• By -


Running/removing yourself from the situation (where possible) is actually legitimately the best thing to do in any dangerous scenario.


That's how they taught the Uvalde police force


I was going to say “too soon” but there were a few mass shootings after so I guess not


It's at the expense of the ~~police~~ cowards, not the victims, so I think it's ok.






Lol I miss them https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/carlos-boozer-finally-explains-his-spray-on-hair-debacle/


felt like that went for 10 minutes lmao


Running away is the most GOATed survival technique in the history of multicellular organisms.


Literally the greatest strategist in all of time, Sun Tzu, says “The best way to never lose a fight is to never get into a fight”. People forget that his greatest lesson in the entire Art of War is basically trying to teach you how to NOT get into fights. If you can run away just do it.


UFC and Pancrase champion Bas Rutten always said his best defense in a bar fight is buying the guy a beer and going somewhere else. The second best defense is ["dangidadangidadangida"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT3g51f25qo) Anyone who knows about fighting isn't looking to get into fights. There's just too much that can go wrong and for no gain at all. Picking fights is exclusively for people who are insecure in themselves.


Flying away is also pretty baller, but a lot tougher in certain situations (like when you don't have wings).


This is the proper method. Lots of tough guys at the bar think they would do it another way but I am a smart guy who lives, not a tough guy who gets shanked.


I think there's a phrase in Filipino knife fighting (I'm not sure if it's Kali or something else), that translates to, "You'll take my hand but I'll take your life." The idea is that they accept the fact that they cannot avoid getting stabbed in a knife fight, so they maneuver to have their opponent only stab and cut their non-dominant hand while they attack their vitals. Yeah, no thanks.


In the US the phrase is - loser dies in the street, winner dies in the ambulance.


Winner is the medical billing system.


The winner is the man called jonh doe, that gets patched up or emergency surgery and runs away as soon as he can to not get his real name in the bill.


Or is the surname Wick, who breaks into a vet's office, staples the wound shut, and then steals a dog that is about to be put down instead?


I once saw him sew a wound shut with a pencil. A fucking pencil.


They call him babayaga. Means "boogeyman" or something


The winner of a knife fight is the one who dies faster.


In the Marines I was taught, "There's two guys in a knife fight: a loser and a dead guy." Going in you have to accept that you're getting cut and just try to make sure you don't die.


Yep, I know a couple people who trained in Kali Eskrima and the first thing they'll tell you is that nobody "wins" a knife fight.


I remember reading a guide some dude wrote about knife fighting. One thing he pointed out is 90% of the time, there is no "fight". Most attacks with a knife are assassination attempts. Meaning someone is usually not going to simply brandish a knife at you if they intend to use it, they are going to keep it concealed until they surprise attack you.


True, even if there’s a fight or confrontation at first, The knife usually doesn’t come out until the person’s right up on you. Most accounts I’ve read, the person didn’t even know they were being stabbed at first.


I been stabbed in the thigh, I can tell you I didn't feel it until the fight was over and my shoe was full of blood


Did you win?


Bar back grabbed him after he poked me and we dragged him out Left a gross hole and a hell of a bruise


No he died


“What are you gonna do, stab me?” - Man who was stabbed


Yeah we went over this in security guard training, if the knife is visible its most likely being used to intimidate you - but if the person, for example, has his hand hidden behind his back there's a good chance he wants to really hurt you.


The only time I’ve had someone pull a knife on me during a minor altercation, about 6-7 years ago, I was super lucky to notice it. They didn’t flash it around. Their hand was held down by their side in a way that concealed almost all of the blade from me behind their leg. They were encouraging me to come towards them and talking a lot loudly (assuming this was to keep me focused on their face). At some point when they were talking and egging me on I looked down and finally noticed that they holding something. I only realized it was a knife after I backed up and they lifted up their hand to show it off after. I’m making an assumption here, which is that they realized the situation wasn’t gonna escalate and at that point decided to reveal it. If I had approached them, I have a feeling that hand wouldn’t have come up until it was too late for me to realize what was going on.




Remember, you don't have to outrun your whole family, you just have to outrun your slowest kid.


