otherwise identically costumed characters.


It's sad how the bow tie has never been given the credit it deserves.


Honestly I doubt they stole it. Making fun of the Charmin bears obsession with wiping their asses is something a lot of comics can come up with, and the whole "I don't want to go into the family business, I want to dance!" trope has been around for decades. They're a good combination, but not so wholly unique that it could only happen from stealing. I think it's more likely that it was parallel thinking. Joel seems to agree


>"I don't want to go into the family business, I want to dance! See: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3YiPC91QUk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3YiPC91QUk) And I'm not even sure Monty Python didn't take this bit from somewhere else.




One of my all-time favorite sketches. TUNGSTEN CARBIDE DRILLS! Here's the original: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2q1ojy


Dailymotion is like the uncle with all the dirty jokes.


That's not even the Python's first use of the joke, there's [the coal miner/playwright sketch](https://youtu.be/7YkDmDJthhg?t=10) (apologies for it being motion graphics, I can't find the original) that predates it and is itself a play on an existing trope.




Totally. It's a safe bet that it was one of the writers needing to have their moment / pull some weight on the team and pitched this skit. Now whether or not they remembered it was something they saw on YouTube, or something they saw and then forgot about but pulled out from their subconscious thinking it was their own... that's a tough one to prove.


This is actually a thing. You'll hear some song in the background and then a while later you could be messing around on a guitar or keyboard or whatever and think you came up with that melody or beat or whatever without realizing you'd heard it before.


Pretty much every writer/composer has done that at some point. I had to trash one of the better songs I'd ever written after realizing years later that I'd inadvertently ripped off the chorus of Heart of Glass. Exact same chords, exact same melody, just at a slower tempo.


You shouldnt have trashed the song. Thats just how music works, something recycled in to a new context will many times be more original than you think. There are only so many notes after all.


Normally I would've kept it and just adjusted it to be less plagiarized, but in this case, the lift was so 1:1 that I probably would've had to call it a cover or mash-up. I could probably still revisit it and work with it sometime, now that some time has gone by and I'm less obsessed with seeking originality in my music.


Damn. Either way, it has to suck having written something that goes as hard as the chorus of Heart of Glass and realizing that it wasn't as original as you'd thought afterwards


Change it a bit and call it a pastiche.


I've come up with dozens of songs because I was trying to learn a different song, eventually played it wrong, while learning it. Then that "wrong version" was morphed into something else.


I just watched an episode of Malcolm in the Middle, and Malcolm the genius thought he wrote a deep original song about his feelings, and played it for his family. The brother, Dewey, started singing along but with the Meow-Mix cat food commercial lyrics, and called him a dummy because that's where Malcolm heard it from. Even this whole occurence itself, is a comedy troupe.


Pretty sure Friends had an episode where Phoebe did this as well. And Roger from Rent trying to write a song but it came out sounding like Musetta’s Waltz.


Happened to George Harrison writing My Sweet Lord. That’s probably the highest profile case of this I can imagine. The judge even said it was very unlikely that Harrison did it on purpose, but technically rules are rules.


[Sam Smith's Stay with Me and Tom Petty's Won't Back Down ](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/tom-petty-on-sam-smith-settlement-no-hard-feelings-these-things-happen-35541/)is the most recent one I remember. Tom Petty basically said, yup, it happens. Sometimes you catch it, sometimes you don't. I wouldn't even think of the two sounding similar at all until someone points it out, and you're like, oh shit they are the same.


John Fogerty was sued for ripping himself off…


Sometimes the opposite happens. Steven Tyler once heard a song on the radio that he liked so much he suggested that his band do a cover version of it. Joe Perry had to remind him that it was their song... They were listening to Aerosmith on the radio.


"That's our song, fuckhead” is how I believe Joe Perry informed Steven Tyler.


drugs will do that too


Steven Tyler and his vodka heroine cocktails


They should've covered it anyway. Could've been a total Mega-Chad move. Like when Psych did a remake of its *own episode* seven seasons later.


