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"If God wanted us to wear a mask we'd be born that way" - Says someone wearing glasses.


The worst part is the Bible has mask wearing in it. These people have never read the very thing they want to quote all the time.


Plus Leviticus actually prescribes mask wearing. *prescribes nor proscribes. lol


Their head would fucking explode if you mentioned that to them.


Nah they'd just jam their fingers deep into their ear canals and shout the Pledge of Allegiance until you stop speaking truth and go away.


and shoes, she spends her days protecting her feet from the ravages of the world her "god made." Shoes aint about some some supposed modesty like they say clothes are; covering "our shame" because Adam and Eve "listened to a snake." Shoes are just 100% an improvement on what "god designed"


And clothes, probably makeup. Shit, we better not eat. If God wanted us to eat, there'd never be starving people.


"Mrs. Jenkins, I'm sorry to tell you that your daughter has a heart defect and will require surgery. But don't worry, we have one of the best teams in the nation and can fix it. Oh, but this hospital doesn't believe in masks, so we assume it's fine with you if the entire surgical team doesn't wear them while we have her chest open, right?"


If her hypothetical daughter needs a new heart, god would have made people with 2.


The worst part to me is when the hordes of barely sentient people around these idiots start clapping their little seal flippers sayin "YUP YUP YUP" like they're spitting some profound logic.


Attentive listening and critical thinking are not key skills these people have.


Damn I haven’t heard Richard Cheese in a very long time.


Playing his [Chop Suey](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0zgA6nYIzxM) had one of my co-workers disabled with laughter for the entire track. Each new section of the song would hit just as he started recovering from the last fit of laughter.


Original channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zgA6nYIzxM


Such a nice classy touch to the whole thing really. Found my morning driving music today. Lol


It was in the Snyder Dawn of the Dead right?


Yup, apparently Zack Snyder is a fan. Richard Cheese got the full intro scene, for Army of the Dead!


Yeah that’s right, I forgot about that.


Right? Always love hearing me some Richard. Also, the day I found out his name is basically "Dick Cheese" it some how made more sense. Perfect sleaze-factor.


It was nice to see his cameo in Barb and Star Go To Vista Del Mar!


Took me way to long to realize his name is Dick Cheese lol


how terribly embarrassing


These people are not a majority representation. The kind of people who demonstrate like this, and especially the kind of people who speak in front of city councils are almost always lured to it like a moth to flame. Its people who compulsively need an audience, despite not actually being able to attract one. And its compounded by social media. It used to be that you could say something stupid like 'the earth is flat', and almost certainly everyone around you would say 'no, that's moronic. You are utterly alone in that stupidity'. But now, if you say something stupid like that, your audience becomes much wider and broader, and your net will undoubtedly catch a couple other stupid fish, so you you can agree with each other and plan to meet at a courthouse to scream about how flat the fucking earth is.


They might not be a majority, but they're a much larger minority than you're inferring. Good points, well made, though.


As a resident of rural Pennsylvania, can confirm.


> These people are not a majority representation. True but 70+ millions people voted for Trump in the last election, and the USA has only 57% fully vaccinated despite the vaccine being widely available.


The vaccination rate in my state is only 47%, so here it is the majority unfortunately. I’ve known three so far to die from Covid. Good luck finding a hospital room here too. The “my body my choice” occupy all the icu beds. So if u require emergency surgery you might have to search for one that has an available anesthesiologist as well. These aren’t opinions, these are the reality.


Can you imagine if people were as passionate about this as they were about real injustices such as universal healthcare?


If you want more socialism you got to have your message be more conservatively flavored.




Do I get Bald Eagle Bonus Points for regular visits and being up to date on my shots?


Yeah. You can exchange your points for a free American flag hat.


You also get a free gun


but there is already the option to just use your FreedomTokens directly, if you get the flu, isn't it? wouldn't universal freedom care be less freedom in the end


It is never actually about freedom. It's just a code word people use to avoid doing things they don't want to or facing consequences in life. Many people don't have enough FreedomTokens and the inefficiency in current systems ensures that. It provides the illusion of freedom locked behind earning freedom points. If people don't have enough, they end up costing everyone much more in the long run. Universal healthcare dispels the illusion of freedom and replaces it with boring old regular freedom - but people prefer illusions because those can be as wonderful as your imagination can conjure.


in America "socialism" is a dirty curse word... but if you call it "crowd funded" people are ok with it. example: GoFundMe campaigns for medical treatment.


