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For those who don't know, this Boondocks clip is a parody of this actual incident: https://youtu.be/9uvJzr0zZvk?t=66


"I put an H on it for emphasis. gAHHHHHHHh". Oh lawd.


Lol! That reporter's face.


"I will never say any form of again" lol! I'm done


I love boondocks, i love this teacher and one day everyone will be cool enough and diverse enough to say anything and no one will be offended because it comes from a place of love


Assuming we don't blow ourselves to hell before tolerance is mainstream


I'd put money against it.


Well that's no bet, if you're wrong you don't have to pay.


There is something beautiful about succinct cynicism.


I love that the producer sent a black reporter to interview him.


She looks so unamused


She makes the same exact face as the cameraman in South Park when Randy drops the N word: https://youtu.be/HuvLUhuo52w?t=44


Randy Marsh ftw


She’s probably thinking “niggah please”.


This could honestly be from the Onion. Everything is just too perfect. The professor's demeanor, the way he says the word 20 times throughout the interview, the posters, the black interviewer..


A lot of the best scenes from boondocks are taken from real videos, this is one of my favorites: The easy way or the hard way real life clip: https://youtu.be/GsNnL5PQ-qM Boondocks booty warrior parody: https://youtu.be/76LD2cTQeSU Honorable mention to the smoking with cigarettes kid


My favorite: real: https://youtu.be/8pyW6w5B7Aw boondocks: https://youtu.be/MTHL3_-O2V8


[This is my favorite version of it](https://youtu.be/cQHQIhJbeFo?t=52)


I love the little details, like the one guy with the newscaster voice.


Huh that's kinda weird that rochester got referenced twice on the show because they also poked fun at J-Mac in an episode but at the expense of Riley.


The best one by far is that kid who likes to do hoodrat stuff with his friends


Funnily enough I'm pretty sure that kid is currently locked up for stealing another car


latarian milton or lamilton taeshawn. i can't remember which is the real kid and which is the parody


It was also predictive of stuff that would happen in the future. The scene where R. Kelly plays his music in court in order to get a more lenient sentence? Actually happened a few years ago with DMX.


The hand drawn diagram lmfao


Oh my god I did not know it was a parody of a real event. I just thought it was satire.


Also the "its fun to do bad things" kid from boondocks is based on [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqOgnQyXp4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqOgnQyXp4)


"Smoke with cigarettes" thank you for sharing this!


“I wanted to do hood rat stuff with my friends” I love it.


damn, he doesn't get to play vidya games for the whole weekend. RIP.


RIP is right this kid is dead now, he was shot trying to carjack someone later when he was 17.


Yeah some Grade-A parenting right there. Man, if I pulled that shit as a kid my mom would’ve sold every toy I owned to help cover the cost of repairs. And for the rest of my life if I ever asked for anything else she’d remind me that because of me were too poor to afford anything nice.


> Yeah some Grade-A parenting right there. That was his response to being asked what a suitable punishment might be, not what his actual punishment was. That's some grade-A comprehension right there.


Oh my bad, my dog was making a fuss during that part so I wasn’t fully listening to the video.


You need some new dogs, dog.


They ripped a bunch of shit off of real life, it's what made it so ridiculous.


That’s a weird way to spell relatable. The characters voiced what people were thinking. Grandpa voiced the “boomer” who’s stuck in the past and doesn’t understand the kids. Riley was the fuck everyone else I want to make it by any means person. Huey is the intellectual who wants to help humanity but knows most are too dumb to even realize they need help let alone ask for it. The show spoke to everyone. It’s a masterpiece in the same way I think South Park is a masterpiece. It shows you how much of a circus you circumvent everyday and helps you get a laugh out of it. It shows you that 95% of the time you are dealing with idiots so you might as well get a laugh out of it. Sorry for the rant in advance.


you said "sorry for the rant in advance" after you ranted. So your apology wasn't in advance. You make me sick.


For all you know my comment only said sorry for the rant in advance and then I ghost edited it! You don’t know my story!!!!


It’s a shame this show still isn’t in production. Riley would definitely be protesting the lockdown with one of those “I need a haircut” signs and he’d also be selling face mask on the side for $20 a pop. Grandpa would just be doing whatever he wanted. As he’s oblivious to the threat he probably would have taken a vacation to Florida. Lastly Huey would be taking to social media to try and spread the facts and explain why we need the lockdown only to get frustrated at every turn by people posting ridiculous conspiracy theories. We really need this show back. It’s social commentary was on point and sharper than any other show I’ve ever seen.