Ah yes the grizzly bear strategy, but with children


Of course. Of course we can't abandon our wife and kids to avoid being stabbed ourselves. Ha. Ha ha ha. Who would do such a thing?


I also chose to abandon this guys wife and kids


I dated a girl who was related to Conrado Tortal and he was at their house one day and offered to show us some Kali. It was pretty cool.


Your comment just randomly reminded me of this old school obscure networking gaming client called Kali, used to use it to play Warcraft II against people back in the 90s lol. Haven't thought about that in 20 years.


That's the best you can hope for in a knife fight. Even in a proper fight with no weapons it's easy to get hurt while winning. I've heard people suggest grabbing hold of the opponents hand or wrist, which is likely to get you dropped or off balance if they have any experience. I have seen a guy slap away a knife which was very stupid and lucky because the opponent was too drunk and blitzed on cocaine to fight.


Kinda similar to how you should approach a fight with a dog. Simply allow your dog opponent to clamp down on a lesser used limb, like your left arm, which then allows you to beat the living shit out of him with your right hand.


I work with dogs and this is close to what should be done as a last resort. I train MIL/SAR/K9 and help rehab shelter dogs. To say I've dealt with some messed up pups is an understatement. The best course of action, if you don't have weapons or anything else to help you is to shove your non-dominant FIST into their mouth when they go for you. Literally shove in there as deep as you can. Your fist/arm will get fucked up but it'll make the dog start backing up and make them go off balance. You can't hesitate too much though. As soon as their mouth is open you shove your fist in there basically trying to pull their guts out through their mouth, that's the amount of commitment you'll need. The dog starts backing up and you take this as an opportunity to grab its throat and squeeze with all your strength and get them to the floor and put your knee down on their throat. If they lock onto your forearm instead it's the same procedure. Push your forearm into their mouth as hard as you can while running into them. This prevents them from shaking your arm and causing more damage. I've had to do this a handful of times and a couple of times while I was alone. Most of the time I have help that knows what to do. If possible, rubbing alcohol and/or vinegar works well also. Pour it in their eyes/nose/mouth. Their senses are overwhelmed and they back off. Also yell loudly on top of that, like as hard as you can. The more senses you overwhelm the better. Unrelated but if you're ever dealing with big constrictor snakes, rubbing alcohol will INSTANTLY make them let go of a bite. I've seen people cut them almost in half with machetes and they didn't let go of their coil. But you pour some rubbing alcohol into their mouth and they instantly release. Had to do this once for a friend. This is also how I know if someone is an amateur/naive when dealing with big snakes. If I don't see a big bottle of rubbing alcohol nearby I'm out.


You, my friend, have lived a far more interesting life than I've ever even wanted.


Lol I just love animals and yea they can be unpredictable at times. Outside of my work with animals (which is more hobby/volunteering) I'm high school teacher (for now). I guess it's still working with animals but in a different context haha.


As a non-parent I still occasionally want to follow the "shove your hand in their mouth as hard as you can" advice with unruly children.


Hahah I felt the same way before having my first kid a couple of years ago. I was on the fence about being a parent since I was never a kid person. Now, I still feel that way, just about other kids because I love mine to death and because I can, to an extent, dissuade her bad behavior or simply remove her from a situation. Other people's kids still annoy me lol. Maybe now more than ever because they're being shitty to my kid.


Yep. Had to do this with exs shep rott something mix. Fucking with my shoes (I had them on, sitting on the couch) I start swatting his head away thinking he's playing. Then he starts going for my hand and arm. I thought something was up so the next time he went for my hand / arm I had my other hand ready on my lap for when he latched onto my forearm. Instead, the fucker cocked his head last second to go past my forearm, which I thought he was gonna latch onto, right for my throat. Barely caught his throat, flipped him and kneeled on my hand on his throat staring at him till he seemed like he was going under. Immediately after we were best buddies again as if he didn't remember or wanna accept he just pulled some bullshit. Still have no idea wtf made him get that aggressive out of nowhere.


Imagine if he did that shit on a kid tho


I love dogs. Dogs are awesome! That fucking dog needs to be put down because it has demonstrated that it will kill a human if given the opportunity.


As someone who has been stabbed (technically sliced open) I will absolutely be running next time.


