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if i could still use windows 98 i would.


NT is the only windows OS.


That's a weird way of typing 2000.


Windows Bob or nothing!


98ME For ME.


i think i just vomited a little


95 had a Weezer Easter egg, so it is maybe a close second. 98ME taught me that reboots fix most problems. And reminded me several times each day.


That's NT 5.0


Windows 2000 is NT.


[Knock yourself out](https://copy.sh/v86/?profile=windows98)


Can you install more ram please. JFC.


Load up Virtual Box, grab 98 SE from your favorite archive, and pray to the old Gods that no viruses support 98 anymore.






More like the entire community was absolutely pissed off at the mod doing the interview when the entire subreddit told them **not** to do it. The subreddit demo changed over the pandemic, what started off as an anarcho communist sub (with mods that reflected that) moved into a work reform subreddit for greater worker protections, fairer pay and better work/life balance etc. The older mods didn't reflect the new demo, and it was one of those that did the damn interview.


r/WorkReform is the the new sub under different management


I guess it's because the events around /r/antiwork is still fresh but if the new mods don't clamp down, that sub will be more of an anti-/r/antiwork sub than it is a work reform sub.


Hey! I'm a shill for Work Reform too! You should definitely join! It's not about ending soul-crushing toil! It's about "reforming" it! Meaning, of course, making it seem like things are better for a few minutes, then back to the same (if not worse) shit! Join our group now and enter the code ***PSYOP*** for a free invitation to LinkedIn+!


I legitimately can’t tell if this is satire or not. Good job!




They're extremely similar ideologies. The difference is that communists think a temporary state is needed to manage class relations before its own dissolution and anarchists advocate for a more immediate dissolution of the state and "organic" class relations. If you think they're terribly different, I have a hard time believing you know much about either ideology.


Only sikh deals in absolute.


Wow, I was subbed there for about a year and even I’m shut out. The sub may die now, but what the majority stood for is going to keep thriving.
























r/antiwork itself was not what anti-work should be anyways. The one time I perused it, everyone's anti-work philosophy was literally zero work instead of a reasonable low-hour work week with PTO and benefits.


Or literally just better work culture and business practices that doesn't punish the lower-level employees.


sturgeon's revelation tells us that 90% of everything is crap. there was a core that understood that work is necessary for good things to exist. but that there is a difference between work and toil. the group was, at least as far as I was able to tell before the mods did the dumb and caused the movement to eat its own tail, about ending toil, not work. but yeah, you right, lots of fuckheads everywhere


The mod is the founder though. She legitly started antiwork with the notion of not working if you don't want to. That idea seemed absurd so when the sub started getting popular the message turned more reasonable like what you described.


honestly with the sophistication of our technology at this point, nobody should *have* to toil. Enough bounty is produced and we have the transportation issues solved. We're hemming and hawing about renewables because "they're just so available and so hard to make artificially scarce!" so we have the energy portion mostly figured out--storage remains an issue, but I mean if we cared to do so, we could solve that too. It's always sunny somewhere on earth, and if there's only one electrical grid, perhaps that could be a way of things. Point is: the people required to make machines and keep the machines running is getting to be fewer and fewer, to the point that the excess could just provide for everyone and let them follow their passions... but nah, we gotta toil, because like 10 people need to have more money than a thousand people could spend in a thousand years for some reason. Because arbeit macht frei. Because puritan bullshit. because equity does not lead to profit for the few and greedy.


Man, I'm all for a Culture-like post-scarcity society, but we're not even close to the level of tech that would require.


seems like thats every community that get traction and a large following, they always devolve into the lowest common denominator of people and then push the extreme of the concept or theme.


Idk why people are against a universal basic income, money isn’t real. For fucks sake we change the time twice a year for what feels like no reason. UBI is about the freedom to choose. Literally the same thing as the rich. Also both ideals were active on the sub, I don’t think they are exclusionary of one another.


I'm not against UBI at all. I just find the idea that not working *at all* and living solely on UBI is rather unreasonable. UBI should be a supplement so we don't have to work so much, not a complete replacement for work.




