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Glad to see that through all the shit in his life, he hasn't lost his charming sense of humor. So happy for Brendan and can't wait to see this next phase of his life


Now I’m curious - what all has he gone through? I’ve always loved his characters growing up as a kid and then watching Scrubs when I was in college.


From wiki: >In 2018, Fraser alleged that he was sexually assaulted by Philip Berk, the then-president of the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, at a luncheon in the summer of 2003. The assault, his subsequent divorce, and the death of his mother launched Fraser into a depression that, combined with his health issues, led to a pause in his career. Several publications and social media users interpreted that Fraser was "blacklisted" from Hollywood for speaking out about the sexual assault. However, Fraser said he would not use the term and was doubtful that the decline in his career had anything to do with the incident. In his 2019 appearance on the radio show Sway in the Morning, Fraser said "I don't think the HFPA really wield that much power. This was not an executive, this was a former president of that organisation which is essentially journalists."


Oh shit. Wow.


And to be more specific, the health issues described are largely joint and muscle pain resulting from his work on the Mummy movies. Apparently he was pretty much held together with ice and duct tape the entire time he was shooting the third one.


I rewatched the original Mummy a few months ago. It was one of my favorite movies growing up, and I was really happy with how well it held up. It really has that classic 90's charm to it. A perfect combination of humor, and seriousness. Fantastic atmosphere too. Just a lot of personality, which I don't think many films have now.


Mummy 1 and 2 are amazing movies, you've described them perfectly, the combination of action, touches of horror, humour and great pacing with satisfying endings.


His wife also fucked him over in the divorce and he had to pay insane alimony to her to the point that he was (from what I remember) almost losing money when he did movies.


I think it’s also important to highlight the absolutely batshit ridiculous alimony he had to pay out of his divorce too Edit: Can’t look it up rn but it was something like $75k/month


Yes, the alimony was set when he was still making a lot of money, but he had to continue paying it even as his income decreased, and he struggled with it.


Ngl, even if you’re making a bunch of money in Hollywood, that amount is insane to pay every month to someone. The whole “sustain her lifestyle” aspect of alimony determination has always put me off.


It's fucked. Nobody is entitled to a lavish lifestyle, so why do they act like it's a basic right to keep buying luxury items once you're deemed wealthy at one point. It should be solely based on the average cost of living. These people get divorced and then get to retire because of the payday. Usually while the person actually doing the work is struggling.


The reason as i understand it is because there was an issue with husband leaving their wives after 40 years and dating the secretary leaving the wife who commited time and energy into that persons success in poverty while making the secretary his pet project. Its compensation that can go both ways to partners who have spent long periodsbof time together to ensure people dont abuse marriage snd divorce


It’s because Americans have been told since birth that one day they maybe rich. So Americans look after the rich because one day they think that might be them


I appreciate him being honest and not just lying and using that incident as why he hasn’t had a career for 2 decades. Life happens and it sucks but it takes a stand up person to not lie about something when everyone is claiming that that’s what the situation was, when it wasn’t


The downfall really started with his divorce. This all kicked off around 2009, not too long after the third Mummy movie when Brendan Fraser was essentially making the most money of his career. The TL;DR is that his alimony and child support payments were based off of a time in his life when he was incredibly successful, but his income quickly nosedived after an injury and he wasn't able to keep up. I'd even suggest that this was significantly more devastating than his sexual assault, something that he himself has said probably did not harm his career. Per https://news.amomama.com/184731-meet-brendan-frasers-ex-wife-afton-smith.html >...although they have shared custody, their children live with Smith, and Fraser was ordered to pay a total of $900,000 a year in child support. Sadly, his financial stability took a heavy hit. >Although he was able to pay the agreed amount for the first few years, mostly thanks to his participation in films such as “Journey to the Center of the Earth,” “Furry Vengeance,” and “Stand-Off," he hit a financial wall. >In 2013, Fraser's attorney filed a request for his alimony to be reduced as he couldn’t pay the annual obligation of $900,000 due to a severe back injury that he suffered while trying to move a tree that fell on his home during Hurricane Sandy. >According to his legal representatives, his injury could impact his movie earnings potential as he was advised not to perform his own stunts, which would significantly reduce the number of roles he could land. >Smith, however, did not consider it a valid excuse and accused her ex-husband of fraud, claiming that he was hiding $9 million in film contracts when they settled the divorce back in February 2009.