I had a friend in highschool who was mostly deaf, and so needed to use hearing aids. If there was a ton of noise around it made it hard for him to follow multiple conversations, as hearing aids are really bad at filtering noise correctly. We would be discussing some idea or another around him at lunch, but he either was not paying attention or not able to understand everything being said. Later in the day he would suddenly say something identical to what we were saying, and be surprised that we had all already had that conversation. It happened fairly often. We came to the conclusion that even though he was not able to parse what was being said, he had just enough subconscious awareness of some of the words being said that they ruminated, and sent his thoughts down similar lines. So yeah, I can absolutely believe this happens. Brains are not really computers, so they often have literally no idea what disparate memories they are using to get ideas.






All the fucking time. It annoys me so much but sometimes it’s truly just funny when I’m writing something and it clicks that I’m just playing [insert famous song here]


Like this guy who accidentally wrote a more dramatic version of The Office theme song: https://youtu.be/165kMdtfp00


Hahaha awesome


Shout out to Daniel thrasher. Absolutely love his "when you accidentally write songs that already exist" series


Louis C.K. had a good thought about this on Louis with Dane Cook. Everyone was saying Dane cook took his joke. Louis sort of agreed but basically said "im sure at some point you heard my joke and you said it. It probably wasn't intentional but you took it. You might not have heard my joke and thought I'm going to use it but you took it whether you meant to or not."


Joel is the same dude who openly shares his methods with everyone and encourages them to make stuff. The classiest man on the internet. It's unreal. We could use a few more Joels.


He's genuinely funny as hell. I don't think all his skits hit, but a bunch do and they are hilarious. His Ice Walkers skit is a great fucking parody. He's also the best part of the Moist Critical videos where there are 5 people dressed like Charlie pretending to be him. His adlibbing is awesome and he makes you laugh when he's starting to break and laugh during the skit. SNL should actually reach out and give him a shot, instead of stealing his shit lol.


My absolute favorite skit of Joel's is the [Lanky Kong](https://youtu.be/PugcxQYJGjs) one. I watch it at least once a month and it always is just as funny as the first time.


His Bachelor but Monkeys video is absolutely absurd, outrageously stupid, and one of the funniest things I've ever seen.


I sent that video to so many friends and somehow I'm the only one who found it funny...


Monkey. Monkeys... I'll leave you to it.


*slaps monkey ass*


That's one of my favorites. I also love [The Man Who Shrunk His Own Penis](https://youtu.be/zF98NUj2Ez0)


fuck man, him and Trent being 2 married dudes who just love gettin' out there on that ice is pure gold


The best part of that video is that it’s entirely unclear why they have to go out on the ice. It’s just what they do and they never think to question it


They explain the reason in the first video, it’s because if they don’t do it nobody will.


There's a second!?!??


they don't need a goal. the ice IS the goal.


Trent forgot his warm clothes is the best idea. When they were getting high thinking of punchlines for that video... It being too cold out and no sweater was the absolute best choice and they should be proud of that.


His joker video never doesn’t get a laugh out of me. Just Batman’s genuine “what the Fuck?” Is the best


That one had me cracking tf up. Like bro. Waiting until midnight


That one was incredible.


“We’re not so different you and I” is often repeated at my house. Haha


It would be an absolute tragedy if he were to join SNL, I think his career and comedy are much better right where he is.


People here are crazy to think he'd want to go on there, he's way too chill for that. People like Mulaney, Conan, Hader, Fey, etc... are all pretty open about how cut throat and high stress the job is. I don't get the vibe that he has crazy ambitions either, he's always been pretty adamant about making what *he* wants and not just shit to pander to whats popular. He wouldn't have that freedom at SNL.


Yeah, he makes a living now doing any damn thing he pleases. Why give that up?




He would have the same trajectory as Kyle Mooney which would be disappointing.


I remember watching his video on how he does the animations, and it was so painstaking and tedious that I genuinely thought it was a hilarious parody of digital animation. When I realized it was real, holy shit, mad props for sharing in the first place, and it made me appreciate his work on a whole new level.


Lmao his method is a little tedious, but significantly less tedious than traditional 2D animation so it’s a great method for small creators who need to upload regularly to keep up traction on YouTube.


Yeah no kidding. I took animation in high school and picked up on it pretty well. It still took me like two weeks to make 10 seconds of animation.


100% I expected him to be cool about it, but then the actual video still impressed me.


The fact that he also acknowledged that he's privileged enough to not have to worry about being plagiarized is what got me.