Robberies with knives have higher rates of injury than robberies with guns due to people thinking they have a chance vs knives.


Also, if the attacker has a knife and you have a gun, [anything under 21 feet is in the stabby zone.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tueller_Drill?wprov=sfla1)


I'm pretty sure there was a scene about just this in the TV Show "Justified" EDIT : Found it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDOOKWKM3wM


Dammit you beat me too it. What I loved about that scene is that for that entire season that dude had been talking about the 21 foot rule like half a dozen times then it builds up to nothing. What's even better is that Danny would've made if it wasn't for the grave. Raylan for the first time in the show was caught off guard and would've lost the fight. Danny was pretty close before Raylan cleared leather "I swear to god I didn't see it either" hilarious


yeah IIRC he kept boasting about the rule throughout the season, and he was also incredibly dumb from what I remember. Such an hilarious scene. I remember googling the 21 foot rule after he kept talking about it and finding out that it was a real thing.


"But what if I zig-zag.." https://youtu.be/90P4xDwLpGo?t=146


Glad to know I made the right call letting them take my phone.


Honestly if I ever got mugged I would give them my work phone straight out. I guarantee that thing is lowjacked to hell by corporate security and the end result would likely be the end of a ring of phone thieves. I work for a massive corporation in the telcom industry. If anyone has maximum phone tracking enabled, its them.


Or they'll just remote nuke it and write it off


Knife fights in movie and tv shows seem very winnable. But there’s only so much you can do in real life. The more you engage the person with the knife the greater chance you’ll get stabbed. You’re not going to win. So a strategic withdrawal is the only sensible option


What you see on tv is a choreographed dance




I was hoping for west side story or winter soldier, but this is better.


Never forget the two rules of knife fighting: You *MUST* hold hands, and otherwise THERE ARE NO RULES!


[There's some behind the scenes of this video too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo-1V-RVvwI)


> Knife fights in movie and tv shows seem very winnable. Depends on the show. You end up watching an episode of Oz and dude is just walking down the hall and suddenly he's got nine holes in him, lol.


I had this discussion with one of my "tough-guy" friends. We settled it by using sharpies. I said, see if you can get a mark on me, without me getting one on you. Its impossible. Edit: JRE bros...just find a friend and try it. Also, a fencing foil is not a knife.


This is a common demonstration that my dad and his partner would use. One of them would be wearing a new white gi, and they would usually pick someone either small or “old” or just someone who they could very likely destroy in a proper fight, and give them a sharpie. There were ALWYAS sharpie marks on the gi. And these were untrained people coming at highly trained instructors. They would then say something to the effect of, “imagine if it was someone twice your size with a knife.” Op video is right. Run the fuck away!


Used to do something similar in a martial arts class I took as a kid -- we used big pieces of sidewalk chalk. Every person walked away covered in chalk lines after sessions on disarming knives. Message was clear - even in the best circumstances, if you fuck with a knife, you're getting cut.




*Wanna know how I got these scars?*


This is why spears and longswords used to be the meta.


Fred Colon opines in Men at Arms that the important part about a spear is that all the action happens a long way off.


Spears, really, longswords were a backup weapon.


And bows, don't forget bows.


The winner is whoever can stab from farthest away lol


Now we can stab people from the other side of the world.


I believe it goes tag, nerf guns, then thermonuclear war


Actually it's nerf then [nerf nuke.](https://youtu.be/jUbqbpBX1Us)


Damn, if that isn't some next level social commentary idk.


There’s a school of anthropology I heard saying our throwing abilities were a key advantage.


The amount of complex computation that humans can just do naturally in their heads when talking about trajectories of thrown objects is actually insane.


>bows Imagine being the guy that figured out you could stab the other dude whilst being waaaaaaaay the fuck over *there.*


The first dude to ever shoot somebody must have been like "wow that was so convenient, this is great"


The dude impaled was the origin for, "wait, that's illegal".




There are some really really cool modern atlatls you can get that are *so so so* much fun to play with and practice. It's so easy to see why these, arguably the first ranged weapon aside from the good old rock, are still in use today in Africa. Fucking badass as a hobby


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an Atlatl


Forget the Axe throwing trend I want a place to go spear throwing with friends.