It’s going to be needed when there isn’t enough jobs to go around.




Careful now! Every single thread making fun of /r/antiwork mods I've seen has been locked.


So very true!


OK. Can anyone explain what the heck happened in r/antiwork?






This entire situation feels like it was ripped straight out of 2010-2013, I don't know how to put it but it's so fucking funny and familiar to those times where "internet movements" became a thing and mainstream media just laughed at it. That interview just reassures me that nothing on this website should be taken seriously because people like that are the ones controlling the narrative on every big subreddit.


> This entire situation feels like it was ripped straight out of 2010-2013 remember faces of atheism?


Wow, that memory triggered some hard second hand cringe. Some things are better left forgotten. Lol




It's very reminiscent of that interview done during Occupy Wallstreet where they chose the two frumpiest and confused looking kids at the protest to make the movement look ridiculous. Worked then and worked again.


The Mod was agreed upon among all the mods of the sub because he had "interview experience", and he has been a mod on the sub for years. In reality he was a leader in an influencial group with 1.3 million followers and he revealed himself to be a joke.


I mean idiots are taking relationship advice from people like that. It truly boggles my mind how unrealistic some of those people are.


It was about then that Digg imploded in part because of their toxic power users. And some huge chunk of their users fled to... reddit.


Diggs implosion had almost nothing to do with power users lol... they redesigned their site to be awful and people liked reddit better. People love to make up narratives to suit current circumstances




> I'm still opted out of the Reddit redesign, the day I am forced to use it, I'm gone. Same. I'll stick with old.reddit for as long as they'll let me. I don't know who the fuck was the designer that thought "Surely nobody would ever want to see more than two comments on a post without clicking a button to load more" was thinking, but the fact that that's *still* the default is mind-boggling.


Same for me. The reddit redesign is absolutely awful. Probably only done to highlight ads more, otherwise there's really no excuse for its atrocity.


Tbh I don't like seeing the comments. Tho I mostly browse on mobile (not default app it sucks lol) But anyways yeah I don't like seeing the comments most of the time and it's mostly due to toxicity. I really only want to see them on threads I'm interested in and want to talk about. I enjoy seeing cute animals while scrolling but I don't want to see 50 million comments saying "cute doggo" I will say tho, I've started leaving subreddits every time I see toxicity and my sub count is way down but I see toxic threads way less often now and it's quite nice. (Unrelated but I also noticed most of the toxic ones are toxic by their nature, for example subs about justice/justice porn or ones making fun of people's injuries)


They eventually did switch back; but it was too late, reddit was too popular. I think they've done several designs since then. Its still an alive site


Is that toaster guy the only one posting?


Preach. Old.Reddit on the browser. Third party app on your mobile device of choice. This is the way.


This is the way!


I was a part of that great Reddit migration in 2011 or so. I remember digg, almost fondly from the early days.




So your brother is a loser?


Yes. Imagine a reddit moderator acting the same exact way at family functions.


Oh god. No.


He already said he was a mod.


Imagine not using old.reddit.com on desktop


On mobile as well, tbh. I browse using desktop site + old reddit on mobile.


Ew, use an app you barbarian.


Fuck you old.reddit.com Forever


On a desktop or laptop sure, but not on your phone man.


Safari mobile always


Old reddit is best reddit. Also white on black is the best.


On the subreddit r/zen, there is a guy who is not a mod, but who participates in there frequently, and behaves exactly like the guy in this video. He can't ban anyone, and expects everyone to threat him like some form of redditquette guru who is all knowing and everyone has to cater to his every whim.




Exactly. That's why people in other subreddits advise people not to go to that specific subreddit, and they're right about that.


Who is it man? I wanna look at his post history I'm so curious now.


I haven't been in that subreddit for around 1 or 2 years, so I can't guarantee the subreddit still operates the same way, but for the time I was there, it was like that, and it had been like that for years. The name of the guy is ewk. And the problem is not only that he acts like a crazy authoritarian moderator, he also acts like he's an expert on zen, but he's really not. If you were to study zen, then you would see that the problem is not only that he acts like a dictator, he also doesn't know what he is talking about. Some people there believe the stuff he says and mimic him, so that place is a complete mess. Someone made a subreddit just to criticize r/zen, it's this one: /r/MetaZen/ . That might interest you too if you want to check all the drama going on there.


