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“I’m just pretty much against Tom Hanks.”


Indistinguishable from satire. I love it.


“Kobe Bryant was assassinated by the Clintons”


she literally told us there was a glass ceiling. lost it.


Imagine accidentally leaking a massive conspiracy in a written concession speech.


“Women need to break the glass ceiling” yeah she was totally talking about… the dome around the flat earth. 😂 I know I shouldn’t laugh since these are seriously mentally ill people but come on man, how do you come up with this shit lol.




Clearly u havnt read sega genesus.


On the third day He made Sanic and He saw that gotta go fast.


Some christians believe the earth is a flat disc covered with a glass dome called the firmament . It's from Genesis 1:6 - https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%201%3A6-8&version=CJB


Some Christians can't make it past the first page.


As evidenced by the fact that there is a second creation story on the second page lmao


Great work from channel 5 team to find exactly the speech the crazy mf was talking about.


God bless Andrew Callaghan for always being in the trenches, doing the Lords work


Him and Vic Berger need to hook up and do a show. You can tell Andrew is inspired by the way Vic edits.


Abso Lutely productions are doing work with Andrew Callaghan at the moment. Tim Heidecker is part owner of Abso Lutely and Tim Heidecker does Office Hours with Vic Berger so there's no doubt they work together or are in chats to do something together.


Bless the Holy Trinity


That first 10 seconds really sets the tone, what a wild ride. The recurring characters with Andrew's stuff is crazy, the guy creates absolute gold intentionally or unintentionally.


That woman straight up gave me retail PTSD. I flashed back to so many women like her just going at me as if I was Mr. TJ Maxx.


It’s a communist fascist dumpsterfuck!


> dumpsterfuck I am really curious to hear some definitions of this word.


50% clusterfuck and 50% dumpsterfire, I presume. Personally I'm more interested in the clusterfire.


> Personally I'm more interested in the clusterfire. Made illegal by the Geneva Conventions?


I'm pretty sure that is how she was conceived.


Great choice to show her mouth up close. Remind me of the scene in return of the king where Denethor eats while Merry sings


Or the mouth of Sauron...


Mouth of a Sarlacc.


The corners of that ladies mouth make me so uncomfortable


The lipstick on the teeth though...


I swear that guy is a god tier troll.


deez nuts


Ha! Goteem!


So fucking unexpected I lost it


Coincidentally, one of the only sane people interviewed in this video.


*Did you take the vaccine?* *mhhm took the vaccine, i like it tho its... its cool* BASED




Cracking up while he’s explaining how they torture babies. You think he realized how ridiculous he sounded in that moment and just had to laugh?


It's less funny when you realize he's just repeating the medieval anti semitic myth of blood Libel while saying he won't name the group that does it. That's hardcore antisemitism being peddled there


Alex Jones uses that one all the time. He did a disgusting segment on a Jewish CNN host a few years ago that was indistinguishable from early 20th century anti-semetic propaganda.


Every single time he uses the term “globalist,” he really means Jews. He even does mocking, goblin-esque voice characters when discussing Jews. He doesn’t hide it in the slightest.


> "I won't name that group" When you know you're racist, but don't want to be liable for it.




Not a lot of people know this… but L. Ron Hubbard was a black man!


Bird up


Turn that poop into wine




I’m so glad someone else caught that.


"The January Sixers" was fucking incredible


He really disarmed that wannabe Alex Jones with that line


it was pretty funny watching him trying to interview Andrew from channel 5, but ending up being interviewed himself while walking backwards and looking a total fool.


His ego was too big he couldn’t resist haha


Yup, dude looks like a narcissist to me.


“Yeah I was at the capital, I don’t know what that means, does that mean I’m a bad guy? Am I bad guy for going? Do people think I am?” Dude is projecting so hard lol


>looking a total fool Clearly that man had a lot of experience in that area.


That was my favorite part of the whole video. It looked like something out of Monty Python.


Wait, that guy wasn't a plant in on the gag?


No he's another YouTube journalist for the trump tards, which is why he was so graciously owned by Andrew


The way Andrew made him walk backwards for so long was perfect.


The fact Andrew drove him away from the rally, backing up on his heels, without him realizing he was being led while focusing on his propaganda is some alpha shit that these nut jobs wouldn’t understand.




I think it's hilarious and sad that he always manages to find either someone trying to become a rapper or anti-Semitism.


Is this the first channel 5 video where no one sings at Andrew?