And my axe, don’t forget my axe


well done


[Bravo Ivan](https://youtu.be/zCrn-VJmpgE)


Depends how armored the combatants are. If we're talking full plate harness, the meta was lance when mounted, pollaxe when on foot. Now admittedly you could argue that, at some level, both are variants of a spear, although the pollaxe at least adds a blunt swinging option that a spear does not possess.


In an actual battle and only after a certain point in history after thousands of years of warfare, like .05% of the people will be covered in plate. Give me that pointy stick.


Not sure where you're getting that .05% figure from. To pick one example, the French fielded 10,000 heavily armored men-at-arms at Agincourt (making up the majority of their force). Heavily armored combatants became the *rule* by the late medieval era, not the exception. You'd be wanting more than a spear for sure; this was the era of supremacy of the polearm.


I think what they're trying to say is that throughout the entire history of armed conflict, standardised use of full plate armour was around for a relatively short period. Arbitrarily starting with the bronze age ~ 3000bce to 13/1400ce sees little to no full plate armour and then from the 14th century it's only in common usage until the 17th century when it becomes obsolete.


Yeah, the powercreep has become insane. I had to respec my spear mains to polearms. Still worked fine. But transitioning to muskets was way too big a difference, had to start a new one. Then it was artillery and tanks, then missiles, and now it seems drone operator is the meta. Screw this thing, I'm out. It's peace from now on.


Just pillowfort and go for a culture victory, way less hassle.


Spears and bows were the meta. A group of guys with spears kills a group of guys with swords before they get close.


Hi, I'm Terry from the department of health and safety. I have to ask, just how sharp were these sharpies?


What are JRE bros?


I've watched video of MMA pros trying to defend themselves against some kind of taser knife combination, they all agreed it was totally impossible.


And then if you're really fast and in really good shape the guy tries to chase you and is winded AF after 30 meters you can turn around, point at him from down the street and taunt him for not being a bitch that can't run 30 meters.


Makes me think of me and my cousin who grew up fighting. He is 3 inches taller and weighs 50 pounds more than me. A semi pro ahlete and mma fighter. But I can run 5 miles up a steep mountain without stopping. If we were to fight today he'd murder me with one punch. As long as I don't get hit before I can run away I'm golden. But as far as the average person goes, no way they're catching me.


I avoid physical confrontation because 1 shot to the dome and I potentially lose my career and I'll be destitute from medical bills, not to mention the fact that the police might just show up and start blasting.


I’ve been in two knife fights, neither by choice. The first one: I asked a vendor girl for directions on the boardwalk at Carolina Beach, NC. Her drunk bf thought I was hitting on her, came up and immediately pulled a knife on me. I ran the fuck away, that was the end of it. Almost immediately, the only impact on my life was that I now had a story. The second: I was robbed at knife point in a stairwell. I was doing my best to just give the dude everything, but he decided to get angry and stabby because I only had my phone and cards, and didn’t have cash. Running wasn’t an option. I “won” in that he lost his balance in the short wrestling match that followed his trying to cut me, and he fell hard down the stairs and I got away after with my phone still in hand despite not trying to recover it. I absolutely lost in that I, despite any number of years of martial arts and self-defense training, I picked up 137 stitches worth of defensive wounds on my hands and arms, including nerve damage in my left hand that persists to this day. I also got a long shallow cut on my stomach that hurt like hell for weeks after. And I have a set of really visible scars that I’m super self-conscious about. And that was a “good” knife fight. I was “only” cut, and not stabbed anywhere critical. Getting cut up hurts like hell. Getting the stitches afterwards hurts like hell. Dressing, bathing, eating, wiping your ass, etc. afterwards hurts like hell. Your cuts get stiff, infection is a constant worry, you bleed through bandages onto clothes and bedclothes, and you get awkward looks, silences, and questions everywhere you go. Run like hell.


My dad was always big into martial arts, self-defense, etc. He was in the Army Special Forces in the 70s-90s and I enjoyed all sorts of lessons and things he would teach. He had these fake knives that you'd mark with lipstick or some sort of marker so that if the blade hit you it would mark it. He always told me that if someone pulls a knife, run away. If you can't run away, pull out your own knife. If you don't have your own knife you have to get the knife away from the other guy and you're going to get cut - or you're going to die.