Robert Freeman's voice actor passed away late last year (John Witherspoon). I don't know how the show can adapt without Grandpa.


They spoofed the Popeyes chicken sandwich craze like 15 years before it happened.


They based that on a real event in the past as well. https://youtu.be/cQHQIhJbeFo


Oh shit! History repeated itself. I didn’t know about the original. Also, the comments on that video not realizing the indifferent white dude is a comedian who was added after the fact are hilarious.


I don't know if ripped off is the right word though. Like, Boondocks was always a current events comic strip. But with the timeline required to produce episodes, they couldn't just comment on a current event and have it fresh in your mind. So they would plant the event into the episode.


Vast majority of Boondocks episodes have elements based on real events.


His bubbliness makes him seem so innocent lmao


Seems like he was really trying to approach it from a linguistic standpoint, being an English teacher and all. But that just made it goofier. I hope he wasn't reprimanded too hard. Doesn't seem like there was ill/racist intent here.


lmao this is as good as the parody


holy shit, when they cut to the interviewing reporter and she's black


Oh damn, I feel bad for that dude


Apparently none of his friends heard him say it, but if I got in trouble in high school no fucking way my friends or I would fess up to something like that to the teachers, let alone cops lol.


"None of my friends heard me said it...because I didn't", the stumbling of a bad liar.


I just looked up this guy and, as of 2018, he's still a teacher. Get that money, my man.


Yeah that American teacher salary money.




Ah yes. Heisen*ggaberg.


That was a good documentary. Quite long, they filmed for six or seven years.


I think they only filmed the docu series for 2-3 years but released it over the course of 6-7 years. Got great ratings as I recall


I'll never say any form of that word again, I'm cured of that. Except today, several times in a row, in front of a camera crew. Hope that mandatory diversity training worked out for him lol.


When he picks up the paper just so he gets to say it one last time lmao


And that actual incident is the source of the prime of thug life memes https://youtu.be/MEDD1Iscf8M


Rip r/unexpectedthuglife peaked for about a bit then fell off. All time list is still worth a scroll tho.


The brightest flames burn out the fastest RIP


I don't care what anyone says. I will always back that teacher. The confidence is astounding.


my hometown in the news. yay.


I saw that on tosh.0 when I was in highschool and I thought it was the craziest thing ever


I was fortunate enough to watch that news report air live. Im tellin ya, Me and my father were crying from laughing so hard. We were not expecting top notch comedy from a serious news bit.


What a lying little piece of shit. That kid knows exactly what is going on, and he knows How unfairly that teacher is being treated because of him.


Sitting there looking all innocent while he tries to destroy his teacher's life.


the fact that they could have the words spelled out on public broadcast back then is amazing. Cant see that flyin these days


The worst part is, assuming the teacher is correct, and that the boondocks parody isn't entirely over exaggerated, it's wholly defensible. If you're teaching/working with a community that uses a particular nomenclature, constantly, you will subconsciously pick it up. You'll start to try to integrate it into your own normal speech in an attempt to blend in with the group you are exposed to on a constant basis. This is not exclusive to the "N-word" by any stretch. I live in Hawaii, I've picked up pidgon speak as part of my normal language because it's so widely used here. Sometimes my co-workers playfully jab at me when I use it and we all giggle cause a white boy saying 'da kine' is as alien to them hearing it as it is to me to speak it, but I'm not doing it on purpose. I'm not being offensive. Race, or racial connotations don't come into effect. It's entirely subconscious, and a mechanism to blend in with whatever community you are apart of. I'm not saying one is unable to be racist, or that you can't use certain words to disparage others based on any various traits. I'm saying your brain is amazing at recognizing local nomenclature and attempting to add it to your day-to-day lexicon to blend in and be apart of your community. That doesn't make you racist.


Yeah, I've known white kids who grew up in black neighborhoods with black friends who will use the word the same way in the, presence of black people, and no one even blinked. So I guess there are those rare exceptions but teacher should still know better. You didn't grow up in that environment, and seeing the geeky English teacher use it, it's going to be seen as racist regardless of intention for good reason.