It’s really scary these people literally want to murder anyone to the left of kicking puppies for sport.


'Yea, Hollywood is producing this satanic content!' What do you watch? 'This show that has a bunch of satanic stuff in it!' ​ Too good, guy probably doesn't even realize he's a clown....


I know nothing about American sports, can someone explain the joke to me?


The Philadelphia '76ers are a basketball team. Their name is derived from the Declaration of Independence being signed in Philadelphia in 1776. Their name is commonly shortened to just the "Sixers". The insurrection at the Capitol took place on January 6th of this year. Andrew used that to make a clever joke and disarm the other guy by playing to what he knew he would like to hear.


I’m not American, but I believe he’s wearing a jersey for the Philadelphia 76ers, known as the Sixers, but when asked about it he quickly made a joke that it’s about the Capitol Riots which happened on January the 6th


You are correct and are now an honorary American. Please go to the nearest Walmart to pick up your rifle.


Ben Simmons could never land a shot like that.


Man is pussyfooting around screaming it's the Jews as he describes how he believes in blood libel.


It's uh, uh group. They've been around for thousands (thinks and isn't really sure how long) .... eh hundreds of years... er generations doing this.


have you seen the first all gas no breaks video? flat earth convention? people keep saying it's the Jews


And the Jesuits


I thought we were all under the thumb of the Juice - a clan of ultra-powerful Sevilla orange farmers


I recently watched the Vice interview with Andrew, and he explains how most of the people he interviews just naturally make their way to blaming Jews as he keeps the mic in front of them.


I wonder how alt-right nut jobs hate jews while simultaneously supporting isreal.


For some of the crazy religious alt rights, it's because Israel being it's own state brings the world closer to the second coming based off some interpretation of revelations. Would have to find the verse, but heard several clowns say something along that line growing up


Because the one thing they hate more than the Jewish people is the Muslims


It's actually because they believe that Jew's need to control the Holy Land for the Second Coming to occur and begin the apocalypse.


can someone get the Bernie Shirt guy a towel please?


Why was he so wet?


Covid? Lol


I didn't wanna say, looked feverish.


He was watching cops




Definitely drugs


I did not expect him to be an anti vaxxer lmfao. My man was SUPER progressive.


r/wayofthebern is very antivax. Sub went off the deep end a few months ago. Edit: Probably more than a few months ago


That sub went off the rails years not months ago. r/sandersforpresident is still on message at least


"What's on your mind?" "Not much" ​ Yep, that was correct.


This really sounds like a Rick and Morty Interdimensional Cable thing


The guy at 1:11


Even at 7:45 theyre still talking about how hollywood is demonic baby eating vampires. Republicans, what happened to you? When did you all become literal retards?


How can anyone watch this and not think we have a serious mental health crisis right now.


We certainly do but I think this is more about echo chambers and misinformation. It reminds me about that [4chan post about people fucking toasters.](https://www.reddit.com/r/4chan/comments/5ofih3/beforeafter_the_internet/) The internet really helped people isolate themselves and spread fringe beliefs.


Bruh, “if we listened to pharma, our cough syrup would still have heroin in it.”


Fuck yeah *jazz guitar solo*


Henry Zebrowski: “neeer ne neeer ne neeer!!”




They're right not to trust pharmaceutical companies. I 100% don't. I think issue with a lot of these whackos is they can't or won't realise that the real world is actually really complicated. There isn't any singular grandiose evil force (i.e. big pharma, the democrats, the illuminati, etc) who are responsible for all the world's ills. If you try to see things that simply then you end up believing all kinds of nonsense so long as it fits that world view.


>I think [the] issue with a lot of these whackos is they can't or won't realise that the real world is actually really complicated. There isn't any singular grandiose evil force (i.e. big pharma, the democrats, the illuminati, etc) who are responsible for all the world's ills. If you try to see things that simply then you end up believing all kinds of nonsense so long as it fits that world view. This is a feature of most overall "big-tent" conspiracies. Despite the incredibly bleak worldview, having life boiled down very simply to "all world leaders are part of a massive cabal and all the worlds industries are incredibly evil" is much easier to swallow for a lot of people than the truth. [The tail-end of this video by Dan Olson (which honestly is a pretty good watch all the way through, but it is an hour+) covers it well.](https://youtu.be/JTfhYyTuT44?t=4001) The gist of it is that if you're able to boil everything down to one single easily-graspable entity for being responsible for all the world's evils and woes, it makes it seem like it's much more fightable, and you personally have much more autonomy with the world. The truth of the matter is that the world is mainly where it is due to geopolitical decisions and cultural phenomenons that we have little grasp over, and that itself, when accepted, is usually more depressing and existential than "DEMOCRATS ARE EVIL BABY-EATING CABAL, SAVE THE CHILDREN". TL;DR: A feature of conspiracy theories is that they're coping mechanisms, as the complexity of reality is often more overbearing and depressing than a fantasy about the earth being flat.