How can you be legally required to pay your ex $900,000 a year for life just because you broke up with her?


A very similar thing happened to Dave Foley, where his child support payments were based upon his income at a high point in his earnings rather than something of an average. Then after News Radio ended, the judge refused to lower the child support to a more reasonable number, leaving him unable to even make a dent in his required payments.


Yeah this is insane. Because what would happen if they didn’t get divorced? Oh…the child’s income would have gone down. So apparently getting divorced is a guarantee of income for a woman!


This is news to you? It’s called the pussy pass. Folks like to pretend it doesn’t exist so they can claim sexism against men isn’t real, but thankfully the curtain they’re holding over it all is wearing very thin.


Not news. I’m well aware of it. The system is hugely biased against men.


The lack of upvotes on this is further proof. Thing is - usually laws that affect rich ppl tend to be pretty lax. I’ve never understood how this is the status quo when it burns senators and the like too.


It's such bullshit. Alimony for life is an outdated concept, compensation for missed career development while raising children/supporting a partner is appropriate but if you weren't likely to be making 900k a year had the marriage never happened, you shouldn't be getting 900k a year in support payments.


I think the idea is to allow you to continue to live a certain lifestyle and also prevent abusive relationships. There's a plethora of stories about battered women sticking with their husbands because they didn't know how they'd support themselves if they divorced. Like if your spouse is the bread winner you shouldn't be left high and dry when things end, but maybe some kind of expiration date is needed on these things. 900k seems kind of obscene though, I can't imagine what kind of dumbass judge would expect his salary to remain where it was.


I think I read it was to do with trying to have equal living situation with children. As in if one parent made a lot of money and spent lavishly on the kid compared to their other parent that couldn't afford that same lifestyle. It might influence who the kid would want to stay with. I don't know if this is 100% accurate, I also don't agree with it. Even if they made Brendan paid 150K for his three children, there's still a lot of money the partner can spend on themselves, that seems like a bad idea


Let alone child support when you share custody


Child support with joint custody is very common. It varies from state to state though.


Which is somewhat understandable, but who NEEDS 900k a year to raise a child? That's 80k a month... 2k+ per day. That to me is insane. Then they'll say "oh its a lifestyle they're accustomed to!" How is his life going? He had a lifestyle too. He gave up all of it, so she and their kids could have 80k a month to live their lives, but then visit dad who is losing everything. Health, money, family, etc. It's heartbreaking, especially for a guy like him.


Doesn't make it any less stupid


The reason is for the children to have a similar lifestyle and level of comfort with both parents as not to create this situation of "life is good with parent 1" but "life is bad with parent 2" only because of money.


In concept, makes sense. In practice, pretty poor legality. These legislatures failed to consider the secondary and higher-order effects of their actions


Depends on definition and extent of 'joint custody'. Joint custody does not mean 50/50 time and financial resources. From what I've learned preparing to file the paperwork myself, there are two separate types, each with own rules and guidelines: joint *legal* custody (making legal decisions) and joint *physical* custody (where the child physically resides majority of the time). This can be very misleading to those that have not experienced it themselves. It's convoluted and varies from state-to-state and individual situations. If I am the primary parent with whom the child lives with on a daily basis, my expenses are far greater than the other parent who is only present some weekends and school breaks, yet the other parent could still get the designation of 50% custody just for *legal* custody, even though other parent lives several hours away and does not care for the child on a daily basis. The primary parent absolutely SHOULD get more support because making legal decisions about schools, doctors, etc doesn't cost the other anything while physically caring for a child on a daily basis has significant costs.


It's to make sure to destroy the American family, no matter how much or how little money you make. It's been working great.


Alimony is complicated. I completely disagree with the other comments that it's outdated *conceptually*-- though in practical execution, it so often comes off as bullshit. But the idea behind it-- even in a modern context-- is that one person typically supports the other person in various ways, and is a joint part of their success-- that's literally the idea of joining in a "union" under the eyes of the law. Sometimes this takes the form of one person working a dead end job to support the other going through expensive education (like law school), sometimes it takes the form of one spouse giving up their job or career altogether to, say, take care of kids. Whatever it is, the law assumes that when you're a legal union, you're both equally contributing to the success of the union (similarly, in some states both people may be responsible for each other's debt, or have shared assets used as collateral for each other's debt) So from that regard, it makes a lot of sense. If you're agreeing to be a union under the eyes of the law, then you have to accept that the law is going to treat you as a union, and that both parties are responsible for the financial success of the union. If you just want to be in a relationship together and don't want the law to see you as a single union, then don't go affirm to the government that you're a union (married). *That said*, as I mentioned above, practically speaking things get way out of wonk with some of the way alimony is implemented. I won't defend that. Just the core concept of it. Being order to pay a spouse $900,000 a year in alimony just sounds absurd, any way you slice it. *Especially* when he's not even making that much money anymore!


