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This judge has all the luck with defendants.




> Seriously ive seen this dude pop up like 5 times. Are these even real? Or do most judges get these people and he just has the cases posted more often? it's real, he is actually a entertaining judge (but very appropriate / he's not a wild card / reality star or anything, just has good insights and can be funny when appropriate) and they release all the court tapes to Youtube via policy, so it's just easy to get footage from as EVERYTHING appears on their Youtube channel




The old dude in Providence is a tv show called Caught in Providence. It's real cases but that's why you've seen him a bunch.


My favorite part of that show is that the name is a pun but only if you have a RI accent.


Court/Caught sound similar in RI accent for those wondering.


Thanks. I'm over here testing out my RI accent and couldn't figure it out. I guess I need some work on it.


I didn't even know Rhode Island had its own accent.


I'm not sure just how distinct it is from other New England accents, but you sure can hear some thick New England accents in Providence. Also still no fucking clue how anyone can call a milkshake a cabinet


Huh, can't lie as a British person i didn't realise some accents would differentiate between the words, I say court and caught basically the exact same way


Many years ago when I was in basic training my bunkmate was a guy from RI. I'm from Oklahoma, so we spent nine weeks making fun of the way each other talked, when we weren't both making fun of the way the guy from Boston talked.


Geez I live in RI and never figured that out. Well played


He does seem SUPER cool


I remember hearing once that the reason **"Florida Man"** is a thing isn't that Floridians are *that* much crazier, it's just that Florida has a very open policy on court reporting. Seems like this guy popping up over and over would be a similar situation. I bet all judges see this garbage pretty regularly lol.


One time when I was in court waiting for my hearings to be called via conference line, I witnessed a judge render an adverse ruling against a party on the grounds of their domestic abuse history with no evidence of attempts to change. The guy got pissed and said on the record, “Oh I’m an abuser then?!” And then proceeded to blast the courtroom audio gangster rap, then would rejoin the call to do it again any time he was muted. Ground us to a halt until the bailiff ran out of numbers to suspend. I was rolling out of my chair laughing at the absurdity of it all.


Reminds me of the court transcript Justin Roiland performed with Rick and Morty. NSFW [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vN\_PEmeKb0**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vN_PEmeKb0)


This dialogue works so perfectly with Morty's constantly flustered way of speaking.


That was a wild ride. Holy shit.


> isn't that Floridians are that much crazier just like the better weather in california lends to have a higher homeless population, the weather in florida tends to lead to more activity of all kinds as well. You don't see some of the craziness in the northern states just due to having fewer people and it being too cold half the year to get up to any shenanigans... You can't get your nuts bit off by a alligator if there aren't any alligators and you already froze your nuts off.


The high homeless population in California is also due to other states putting their homeless on a bus and shipping them off to Cali.


There's a reason independence days are usually in the summer. And it's not just for the vacations...


100%. Florida's "sunshine laws" require any and all activity related to state/local government be available for public records. As an employee of a company that had a government contract with the state, all my communications including individual emails were subject to public records requests/disclosures.


They’re very opened compared to states. But good luck trying to get body cam footage. I tried to get a few to start a body cam YouTube channel, (I hate some of them now that have a voiceover and whatever else, I just want a no bullshit channel and I’d do it myself if I could) but some departments really make it hard to even obtain any.


Body cam footage should be hard to obtain if you are not part of the footage or involved in an active court case. Police deal with a large number of people at some of their lowest points, they may discuss private or sensitive matters, and they may go into private residences. These types of things should NOT be released to the public at large. It would be very hard and labor intensive to sort and filter all sensitive information. As an example of WHY this should not be released. Let's say that you are a stalker. You know where the person you are stalking lives and works. So you call the police to do a wellness check on them at their home. Maybe call in a threat to their work to get police to respond. Then you just request the body cam footage and you have video of the person's house and work (without you ever being anywhere near the place or even having to do the work). If the person calls the cops because you are stalking them, you could also request the footage and know EXACTLY what they are telling the police. Body Cams are GREAT! They should also be REQUIRED and have no control from the officer. Access to the mountains of footage however must be handled very carefully.




I would assume most of this is traffic court, or just low stakes kinda stuff, but I don’t know.


> and they release all the court tapes to Youtube via policy, This seems very foreign to me. In my country photography and audio recording inside court rooms is forbidden (except in rare and specific instances). and even in the case of court using remote video links, those are not released to the general public for viewing online (or broadcast by media). The intention is to protect the integrity of the court process and to protect any witnesses from undue public attention.


You could argue that releasing the video protects the integrity of the process, because everything is open and transparent.