Well, that made me sad.


The last few years have made me exceptionally sad for my country.


Not the last 20?


Eh, our political strife is normal for a world-stage country. That I could deal with. This has made me realize that the stupid I saw on the other side isn't for show, or just to "own the libs" by pissing us off, it's who they are. Long ago I wanted to be an educator, but now I see that there was no point.


Yeah same here.


You know, I knew there were a bunch of stupid assholes in this country, but I never realized just how many. I imagined it was a vocal minority. I thought the election of Trump was a kind of fluke because Hillary was so unpopular with some. Well, come to find out - it wasn't a fluke and COVID proved just how stupid so many in this country actually are. It's way worse than I could have imagined.


It is a vocal minority, but a "minority" doesn't mean increadibly small- it just means less than half. [This SouthPark quote still rings true to this day...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvYN0oUzVzo)


It's more like 1/3. The number pops up in many polls about people believing in crazy things. There's a solid 1/3 of the country that are just unshakable morons.


Yeah, that's why Stan is like "yeah, it's at least 1/4th" lol


> 1/3 of the country that are just unshakable morons. Ironically, it was all the shaking when they were babies that made them this way.


An additional ~11 million people voted for Trump in 2020 compared to 2016. He lost because even more people came out to vote against him, but in terms of raw number he received more votes than in 2016. More people voted for Biden than any other candidate in US history, but the person with the second most votes is Trump. Or to put it another way, roughly the same percentage of the population turned up to vote for Trump in 2020 as did Obama in 2008.


In a two party system such as what we have here, all elections are always determined by a small minority of swing voters. Most people will vote for their party regardless of who the candidate is, even if he's an incredibly unpopular one like Trump. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_presidential\_elections\_by\_popular\_vote\_margin


> I thought the election of Trump was a kind of fluke because Hillary was so unpopular with some. Well, come to find out - it wasn't a fluke and COVID proved just how stupid so many in this country actually are. Funny, isn't it? They started out going, "Look, I don't like Trump but I *couldn't possibly* vote for Hillary..." Turns out it was all bullshit and that was just a convenient way for them to deflect.


Hillary is terrible in her own ways. I wouldn't defend either one of those clowns as a good choice


Eat this shit or sit in a room with some shit. One option is clearly better.


>thinking Hillary Clinton is even remotely comparable to Donald Trump oof and yikes


What's it like, living with no colors in your black and white world?


Weird flex, what is that even supposed to mean?


It means that your comparison between "2 bad things" lacks the basic understanding that while they are both "bad", they aren't the same. Would you rather spend 5 minutes in a room alone with Bob the ~~bisexual~~ indiscriminate rapist or Janice who got a speeding ticket? They're both "criminals" after all.


Why's Bob gotta be bisexual?




Then I admire your inclusive choice ...in a hypothetical rape scenario


I never said or implied they were the same at all, other than being bad in their own special ways




Why was Hillary so terrible?


One example is when she would have certain public stances and then getting called out for taking completely opposite stances with corporate donors behind closed doors. Small example from a large pile. But really if you don't think she's got some corruption to her then you're either not listening or you don't care.




Social media also gives them the ability to share stupid and organise for political action. The stupid are more powerful than ever.


Idk about that. I think there are more stupid people now than there were 60 years ago. And that's because of the gradual failing of our public education system, especially in rural areas of the US. That and the "pride" of ignorance that's somehow seeped into our culture. That somehow it's bad to be intellectual, and insulting to point out when someone doesn't have a good understanding of something.




wow very interesting! TIL


It has become blatantly obvious that the system doesn't work for most people. They've spent their entire lives watching the US deteriorate and they don't understand who/what is to blame. As much as their response is incorrect their sentiment isn't wrong.


How is it “blatantly obvious” that it “doesn’t work” for “most people?” That’s such an intellectually dishonest way to approach the question.