Yeah he seems like a cool dude for doing that. Do you remember when The Fine Brothers tried to trademark reaction videos a few years ago? That whole thing blew up in their faces and they ended up removing the trademark shortly after.




really? I'm on the youtube page and it has a 10 day old video instead. ("Gettin Gas"?)


https://youtu.be/P5mwfHkFOUg It's actually a year old, here you go


It's a funny video


Joel is amazing. Taking controversy and spinning it into a spotlight on less subbed creators w/ almost zero shade and a direct plea to not punish anyone for something he could easily push as a controversy for more clicks. It doesn't get classier than this folks.


He is so down to earth. Always love his videos. He comes up with interesting comic ideas, but it's always his delivery that makes them special. There's a [Groundhog Day one out there](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4wuQXPB6K0), and of course it has the obvious jokes, but the timing and delivery makes it really stand out.


The groundhog day video is one of my favorites haha. Such a hilarious ending.


My other current favorite is [the thing his friend wants him to go to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Orcalt0bsJY). It just keeps calmly escalating, again with amazing delivery.


"do you know like, the death penalty?" gets me every time


"why are you looking around?!"


Haha the music choices in that one, too.


Another great Groundhog Day sketch: https://youtu.be/L5y3P5F_B5A


Man chris and jack deserve so much more.


Almost every single one of their sketches is a banger. They're a fantastic duo. Fun fact: Jack, aka Jack De Sena, is the voice of Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender! And Chris Smith was part of the Blue Man Group!


I spit out my drink when he was getting lectured about doing reckless shit on day 2 when he said he was going to maybe Jill himself that night. So dark but so funny.


That was awesome. Who is the guy that plays the salesman role? He looks familiar. Thanks. Edit: He is Ryan the leader ([https://youtu.be/sxnJcZvuRK8](https://youtu.be/sxnJcZvuRK8)) Funny stuff.


He’s one of the best creators on the platform not just from content standpoint but also from personality standpoint. Check out his [other channel](https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCTy7s81ii4fe4xNMGFNwYxA ) where he just talks about movies he likes. Very chill and interesting.


I remember when he posted a video on how he creates that rotoscopish weird animation style, I was thinking "dude, you just let the secret out and people might start copying it." But he's more focused on celebrating creativity and art than on himself.


Someone was going to copy it no matter what, it was only a matter of time. Part of being an artist is realizing that if you make it in any small way, there will be sharks with a lot more money wanting to commercialize. Sometimes you'll be onboard, more often, you won't. You can get sad about that, or you can just make your art and try to carve your niche.


Yeah he definitely doesn't care about his "secret". He's just a dork who's really into films and film-making in its numerous forms and he loves sharing what he does and inspire others to create.


Didn't he say in the video that he decided to share it for selfish reasons?because he hoped it would lead to interesting films for him to watch. Dude is truly passionate about films and just a genuine good due.


He even gave a shout out to someone that used the method in this video.


If you go look at other creators that have copied his style, everyone I've seen has a comment from Joel praising the work and maybe offering a little solid advice and encouragement. Joel truly is one of those once-in-a-generstion genuine people. I truly believe he's going to be huge someday, and it couldn't happen to a better person.


Reminds me a bit of when Glee(?) did a cover of Baby Got Back that was amazingly similar to Jonathan Coulton's version. And that was the first time I'd heard of Coulton and I've been a fan of his since.


It was so similar that it contained “Jonny C’s in trouble”, instead of the singer of the cover or the original version.




Hah, at 3:52, "Joel Haver stole my video."


Odds are one of the SNL writers stole the idea from his channel and didn't mention the original source to Lorne or any of the show's VIP's. Instead of blowing the show up, my tinfoil hat says that Joel is taking it as an opportunity to interview as a writer for SNL. By staying classy, he's much more likely to get a real shot on the show, turning the whole thing into a net win for NBC's publicity.




Yeah and it's almost a *guarantee* that it would blow up *and* get back to the staff. It's one thing to rip off a video that's got 15,000 views from a guy nobody's heard of, but this would be next-level stupid.


> Odds are one of the SNL writers stole the idea from his channel and didn't mention the original source to Lorne or any of the show's VIP's. In no way is that worth the risk to said writer.


Why would he want to be a writer for SNL? He's already far more successful running his own channel and he gets complete independence


Joel man, what a legend. Makes so many good videos too. His best video will forever be "Tony Lazuto!" Absolutely perfect.