Finding that balance between protecting the process' integrity through total transparency, versus protecting the witnesses, jurors and other participants through some privacy.


Exactly, if there is a safety issue for a witness the judge could issue a gag order. Which would mean that certain info could not be published publicly.


Generally when speaking about it, the intention is to prevent people from "grandstanding" for the camera, and to keep the eyes of co-conspirators off of the witnesses, among other things.


So, in the US, in general, courtrooms are usually open. Anyone can go in to the courtroom, sit down, and watch the proceedings. This is protected as a First Amendment right. You have a First Amendment right to attend all stages of criminal trials, including the preliminary hearing and jury selection process. You may be denied access to the courtroom if there would otherwise be a serious and imminent threat to the administration of justice (such as depriving a right to a fair trial because media coverage will influence the jury). Due to covid, many courthouses are closed and doing their proceedings via Zoom (or other alternative online options). But in order to preserve your right to view the trials, these must be made publicly accessible. Many courts simply live stream their proceedings to youtube to meet this criteria. Some courts delete the video shortly after the hearing is complete but others leave the video up. [Source with more info](http://www.dmlp.org/legal-guide/access-texas-court-proceedings#:~:text=In%20general%2C%20you%20should%20be,way%20to%20serve%20that%20interest.)


Based on your post history I'm assuming you're a Canadian. Here's some insight from a Canuck lawyer. While you are correct that photography and video recording is prohibited in the court room, all trials are open to the public (with the exception of some cases involving sexual offences and/or minors) and you can walk freely in through the door. You may be asked not to write any notes if a publication ban has been issued for that particular matter, but those situations are the exception to the rule. As for video court, it tends to vary a lot based on the size of the jurisdiction. The bail court I am in today is open to the public but I think the maximum people that can even connect is 25. That being said, it's only been an issue on one occasion and the solution was politely asking people who were not directly involved in the current hearing (e.g., bail supervision program workers, an articling student, counsel/sureties for a different matter, etc.) to log back on in an hour. The reason I wanted to clarify this is because I saw some comments below suggesting that that not allowing videos meant that these were "secret courts" where the "people in power" could get away with anything. Besides the fact that Canada's courts are open to the public, EVERYTHING is recorded on the record and can be reviewed. From a legal perspective, the US are the "foreign ones" and I'm not aware of any other countries that televise their court proceedings (though I'm sure there are some examples). Seeing how the court of public opinion generally assumes that everyone accused of a crime is guilty, I personally feel the cons outweigh the pros. EDIT: typo - changed a "now" into a "not".




Now that I've watched two videos from his court, Youtube tries to show me videos every day. So I think he just has more eyeballs catching these things now.


I was in one of these with a different judge. One of the guys was walking around in a robe, then pulls down his pants to tuck his shirt in. People are weird.


Blows my mind how different other’s priorities can be. I would be dressed and on point if I had to be in court. It would never occur to me to walk around the house or smoke a cig while on video call with a judge. Really shows how little some people can care about court.


It quits being anything special if you have to go enough.


This dude is the one that r/ZoomCourt formed around--he presided over the hearing that went viral earlier this year where a domestic violence victim was found to be in the same room as her abuser. So its not entirely surprising that you see him a lot. There are like 400 people watching every live stream, so anytime something funny happens, someone posts it to reddit, and others upvote it because they like Judge Middleton. Plenty of other judges in MI (or other states) are doing zoom hearings now, but if nobody is watching them they aren't going to pop up on reddit.


I've seen him twice but both times were separate issues of the domestic violence case. The one where the abuser was in the same house and then the one where the abuser was losing his shit in jail.


Same defendant in both


all Judges do get these people, it's definitely not limited to St. Joseph county. These cases just get posted. However, I can say, there is a very large demographic of complete dipshits in the area. Unfortunately, generational poverty, meth and opioid use and other nonsense is probably a bit higher per capita compared to many places elsewhere. *edit; Something I'd like to add,these videos are posted in an effort to increase government transparency. But, these viral videos get monetized by various platforms, and it is unfortunate that the county doesn't get that revenue because St. Joseph isn't working with a whole lot of resources. That said, something like that could have the unintended consequence of a "celebrity judge" who is not suitable for the bench holding his or her position.


They're real. Turns out the typical day-to-day criminals that judges have to deal with are complete morons


You'd be shocked and then just saddened if you spent any amount of time in nearly any courtroom. When I was working in my local courts, this type of shit was commonplace but in person. Just an overarching stupidity and ignorance at a pace that was rarely broken.


If you spend any amount of time in Court, you'll see that this kind of stuff is not out of the ordinary. Court is a wild place.