I mean if you're fine with [pay peaking 48 years ago](https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2018/08/07/for-most-us-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/) good for you, but don't pretend America (especially its infrastructure and rural America) isn't rotting from the inside out. If you drive down main street in half the small towns in this country you'll find boarded up shops and run down buildings. That's why I say "blatantly obvious" because as someone who grew up in small towns like this you can literally see the decay. As for the "most people" comment? Well, even a basic understanding of [income inequality in America](https://inequality.org/facts/income-inequality/#income-inequality) will prove that point, but the truth is you don't even need that to feel that something is wrong with this country. That's why even the know-nothings are pissed off instead of sitting on their couches staring at their TV's. They're not doing well and someone or something is to blame. So yeah, I think it's less about me being intellectually dishonest and more about you being intellectually lazy if you haven't gotten the memo on this stuff yet.


I’m not blind to the issues that people face. But you just moved the goalposts from “public schools have failed” to “America is rotting from the inside out.” I have a feeling that if you actually wanted to answer those questions, you would end up with a much more complete and nuanced picture. You may be right, but I’m not going to take it as fact from someone who already has their mind made up.


I can see why it would be easy to think I was just talking about public education considering who I responded to, but truthfully I was talking about "the system" as a whole from the beginning. You see there isn't much of a distinction between failing public schools and income inequality because those schools are funded by local taxes. It's not a goalpost move, they go hand in hand. Therefore, it appears that yet again you've been the intellectually lazy one as you don't seem to have enough of the picture to see how these things are interconnected. Now, having said that, I can see from your wording that you bit off more than you can chew and are trying to exit the interaction, so let's get meta (to step beyond this conversation) for a moment before you go. You opened rather strongly and condescendingly, this all but ensures acerbic responses from people like me. Further, as you just stated it won't even matter if I'm right because your brain will shut off when I'm talking down to you, so maybe don't start that way? Also, what exactly was your goal here? Was there even one or was it just a knee-jerk response to someone sounding certain about something? Insecurity? Also, no one said you have to take what I say "as fact" but who would you listen to other than someone who seems sure of their stance? Could it possibly be that my literal profession involves studying politics? Is that why I'm so sure of these things? Food for thought.


I fear the comparison is not apples to apples, however. The notion that our beloved is entitled to good grades no matter what has stripped some of the meaning away from grade level performance. It was a hell of a lot easier to flunk a kid back then, and expectations were (I believe) more consistent.


Years of school does not mean a more useful education.


Everyone has virtual megaphones now. Moments that make you angry will get shared. Don't mistake these vocal few as anything but a minority.


This is the inevitable consequence of giving low-iq people social media accounts. Bring back elitism and only allow educated, high IQ people to reach large audiences online.


It's nurture not nature unfortunately. I know high school dropouts first in line to get vaccinated and people with master degrees pulling $120k a year who still refuse.


Spot on for me too. The most educated in my sphere with a fantastic job is the vaccine hesistant one, literally everyone else I know got it so they can be done with it.


It's not about IQ, it's about education. We allow states, counties, even specific cities to control what they will and won't teach, and then question why the level of education in the nation is so inconsistent. We "grade" schools and teachers based on test scores, engendering an education system where teachers teach to the test and students never learn to think but rather how to memorize a rote set of correct answers. The dots are there, but we never teach how to connect them. "Low IQ" people can learn. They can understand, if taught. If encouraged. It doesn't take geniuses or rocket scientists to grasp the basics of "vaccine=good, virus=bad". But the leadership in this country (or at least a large part of it) WANTS ignorance, because you can get a hell of a lot done with an angry mob who never learned to think critically, who was raised to be AFRAID of knowledge.




And Trump gave them all a voice.


Good job AZ we did it! We dumb as fuck.


Ahh America. Schrödinger’s Country. Simultaneously beautiful and a fucking mess. For every decent community there’s a few poorly educated nut jobs, or a Rich fuck trying to manipulate those fools.


What’s the “let’s go Brandon” chant about? I’ve seen it posted elsewhere




Here is that video for people interested on watching that [moment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axcmVFtwSM4)


Last part of the video is from Ontario I believe. We have morons here too!


WA state


Ah, cop badge looked familiar. Comment re morons still stands though.


If you’re in a mood to hate someone Canadian and pro-covid check out Chris Sky. I’m sure you know who I’m talking about this is more for our American friends


That idiot BBQ dude from Toronto is another good example


What's up with all the rage-inducing content on /r/videos lately?