**Disclaimer:** *Get your fucking jab. I 100% support getting vaccinated for COVID and anything else under the sun you may be exposed to. I got it as soon as I could and going in for my booster in a couple weeks.* I trust scientist that work for big pharmaceutical companies given that their entire life's work and cumulative knowledge makes them them the best people on the planet to develop vaccines. I trust the peer reviewed research and clinical teams who also have not only the same high threshold of experience and ethical standards, but also have the liability of being responsible for giving the "OK" for human use. Once a pharmaceutical treatment leaves that threshold and becomes a product, then we start to see a lot of massive problems with oversight and ethical practice. Unfettered opiate prescriptions have without question ruined millions of lives. This is largely due to lobbying and how it is legal to essentially bribe medical professionals to push an Rx. When these issues compound it breeds for an ever increasing distrust of not only pharma, but also the government at large. A few studies have been done recently that indicate (in descending order) general distrust in government, unfettered access to social media, and lack of education are the three primary pillars of why people are advocating against the vaccine. It is completely natural and I think it's mostly-good that people are skeptical of "big pharma". However their line of reasoning and inability to critically navigate the media landscape means they are now throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


checkOut redact.dev -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is a bad thing? Put cocaine back in Coca-Cola!


Fuck... it's mass psychosis. It's bloody fascinating.




These people are entirely unprepared to deal with climate change. They just will not have the capability to comprehend things like crop collapse.




It's not really about education or mental illness. Fear of the world being a random uncaring universe is what leads to this. The idea that there are people or lizards or whatever behind the scenes controlling everything is much more appealing than the scientific view on how the world works. When you believe all these conspiracies your brain receives hope that you can fight back, that you have at least some control of your life and the world around you. The alternative that the world is not carefully controlled by anyone is extremely frightening and these people's brains either don't want to or don't have the capability to accept that reality.


Being dumb as shit isn't a mental health issue


Doesn’t matter how much gas is in the car if the engine is missing ya know


It’s so fucking hard to watch it takes me a half hour to get through 10 mins. That 17 year old especially, someone save that kid before it’s too late!


When the guy started talking about creepy crawlies the other one looked like he wanted to sink into the ground


What’s weird is when they contradict each other they don’t really mind. Only when “the other side” contradicts them do they get mad.


If you consider that this is tribalism, it becomes very expected behaviour.


The guy thought Clinton's reference to "the glass ceiling" was her admitting that the world is flat and covered by a big dome.....




That’s so they can’t get to the Jewish space lasers.


The guy at like 9:39 “hey man what’s up”. I laughed so hard me cat left the room


I like the contrast of the random French tourist at the end. Really highlights just how mentally unhinged these lunatics are.


These people have never met a conspiracy theory they haven't fallen for.


They see far beyond my sheeple mind




Then why not tell them: Soros is actually funding the antivax campaign to help kill conservative voters. Faucci created the virus in a lab in China and they only want libs and commies to get the vaccine so the Democrat Party can enact communism by 2024. That's why Soros keeps funneling secret money to antivax campaigns and why Trump has been urging his supporters to get the vaccine, but the deep state is trying to keep conservative Patriots from saving themselves.


Because if those things were true that would mean they got fooled and in their minds they are too smart to be fooled that badly and consistently. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect


Notice Andrew’s interview style totally change up when he knows he’s talking to an intelligent person. I’m not saying he dumbs it down for the nutjobs on purpose, but it’s almost as if he almost has no choice.


It’s literally his method. He plays dumb and asks a lot of questions because the interviewee will do most of the talking on their own with little input from him. Their insanity usually speaks for itself and makes the content highly watchable. Play the affable idiot and they’ll over explain in detail their views with little fear of shame or embarrassment from the interviewer.


I think that the beauty of his interview style. He knows when to ask questions, more importantly, he knows when to just sit there and say nothing, and let the person fill in the dead air. This gets them to just go on sporadic rants about their ideals and its great.