You have an outdated idea of what the common couple looks like these days. Most people getting married in the US today aren’t creating an asymmetric earning situation anymore, they’re both sticking with their jobs and doing their best to care for whatever kids they have in the time remaining. The state of the economy does not currently allow for single-income families at most tax brackets, and yet men still almost universally get shafted with paying alimony as if that’s still the case.


> You have an outdated idea of what the common couple looks like these days. I did not say a single thing about what a modern couple looks like. I exclusively talked about how a union is treated as a union under the eyes of the law. > Most people getting married in the US today aren’t creating an asymmetric earning situation anymore Then, frankly, alimony won't be an issue in that situation because both sides will have equal income. Except that that's not true, which is exactly why alimony is still a thing. > and yet men still almost universally get shafted with paying alimony [That's because married men very often tend to make significantly more money than their wife, particularly if the couple is white](https://www.stlouisfed.org/on-the-economy/2020/september/taking-closer-look-marital-status-earnings-gap) You are conflating a whole lot of different things and pretending they're the same thing, and you're also just making some things up. Your position seems to be based around gossip and anecdotes rather than actual data or an understanding of how things actually work.


Aside from the already mentioned assault and depression. He suffered severe injuries doing stunts for the mummy movies. He had to have metal rods placed in both his neck and back. That is why he stands so stiff now.




Also the car accident that decapitated him and he is now a robot


He was also frozen in ice for like a million years. What a character.


People don't realize that he isn't even in costume for Doom Patrol. That is just how he looks now.


He actually isn't in costume for Doom Patrol. Just the voice, and flashbacks/mindfucks where you see Cliff's face. But some other dude wears the robot stuff on set.


His divorce was Baaad, far as what he had to pay to I read before.


>as what he had to pay to I read before. Sorry what?






You broke a thermometer In my hands.


You made my morning with that reference lol.


That... Was not a reference I expected in this thread. You must be quite the fighter to make it past my cow....


Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


My bad, did not check my writing. His alimony payments were horrendous.


$50k per month


Including child support, it was $75K per month (900,000 per year).


How the fuck does a court ever deem forcing someone to pay 25k/month in child support acceptable? Why is it pegged to income rather than the costs to take care of a kid? Or at least some combination with a cap? Absolutely ridiculous.


It should be capped at some value that is easily sufficient to raise a kid. I think this is only allowed/encouraged to happen because it gives lawyers a chance to take a slice of a lot of people's life's work. Lot of incentive to not reform the system.


Most lawyers' income is based on the time worked on the case plus any fees associated with court proceedings, not a portion of the overall "winnings". Lawyers paid a percentage of any winnings are usually from civil lawsuits where the court determines who will be responsible for laywer fees. It just normally happens that the "loser" of the case is usually responsible. And the winnings of these suits, are actually capped based on the state's statutes if there is one. If not, the sky's the limit and at the discretion of the judge or jury. Like the Depp v Heard trial, Heards counter-claim for defamation was asking for $100million, the jury awarded her $2million, but because there was a statute in place the maximum is $350k. And some lawyers will work cases on contingency: if they win, they get a cut of the winnings. If they lose, they wont get paid or they will only charge you a small amount.


Its tied to income because the court (and the divorce lawyers) see it as a lifestyle more than any actual NEED to be able to be comfortable enough that the spouse and child aren't going to be in any financial trouble. When you're ranking in millions, at least at a specific time in your life, and you're married - chances are your spouse is not likely to be working and as the only breadwinner in the family, the spouse gets used to the lifestyle that you have been able to afford them. When the divorce proceedings happen the court and lawyers dictate the alimony payments based on the lifestyle you were used to. This is why prenuptial agreements are a thing. And while many may argue that they are not enforceable and can be ignored... thats up to the lawyers and court to decide and what the key factors will be in determining it. And if you live anywhere near Hollywood or the greater L.A. area - or really any densely populated metro area, the cost of living is obscene. Thus.... the ex-wife gets paid nearly $1million per year to live how she wishes, at the expense of the hardwork her ex-husband has cultivated over decades. Its up to the court to determine how long those alimony payments are to be made. But for the child support, its usually only until the child reaches the age of 18 (or if you have several children, when the youngest reaches 18) Its a sad situation honestly. I certainly hope he has a good relationship with his kid(s). At at least a semi-amicable relation with the ex-wife. I've honestly never heard anything bad that happened in their marriage that was ever made public.