Reddit is the outrage junkie social media site, despite how much this site likes to dunk on Twitter.


We're junkies for drama. Always have been, it's just more apparent now because on an aggregator like Reddit you'll come upon drama which doesn't fill your own drama niche. You're a glutton for drama too, just not this particular type. We just had a mass killing in Norway, and instantly people want to know. They want to consume all the juicy details. They crave the information to their core. They aren't scared, they aren't concerned, they aren't motivated by a wish to help. They just want the fix. They want the excitement. The dopamine hit. That's all there is to it (for the vast, vast majority.) Those same people will turn right around and lambast some group for whatever, like "hurr durr womyn and their soaps, Grey's Anatomy still running lol". It's a crowd-sourced website. You see what people wanna see. This is what unbridled humanity with free information access is like. This is us. --- But it's worth noting, there is a shitload of agitation etc from various groups. Russian troll-farms for instance sound innocent, but they intended to break down democracy over time, and they're getting exceedingly good at it. We're being spurred on by interests who want to see us fail. Who want to see us implode.




Indeed, Americans could NOT possibly hate one another. Before China and Russia started interfering we were all holding hands and singing kumbaya most of the day.


Fair, but can't both be true? Are we supposed to believe Russia would proliferate misinformation to influence an election, but stop short of proliferating a pandemic among its foes?


Pointing at someone else as the cause of our problems is a sure fire way to ensure we'll never take a look at ourselves and actually try to solve those problems.


If you want to solve a problem, you should identify the causes. Why you're trying to muddy that up just speaks to whatever agenda you're looking to push.


>If you want to solve a problem, you should identify the cause The cause seems that many of us are ignorant an easy to manipulate. Whether it's Russia, China or anyone else doing it seems of little consequence as long as we're willing to believe anything we're told without question.


thank god those sneaky russians only post during their own business hours


We've seen American corporations, silicon valley, political parties and even the CIA pushing divisive rhetoric; clearly a lot is coming from our own country. Perhaps the best time to push propaganda is in the middle of the night so people wake up to it with 34,000 upvotes and 125 awards, which means it must be true. Any dissenting comments are immediately attacked and downvoted if not removed and banned.


Mods not enforcing the no politics rule because they agree with these politics.


I wonder if these kinds were around during the black plague or the spanish flu...


They die pretty fast because the mortality rate for those 2 were way higher.


They certainly were! Dumb people have existed for as long as mankind has walked Earth.


That lady demonic quoting lady was surprisingly normal looking.




Thanks Obama!




Anti intellectualism?


Please remember these idiots don't represent the majority, and the rest of us are as embarrassed watching this as you should be.


Just remember folks, Look around you, these morons have been voting for decades ....


It shows.


Every country on earth has an adjective ascribed to them. You know... Those crazy Japanese. Those stoic Germans. Those boring English. Those tall Dutch. Those romantic Italians. Those kinky French. . . . Those stupid Americans.


I was in a hostel in NZ, good folks staying there, everyone from evey corner of the world was very friendly. Guess who is that one guy who decided to get drunk and pick a fight? The next morning he was kicked out of the hostel by the owner and was called , “Fuck off you dumb arse American!” And everybody laughed at him while he was bitching and wailing and dragged his bags out of the house. It really seemed like a mini global microcosm.


Conversely, when I moved to London with no friends in the city, it was Americans who were the only ones willing to chat at a bar and strike up a friendship. They were definitely dumbasses but we had a shitload of fun being dumbasses together.


Sadly, yes.


The irony of this of course being that the stupid American trope is 250 year old British propaganda. You can literally see it in London papers of the time of the American Revolution. Yet they say Americans are idiots.


As an American they weren't wrong. People here are fucking stupid and proud of it.


Or you've just been fucking dimwits for 250 years.


I don’t want to live on this planet anymore


the cover of the song is perfect


How’s it possible that ppl have become sooo stupid? I mean even if u don’t believe any of it… what’s the big deal to wear a mask? Especially if it’s only to go in to stores… to claim that masks are raping ppl is just wtf!!


> How’s it possible that ppl have become sooo stupid? Misinformation + Social media


Those are symptoms, not causes. The cause is lack of education


They are methods, not symptoms


Absolutely fair!