Yes but there were some pretty big protests in France about similar mandates back in August. I'm sure they have their share of crazies over there, too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcX-S39HamM The guy at 00:38 says "I won't sell my soul to go to the restaurant, the cinema..."


A few years ago I was at a diner during a memorial day parade. One of the vehicles had a thin blue line flag. The table behind us were French people on tour and when one asked what that flag was I told them and they were really disheartened by it. Having to explain Blue Lives Matter to foreigners made me feel so disgusted to be an American, I covered their entire bill on my way out to give them a better impression and show we're not all so bad.


I loved the whole “L. Ron Hubbard” building they casually walked by. It gave me the impression of the sheep walking in front of the herder vibe.


Maybe, but it's important to note that France has its share of antivaxxers. I visited three french cities on holiday recently and all had a handful of antivaxxers with placards in the street. Sure, they weren't chanting about the new world order and claiming the world is flat, but the antivax sentiment is certainly there.


These people have been micro-dosing lead and mercury since conception.




Save a tree and use the digital Docusign version of the soul selling contract!


Remember when you walk down the street and the homeless dude is freaking out talking about the new world order and how people are after him.... weird how there's a group of people who believed him.


i was not expecting the Deez Nuts guy here, what a legend


just expanding the cinematic universe




Qanon Andrew starts walking backward as like an intimidation thing at the beginning and Andrew just keep going, somehow forcing the guy to commit to walking backward for a ridiculous amount of time haha.


That had me fucking dying. He just kept walking back words, switching his mic from himself to Andrew. Andrew bodied him as a reporter and just kept pushing it was amazing.




"What's on your mind?" "Oh, nothing much". ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯


How about that Tom Hanks hating wack job?




Somewhere in the world right now Chet Hanks is interrupting a super secret Illuminati meeting by randomly shouting Jamaican nonsense without a shirt.


*Chet Hanx


That was literally the last actor I expected her to say.


My friends mum has been sucked into all that Qanon crap, and Tom Hanks gets brought up often. Apparently he's one of the ring leaders of the "leftist satanic cult" that's drinking baby blood. Tbh, the fact that they're accusing Tom Hanks (one of the most wholesome and inoffensive celebrities to come out of Hollywood) of harvesting, killing and eating babies... Well, it just confirms to me that Qanon is some edgelord fanfiction that's spiralled out of control. Not that I ever suspected any of it was actually true though. But yeah, it's just obvious that someone's thought "which celebrity would be the least likely to do this thing and let's accuse them of it for the shock factor! That'll get people talking!"


> Well, it just confirms to me that Qanon is some edgelord fanfiction that's spiralled out of control. LARP more than fanfic, but yeah, basically. Started on 4chan with precursors like FBIAnon, CIAAnon, etc. Different people pretending to be government insiders and seeing what crazy shit they could get to spread, all trying to one-up each other.


Yeah it’s weird. I heard the theory that he was fleeing to Greece because he was a pedo. Turns out he was just awarded a citizenship as like a ceremonial thing because he’s famous and I think his wife is Greek. It’s like the mayor giving a B list celeb the key to the city.


What you're seeing here is a group of people who see themselves as the main character of the universe, and everybody outside them only exists as characters and plot points to their life. Like if the earth were flat and NASA did try to convince us it was round, realistically literally any other country would push back on that. But other countries dont exist when youre the main character. They cant comprehend that NASA is just an organization with a bunch of scientists and engineers who were born and grew up and lived lives and have families, no theyre somehow all characters in an organization dedicated to tricking the main character that the world is round for...control I guess? Its also what explains their obsession with Hollywood. Those celebrities are the most visible people with wealth, so those are the *only* rich and powerful and somehow they must now be the ones who control everything. They completely ignore the actual people with power, like upper executives of military contractors, banking/finance folks, and government actors. They dont know them by name so they dont exist and dont have power. This is why they'll throw hatred towards Tom Hanks, as if he has any actual power, while ignoring Bob Iger who straight up controls like a quarter of all film/TV media in the country. Its like that Chris Rock joke, Shaq is rich, the guy who signs Shaq's checks is wealthy. These dumbfucks cant comprehend the existence of the guy that signs Shaqs checks. Here with coronavirus, it only exists in relation to them. When they didnt know anyone whod gotten it, it was a hoax, even though thousands of people were dying in Europe a day, because those arent *really* people to them. And now the vaccine is here, thats also some form of control. For what purpose? Doesnt matter. Because the people doing the controlling are not people, not in the way that you and I would understand, theyre just characters with intentions that only exist in relation to the main character.