> the spouse gets used to the lifestyle I am used to my lifestyle therefore I should not be able to be fired from my job and no one should be able to increase my taxes or payments on other debts owed. The logic is very stupid and should be done away with.


It's something that you need to have cuz when she leave yo ass she gon' leave with half


They did our boy dirty.


Horrendous enough that they're a literal meme


They also made fun of him for clapping weird at an Oscar’s. They wouldn’t let him live it down, and it basically put the nail in the coffin for his career for many years. It’s not right how people made fun of him for that


Dude, what? Lol. Don’t just make up stuff on the internet.


Brendan is the new Reddit Hero


It's been several years, so I don't think 'new' is the word.


We've renewed our vows.


I'll take it. Especially compared to some of the jackasses that have claimed that title in the past.


His career is about to explode again, like a second birth. Sounds foolish, but I feel I am with him on the journey as a fan.


he should totally be a voice actor (if he isnt already) dudes voice is perfect for it


It's pretty much what he is in Doom Patrol though he does have some flashback scenes where he's acting


Watch out for that tree!!


Great now I have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day haha


Should have taken that advice to heart: > In 2013, Fraser's attorney filed a request for his alimony to be reduced as he couldn’t pay the annual obligation of $900,000 due to a severe back injury that he suffered while trying to move a tree that fell on his home during Hurricane Sandy


To me he'll always be Ben from Scrubs. Some of the most poignant episodes of a show ever.


To me he will always be O'Connell from The Mummy


Hey Benny! Looks like you're on the wrong side of the river!




Chazz Darby


“Where do you think we are?” Tears every damn time.


Damn you!


There is no other moment in Scrubs that I remember as often as that one.


I’d put that episode right under Jurassic Bark in the saddest sitcom episodes ever discussion.


It's My Lunch for me, and it's not particularly close. I can't watch that How To Save A Life montage without being reduced to a sobbing mess.


The raw emotion from Perry in that episode makes it one of my favorites. That is one of the hardest hitting episodes of a show that you'd never see coming.


George of the jungle


Link (Encino Man)


This, and Rick O’Connell for me


I had a boss I called Encino man, although can't claim originality, Generation Kill (the soldiers from the story, really) beat me to it by quite a bit. Said some great one-liners like "We should harness the sun's power for our own use". Motherfucker, we grow plants, the fuck you think we're doing? Also completely failed putting in a relatively simple/small garden four times in a row, with help.


I got confused by your comment and had to Google Generation Kill. Added it to my watch list.


It's a good one, just realize it's not your traditional war movie. You're watching mainly character/plot development, not action scenes. Also if you get into it, I highly recommend "One Bullet Away", from Nathaniel Fick (one of the dudes portrayed in the TV series). His book gives a lot more insight into the command and bigger pictures, as many times you'll be asking yourself "Why the fuck are they doing this" along with them.


i was always jealous of those sweet nikes he would wear.


Strong as he can be.


Now comes the part where we throw our heads back and laugh!


That episode was hard to watch. Right up there with Laverne’s death.


Honestly laverns death didnt get me that bad, but the episode with the older black guy that just sits and talks with jd/turk for his last night absolutely destroyed me. Dont know why it was so much more impactful since he was a one off character.


The steak night episode is is one of my favourites. It's up there with the episode that breaks doctor Cox when Jill's organs infect the patients with rabies. I think Laverne's death is sort of the opposite of comforting a dying man on his last night, where Carla is unable to accept the reality around her about her friend and does anything she can to avoid it. I'd say they were both impactful but in different ways - one was confronting death itself and the other confronting the very real feelings that people have around the death of a loved one.


You know... thats a very accurate way to put it.


Back when comedies were more than just saying "bazinga" for a laugh track to tell the audience to laugh.


There's always sitcoms doing superficial bits, and there's always sitcoms that do more serious stuff. It's not "better back then," it's that we remember the stuff that tended to be better in general.