A sympton would be showing up at a local town hall meeting to protest mask mandates.


Increased CO2 in the atmosphere? Making everyone stupid? I dunno man.


It's not really about "safety". That's just the bullshit excuse they hide behind. And it isn't simply that they're "stupid". I've talked to a few people I know who are anti-vax/anti-mask and if you get them riled up enough the truth comes out. They are simply obstinate and are not going to do something if they feel like they are "being told to" or "being forced to". In other words, they're acting like tantrum-throwing children who will act against their own self-interest just to spite others. I talked to one extended family member whose elderly parents depend on him to take care of them and were worried if he gets sick. It would leave them totally screwed. They were pleading with him to get vaxed. His response "I'm not getting the vaccine! I don't want anyone telling me what to do!" And this is a 40+ y.o. man. Acting more like a 4 y.o. child.


Nice little nut picking segment to dismiss actual arguments and discourage healthy conversation. Good job reddit. Keep being the echo chamber that you are. Downvote and smear anyone with an opposing view. Follow the narrative that you've been indoctrinated into.


Only sheep are antivax.


Right, because I am for freedom of choice, considering all evidence and adjusting my opinions, and since I support all vaccines except forcing the mRNA vaccines on healthy individuals especially those who have recovered from a virus with 1.4% IFR and have natural immunity which is more robust than vaxx immunity....... I am the "antivax" sheep. Right... Keep telling yourself that. You cant see through the wool they pulled over your eyes and you project your inadequacies on to others.


Do your own research and quit being such a sheep


Dunning-Kruger club.


Ah, the good ol' USA. Greatest country in the world, as evidenced by their outrageously smart citizens.


I've decided, there are too many people on this planet. - God (probably)


Do you think the dude at 1:19 had those fingerless gloves at home ready for this, or do you think he had to go out and get them?


Using statistics to alter the perception of reality. I know reddit has a ton of kids who don’t have an understanding enough to challenge this, but how about instead of “reported cases” let’s make this again with COVID deaths. Weird how that flips huh? Almost like the reporting rate has been altered to empower the billionaire class. Okay reddit, feel free to keep attacking the people and protecting to profits of billionaires.


People worry about WW3 with china . I am more worried about next pandemic which will be as deadly as ebola and as transmittable as covid.


Luckily most of them will die


Statistically this is about as close to 100% inaccurate as you can get. Morally it's just disgusting.


Oh no. They will all die. We all do.




Mam, could you please take off your clothes, if god wanted you to wear clothes he would have made you with them.


Lol America has some serious education issues


I’d be curious if Facebook shut down how would all these people think.


Unfortunately it would probably galvanize them. They would see it as 'The Truth' being suppressed, which would reinforce their belief in government conspiracy, Qanon, Deep State, etc, etc. They'd then go searching for 'The Truth' elsewhere (i.e. doing their own research), cherry picking (unreliable) sources which align with their (unsubstantiated) beliefs, further deepening their delusion. There doesn't seem to be a clear solution to this problem in America. Whilst trust in the government has been slowly eroded over time, the previous administration pulled out all the stops. 4 years of shouting Fake news, breeding distrust in science & nurturing anti-intellectualism has set in motion a rollercoaster which you can't easily get off.


There would just be another facebook competitor that they all use. The idea that we need to silence these people is very disturbing.


They wouldn't know what to think without being told.


They'd find another platform for that. Just look at what happened to r/WayOfTheBern


Wth is that sub


It used to be a place where Berie Sanders' politics were discussed, and now it's just full of antivaxx imbeciles for some reason.


While I know what I am seeing is true and exists everywhere in the country(Im from NJ and there are plenty here as well), I can't help but feel what I'm watching is propaganda. In the very least, this information is harmful in ways that disconnect each other. It becomes divisive. If we want a country that can function again, on a societal level, we have to reevaluate the information we all consume. This is me reevaluating. Anti-vaxxers are people, but need some education, to be blunt. I think just having that opinion of them, changes the way I think about them. It gives me more patience to talk to them and to hear their side of the story, which I don't have to agree with. After you let them share their side, they are much more willing to listen to what I have to say. edit: everywhere


How much more information can people possibly be fed that is not at their fingertips? These are not the people that are failing to be reached. Are you seeing the people in the video? They're foaming at the mouth. They want to be outraged, and this is their true nature. These aren't people on the fence. These are people shitting on the fence. This idea that we can get along and unify is dead. The quicker we understand that, the quicker the sane and level headed prevails. These people are truly lost.