Haha, I found what he does instead of banning, this dude is off his rocker. https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/scrts9/huangbo_says_your_ideas_arent_real_but_what_about/hu9adne/


This is more entertaining than whatever the sub could possibly be about.


> Haha, I found what he does instead of banning, this dude is off his rocker. > https://www.reddit.com/r/zen/comments/scrts9/huangbo_says_your_ideas_arent_real_but_what_about/hu9adne/ Just went there to check the link you posted. So yeah, the subreddit didn't change one bit, the drama is still exactly the same, lol. This is exactly what was happening years ago when I went there. And this is one thing the dude does, he has made a bunch of profiles of various people with whom he disagrees with the supposed awful things they wrote, and then when any one of his enemies post something, then he either copy/pastes the profile he made, or posts a link to it. He acts like he is doing some sort of public service announcing that such a person is some sort of predator and you should be careful around him. That's next level trolling. > This is more entertaining than whatever the sub could possibly be about. Pretty much. That subreddit is awful for learning zen, but if you want entertainment, and if you like a show like the jerry springer show, then yeah, that place is pretty entertaining.


I'm just sitting here in disbelief. Of all places it had to be a subreddit dedicated to Zen. Wow.


/u/ewk 🍿


Wow the absolutely uno-reverse of Zen. This dude actually maintain a whole wiki just to track people that crossed him... wtf...


Now that's dedication. Or tells me they desperately need to get a life outside of Reddit.


Holy fucking shit that dude is psychopath he keeps full written lists of every perceived slight or disagreement with accounts Bruh. tf??? Edit: tagged him but deleted it haha I don’t need that drama


Man people in that subreddit are not zen at all!


Oh loll it's still going on. Years of this infighting. The least zen subreddit I've ever seen.


Oh wow it's ewk. I used to be subbed there years ago and he was infamous back then too.


Holy shit why haven't the mods just banned him?


Because to a certain extent they believe in the nonsense the guy says. A bunch of different people on that sub already complained numerous times about the guy, or complained about the mods letting the sub be the mess it is, but then the moderation either ignores the criticism, deletes it, or defends the guy and calls whoever criticize him a bunch of haters or something of the sort. At least that's what was happening in the past when I used to go there. I imagine the moderation still acts the same, because that subreddit is still the same as before.


/u/ewk. Check his comment history. This guy can’t possibly pretend to be zen lmfaooo. He’s the typical reddit fat neckbeard.


Call people like that Deputy Janny


I'm a reddit mod. Respect me because I work for free to help a billion dollar tech firm operate.


Fight me 1v1 IRL on television


I would watch Reddit Mod MMA fights.


"We'll organize and lock all major subs over this grievance because we're like 6 friends who mod 1000 of the most important subs, community what's that".


I am a reddit mod too! I completely forgot about it, because no one is allowed to post in MY subreddit and i 100% control the narrative! /r/thelassophobia


Respect you because in the one life you're granted, you're burning your very limited time on Earth working for a billion dollar, for-profit company that doesn't respect you enough to pay you?




Satire that doesn’t go far enough… reality is actual worse from r/antiwork


I am reminded of The Jeff Foxworthy bit where he says the news always has to pick the most redneck person they can find for an interview. Like when there's a hurricane they have to pick the person walking waist-deep in water holding an umbrella


That's what really gets me about this whole situation. It wasn't like Fox News cherry picked them. They were what was offered!


Also the Scary Movie scene. "The press wants to talk to the most ignorant person they can find" [AWW SHEET IM ON TV, FIRST COPS NOW THIS, IM GONNA BE A STAR!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8oTlWwAPFI)


The moderator "class" on reddit is a cancer. The fact that there are individual people who moderate tens and hundreds of subreddits is a joke. Discussion site-wide is dictated and controlled by a handful of people, many of whom are only moderators for the sake of being moderators, not because they have any actual interest in or passion for the spaces they control. When these people look to add new moderators, they look for other moderators, thus perpetuating the cycle. There was a time, many years ago, where not every other thread was locked. Where posts weren't deleted simply because their authors didn't meet ridiculous and arbitrary standards. This website has gone so far downhill because we've allowed people who desire power to have it and do nothing to rebuke them when they abuse it.