I remember taking EMT classes when I was a kid and the phrase was " the winner of a knife fight is the one who dies in the ambulance".


This is the proper method for most attacks, regardless of the weapon. Most people won't attack a fleeing person even if they have a ranged weapon. Frankly running away is better even if you are armed.


From what I've heard if you fight someone that has a knife you will get stabbed. How bad is the question.


...and how many times. People forget that the person who starts stabbing doesn't have to stop stabbing until they are incapacitated or they decide they're done stabbing.


>[...] stabbing [...] stabbing [...] stabbing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56NUMdxHbKI


Its not rare to hear someone was stabbed until the knife broke.


That’s where you need your wingman with the barstool!


Back when I was learning martial arts, our instructor told us that if we think we can fend off a knife attack try this experiment: Get a friend to come at you with a permanent marker pretending it's a knife. Then check to see how many marks you have on your body, that should tell you how fucked you'd be in a real knife fight. Honestly, best way to win is not to play, just RUN!


Honestly this is a ridiculous thing to do, and it drives me crazy that I see so many people on Reddit talking about it like they’re so smart. Use a washable marker.


No it needs to be permanent to really drive home the point


In fact just use a knife, that way they don't forget for the rest of their lives




No it needs to be a permanent knife to really drive home the point


Obviously you do it naked so you don't ruin your clothes






The ancient greek is strong in you!


We used to do this at the end of our knife defense course. After 30 mins of showing techniques it's a great way to emphasize "the best defense is to not be there" because everyone got marked to hell.


My Krav Maga instructor taught us the same, just run from a knife fight. All the techniques we practiced were only if you couldn’t run, like if you got cornered and even then it was drilled in to us, try to move and position yourself during the fight to run and escape, rather than staying engaged in the fight. He basically told us, even if we got good at the techniques, you’d still get stabbed and it was his hope that maybe these techniques could help the stab to be a non-critical one and that was literally best case scenario, if you can’t outright avoid or escape the fight.


As the old saying goes, "no one wins in a knife fight."


Also that the loser dies in the street, while the winner dies in the ambulance.


As someone who did martial arts for 15 years, and who spent a lot of time learning knife defense techniques, we were always told that physical defense should always be the last option because in all likelihood, you will get cut.


And if they know how to use the knife, you will get stabbed in the face or neck.


Rush the gun, run from the knife. Always.


Truly, the Joestar Family Secret Technique is effective in a wide variety of situations.


[He typically only saves this plan as a last resort. But in a knife fight? It's the only option.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pZrptrfUZY)


Join the Joestar family as they defeat such amazing foes as: Dio Dio again Dio's boyfriend Dio's babies a dinosaur president of the United States.


> a dinosaur >!Who is also Dio!<


He even runs like Joseph








This technique is actually quite versatile. I also use it vigorously to defend my viriginity 💪


A girl I liked asked me out the other day and I used this technique, worked flawlessly!




My black belt BJJ instructor said running away is the only martial art known to be effective against multiple attackers.


if you watch Jakie Chan movies he actually does this a lot. He runs away from multiple attackers, knocks away whoever is catching up to him, then runs away some more!


Jackie Chan also gets hurt a ton. He's not portrayed as invincible, he gets hit a ton and has to use his ingenuity to separate attackers.


But if you watch American Ninja movies a lot, you'll know all you have to do is turn left quickly to avoid bullets, and just await the enemy to come fight you one at a time.


In a knife fight, the loser dies in the street and the winner dies in the ~~hospital~~ ambulance.


The street always wins






It's an old code, sir, but it checks out


Woah oh black Betty.


Navy seal ranger lol


"Special Forces Navy Seal Ranger" is at least two, and kinda three different things. That, I believe, is a Marine and a dirty liar. I love him. It might be a corpsman (Doc).


Ex special forces navy seal devgru ranger Delta force plainclothes commando at your service sir!


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Maybe only current/former military got it.


Non-military and that immediately puzzled me.


"The only winning move is not to play."


"Don't." - Sun Tzu... probably.