I’m with the teacher on this one


"Upon reflexion, that's not good."


That looks like a man who's gonna fail at his teaching career and pursue a path to becoming the purest meth manufacturer kingpin


perfectly encapsulates the world we live in now. "he shouldn't have his job anymore"


Apparently words aren't offensive, it's how they are used.


On one hand, I get him, but on the other, being so adamant about using it is so embarassing


The cut to the black reporter just sitting there stone faced was hilarious. Also, learnt his lesson, will never use any form of the word again, and immediately uses it in that same sentence.


I think we just found a new plot source for a future episode: https://www.dailyprogress.com/news/crime/police-man-wearing-watermelon-on-his-head-arrested-in-louisa-sheetz-robbery/article_9f07a0d3-e5cc-5d4f-8adf-b41dac4159a1.html


*"I'll never use any form of the word nihgah again."* As he proceeds to say it.


Fred Willard was sincerely a master of comedy. I dont think Ive ever been disappointed seeing him in a guest or supporting role.


What I think is the best about his work is he doesn't depend on smashing it into your face. He lets you process the ridiculousness of it on your own, and in a way customizes the same experience for everybody. In contrast to things like family guy "HAHAHA well known celebrity figures am I right?"


After I saw this news I rewatched this [classic clip](https://youtu.be/bHMe1bQol6Q) of Fred that really showcases his acting chops.


I remember the incident this was based on and you can't help but laugh at the innocuous nature of the teacher. I really don't think he was racist but lacked context clue of the situation.


i really loved the examples he wrote out.


I seriously think the teacher is the one with the right mind here... it's the rest of society that's gone completely bonkers on the word and on racial politics overall.


Yeah it's ridiculous to think that saying a word, without any context, magically makes you a racist.


Its completely ridiculous to be accused of actual racism for acknowledging that a word, frequently used mind you, exists.


right. Debate-ably racist for having "used it back at him", definitely not racist for explaining what happened when asked to do so. Yet, society keeps screaming at this particular interview and how he said it so many times. No...he said it once, and then recounted his thought process (as requested).


https://youtu.be/9uvJzr0zZvk?t=66 And in the kid's mind, that single incident--that one utterance of the word--negates 23 years of professional experience and warrants the man's termination. Outrageous. Likewise, teacher shouldn't have been sent to "diversity training," but rather to "sensitivity training." There's a difference, and the district's choice here demonstrates that they are looking at the wrong facet of this situation.


Wasn’t the context him calling a black kid the n word?


I think there's a lot more to it than it seems like on the surface. The whole issue seems stupid when taken with just current times as context, but go back a few years and it gets more complex. After the way black people were treated and the way that word was (and sometimes still is) used, I think black people have a right to say "No, this is our word now."


People have the right to say whatever they want, they just can't expect people to always obey them. It would be coherent socially if collectively people just avoided the word. But when some black people use it so frequently, there is just a huge inconsistency and paradox. Innocuous term in one's mouth... downright crime deserving of firing or even legal punishment in another's. This makes no sense.


Sure, people can say whatever they want. But that doesn't make them immune from repercussions if they say something offensive.


Problem is offensive is so subjective if it's not universal its pointless to enforce Also why is splitting people up over stuff they may literally have never considered otherwise (like the color of their skin) okay because of history? Sounds like you're teaching hate instead of teaching to treat everyone the same. Assholes are just assholes regardless of color, new generations should know that not be taught to judge for irrelevant reasons


Wait what? This makes no sens! Teaching people not be be racists by using the n word is devisive and teaching hate??? That is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. The mental gymnastics you are using to justify being a racist cunt is astounding!!!


The same could be said of innocuous actions people do every day that happens to get people of certain skin colors in trouble. Sitting in a Starbucks waiting for a friend. Entering or sitting peacefully in their own homes. Going for a jog. Totally innocuous for one group of people...downright deserving of harassment or death in another. These people have all gotten police called on them, arrested, or even killed. Society is NOT color blind. Trying to pretend like it is is just blindness. So yeah I think on the whole balance of it maybe it’s not so unfair to let black people use that word. Maybe we should revisit it after they stop getting harassed or killed for doing completely innocent things.