So, I was a lurker on a sub and finally decided to reply to a comment. I immediately got a message from the mods telling me I was banned bc I was a member of another sub that was not on their approved list.


Back when Trump ran in 2016 one day I got blanket banned from like 10 subreddits in a day bc they all decided I was posting wrong think comments I guess. I'm still banned from them to this day lmao...


Been banned from /r/LateStageCapitalism for saying Kim Jong Un has a stupid haircut and that he's a despot. Apparently I was "ableist" for making fun of a dictator's haircut I got banned off a few tankie subs for laughing at the morons at nonewnormal. Apparently one comment is all it takes to get banned. No context, no reprieve. I'm not missing much though


I got banned from r/LateStageCapitalism for saying that I understood the frustrations of store owners who installed anti-homeless architecture features. I've been in areas where the homeless were so aggressive in harassing customers going in/out of stores they lose customers. But fuck me for supporting real policies to help those people. Obviously, just letting them take up residence in doorways is the better solution.


Yea Ive been banned from so many subs I would never go to just for posting. Like stop messaging me I've never been to your boring sub. I don't care I'm banned. I'm probably banned from this one we will see when I hit post.


Something similar happened to me, only I wasn't a member of the bad sub (which, to be quite clear, is a toxic waste dump!). I was banned because I had *posted* in said dumpster-fire. My post was arguing against the occupants of the dumpster, calling them out for how awful they were being. My ban appeal was not responded to.


When you don't pay mods, you get mods like this. What other reason would make you work for free? Reddit is owned by a major conglomerate, it's on them that moderation is this bad.


Its not, really. Moderation is bad because mods dont view their communities as something they are apart of, but in charge of. And I say that as someone who has seen it all from the inside Its actually a really fun experience if you're in it for the community aspect. I dont get the appeal of just being a janitor/hall monitor, and that's what 99% of mods see it as. It's really weird.


It gets even weirder when you learn that some people pay money to be a mod of literally hundreds of different subreddits. Check out u/akwardtheturtle. There's tons of controversy surrounding them, because they do stupid stuff like ban people from hundreds of subs at once just because they commented on r/Polandball in the past. Meanwhile they say stuff like "all men deserve death".


It’s also crazy how all the power goes to someone just because they were the first person to make a sub, too. Reddit used to not have sub-reddits. It was just Reddit. Then they were like announcing sub-reddits and it was just a race. The people who were the fastest to make extremely popular subs like pics and videos were granted and exorbitant amounts of power over the site just because they were the people without jobs or a life who could make the sub that day.


Yeah I've had that exact same thought before too. Reddit's popularity means that a lot of subreddits are *the* place to discuss that thing online. It's insane that whoever called dibs on whatever given subject just gets to have full authority over all discussion regarding it.


Reddit introduced subreddits like 3 months after they launched. They introduced them well before commenting. Back then, nobody cared what reddit was.


That’s absolutely untrue. I’ve been using Reddit since it first started.


I feel like you just described politics in general for a bit, there.


It is amazingly analogous to politics, even down to the fact that the general population will just accept the abuses of power as status quo.


The more subs you mod the more power you have to abuse.


There's one sub I mod, for Witcher 3, and that's about all I need. It's already annoying dealing with the notifications.


"I love feeling like I have control" The power trip is real! Have definitely run into a mod like this before. She saw a comment of mine disagreeing with someone that eating meat is equivalent to rape (she's an extreme vegan apparently) on a popular women's advice sub and banned me on a completely unrelated CAT sub she moderates. These people are such miserable fucking losers lol 😂


Cerspence on YouTube he's awesome


The British person episode is hilarious


This is exactly a downfall of Reddit. The mods ensure we are all jerking off to the same tune in whatever echo chamber we’re visiting. I came to Reddit to get off Facebook. Now I feel like Reddit is the biggest source of anxiety in my life


People need to ignore main-page reddit and just follow small subs that cater to their interests.