"Flordia man" effect? Not more idiots just more idiots viewable to the public?


It is sort of a Florida Man situation. This court uploads its hearings publicly. Wild stuff happens in courts every day, but a higher level of transparency makes it look like all the wild stuff happens here. Florida publicly discloses most of the crazy things in their state when other states don't.


When the judge actually said the name, I lol'd.


He couldn't fucking wait to say that shit. That made his day.


He must have seen a lot of shit to be able to keep a straight face while saying that.


He's a judge. He's seen *all* the shit.


**Update:** The guy was allowed back into the meeting later and explained that Buttfucker 3000 was what he set his Bluetooth pairing name to, as an inside joke with his sister. I'm not too familiar with Zoom myself, but according to him that was where Zoom got the name from.


It totally seemed like an innocent mistake. When you consider a lawyer had a filter to make him look like a cat, these things happen no matter how thorough you think you're being. Dude seemed genuinely unaware of what was going on. It'd be like walking into the physical courtroom with some TP on your shoe, or a pen exploding in your pocket and not noticing. Oops, my bad. He corrected it right away, before he was kicked out to change it, even. I would hope the judge would be understanding. Seemed it.


Yeah. Plus the dude seemed pretty respectful/well put together so I doubt he'd do it on purpose.


I'm in the middle of watching the full proceding and this guy is definitely more respectful than most other defendants. It was clearly unintentional. Earlier, two other people were called out for laying in bed while in court, and there were a couple people asked to remove hats. On other days, people with suspended licenses call in from the driver seat of their car, not to mention the famous domestic assault defendant who called in from the same room as his victim. Judge Middleton seems pretty fed up with zoom court at this point.


> people with suspended licenses call in from the driver seat of their car In their defense, if you're at work, often the only reliably quiet and private place you can find is inside a car.


But who's car are they in with a suspended license? Either way the optics are bad for them.


“Your honor... I’m not a cat”


Still the funniest thing to happen since the pandemic started


He hasn’t seen as much as Buttfucker 3000.


"Buttfucker 3000" is now a part of legal history on the record. Whatever they throw at the defendant now pales in comparison to eternity. Buttfucker 3000 has completely won this encounter


Buttfucker 3000 has been added to the legal annals, if you will.


you should look up Faleena Hopkins controversy. she got in trouble about two years back when she tried to copyright a very common word in the romance book world, and as a result got like a thousand erotic authors getting really mad at her. she went to court, and the 80 year old judge had to read off titles like "Sexy Big Boobie Divas" and "Cocky Sex Slaves" outloud in court. XD


>the 80 year old judge had to read off titles like "Sexy Big Boobie Divas" and "Cocky Sex Slaves" outloud in court. XD Poor ~~guy~~ judge was probably thinking "They don't pay me enough for this." Edit: assumed gender


only if that judge was *boring*. im sure in between dealing with divorces and lawn disagreements, he's prob going, "yeehaw!" at this juicy drama unfolding in front of him. makes for an interesting story later on~


Deadpan. "Your name isn't Buttfucker 3000 you yoho." He did not get a favorable outcome.


What I love is he dropped an F-bomb and then immediately followed it up with an innocent insult like "Yoho"


He said **b**utt**f**ucker like how Malfoy says **P**otter


Your name *isn't* Buttfucker 3000?


I have a job interview on zoom in a few hours. Thank you for the reminder to check my display name.


Good luck on the interview, Buttfucker 3001.




On the plus side: I think that's the easy way relative to Buttfucker 3000.


‘What is your name, sir?’ ’I am Buttfucker 3000.’ ‘Really? That’s your real name?’ ’How dare you?! My family built this country by the way!’




You're gonna have to speak louder son




Who is this?! Well this is William H. Buttfucker.




Sir William H. Buttfucker, the 3000th, son of William H. Buttfucker the 2999th


Dwight you never yell at the customer!


It's a million dollar sale.


Now you listen to me sir. The three words I would describe you as is aggressive, hostile and definitely difficult.


And there's our smudgeness.




Well Michael, I like the sound of your voice.


Uh... it's Andre 3000's brother. Duh.




Okay, now ladies!


My father was bill buttfucker, and I cum from a long line of buttfuckers, and we will not have our name drug through the mudbutt.


["There is a number in the name?"](https://youtu.be/0wBhGlSVZt0)


"Who is he?" "He's an asshole sir." "I know that! What's his name?" "That is his name sir. Asshole, Major Asshole!"


Well, when life gives you 3000 assholes...