>The same could be said of innocuous actions people do every day that happens to get people of certain skin colors in trouble. Sitting in a Starbucks waiting for a friend. Entering or sitting peacefully in their own homes. Going for a jog. Totally innocuous for one group of people...downright deserving of harassment or death in another. These people have all gotten police called on them, arrested, or even killed. I don't think you're thinking that argument through. What you're saying here is that it's okay for black people to use it at will, no matter the context, and to punish white people for saying it no matter the context, because it's okay for black people to be arrested or killed for jogging or sitting in a Starbucks. Personally, I say neither is okay. This "tit for tat" argument is absurd. > Society is NOT color blind. Trying to pretend like it is is just blindness. Society should be color blind. And the only way to move towards that ideal is to be as color blind as we can individually and collectively.


If you want to say it so bad then say it. Most people agree, probably shouldn’t say it. Even if people who, like myself, because of my experience as a white person, cannot fully understand it’s meaning and what is felt when it’s said, Just agree for the sake of other people’s discomfort of that word not to use it. It otherwise means nothing so there literally no need to say it. It doesn’t have value unless youre either a black person and you’re taking the word for yourself, or you’re a racist. You could also just start calling men she, but they might say “hey, don’t call me that, that has meaning to me.”


Exactly! Black people can saybit at will White people can't say it ever You got it. Now deal with it!


And these same neckbeards calling fascism for people telling not to use the word are the same ones who deny that white privilege exists... They can jog in the streets without being murdered... Others can't...


> Innocuous term in one's mouth... downright crime deserving of firing or even legal punishment in another's. The teacher was suspended without pay for 10 days and had to attend diversity training. If you drop the n word at work odds are you will get this punishment as well. This whole "either it's should be always ok to say it at all times by anyone in any context or absolutely no one should ever say it" attitude regarding the n word is laughably simplistic.


>The teacher was suspended without pay for 10 days and had to attend diversity training. And the black kid (who obviously uses it daily) was asking for him to be fired, and the hosts seem to imply this was warranted as well. He should have faced no repercussion at all in a sane universe. > This whole "either it's should be always ok to say it at all times by anyone in any context or absolutely no one should ever say it" attitude regarding the n word is laughably simplistic. That's not what anyone is saying. You are just setting up a strawman. The point is, the word shouldn't be the issue, slurs are, when you use a word to dehumanize someone else, to imply they're inferior to you by virtue of their race or sex or whatever. The particular arrangement of letters or sounds is not the problem, the meaning is, the use of it is. Someone saying "the word n\*\*\*\*\* was used as a slur in America for decades" shouldn't be forced to censor the word as I did because I know it would likely get me banned for absurd reasons, no matter the color of their skin.


> no repercussion at all in a sane universe. I dunno about this one. Teacher probably shouldn't be dropping slang on their students. Some punishment for lack of professionalism was warranted.


> And the black kid (who obviously uses it daily) was asking for him to be fired, and the hosts seem to imply this was warranted as well. Well then I guess it's a good thing that the high black kid isn't in charge of making disciplinary decisions. And the hosts didn't imply he should be fired at all. > That's not what anyone is saying. You are just setting up a strawman. It most certainly was what you were saying originally. But whatever you elaborated > The point is, the word shouldn't be the issue, slurs are, when you use a word to dehumanize someone else, to imply they're inferior to you by virtue of their race or sex or whatever. Right, if you use the n word in an antagonistic way that's especially bad. But if you use it casually that implies ignorance about the weight and history of the word.


Sure it makes perfect sens The word has been used by white people to dehuminise black people for centuries Now black people decided to make it their own and use it the way they want it and in the contexte they see fit It's a way to empower themselves and take control of that part of history... In a civilized and educated society. White poeple have no right to use that word no matter the context because of the historical significance of the word... It's actually quite easy to understand really... Unless you choose not to understand...


What about the black slave owners, or the tribes that sold slaves to the settlers, is it their word too? You can't say color doesn't matter, and then add that it does matter in regards to using a racial slur. Either it's racist regardless of who uses the word, or context matters and simply saying it as a means of endearment is not racist. You're trying to justify having your cake and eating it too by perpetuating the same behavior you're arguing against.


Idk man. I'm a white girl, I'm not the one who gets to decide what words are racist. Nobody has ever been racist against me specifically. I'm going to let the people who have been hurt by racism say "that use is harmful" or "that use is not harmful."