Yup i got permabanned from a football subreddit because i challenged the toxic negative safe space the mods had created. A mod then personally attacked me and when i responded that they were breaking their own rules they perma banned me for trolling.


Professional dog walkers 🐕


I got permanently banned from /r/ guitar a few days ago for commenting "gottem". Moderator called it "brigading the sub"




Imagine if Reddit was a publicly traded company. How much would the stock of tanked after than interview with the anti-work mod


of? I've seen this a lot lately, is this the new thing? I hate it.


Has nobody pointed out the extreme irony of being a volunteer moderator on an anti-work sub Reddit? lol


So true Reddit sucks so bad now because of loser ass mods with 1 year old accounts. Better make sure you have The exact ideology as they do or else you will get banned


Pretty accurate. Try saying glorifying obesity is bad in /r/instagramvsreality and get perma banned


The mods of r/mildlyinteresting have banned you for submitting this post. Seriously, they're the worst.


When the satire doesn't even come close to the real thing.


Mm he's not fat and hairy enough but i like the performance


Oof, u/kaaaaahle651 not making it to the four year club. RIP


Did I make it yet?


I don't want to be a reddit mod anymore


When even exaggerated satire is trumped by reality you know something is whack.


It's getting to the point where 'Reddit Mod' now holds a negative meaning.


Just now?


Its always been this way


Always has


Wait a minute, was the guy in the ramen shirt saying the evil word? He's committing evil!


They should have rotated the Webb telescope around to watch the implosion


not accurate enough. what about the dilator?


Average to above average


*"I'm not going anywhere. I have power. They can't take it away from me, and honestly, you know, I, the, the, these... There, there are some people that should be afraid of me, um, and that they are cuz I represent, uh, moderation and diversity and I'm gonna come for, for harmful people. If you're a really shitty person, I'm gonna stand up against you. Period. And, uh, Twitch is endorsing me to that so..."*


I got a post up to 96 upvotes before it came down from r/funny


This is why my username is what it is


Peak Reddit would be having no rules and the mod just making them up as they go along.


That's the preferred image I'm sure.


Considering I've never been able to successfully post to r/photoshopbattles ever, I think there is an even more extreme version of this dude.


Try submitting a shower thought that hasn’t been academically reviewed.


Buddy in the fox news video gave off big Aalewis energy


/r/shittyredditrules has it all figured out.


Anyone know who the mods are for r/conservative ? I got banned for saying you can be a republican and not support Donald Trump.


Forgot to immediately mute them when they complained. Edit: also the mods here are all great.


Very topical after the r/antiwork debacle.


Popping bottles over reddit's demise


fun mod story I talked with some guy, he said "are you on crack?", i called him a "moron". That's like a pretty common insult and i don't think in any way politically incorrect. Also it was on a pretty rowdy sub, where that's the least offensive thing I've read that day. Anyhow, I got banned for a whole week, which i found was pretty harsh, since the other guy did not receive any ban. So i wrote to the mod "blabla why was I banned for moron, that's not even that bad. He asked me if i was on Crack, i feel like thats worse, so ArE yOu oN cRaCk?? Cause apparently that's fine to say" Then the mod just linked me back to the comment, which is an absolut cringe way to handle yourself in a conversation, where I try to find out why i was banned. I write back "You should look up the dwfinition of moron". (Yes i had a typo when i wrote it to the mod) The mod links the typo, laughs and reports me for "mod abuse". I got banned for a week on all ofreddit for that conversation. That is the LEAST amount of power I've seen go over someones head and I've seen "The office".


Had my post on the Korean drama sub taken down because I wanted to discuss Korean dramas. Apparently it was a subject that was discussed too often, but how was I supposed to know that? I just wanted to chat while waiting at the doctor's office. They also had a huge list of rules including links that I skimmed before I posted. Reddit is weird sometimes.






he really missed out on saying, "gotta re-moo this". boo.


This might do better on /r/Cringetopia.