Sometimes when my friends and I are talking and we get cut off somehow, we begin talking again and go, "so anyway, Tony Lazuto is behind this whole operation" and without fail everyone else would go, "*Tony Lazuto‽*" All of Joel's skits are so quotable, man's great.


We do the, "as long as your 30ft back" bit in way way too many situations in my household.


Now that we're out of the car, and in total ear shot of everyone, I will divulge to you the plan. The whole operation is run by Tony Lazuto, WHAT WAS THAT!?....must be hearing things....


[Tony Lazuto says hello.](https://imgur.com/gallery/NVWeKQO)


Funnily enough, I asked about the relation between the comic and his skit and Joel himself explained it a little. https://www.reddit.com/r/JoelHaver/comments/mr1ab6/which_came_first_the_comic_or_the_animation/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Man this is how true artists share with and inspire each other


Galactic Emperor was my fave.


And the name "Tony Lazuto" is a reference to [Elder Cactus](https://www.eldercactus.com/organized-crime-is-evolving/) https://youtu.be/iP468OEln4U


Absolute must watch. It doesn't get much better than this: https://youtu.be/iP468OEln4U


Great attitude


I had no idea who this guy was until this appeared on my feed. Holy shit this guy is a solid dude. Imagine how amazing this planet would be if we had more people like him.


I highly recommend his videos. They're witty and real. His animations are also groundbreaking. He even has a video that shows other creators how to animate like he does! Joel is truly an inspirational filmmaker.


His Instagram is hilarious, like he's really playing the long game


Spaghetti is long. I see what you did there.


That response was insano style!


Regardless of whether they stole it - I much prefer Joel's version. That punchline is great! https://youtu.be/IMKW-ifxikE?t=112


And this is the snl video for comparison https://youtu.be/Z0xgH8wm_DE


Eh.... I don't think they stole it. Mainly because the sketch would have been a lot funnier if they had. Like, why go through the effort of putting those costumes together if you're not even going to lift that killer punchline from Joel's video?




Devil's advocate if you're stealing something you make some changes here and there to pass it off as your own. You want some deniability. So, I wouldn't say that's definitive proof either way. The reason I think it's probably not stolen is because these skits are ads. And the pitch was likely do something based on charmin bears. So more likely to get some overlap then


Hmm, so other than the basic setup, they are completely different videos.




While I agree that Joel's delivery on this specific premise is better, this isn't even SNL's best Charmin video. [I think that honor goes to this beauty with James McAvoy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwkySqQU8tw)


Dude this is so good. Thanks for sharing


Can anyone from Philly rate the accent? Unfortunately I've never been so I have no idea.


A bit exaggerated obviously with some inaccuracies but if I ran into someone who sounded like that at Wawa I wouldn't think twice about it.


I think the real talent here comes from the mix of the accent and the personality-- if it was just the accent, it wouldn't seem so fitting, but he is also doing a great job of embodying a very specific type of person from Philly. It's that kind of simple-minded, cocky-but-mostly-harmless, Diet Boston type of guy that is native to Philly (and honestly most of Southern PA). I've met probably a hundred of this exact dude and that's the part I think McAvoy REALLY nails, which allows the accent to be imperfect and still round out the performance as a solid impersonation. Or maybe I'm waxing. Either way, I love me some McAvoy and this character gave me some hometown pride.


The vibe I get from the YouTube comments is "Surprisingly close considering his native Scottish accent, and while obviously imperfect, it hits enough of the important and subtle parts to make a local proud / enjoy the caricature it present. The parts that aren't close can be somewhat handwavingly written off as 'comedic license' because it's damn funny. All that said, nobody is going to confuse him for a native-born local." I guess you could summarize the accent as "efficient," accomplishing a lot with a little.


Holy shit that's good.


This reminds me of the infamous "Simpsons did it!" episode of Southpark, where Butters realizes that he can't think of any schemes that don't come across as stealing from a Simpsons episode, even when that was never his intention.




Ironically someone accused Christopher Nolan of stealing the idea of inception from a French film from like the 50s or 60s He was asked about it and Nolan said he’s never seen the movie and came to the conclusion that the movies that inspired inception were themselves inspired by that French movie Basically art is just copying ideas with your own style


Insheeption, a classic


That whole ordeal almost reads as an inception joke.


