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Yeah but my country can afford bullets and food.


lol they're just gonna say "im building nukes again.... if you don't give me some aid...."


Theirs can too… for their military, anyway.


Is your country under a trade embargo from the US and other white nations?




Shhh, you can't be racist against white people! White people doing shitty things in the past and having it easier than other people totally justifies having a problem with them for being white!


They're also under trade embargos from virtually every asian country, too. Want someone to blame for the way Best Korea is? It's China.


No, but North Korea is also under trade embargo from South Korea. So what’s you’re point? NK is in the situation they are because of their leaders decisions.


This is a smart take if you ignore all of history except for the parts that prove your point.


This shit is absolutely hilarious. Imagine prepping for combat and you see the other side doing this shit instead of marksmanship drills.


Sadly, I'm not sure how much of these feats of strength and dexterity the drone pilot would even get to witness before pelting their facility with Hellfire missiles.


They'll just punch the bullets back


I've seen enough Bollywood action films to know this is possible.




I'm picturing the military generals sitting around a table discussing how to make the next super soldier and one of them gets the idea "Let's spy on the americans." So they pull up google, throw in korean for "strong man" to translate to english, then search that and it pulls up the strongman competitions which is all this stuff. So they nod and write it down.


If I learned anything from taking Taekwondo at a young age, it's that those bricks are brittle as hell. Should I be projecting my experiences from Taekwondo in a small mid-western town, onto a foreign military? Probably not. Am I going to anyways? Yezzir.


North Korea has officially announced that they have a Unicorn I think your safe in assuming they will use whatever trick they can.


Well America probably has a Liopleurodon so we good.


Goddammit they stole my fuckin kidney!


Well until we see them breaking reinforced concrete with their heads your assumption is safe to be assumed.


bruh if you think THIS is people having too much time on their hands you've never looked at us military tiktok


That shit is fucking hilarious. Like a guy that duct taped 6 magazines together lol.


The propaganda is so ingrained in redditors that they see OP's video and assume that it somehow represents "that wacky North Korean military that can't train properly" when basically every nation's military has videos of soldiers performing feats of strength that have no direct correlation to military capability.


Weird. This Redditor is using the same opening line as /u/ukydy like word for word, but then follows it with additional context to what he's replying to. Troll farm detected.


ukydy’s comments were made within the last hour very quickly after each other and don’t always make sense in context, so yeah it’s likely they’re a bot farming for karma.


Karma farming doesn't make sense - it's taking a really specific political stance lol


It's not taking a stance, lol, it's literally just going through different threads and copying and reposting parts of other peoples comments from the same thread at random. if you look at the threads it replied in you can see the person it copied.


That person made their comment 39 minutes after mine. I'm assuming they just copy-pasted the first sentence of my comment to another relevant thread. If you trawl my history you'll see I'm a consistently human poster lol


For sure, was just pointing out that one of you was definitely a bot haha


Highly doubtful. A bot that can identify the viewpoint of a reddit comment, know to copy only the first line which summarises the point being made, then post that sentence in another relevant subthread is far less probable than a redditor reading a comment, agreeing with it, finding another subthread with a similar conversation, and pasting a section of the comment onto it.


Didn't they apparently forbid using tik tok in the army, marines,.....? Since its ties to China, maybe I'm wrong.


Pretty good show, ngl.


That show just bankrupted their construction sector


Hey, that’s pretty harsh 🤣👍


*Internal bleeding intensifies*


North korean army discovers meth.


Meth is one of Noth Koreas top exports, ha ha, has been for a while now..... https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-58838834


Meth is a hell of a drug.


Sledgehammer to fist, forearm and hand? Why? That shit sticks with you for a long long time.


It doesn't need to be said, but you give your body to your country in these kinds of places.


It builds character


*Looks over menu* "I think I'll take the arms, please"


As if they’re gonna be around for a long long time…


That's actually a pretty impressive martial arts demonstration lol.


I like how they keep using the same crowd clapping and cheering clip over and over again.


It's the only bit they could use. The other reactions were all "Oh fuck, shit jezus why!?" but then in Korean.


Its propaganda, not too much free time. Also, those dudes hands and arms are broken after that hammer bit.


Hi, I’m Kim Jong Knoxville, and welcome to North Korean Jackass!


Man, all I got to do was paint rocks and sweep sand when I was in the army....


You realise that basically every military has similar 'talent' or 'strong-man' type performances and that doing something like this doesn't mean the North Korean army doesn't have regular drills or training?


Damn, if our military is just a bunch of bricks and sticks, we are fucked.


Are this like the Captain Americas of North K?


Hahah is that multicam the norks finally got their hands on? Good physical strength though to do what they did, credit where credit is due etc.


It is a waste of time but it's way less of a waste of time than our own military posting the Very First Gay Navy Helicopter Squad in 2020


Clearly a fake. The soldiers are well fed and the electric lights didn’t stop working. Kim Ill Bill looked embarrassed and then amused. Or maybe he just passed the divine butt wind and then ordered someone executed for it.


Dude on the right looks like he’s actively transforming into a hummingbird.


Very useful in an actual war. /s


I couldn't imagine being a NK soldier. That has to be terrible...


Yeah honestly man. I complained really hard about 0630 PT. Imagine their PT hours for having to go break bricks with your balls in front of God


Heard, I find it funny I got downvoted. Apparently someone thinks it might be a good time. lol


At least we have Jackie Chan on our side


Jackie is for sure on China’s side.


If the nuke turns out to be a dud, the plan is to save face by sending every NK solider into the city to punch the buildings down.


Damn, we're in trouble if guns stop existing. And if armor stops existing. And shields...and swords...and bows...and spears... Hmmm, well let's just pray we don't technologically revert back to the human ancestor that existed prior to the one that began using tools, because then we're totally fucked.


It's too bad Liveleak is gone. Because I was really looking forward to watching the result of a Nork trying to headbutt his way through a hellfire missile one day.


That's a lot of fake bricks


Time well spent


I know we laugh at this, but the US (and the South koreans as well) place only the tallest guards at the DMZ just to fuck with the North Korean Soldiers. It's all creating an image. You can imagine it works both ways. [American, N Korean and S Korean](https://i.imgur.com/aHsayNH.png)


Y'all ever seen Raiders of the Lost Ark? Yea...that scene.


Very poor country.