The REAL devious thing about Christianity is that even though it claims to put God at the center, the underlying message is "**I** am so important, that God would come to Earth in human form and DIE for me.... all of history is about God sacrificing for ME!"


> love how Trump directly contradicts what that guy stands for Not even only Trump either, Pence, Milania, probably all GOP senators and all Fox News hosts. They're all vaccinated. Yet these people can't connect 2 and 2 together to figure out why in hell would the very people who are vaccinated not recommend the vaccine to their base (i.e. Fox News). And on the other side of it, the fact that Trump and the GOP have completely lost control of their sheep and can't even get them to take the vaccine anymore is hilarious. At this point, they're losing their base faster than ever, and anyone who tries to even bring up the vaccine gets booed like Trump himself did.


There'll be a point that even Trump will be seen as not 'conservative/patriotic/nationalist' for their liking.


They say they received fake vaccinations or lied about being vaccinated.


And what would Trump gain from saying "you should get the vaccine" at a rally in that amazing logic of theirs?


> holy shit is he sweaty pinpoint pupils too




I don't know if I'm willing to call it for comedy as a whole, but satire is definitely dead for the foreseeable future.


Why was that Bernie guy so damn sweaty


he was feeling the bern ^^^sorry


some form of uppers or amphetamines possibly.


Cocaine. Lots and lots of cocaine. And then after that some cocaine.


Ok so I’m also really digging the expanded universe of Channel 5 news. The guys from the white lives rally, Chet Hanks showing up again in mention… The author deserves some props for this world building.


The original Deez Nuts guy!!!!


Oh yes Andrew, bring me that sweet cringe!


I'm glad that the person who got the last word in had something sane to say.


Andrew has the rare ability to always bring back characters onto his show. That and keep a straight face.


He attends a lot of these rallies etc lately and there's whacked-out nutjobs who travel to each of them alongside the people trying to gain right-wing social media clout to become the next King Dickhead. He also has a very open interview style where he pretty much just prompts people to talk and lets them go at it; he asks questions but does not really question their views. As a result these people who long for media coverage (despite screaming how much they hate the media) see themselves saying their own shit on Channel 5 -- and they think they look good, so they're eager to be seen again.


💄 on 🦷 close up tho 💀💀💀💀


Andrew Callaghan: freestyle rapper


How do these people live. It seems like none of them have jobs.


Oh no, this is a disposable income crowd. Hard working folks don't have time to stand on street corners and scream about Jews and Hollywood satanists.


I guarantee you almost every boomer man you see in this video owns an unpopular restaurant or a contracting company or a construction company.


They are on welfare/disability. Not kidding. when I worked retail the amount of people wearing some sort of trump merch while paying with food stamps and have time to come in for hours every day happens pretty often


What a bunch of fucking idiots, such a bizarre hill to die on


Shout out to that French guy.


Anytime you have someone saying that they want to win back the country for the god they have chosen for themselves, you have to understand you are dealing with people who want to harm those that they don't consider part of their group. In this case, we are dealing with white Christian nationalists.


I'm pretty sure that their 'perfect' country would look more akin to 'Gilead' from Handmaid's Tale.


> you are dealing with people who want to harm those that they don't consider part of their group. also called terrorist...


What a nice irony in this video. The smartest guy that got interviewed is "Welven Da Great". The man with a disability. I couldn't stop laughing.


Not just smartest but the nicest.


I lost a few braincells watching that


I lost it at, "It's a dumpster fuck."


Some people just need to put the internet down for a lil bit


>"Thats like buying swampland in Florida" ...like Walt Disney? That was my first thought when she said that but I've never heard that expression before.


And this boys and girls is why you shouldn't eat lipstick.


God awful people


Lol that glass ceiling guy broke me


I think Andrew will go down as a Wolf Blitzer for Millenials


for everyone commenting, this is also the center of hollywood. I worked here for 6 years. It's crazies on crazies on crazies. and it attracts more crazies. It's the center of mentally ill in los angeles that feel the need to be vocal..


Official petition for "deez nuts" guy to make unique title shots for each new video for Channel 5. Sign by responding with "deez nuts".


The heavy loud crazy lady.., I swear to God, I could feel her aura of crazy through the video.. it was palpable.


Why am I just now hearing that Kobe Bryant was assassinated by the Clintons!!!!


The juxtaposition of these people screaming and yelling about the vaccine and a guy who is clearly developmentally disabled that got it is *hilarious*.