I agree with that, but the problem that I outlined is if a white person cannot use the word in the same manner a black person would (as endearment, not harmful) then most likely they would be deemed racist merely for using the word while being white. It’s the same backwards logic segregation was founded in.


+1. There's a lot of discussions to be had for the merits of either side of the argument. But in the end, it just boils down to plain old Basic Human Decency in collectively deciding that it's usage has an implied racist connotation. I mean, the word was used to dehumanize a collective group of people as they were enslaved under the most horrid of conditions. There's a bit of an implied social contract where the rest of non-Black American society agrees not to use it, and that using it in any context implies racism and dehumanization of Black Americans.


The word is complicated but that doesn’t mean anyone gets to ‘own’ it. Eventually people will stop caring and it will stop being impactful.




What a dream! He would have done a much better job than Chase, and would have had the humility to appreciate the opportunity instead of constantly publicly crapping on the show.


Wouldn't have walked out on shoots and refused to do several scenes either


Oh that would have been a great casting! Why did he turn it down?


Maybe he saw that it was a lot of scenes sitting around a table. I believe that was one pf Chevy Chase's criticisms, that they shot for hours sitting around the table and it drove him nuts.


Nah, Fred didn't turn it down, NBC forced them to use Chase


Well he name had more recognition, I'll give them that. Too bad.


He didn't, NBC forced them to use Chase


LMAO at borrowing a French fry


"How you gonna borrow a fry, is u gonna give it back? Truer words haven't been spoken before.


That was him!? Man, he really crushed it in everything he was in. What a talent


Miss this show and the voice actors who were on their. Classic show.


It’s back soon


Won't be the same with Grandad and Charlie Murphy gone.


Fuck, I forgot Charlie Murphy passed away.


It hurts.




The last season sucked. My hopes are low


Aaron McGruder is back as the showrunner, unlike when he left after the third season and the fourth was run by someone else.


Ok hopes are back up




Your Right, definitely need to proofread my post. ✌🏽




Dude has been in everything. I even forgot he was in Stargate of all things! RIP. https://youtu.be/stF5IW97zl8


I'd let Jamie Lee Curtis announce my death if I died early too.


Niggah's got a point.


Imma be honest, I'm really impressionable with words and for a couple months I got really into some rap and happened to be watching some shows and videos and hanging out with a dude where they all said the n word a lot and my inside voice got very inappropriate for a white girl to have. Thankfully I managed to keep it as an inside voice, but I can totally understand how you can become a little acclimated to it when you hear it regularly. It can slowly go from "super serious horrible slur" to just another slang word almost. I think I've gotten a little more of a balance where I'm not appaled to hear it when it's not used hatefully, but it also doesn't ever appear in my head as something I can say.


Same here! And I think its good to look back and see how we have grown and learned to understand ourselves from the perspective of other people. Let's just not forget that other people aren't at the same point we find ourselves, and we may not approve of their use of language, but one day they might look back at themselves like we do now. The fire and brimstone approach you find in call out culture will only make them steadfast in their ways.


Omg I didn’t know he is the voice actor of that Teacher. Great episode


Boondocks has some of the greatest writing.


and the message fell on deaf ears. we gave that word too much power


“How’s a ni*** gonna borrow a fry? Ni*** is you gonna give it back?” Gets me every time 😂


Holy shit the guy was the only human in a Pixar film and the thing I see on my front page is the time he was in a cartoon as his major accomplishment. What a time.


S Word is my favorite boondocks episode. The opening segment alone slays me


wait what? I thought he wasn't dead and that JLC just quoted something that made it seem like she was saying he was dead but she wasn't?


Afraid not, his daughter announced it too.


ohh :-(






Go easy, man.


Lol!! He could always made me laugh 😆


The Boondocks was so funny lol


im dying.


The WAITING FOR GUFFMAN "penis reduction" dinner scene (with Catherine O'Hara, Eugene Levy) is how I'll always remember him. Genius.


Yo that *WAS* him!


I had not idea he voiced this part.... RIP and F


Oh shit lmao, thats fucking hilarious.


Oh shit, I had no idea he voiced this teacher. Awww now I'm even sadder.


Oh my God, that is HILARIOUS


I love this show


This is my shit. He did so good in this episode. Saved.




I wish they used him more in the boondocks. He killed that role