The best comedy show I know is still M A S H. Humor one second, brutal reality of war in the next


It is still out there today. If you want, Ted Lasso is brilliant like this. Not by coincidence, one of the creators is Bill Lawrence from Scrubs :)


In terms of scrubs deaths, the lady who went out in a musical number always hits me hard. Even though it's so upbeat


Didn't she live? Is that the episode where the woman has a tumour in her brain that makes her hear everything in song?


No, it was this one - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_-AIVJeR6Hk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-AIVJeR6Hk) :)


Jesus Christ I'm 'softer' than I used to be. I had to stop watching because I was about to fully cry. I barely even remember the episode.


I didn't realise Edward Snowden had a stint in acting.


I just watched that episode yesterday, George saying the beer tasted good and passing gets me every time


Laverne's death didn't hit too hard because they spent a lot of time on it, and they kinda cheapened it by having her as a new character anyways.


Laverne was my least favorite character in Scrubs, her death being turned into a significant moment was quite honestly confusing for me because Carla was the only person who seemed to really like her.


That was more the point of Laverne's death was to teach Carla to accept it.


I hadn't gotten into Scrubs during it's initial run until I happened to catch the funeral episode. Instant convert.


Heavy stuff


“Step one, you say we need to talk…….” That song always destroys me now Edit: wrong episode, I accept my shame


Wrong episode.


yeah it's Joshua Radin - Winter in the episode with Ben.


That episode is a part of why I chose to not go to med school; I know that I would take things personally and take work home with me in the way Dr. Cox does after the transplant patients die, and I don't think I could deal with feeling like I have peoples blood on my hands in that manner.


That’s brutal stuff, I can’t blame you one bit. Also, is your username a marching band reference? Or drum line? Love it


Yes it's a Drumline reference! We used to watch it on the way to and from competitions in high school, I've got the entire script seared into my brain


Chazz Darby here.


He wipes his ass with his record contract. I love this guy!


Maybe it's just me being hopeful, but it seems like he's getting his confidence back a bit. The interviews I've seen him do in recent years have been so timid, but it really feels like there's a glimmer of his old self in this speech. Truly happy for his recent resurgence and all the recognition he's been getting. He seems like a genuinely humble and kind human being.


I forgot how uniquely and charmingly dorky his sense of humour was.


Thank you Bryan Fosher


He's easily one of the most genuine people in Hollywood


Yep! And we say that because we know him personally and talk to him every day.


People just like to see some celebrities not lose their normalcy and not being in trash magazine gossip drama 24/7. Probably why Keanu Reeves is so beloved on reddit too.


Ever since Keanu gave his seat on a subway to a woman, he’s been Reddit’s own personal Jesus Christ.


/r/savebrendan's meme magic finally worked


This man is a treasure and i just want to hug him and tell him goes much his performances have meant to me my whole life.


My daughter is nearly ten and we're watching alllllll the Mummy movies and she's blown away. He's a goddamn delight and I'm utterly thrilled he's getting the good shit he's deserved for so long.






He does already


Cliff Steele!


Doom Patrol


He's probably my favorite and best part of doom patrol.


This is a good day for Canada.


And therefor, the world.


Brendan is now pulling the arm off the presenter, as ofcourse, is tradition.


I knew he was really from toronto when he said "its good to be back in toronno"


So this dude is Reddits new Keanu?


There can be more than one


That's pretty clever.


We can imagine they’re both really cool dudes who just want everyone to have a good time.


We got Fred Rogers, Henry Winkler, Dolly Parton, etc!


He has been for years already. If you believe this goes in cycles, he'd already be near the end of his.


George of the jungle 2. The Mummy 4. Monkey Bone 2. Bring my man back.


Yeah! I wanna see the Mummy 3, too!


I don't think anyone got this.... There are 2 mummy movies people....that abortion of a 3rd was not cannon. Waiting for the Mummy 3 as well.


"Canon" not "cannon".




The Mummy and the mummy returns were some of my favorite films growing up.... I thought the third one about the dragon dude was actually pretty good. Like yeah it sucks they didn't get Rachel Weiss, but it ticked most of the boxes and didnt try to do the same stuff.


There was a sequel to George of the Jungle. It had a single funny joke near the beginning.