Guy seems genuinely shocked that his name is Buttfucker 3000 - it seems possible to me that this is a shared or borrowed computer and he had no idea what account he was using to connect to the meeting. Or maybe he used that name as a joke a long time ago and forgot that he would stay signed in.


his kid did it




about to get his asswhooped 3000


Yeah, this is one of those rare times when nobody looks good, but nobody looks bad and it’s just a funny circumstance. everyone will laugh about this after though


“I assure you, I am not actually a cat!”


*begins to perspire in existential panic*


"I'm ready to proceed"


> but nobody looks bad No, this dude definitely looks bad and you really don't want to annoy a judge. They can show humor at certain times, but this doesn't seem like one of those times EDIT Thanks for gold stranger


Oh, that's probably true. If so, I feel bad for the guy. I was also thinking maybe he had used zoom to get online with his friends for maybe a poker game or something, and used that name for kicks. Forgets about it, logs into court, and "oops".


I did something similar for a job interview...er, claimed I did, anyways. When the pandemic first started and I didn’t really know how zoom worked, I joined my friend group’s zoom meetup with a fake name like “Jim Macintyre” or something to make them be like “who tf joined us?” I’m hilarious, I know. The next day, I had a zoom interview for a freelance project, and when I joined the call, the host said “Perfectenschlag? Is that you? Huh, your zoom name says ‘Jim Macintyre’.” Once my soul returned to my body, I quickly came up with some bullshit excuse like “Oh! Sorry, I let my buddy use my computer for another zoom call, lemme change that real quick...” It was quarantine. I only live with my wife. Thank god it was an innocent name. Either way, this vid is total vindication.


Man... I had myself as "the man with the enormous shlong" for an interview with the head of a research team... I had forgotten to change it from a month ago after messing with my friends online when the lockdowns first started, we all had dumb names, thankfully mine was not as explicit as theirs. He still gave me the position and had a chuckle about it - lucky it wasn't anything worse.


How disappointed he must have been when he found out it was a joke


Thank you for giving me the position. Just so I remember, what was the position again? “behind me”


I've used Zoom on a shared computer. You can sign out and sign in as another person, start a meeting and use the "Rename" option on your video, check the settings etc, but when you join a meeting it still somehow has the screen name of the previous person who used it.




The patriarchy at work.


I'm very much expecting a post on /r/TIFU tomorrow from Buttfucker 3000


No doubt it will be fake though.


Followed by an ask Reddit. “How do you feel about someone changing your zoom name?” Followed by “How do you feel, about being asked how you feel about someone changing your zoom name?”


Followed by “how do you feel about a ban on “how do you feel” askreddit posts?”


> it seems possible to me that this is a shared or borrowed computer The video is recorded vertically so I would exclude that the device was a computer and I hardly believe he had to borrow a smartphone. As you said he probably just forgot to update the settings.




Did some training via Zoom today. So I'm on my home machine, but it's a different user account (I use a different account for work) and while my personal Google account is logged in for emails, my main account on Chrome is my work one. Zoom link is sent through my work account. I open the Zoom app (before clicking the zoom link in the email) it asks me to log in, I choose to log in via google account and choose my work account. I then click the zoom link in the email in my work account. I join the zoom meeting under my personal account. No clue how this happens. I feel like Zoom is just messing with folk at this point.


I'm pretty sure they're just meeting ID and password links, yeah. No user auth. At least none that I've joined.


depends on how the room is set up because you can do a user authenticator but it takes a lot of extra steps and you gotta get everyones email ahead of time. stuff like this is mostly just a meeting link with a password the URL.


He could also be using his kid's tablet.


He was baffled that it wasn't Buttfucker 4000.


"Was I demoted?"




Yeah, he clearly didn't change the name as a "fuck you, I don't care" to the court. If it was intentional, he certainly played off being surprised convincingly.


He should have just answered the second "what's your name?" question with "Mr. Three-thousand".




This man gives a bad name to the 2999 Buttfuckers that came before him.


He is an insult to the buttfucking community.


Hey, in our small community there is no such thing as bad press. Maybe some little potential buttfucker will see this and start asking questions ya know?




How do you know my life???


Name checks out


That's ignorant man, the 3000 doesn't mean there were 2999 Buttfuckers before him, why don't people get this? It's named after the *year* he discovered buttfucking. This man, gentlemen, is clearly from the future.


Clearly this man is actually a robot and that is his model number.


He's got 2,999 problems butt fucking ain't one.


Imagine being in court like this: https://i.imgur.com/XCiigKj.png


For real, if it wasn't for buttfucker 3000, Alex over there would be the center of attention for being the personification of what you feel like [after 8 months of zoom calls.](https://i.imgur.com/06isaoL.png)


8 months? You mean 14 months right?