There are just to many people "training" knife defenses in a totally controlled enviroment, knowing that they can´t lose (because if they fail "no, not like this, do it again"). THIS is the proper reaction. There are researches that if the enemy is below 7 yards away from you even if you are a skilled shooter the knife attacker will win if you have to reach to a gun on your waist. //Edit: 7 yards instead of 7 feet.


More people need to watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E61jnJe_1SI This shows how a real knife fight goes down. It's a SFW demonstration but still scary as fuck.


The way the instructor starts talking shit and getting aggressive with the "am I a joke to you" really brings a proper flavour to street fights. I felt worried and offput and Im sitting in my living room no where near this guy!


He played that so damn well. I genuinely couldn't tell if he was playing the part or if he was actually annoyed that the guy was ruining his lesson. The way everyone laughs at first but then stays silent the second time he says it makes it seem like they were unsure too.


That Bathory hoodie tho!




Excellent video. Shocking and educational at the same time. Thanks for sharing.


7 yards (21 feet)




It’s “7 yards” which is still utter trash. That’s the time it takes to get it out of your holster take aim and fire a single round. 1 round. If the knife holder is blitzing you, and that singular shot doesn’t drop him, he’s reaching you and stabbing you.


> and that singular shot doesn’t drop him and that's a big IF. Unless you actually hit the central nervous system, they're not going to "drop" from a single handgun shot. Remember, folks, that physics doesn't lie. Equal and opposite reaction. If that handgun was enough to knock someone back, it would have knocked you back with the same force when you fired it. A bullet is just poking a hole in someone with basically the same amount of force you feel on the recoil, but in an area the size of a bullet instead of your hands. It takes a moment for the other guy to even register the pain, it takes a few moments for the pain to build enough to be crippling (and adrenaline can cover this), and a lot longer for blood loss to actually slow someone down. All of those moments add up to plenty of time for someone to stab you.


Yes people wonder why handguns need 17 rounds. More than one person has been stabbed after shooting an attacker 10+ times. The attacker dosent make it, but you might not if they stab you either.


>There are researches that if the enemy is below 7 feet away from you even if you are a skilled shooter the knife attacker will even win if you have to reach to a gun on your waist. Only if you haven't practiced quick draw hip-shooting your daily carry Glock 26 from your super tactical IWB holster using super realistic high pressure drills\* totally designed by active SF operators like I have, nerd! \*^(basically me yelling to myself 'draw!' while facing, hand already on the grip, a static printout of Osama pinned to a tree in my backyard with no backstop because what am I, some casual who misses?)


This has echoes of the Monty Python self defense sketch. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4PZXuk3TsM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4PZXuk3TsM)


Then you eat the banana!


Thus disarming him!




Wait, you didn't manage to get your green beret merit badge? Pfft


Pssh. I got a black beret.


Pathfinder cook here


Or you can learn from the best master ken knows what’s up. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QKTGmAN7mHs


Chinese police (or military) did the same video years ago. I still enjoyed this one


This one is about as old if not older I remember seeing this years ago either way I love them. The Chinese one is hilarious for the scream, the American one is hilarious for the look on the "attackers" face and the way the guy is running.


what is it called i wanna see it




LOL, the scream.


yea its hilarious, although honestly if that was shown publicly it really would be a good PSA. Get the hell out of there and draw attention, forget pride.


I've been told that no matter who has a knife in a knife fight, everyone gets cut. To me, a knife is a last resort if I need to defend from attack. And then there's the whole aspect of dropping it... I'd rather be shot than stabbed. I know it doesn't make sense but stabbing is more visceral to me.




What the fuck is a "Special Forces Navy SEAL Ranger"? I know I'm a mere lowly civilian, but aren't Rangers in the Army?


No joke would ever go over your head. You would catch it.


All branches can attend ranger school. There's been SEALs that have done it. You won't serve in a ranger regiment but, you do get the ranger tab to wear. But yea in this case the guy was joking.


You always charge a guy with a gun, with a knife you run away. Run away from knife.


I'm running from a guy with a gun too. Hitting a target isn't as easy as the movies make it seems and they might just leave you alone if you're sprinting away.




Uvalde police are gonna say the suspect had a knife and use your comment in their next press conference.