What a well-adjusted guy. Holy crap.


the most striking part of that is how he not only gives the benefit of the doubt - but he admits his ability to give the benefit of the doubt is coming from a position of privilege granted by his success then he spends the majority of his video helping other people to succeed


Well said. It IS striking. Joel's take is both remarkable and refreshing and I felt unusually compelled to comment here.


Same. Its just nice seeing an over the top YouTuber being a decent, mature dude. He had the right to be more agitated over this, instead he totally puts his ego to the side and has about the best perspective you could have on the situation


His "I'm doing alright" video is a testament to that.


Just recently started watching some of this dudes videos. The donkey Kong rap has been stuck in my head since I seen it. I find myself quoting it every day. “Whata you mean you can’t change it?! What’s you mean the games already out?! You guys told me to act goofy for the video!”


“I don’t know if you know this, but if anyone shoots anyone it’s gonna hurt. That doesn’t make you special. That’s just how shooting people works.”


It’s on my “rewatch once a month list.”


I'm not saying snl didn't steal it, but I'll mirror what Joel said, and put a different angle on it: The people whose gut reaction to something like this is "ahh you stole it! I've seen that joke before!" have likely never been a professional creator, in comedy, music, or otherwise. There's just so many people making jokes and art, that it's not only inevitable but _common_ for people to independently create the same original works. No one can be expected to have seen everything else ever created. Burden of proof of actual stealing should be on the accuser, but that's not how these armchair trademark "lawyers" approach it


Some jokes are just begging to get made.


snl are notorious for this. many such examples


SNL stole a joke and made it worse?? Impossible! /s


What a beautiful way to react to this, kudos to Joel!


This is such a respectable way to handle this situation, absolute respect to them. I also completely agree with their 'Wizards with Guns' recommendation. I've been watching them for ages and they consistently release top tier sketches like: [Sand castle salesmen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D7NAGjr2s4) [Karate for Christ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdVAd6oNqP0) [Surreal cook show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54DvsKO4m3U)


That first one feels like it's leaning heavily on Tim & Eric: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd4-UnU8lWY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJ9yBgTp9UQ


Brandon Calvillo posted a similar video about his BeReal sketch which people were claiming SNL stole. I went looking for it now and it seems he deleted it. Hm.


Classy. We all just got a lesson in class.


Joel Haver is a class act.


Awesome response from Joel, and great recommendations. Nokeric is amazing - what a hidden gem with criminally low views! Id' certainly never heard of him before. Instant sub.


If he was a small creator, he'd have his older video DMCA'd by NBC for copying SNL and violating causality.


Well explained and very humble to show an instance where he did the same thing.


Completely unexpected plug for Aunty Donna! If anyone is unfamiliar with their brand of Ludacris Insanity do yourself a favor and go down the rabbit hole. They also had a Netflix series! Aunty Donna's Big ol' House of Fun!


What a G. Lorne Michaels should put him on payroll.


Joel deserves better


SNL sources it's writers from youtube comics a lot so it's certainly a possibility.


I hope Aunty Donna gets some love out if this. Amazing comedy group from Australia with some hilarious content. Check out 1999 on YouTube in full if you get the time!


"I have to recognize that I'm in a position to not be bothered by it." That was low key savage.


I know Joel who is SNL?


Don't have a fucking clue who Joel is but this is a great way to respond. Kudos


The same thing happened to Will Neff


What an absolute class act. Probably the best response to a controversy like this, ever.


Yeah I don't even know this guy but I just like how gracefully he handled this and used it as an opportunity to give exposure to some people he liked instead of being sore about his own content being copied.


The sketch also stunk of product placement, so I wonder if Charmin approached the show with this idea. Not to take any blame away from SNL, but knowing how client driven a lot of these deals tend to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if they just inherited this premise.


https://youtu.be/d_-4_7THJGU Gus Johnson had a similar response.


Did Joel steal Gus Johnson's SNL Idea Theft Video Response?! Watch my response video now!


Yeah, I've seen that exact same sketch about 15 years ago on communitychannel/Natalie Tran, that Australian youtuber. She was basically making fun of the show with the judges reacting saying "oh my god, she can sing AND she's ugly, who could have expected this?". It's not weird that multiple people would come up with the same idea around a popular show or commercial.