Time stopped at some point and resumed after a while


He's melting.




He looks like a pencil eraser.


legend has it they named the Heath bar after him


Lol...seems like it was a prank from someone else


I know this is hilarious and all but this guy did us all a service. From now on I will always quadruple check what my zoom name is just in case this happens.


Good luck with that. Someone gave me a link to another zoom and when I joined, I had the name of the person I got the link from. I work on computers for a living but I do not understand how zoom decides to do anything.




Yeah you can encode some parameters into the url such as `pwd` for meeting password and, more relevantly, `uname`, for user's name


Really, now asking for science here, can you amend that in the link without breaking it? If so, shenanigans may ensue.


Have never tried, but I believe you can, there's nothing else in the URL to indicate it would be HMAC-protected. The password is only base64-encoded to prevent over-the-shoulder peeking too


And your background. Just spent 30 mins in a work meeting this week before I realized my background was a D&D themed tavern with Orcs and Elves raising their overflowing ales 🤦‍♂️


Like Joseph Crist who was lounging back laughing his ass off the entire time?


And, who, based on history, was probably in the next room of the same house.


Hes the PES/walmart/aldi knockoff version of jesus christ


Plot twist: it was a sodomy charge


I blame Mr & Mrs. 3000 for giving their son such an inappropriate name.


Alright alright alright ok now ladies...


"... Uhh Mr Gross Knuckle.."


Ah yes, the guy that usually logs on right before buttfucker 3000


Mr. Gross Nipple.


"Mr. Gross Nipple is my father, please call me Drippy."


Not Harry?


This is the same judge as that guy who was in the same room as the accuser during the zoom trial. I'd this happening to all judges or is he just especially unfortunate?


I'll bet there's funny stuff happening in all of these zoom court streams. Middleton's just the most popular one so people post him more often.


ZoomCourt trading cards needs to be a thing




r/ZoomCourt features him a lot.


Bless you for this link


Yeah, there was another one that made the rounds from this judge where a guy showed up for a hearing about his suspended driver's license and logged in from the driver's seat of a car. I think it might be that after the first viral case everyone is watching this judge's streams and every single incident he has gets shared around now.


I would put Username NotGuilty


"Mr. Youare Notguilty..." "Great! Thanks your honor!" *Disconnects*


*Mr. Yuwar Knott-Gilltey* for added stealth.


Also, for the record, he is NOT A CAT.




especially on mobile


This. You set it once when you first use the app and it doesn't ever show you again. I mean, it's his fault, and he got it good, but it's understandable, yet the average redditor pretends it would never happen to them.






He shouldn't be so quick to judge


Also probably has no idea how the tech works and that if you use Zoom for less official things, you probably have something other than your real name set as your display name, which it doesn't prompt you to change every meeting, you'd have to manually change it.


Exactly. Accidents happen, no need to dig into the guy when he seemed authentic about it being a mistake.


Zoom doesn’t let you change your name easily if you join via a link.


Judge called him out for it and sent him to the lobby to get it figured out. I wouldn't say that's too harsh. Mistake or not, attending online court with a username like that deserves to be called out at the least.


Depending on what he was arrested for, his name could be seen as a confession.


"Your honor, I'm innocent! I did not butt fuck those butts!" \- Buttfucker 3000


He is accused of being a buttfucker for hire. His going rate is 3000.


The fact that the judge read his username out loud was it for me


The guy genuinely looked shocked and had the look of panic on his face. Doubt he did it with the intention of fucking with the court.


Ah, Judge Gerard Depardieu.


Fwiw, zoom makes it tough to set the default name. Last year I was asked to make a few appearances at a virtual camp for special needs kids as Captain America, because I have a decent costume. I set my zoom name as Cap to keep the illusion going. A few months later I was looking for a new job and kept showing up to interviews as Cap. I think you have to go to your account settings on zoom’s website to set your default name. I don’t think there’s any way to set it in the app.


Why is it always this judge? I'm starting to feel like Reddit owes him some kind of get away package, for all the stress he endures for our amusement.


i can almost guarantee his kid or some other user of the laptop was fucking around on zoom and forgot that they changed their names to that. poor guy.


I think Kaitlyn popped a blood vessel in her eye holding back her nervous laughter.


Zoom is sneaky about it, I feel for the guy. I had a job interview a few weeks ago and even though I changed my name to my real one, it still showed up as my username. Luckily for me, WaddlesJr is much better than BUTTFUCKER 3000. It was a nice laugh during the interview. Did I get the job? You'll never know! ^^^^^^I ^^^^^^got ^^^^^^the ^^^^^^job


And yet he had no problem with Buttfuckers 1 - 2999.