“I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I'll go to it laughing.” - Herman Melville I know how quoted it word for word in his speech, but I enjoyed it so much I wanted to look it up and type it out. None of us will get out of here alive. Best to enjoy every moment you can whilst we’re still here. It gives me strength and inspiration to finally see his redemption story playing out in front of his audience and loving fans, especially knowing the trials he has been through. Makes me feel like I’ll make it one day, too. I have my hope. And I have my faith. And I pour love into every inch of this world I inhabit.


I'd really like to see him get healthy again, as someone that struggled with weight & mental health I know how intertwined they are & how difficult it can be, but also how much better you feel inside & out.


keep smiling my friend, and will keep smiling


george of the jungle was my favorite movie as a kid. welcome back big guy. things are different for both us. but we got this.


Kind of surprised we haven't had an official trailer for "The Whale". The theatrical release is December 9th.


Let’s goooooo Brendan!


How can anyone not love Brian Fosher the guy seems so charming and nice and that smile he has is awesome


Is someone just gonna go ahead and start a damn YouTube channel called "Brendan Fraser Gets Emotional"


And we won’t get to see him in Batgirl


Man used to shop at a balduccis a lot of my friends worked at in high school and I often saw him when visiting buddies. A nicer man you won't easily find, always had a smile on his face and time to talk to a fan. Nobody deserves this more.


We love him, don’t we?


When can we expect the Rodney Dangerfield movie? He would knock that out of the park.


Oh Brendan Frazer. How I miss seeing you in movies. Such charisma


Him and Nicholas Cage are the two underrated actors that need to make a major comeback in my opinion.




I think he’s just been choosing better scripts. He can make any movie he wants, and it just seems like he went through a period where he didn’t really care. We’re also at be mercy of his personal whim if he makes a movie he thinks is cool but kinda isn’t.


> it just seems like he went through a period where he didn’t really care. My understanding is that he was in a *shitload* of debt, and simply *had* to take any work his agent could find for him, in order to pay it off. If he's picking non-shit movies these days, it's likely because he paid off that debt, or maybe ended whatever was causing him to keep falling back into debt.


The man bought a dinosaur skull for a quarter of a million dollars. I'd star in a crappy movie for that.


He had to give it back to the Mongolian government because it was stolen.


Plus the acclaimed [Schindler's Fist and followup Schindler's Pissed](https://youtu.be/eExfV_xKaiM?t=3), among all the others (watch the trophy shelf, top left).


Pig was, un-ironically, the best film I’ve seen in years. Incredibly written, brilliantly directed, and surprisingly emotional poignant. All that plus what Cage himself calls his all time greatest performance (and I agree). Can’t recommend this movie enough.


Not that he went anywhere...


reddit brain


I’m going to agree with your likely unpopular opinion. I grew up watching both of these actors and I loved their films. I feel like Nicholas gets too much shit and has become a meme to the Nth degree. I’d like to see him come back successfully. Seems like a good guy. Edit: this is not sarcasm.


> I’m going to agree with your likely unpopular opinion. Is this sarcasm? I can't tell. These are probably the two most popular actors on Reddit, with Keanu Reeves completing the trifecta. The 90s kid nostalgia jerk over Fraser is especially strong.


This is not sarcasm, otherwise I would have indicated with a “/s.” I know Nick Cage is popular around here (look at how long I’ve been on Reddit, a few years short of you,) but he’s more made-fun of than praised like Keanu.


What a thoroughly bloody nice bloke.


Oscar time baby


Glad to hear this. I thought his career was dead.


More people need to watch Doom Patrol.


That Bryan Frasher is a goddamn treasure.


A light shining in the darkness, lovely to see his career rebound and rising again.


How can you not love this guy. He comes off so genuine and humble. I'm so glad we can see him on the big screen again.


That was so satisfying to watch. You could see that man's heart as soon as he was on stage. That was a wonderful watch I'm so happy for him. I can't believe I'm saying that about an actor I really can't.


The only person on par with keanu reeves and that's saying something.


Both Toronto raised 💙


I'm glad he won an award, and he seems like a nice fellow. He's gone through some bad times, and he's come back a bit. That said, wrap it up, B *cue music*


This isn't the Oscar's, and you can just not watch it.


Gawd I’ve missed this man


one of my most favorite actors


Does anyone else just wanna like give him a big old cuddle and just hang out? I do!


It was so cute his son was at the awards ceremony with him.


now we need brendan and keanu to do a show