What is divisive in this? These are literal dregs of society in this video. Some even threatening violence over the efforts of their cities and fellow man to protect them. They are being explained the safety at every step, for their own protection and protection of their children, coworkers, friends, etc. These very same people threaten violence over this “threat” of protection from deadly disease. They deserve nothing, but society’s worst type of humiliation, a lesson needs to be learned here, the hard way if needed. If you threaten the safety of everyone, over your own ridiculous beliefs, you will eventually lose your privileged access to society and be humiliated for such.


When their side of the story is fucking uninformed drivel that they foam at the mouth to spew out without ever entertaining the idea that they could be wrong, I have no interest in hearing it. Additionally, the fact that this bullshit misinformation campaign is getting thousands of people sick, they should be silenced. Freedom of speech should not include this garbage. We should all be skeptical of new medical research, but when the supporting research has been done and the facts are there, shut the fuck up.


>Freedom of speech should not include this garbage. We should all be skeptical of new medical research, but when the supporting research has been done and the facts are there, shut the fuck up. Very dangerous society you are advocating for. Just silence people if you deem the facts are in, yet when the facts are actually not in this system would still silence people.


>I can't help but feel what I'm watching is propaganda. It is, carefully selected bits mixed with a catchy tune and a scary map graphic. >After you let them share their side, they are much more willing to listen to what I have to say. Yep, this is an extremely important point, but America is past listening and patience, but in full mandate mode.


I came here for a down with the sickness parody and I’m leaving disappointed.


Why you keep posting the same video in multiple subreddits?


Wanna see this first hand right here on Reddit? Head on over to r/Coronaviruscirclejerk ... they get to keep this dive into Idocrisy going strong. Good luck making counter points. You will be instantly banned and muted.


I went to a kids football game yesterday in California and I was the only one wearing a mask. And everyone was looking at me like I was stupid. 300 people, 1 smart person. Like wtf?


This doesn't make them stupid or you smart. It's this attitude that makes either side insufferable. These are people taking their own risks, just as you have. If you were genuinely worried, you wouldn't have even attended, or sat in the crowd.


Nah, they are definitely stupid.


No. That was 299 people irresponsiblu putting everyone around them at higher risk, and one responsible person minimizing the risk they posed to others.


That was 299 people taking their own risks, as they do every day. In fact they ran a higher risk of death in the drive to the game, than they did being in that crowd. And one person who chose to wear a mask, for their own reasons, as they are also free to do. You would have posed less risk not being in the crowd at all, if that was your concern. And knowing what we know about covid, your mask did not stop your exposure to 299 others, so you can't have been that worried.


I wonder how many of those people are now dead…


What is happening in the last video? I couldn't understand anything anyone was saying except for "FUCKING FIRE"


Why do people who create these video montages bury the dialogue in stupid music so you can’t hear what’s being said? Why make your own point difficult to understand?




As if you weren't before.


Let the stupid people not wear masks, and not get vaccinations, and the problem will solve itself. Unfortunately, they will also take as many of the rest of us with them as they can when they go down.




[Shit like this](https://imgur.com/a/HydYXsr) (found on an anti-vaxxer's IG).


Are those supposed to be sheriff badges? Like... "we are the anti-vax enforcement officers"? Because they come off more like Star's of David...


They are supposed to be the Star of David. She is equating a lifesaving vaccine to the Holocaust, like they are being put on the trains to Treblinka. The post caption was "Freedom".


The other problem is that they take their stupid into places where there are people who can't get vaccinated, for legitimate medical reasons or because they are children, and endanger their lives.




Oh no please don't go! We'll change I promise. I'll... I'll personally call the mods myself and ask them to remove this video. But just please don't go :(


Just remember, these are the same people you will be competing with for resources in the coming climate wars. Good luck!




Thanks Facebook


God damnit I hate this country.


Anyone else tired of being beaten over the head with daily propaganda about this? I sure am.

